Chapter 797
It's just that although Lin Yi was suspicious in his heart, his actions did not match his expression.

He looked astonished, but his arms pushed and pulled at the same time, and his movements were compact.

With Lin Yi's use of means, the aftermath of the boiling has gone, and the peaceful and auspicious sign that should have been separated in two, condenses again and mixes with himself.

The day is cloudy and sunny, and the tide rises and falls.Lin Yi's auspicious aura is no exception.It stands to reason that this qi machine has experienced a violent slaughter, and it should recuperate and regroup.But Lin Yi went against the trend and gathered this energy in his body.

Sure enough, after more than ten breaths, the boiling sound reappeared, and sure enough, there was another sword intent to kill and robbery, and the two qi machines fought together.

Although the auspicious aura surrounding Lin Yi's body has been greatly attenuated; but the killing power of the sword intent on his body cannot be compared with before - the scale is only equivalent to half of the previous blow.

There was a smile on Lin Yi's lips.

The supernatural power of "Shouheng" seems to be moving, but it is actually just a suspicious soldier.Gui Wugui's real winner is to use his own body movements as bait to lead himself astray, so as to exert the magical effect of "sword aftermath".

If it is the first time to use this method, maybe I will really fall into the trap.

It's a pity that Gui Wugui's supernatural powers have been dismantled very thoroughly—at least that's how it was demonstrated in the Yin Yang Cave back then—that extremely powerful swordsmanship supernatural powers seem to be beyond the reach of swords. The marks are extremely refreshing; in fact, they are not.After a sword strike, when a sword technique whose power is equal to one-third of the body's body passes by, it is very difficult to guard against.

So he, Lin Yi, could calmly resolve it!
Lin Yi put his hands behind his back to take some time off.

In fact, Lin Yi knew that, in terms of his combat power at this moment, blame was superior to him.

Kongyun Nianjian is no small matter after all.

After Lin Yi mixed his original strength, he was only slightly better than Gui Wugui; now, with the elimination of six swords and a body of talent, his combat power is actually reduced by more than [-]% compared to when it was at its peak.If he tries to fight again, I'm afraid he will fall short.

But this does not mean that Lin Yi is bluffing.

The auspicious sign of the Qilin family manifests, which is very miraculous.As long as one's combat power has not dropped below [-]%, with this wonderful technique, it is enough to resist a person whose combat power is equivalent to his heyday for half an hour.After half an hour, his mana, spirit, flesh and blood will be restored to perfection again.

If the opponent can't see through this point and attack rashly, they will be unable to attack.After half an hour, I will consume a lot.In this way, it is the time when the gap between the two sides is huge.

However, if the opponent chooses to fight again after recovering from breath adjustment, Lin Yi is not dissatisfied.

After waiting for a while, Lin Yi was slightly surprised.

He originally thought that Gui Wujiu's second use of the "regression balance" technique was a cover-up, and it was purely a foreshadowing of Kong Yun's remembrance of the sword.But looking at it now, it is not the case.It seems that blameless can really use this supernatural power twice in a row.

Is this the result of his practice in the past hundred years? doesn't matter.

Suddenly half an hour passed.

The space barrier of "Regressive Equilibrium" dissipated as promised.

Lin Yi was in high spirits, and immediately made a move.He had been waiting for a long time at ease, and immediately condensed the four colors of Dharma, as if reflected in dye, and rushed away!

Gui Wujiu suddenly smiled and punched him in the face.

Suddenly, Lin Yi's heart felt unreasonable, as if he felt that something was wrong; but he couldn't tell where it was wrong.

In an instant, the two forces clashed!
Gui Wugui's body is as stable as a rock.

However, the image of the four colors that Lin Yi evolved into one suddenly appeared strange dislocations, and the four colors were scattered, just like a child's scribbled painting.

