Nothing is to blame

Chapter 818 4 Dian Huitong Up and Down Without Gap

Chapter 818
The spring breeze is warm and warm.

Gui Wugui's practice in recent days is different from the past.

It takes only one or two hours to study deeply every day and think carefully.In the rest of the time, I either travel tiredly in the mountains and rivers, traveling across thousands of miles; or change the description, hiding among the low-level disciples of Banshizong, observing his humanities, and understanding his mind.

Now that Huang Xiyin is a disciple of the Golden Core Realm of Banshizong, her reputation has become more and more prominent, and almost everyone in the sect knows it. It is very different from the young Feng Qingming twenty or thirty years ago.

Gui Wugui traveled around half of the Shizong, but half of the time came to appreciate his great disciple, the founder of the mountain, preaching and teaching.

In fact, the reason why Huang Xiyin is so well-known is not only because of the outstanding effectiveness of his lectures, but also because of another important reason.

I don't know when it started, a small piece of news spread among the lower disciples of the Banshi Sect; it was said that Huang Xiyin had excellent roots and a good background, and after his progress in the future, he would be the next head of the Banshi Sect.

It is also secretly surprising that this matter is innocent.This secret was the agreement he had made with Gao Wu Shangzhen at the beginning. Except for Xun Shen and Lu Chengwen, there were only a few Tianxuan Shangzhen among those who knew about it, and they were all the most powerful figures under the seat of Dao Zun. , I don't know how it leaked out.

But in this way, those who approached Huang Xiyin except those who had doubts about the true Taoism; but there were also a group of people with impure motives who made plans in advance.

Beimen Yunzheng and others who were in charge of the preliminary screening had more and more responsibilities.

It's just that those people who are really bad-tempered and purely for profiteering can naturally be easily blocked by them; but the unpredictable nature of human beings and the world can be described as dark and tortuous.
The beauty of the human heart is indescribable.

For example, in front of you.

At this time, Gui Wujiu's body was like an illusion, his five senses could not be seen, he hid himself twenty or thirty feet away from the pavilion.

Huang Xiyin was teaching Taoism. Sitting down was a [-]-year-old boy with red lips, white teeth, and vivid eyes. He was dressed in a dark blue toga, with a tiger head pendant hanging around his waist, and he looked respectful and listening.

However, Gui Wu Jiu Jian Xin's Mystery can completely reflect his original heart, revealing everything.

This young man's qualifications are quite good.Even if there are no other adventures in the future, just relying on Ban Shizong's own family's inheritance of skills and practicing step by step for thousands of years, there is a great chance of stepping into the near-dao state.

At this moment, he was indeed listening attentively to Huang Xiyin's lecture.

The questions raised by the young man are indeed the key difficulties and cruxes encountered in his path. Once he understands them suddenly, he will definitely gain a lot;

The boy's name is Fang Chen.

But imputation is equally clear.Fang Chen also belonged to the group who knew Huang Xiyin's background; he probably didn't want to form a good relationship and find a shortcut in his heart.

If there is no such important factor, perhaps the person in front of him might choose to study and break the situation alone instead of asking others for advice; but if Fang Chen is an opportunistic person, it is not necessarily so.

Two hearts and one person, one person and two hearts, that's all.

As soon as I thought of this, Gui Wujiu felt a hidden suffocation hidden in his heart, which suddenly melted away; all kinds of knowledge and views since he entered the Tao, no matter the new thoughtfulness when he was in a low state, or the mysteries of the mind in the middle and near-Tao state between real and illusion, everything is confused. Normalization.The whole body's energy is surging, and layers of ingenuity are born for no reason, and the energy is soaring to the sky.

Gui Wujiu gave a long laugh, and immediately stood up, but in a short time, he returned to the entrance of the small realm above the dome in Zhongtian.

Huang Xiyin raised her head suddenly, her eyes lit up.

Of course she could recognize where this aura belonged; but when she raised her head and looked up, Gui Wugui had disappeared without a trace.

In the small world, on the clear spring stone platform.

Sitting cross-legged without blame.

Obviously, Gui Wugui at this time did not use the treasure of "Wuyu Reincarnation Heaven".But his aura is so deep that it has reached a very bizarre level.In a word, it seems to be "heavy"; it seems that its eight-foot body is as "heavy" as a mountain.

If this "heaviness" is more powerful and intuitive, it will almost have the charm of "self-centered" with a three-point shortcut.

Gui Wugui smiled slightly.

Inadvertently meeting people and things is destined, after all, it is done.

turn out to be.Gui Wugui's seemingly "slack" practice during this period is not without reason; it is a strange hurdle in the practice, which needs to be broken through urgently.

Until today, it is done.

After the mastery of the "Shenzang Suoyuan Tongtong Ten Directions Accomplishment Method" obtained from Bai Guo, and the secret method "Zixu Zhigua", Gui Wujiu waited quietly.

There should be some special attention to the integration of the four classics of the Demon Gate, from branches to wholes.This point, due to the fact that in the process of comprehending the four classics, I saw a clear context, and I am confident that it is absolutely impossible to read it wrong.

Therefore, in the seven days after the completion of the "Zixu Hexagram", Gui Wujiu tempered his mind, became alert and settled down, and felt the subtle changes in this body and mind.

But his own body is empty and cannot echo.

After revisiting the four scriptures again, Gui Wugui confirmed that there was no negligence in understanding the essence of them.So make a prompt decision, relax your mind, and take it as it happens.Today, two months later, the truth finally came to light.

On the meaning of income, it lies in the word "Huitong".

There is no partiality or waste in the way of the road, and it is all determined by one heart.