Lin Yi's upper body shook heavily!
With an unbelievable look in his eyes, Lin Yi staggered in a drunken state, took seventeen or eighteen strides away, and was already two or three miles away in a trance.

Is this a sign that the scale of "joint force" is not as good as that of the opponent? !

It should be noted that the "four hues" seem to be an elegant magical power that strikes each other from a distance and does not touch the body.But because of the combination of mana and original power, the collision is actually intense and the skin feels deep, which is no different from the martial arts method and the melee fighting method in demon cultivation.Lin Yi looked calm before because he had the upper hand; now that he is weak, there is a huge contrast.

Lin Yi's mind was running, so he wanted to find out what happened.

Thoroughly agitate the mana in his body, disperse it in the void, and measure its size, Lin Yi suddenly noticed it.

It turned out that he had not recovered to the most perfect state.

As far as common sense is concerned, even if one's mana falls below [-]%, he will recover to fullness within half an hour; what's more, the minimal injury suffered just now is only [-]% or [-]%, let alone.It took about a quarter of an hour to adjust his breath just now, but in fact Lin Yi felt that he had recovered.The extra quarter of an hour is nothing more than waiting for the disappearance of the method of "regression and balance".

At this moment, Lin Yi turned back to investigate, and suddenly discovered——

My own "recovery" process has indeed been extremely smooth; but it is not over.

If the combat strength of Gui Wugui is set to thousands, Lin Yi can nourish himself with auspicious auspicious energy, but when he recovers to nine hundred and ninety-nine, he is locked by an inexplicable force and cannot be surpassed again.

It should be known that his natural strength and mana are consistent, and his combat strength in a complete state should be slightly higher than Gui Wugui.

In the battlefield, the two were separated at the touch of a touch.

Seeing that Gui Wugui didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, Lin Yi quickly stopped and pushed the palm of his left hand forward.

In the palm of the hand, there is a wide open eye, the eye rolls, and it is extremely flexible.

Without turning heels, the dim light scattered in all directions, bright and dark.

Although Lin Yi is currently only in the Nascent Soul realm, but this palm-mind spirit, connecting the mysterious, overlooking the world, gives Gui Wugui a profound feeling, no less than Yao Chun's supernatural powers.

It's just that Lin Yi's complexion became even uglier under the light of his eyes.

This world, as far as the eye can see, is dyed with a wonderful color.Seeking its true nature seems to be an inexplicable force of order, which makes it impossible for oneself to break the balance of pros and cons of both sides.

This method seems miraculous, but it obviously needs to be applied gradually.If they compete on the same starting line, compared with their Qilin clan's luck and supernatural powers, it's hard to say who will go up and who will go down.But Lin Yi missed the opportunity, thinking that he had already recovered, Ling Gui Wujiu took full advantage of half an hour to manage the order.

As far as I can see, the place where Gui Wugui was hiding just now, and You Zi left behind a faint phantom, which is the origin of this secret energy.Obviously, it is completely different from magical powers such as space obstacle avoidance.

Gui Wugui was calm and composed, standing with his hands behind his back.

Evening the situation, the unshakable victory, came so easily, he himself felt a little unbelievable.

The one who established the victory was the magical power of "struggling for balance" that had been operating in secret for half an hour.

It's very strange to say.

Today, the supernatural power of "Zhengheng" is just fledgling.

As soon as Kongyun Nianjian came out, Lin Yi's combat power was slightly weakened to below his own, and then he quietly used this supernatural power to consolidate his leading position with the unique "advantageous defense" method.

This is the idea of ​​imputation.

However, this method requires a lot of foreshadowing.

Gui Wugui originally planned four or five strategies, intending to dress up the magical power of "struggling for balance" as a defensive method similar to "keeping balance", and then steal the sky to buy precious time.When Lin Yi realized something was wrong, he was powerless to recover.

Unexpectedly, "Zhengheng" showed its glory at the beginning, and Gui Wujiu unexpectedly discovered that this supernatural power revealed its appearance, and it was exactly the same as "Shouheng"...