That day in the Realm and Illusion Room, Jing Huan once reminded Gui Wugui.Before getting close to the big pass, if you borrow the method, if you use it recklessly, you will be fascinated by it.It is very likely that when you really break through the situation, you will encounter embarrassment.But at this time, Gui Wujiu's heart is clear. For himself at this time, whether it is the short-term experience in the real illusion, or borrowing the treasure of reincarnation in the martial arts domain.The more times you use it, the more beneficial it will be to yourself, and there will be no more disadvantages.

In other words, there is no blame now, and all the knowledge and views of Taoism, whether it is the spirit form state, the golden core state, the Yuanying state, or the near-dao state, have penetrated into one and ruled in the heart.

More than blameless.People like Xun Shen, Lu Chengwen, Ma Yuan, Kong Xuan, and even Zhen Shi, Shen Tuhong, etc. who are even less accomplished, are often regarded by people of all ethnic groups and sects as "future shortcuts".But this title is in terms of its potential.

But today's Gui Wugui, after stepping into this strange "heavy realm", can really be called like this——

Rather than saying that he is a Nascent Soul cultivator, it is better to say that he is "the future short-cut power".

This is by no means a compliment on its potential; it is a natural and more accurate evaluation.

Seeing the way and knowing, there is this state; although the heart is far away, the foundation is still lacking.

The subtleties must be noticed.

Aside from the insufficiency of the water grinding kung fu accumulated in mana, Gui Wujiu has already stood at the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Realm, surpassing the past and present.This is the "fruit" born of the combination of the experience of the real and the imaginary and the four magic books.

If there is no opportunity between the real and the illusion, one cannot personally see the mystery of the upper realm;
If there are no four magic books, it will be impossible to completely wipe out the "not mine" crack and barrier.

Gui Wugui was in a daze for a while, then suddenly smiled.

The combination of these two opportunities made Gui Wugui suddenly have a strange thought:
In today's situation, it is all right to say that my superior state is capable of opening up Su Hui Linfan.

Thinking of this, Gui Wujiu suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart, wanting to fight with that potential opponent.

Converging up and down, quiet and self-promised.

From this moment on, he "knows".

Over the past few decades, Gui Wugui's self-confidence is not weaker than others. Even if he meets Xuanyuan Huai, he may not be unable to fight with him.

But this kind of concept and confidence, in the final analysis, is still a kind of self-confidence derived from experience——

I have picked up such a rich Taoism, obtained such a wide range of opportunities, cultivated such a brilliant supernatural power, and used the way to prove it. According to common sense, it should not be under anyone.

But today's Gui Wugui truly "knows" what kind of realm it will be like with the sword heart facing the world, penetrating from top to bottom.If there is a fight, whoever wins and loses, I dare not say that I have a certain degree of certainty; but... After all, I "know".

"Knowing" is the greatest confidence.

Gui Wujiu closed his eyes, after about ten breaths, he swiped his finger in the air.

Little by little, the micro-air machine can evolve at any time and achieve all phenomena.

Returning to the place where Wugui stands, except for the clear spring and cold mist, and the gravel and star cloth, there is nothing left.But at this time, the air was moving, and there were three more seedlings and six tender grasses around; among the grass and trees, surrounded by two white rabbits, two civet cats, a yellow dog, and a dog. *The sound of dogs is heard, and they run back and forth; the vegetation is swaying, and between the movements, the quiet and deserted place is immediately brought to life.

After more than ten breaths, the image in front of him gradually blurred and dissipated, and then manifested into fifteen small swords, which seemed to be sinking or floating, surrounding Gui Wujiu within three feet of his body.

The cold light is shimmering, and the brilliance is condensed.

The fifth stage, Dacheng!

But imputation seems particularly unsatisfactory.He frowned slightly, and flicked his fingertips again.

Three dots of cold light, sparkling with clear light, burst out, and immediately manifested into three big characters of "return to no blame", more than one foot high, the image is both firm and soft, like on a swing, slowly floating.

These three words did not mean that Gui Wujiu deliberately condensed the sword intent into such a form.It's a move of the mind, pure nature.It seems that the cultivation base has reached this stage, and this is the inevitable result.

The sixth level, Dacheng!

The deduction of the method, the limit that can be mastered in the Nascent Soul Realm, and the six-layered empty sword, the achievement will come naturally.

The difficulty of this test is not in the accumulation of mana, but in the penetration of the state of mind.Relying on the experience between reality and fantasy and the harmony of the four magic books, breaking through two realms in one breath seems to be shocking, but is it not reasonable?

The fifth weight is fifteen swords.

The sixth is the eighteenth sword.

Although the increase in the number is slow, even if it is just a breakthrough with a sword, it is a big leap in the enemy's tolerance limit.

In addition, there is another experience.

When Kongyun recites the sword in the third and fourth stages, the magic technique obtained is called "Yu Yin"; when it is obtained in the fifth and sixth stages, it is called "Sending Love".Among them, Weixuan already knew everything on the day Gui Wujiu deduced the supernatural power formula.

Not only that, but compared with the ordinary secret technique of helping others, the beauty of empathy has hidden three unique functions, which has long been understood by Yu Wugui.

The most mysterious thing is that this sword is stored in someone else's body, which can be used freely by the person who gave it to him; it can also be controlled by the sword owner himself, which is convenient for both people and us.

There was a glint in Gui Wugui's eyes.

When he first obtained this method, he was only satisfied with it from a practical point of view.But today I have truly completed it, and I finally have a glimpse of the profound truth in it.

As soon as he thought about it, a clear shadow flashed in front of him, and another "return to no blame" stood three feet away.

(End of this chapter)

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