When the Great Demon Lord created this method, Gui Wujiu vaguely guessed that there was some secret in it that he didn't know, but he didn't expect that the connection was so close.

In this way, wait is God's help; no pretense is the best pretense.

Gui Wugui smiled slightly.

As the supernatural powers of "cultivating general momentum" at the same level, even if there is a difference between superior and inferior, it should be extremely subtle.But Lin Yi gave up a quarter of an hour in vain, my momentum has been established, and my destiny is hard to follow.

Lin Yi obviously realized this too.With a long howl, the four colors rotated in a row, showing the momentum of combo.

But the advantages and disadvantages of offense and defense are clear.

Gui Wugui's retaliation seems to be an understatement, but every punch and kick is the essence of consummation.

After a very short period of repeated collisions, Lin Yi was dazzled, his vitality was depressed, and his body sprinted back more than ten miles before falling lightly like a fallen leaf.The weakening of the qi is difficult to overcome, even if there is auspicious and auspicious qi added to the body, I still feel a little bit inferior.

Gui Wugui said indifferently: "The victory and defeat have been decided."

Lin Yi roared angrily, refusing to admit defeat.He quickly took out a unicorn jade seal from his palm, and shook it in the air.

The sky suddenly darkened.The wind howled, the landslides and the ground cracked, stretching for thousands of miles.Immediately, a seemingly terrifying turbidity stream spewed out from the cracks in the ground, converging into the image of falling stars, and slammed towards Gui Wugui!With such a fierce momentum, it is more than enough to destroy a small world, almost to swallow Gui Wugui alive.

Not only was Gui Wujiu slightly surprised, even Shentu Longshu and Mo Tianqing, who were watching the battle from a distance, also activated the supreme body protection secret treasure in response.The two looked at each other, obviously surprised.

This is clearly a secret method of defending the way at the shortcut level.

No blame also secretly wondered.

In the big world of Ziwei, there are many outstanding people who are all excellent in chance, intelligence and talent, but they are still far away from the level of "Thirty-six Sub-pictures".This Lin Yi is listed in the official scroll, and he can cultivate to the perfect state. His mind should be firm and flawless, why is he so superficial?
Even if it is the nature of the Yaozu to go straight and straight, it is too much.

But his movements did not slow down a bit.When Wu Yu reincarnated, the shape of the three leaves opened up, and under the violent waves, he stood still and easily took over Lin Yi's seemingly domineering secret method of body protection.

If you want to fight, you can fight; if you want to fight with the foundation of body protection, how can you shrink back if you don't blame?
Lin Yi's eyes met Gui Wujiu's.

After the blow that seemed to vent his anger was in vain, he didn't take any more shots.

Suddenly, the word black appeared on Lin Yi's forehead.The moment the handwriting was about to be clear, it was immediately broken and disappeared.

Lin Yi's body seemed to have a substantive aura of auspiciousness, which suddenly solidified, forming an inch-thick halo, covering his body like an emperor's crown.Looking carefully, there are nine vertical lines around the body, until the robe bows down, it looks quite strange.

Gui Wugui's heart moved.

Now the auspicious atmosphere has become concrete, like a yellow robe added to the body, and the appearance can be described as excellent.But Gui Wujiu had a feeling in his heart, it seemed that this "Auspicious Qi Mianfu" looked magnificent, but it was also finalized.On the contrary, it is not as chaotic as before, with infinite possibilities.

This thought lasts a lifetime, no blame and suddenly realizes——

This seemingly clean battle was actually much more important than imagined; for the two of them, the result was much more serious.

I am at a critical crossroads again, and I have taken a critical step.

But he and Liang Zi of the Qilin clan ended up with this; even if the other party might tolerate it, he would not let it go without blame.This great force is destined to get closer to the other half of the "Xing Han Diversion".

(End of this chapter)

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