Chapter 819
The advantage of the technique of "expressing affection" over practicality is obvious.

If the supernatural powers that are usually bestowed on the disciples' juniors are used by them, because these disciples' gong power is still low, they may not be aware of the danger, and they have time to use the magic weapon, and they will follow the way of others.Such situations are not uncommon.It's not difficult for people to go above and below, so that people don't know what happened until they die.

In order to deal with similar situations, you can use the method of mind sustenance to distinguish good or bad.Once encountering danger, the treasure of protection will be activated naturally without waiting for the person's spiritual sense to call.

Nine out of ten high-quality body-protecting treasures can do this.

But if this is the case, it is more than enough to be conservative, but it loses a lot of initiative.The situation is restricted, and it is time for the sword to break the situation, and the junior disciples may not be able to grasp it.

Now Gui Wugui's method of "expressing affection" can be said to be a step further, and can achieve this step.Under such circumstances, wait as if you are in person.

However, at this moment, Gui Wusuo's thinking has surpassed the level of application, but noticed an interesting problem.

Another "return to no blame" in front of him is his righteous body.

The Nascent Soul Dharma Body of No Blame, because it is a real "five-five baby", is almost indistinguishable from my real body.He has traveled independently for dozens of hundreds of years, even if he leans on him to practice and stand up, there is no trace of damage.In fact, in the past few decades, all the people and things we encountered, and even traveling around, were all done with the Dharma body.

As for the original physical body, it has instead become a relatively minor "incarnation".Because of its pure refinement to the perfection of Qi training and standing form, it also contains a faint spiritual wisdom.

Strictly speaking, both are part of the imputable "true self".

At this time, what I was thinking about was——

If the method of "expressing love" is used, one sword will be entrusted to the avatar.

Then, what difference will there be if this sword is cast by Gui Wujiu, or by Gui Wujiu's "clone"?

It seems that those who practice the method are all "blameless" themselves; but when you think about it carefully, it is different.

Utopias are useless.

Pian pointed a little, the sword intent moved slightly, Gui Wugui did so.

A small sword flashed with a clear light, and immediately penetrated into the eyebrow of "Return to Wugui" and disappeared.

The moment Jian Xin entered the post, the eyes of this "clone" were fixed, and two cold lights shot out, scorching and compelling.It seems that under the "combination of sword and heart", spiritual wisdom has greatly improved.

With a change of mind, when you observe the space, the truth and falsehood will be revealed immediately.

Sure enough, there is a difference.

If Gui Wugui's dharma body used the sword to move the sword, it would be the same as performing swordsmanship by oneself.

But if you get through your mind, the "incarnation" will cast this sword.In the blink of an eye, Gui Wugui's field of vision immediately experienced a reversal, and what he saw was completely different.

The surrounding springs, gravel, vegetation, and even the moss on the rocks all turned into a blurred piece, and all things showed blue and purple colors.Compared with the truly colorful world, it is obviously much more monotonous.

This is the world through the eyes of the "avatar".

The thought of no blame moved.

Although the reflection of Jian Xin has greatly enhanced the intelligence of this "incarnation".But after all, there is a big gap with the real body.It can be easily distinguished that if the sword of sustenance is used by the incarnation, no matter the skill or the grasp of precision, it is far inferior to the main body of the dharma body.

But at the next moment, when Dang Gui Wu Jiu manipulated the "incarnation" to turn around and look around, he couldn't help being surprised, even shocked.

Compared with this "fuzzy" world, there is one thing that is so clear that it is unimaginable, forming a sharp contrast with this turbulent world.

The body of eight feet, rough and rough, seems to be outlined by lines, abstract and empty; but under closer inspection, every trace of air flow, breath rises and falls, and even the thoughts of spiritual consciousness travel around, all are like white dyed soap, with outlines and eyes.Only fine and subtle, so far.

This is the image of the "blameless" dharmakaya in the eyes of the "incarnation".

As the saying goes, those who know others are wise, and those who know themselves are wise.

For cultivators, the word "self-knowledge" is a major foundation of practice.

Leaving aside the real peerless arrogance, even an ordinary cultivator, as long as his aptitude for Taoism is enough to break through the Nascent Soul, he will reflect on the inside and say "Warm and self-aware, and there is nothing hidden." All worthy.

If one reaches the level of returning to no blame, the essence of internal observation and the depth of self-knowledge have reached the pinnacle; even if there is a great power in the Taoist realm, they may not be able to see through more.

but now……

Great progress, another step forward.

If you look at things in the sky, the spiritual wisdom of this avatar can be said to be muddled and unusable; but in the eyes of "him", it is "exquisite" to an unbelievably unique level.At a glance, it is simply an exact crystal portrait.

In fact, there is still some attachment in such an analogy; roughly speaking, apart from the precise measurement of the energy, mana, and spirit, the harmony and disharmony of the body, the constant and the extraordinary, are all clearly reflected and penetrated into the bone.Talking about emptiness is empty, talking about existence is existence, and everything is reflected and manifested.

I was almost in a trance for a while.

Although this situation is wonderful, he also faintly feels that this discovery seems to be of great use; but where this "use" is implemented is urgent but difficult to get started.

Walk for a while.

After a quarter of an hour, Gui Wugui felt that he had grasped that idea, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

With a flash of yellow light between Gui Wugui's fingers, he took out an object from the holding ring.

A white porcelain bottle as tall as two fingers.

Inside this bottle is a nail-sized square brocade sticker with a very eye-catching word "Forbidden" written on it.

Pull out the cork, and gently wipe the mouth of the bottle with your little finger.Immediately, a gray mist jumped out, lingering between the fingers, nibbling and swimming, like a gangrene attached to the bone.

Gui Wugui's little finger was originally ruddy in color, as fine and smooth as a white stone.But at this time, it was stained by this air machine, but it seemed to be rusted, showing a strange waxy yellow color.A healthy and vigorous body is also greatly affected, showing the appearance of withering and disadvantages.

The hook between the fingers sank, and the sword intent unfolded.

With the flashing of the three-character name "Return to Wugui", there seems to be a sword, which seems to exist and not exist, and disappears in a flash.

Then it was clearly discernible that most of the mass of corrosive gas had been cut off.There was also an inch-long gap on Gui Wujiu's little finger. It seemed that a drop of blue "blood" was spilled, but it was only a few inches away from the body, and it disappeared immediately.

This is a strange item that Gui Wujiu obtained from Jianglizong, named "Nine Nisan". It was handed by a Shangzhen named Fan Yongxin from Jianglizong. This person is proficient in refining medicine and has many There are strange operations.

This "Nine Nisan" miracle medicine is very corrosive, once it touches the body, it is difficult to cure it except for the secret medicine.

But this medicine has to be really close to take effect.Moreover, its medicinal properties are very fragile, and before it touches the body, it can be washed by the power of wind, thunder, water and fire at will, and its medicinal power can be exhausted.If it is said to be refined into supernatural powers, or to exert any miraculous effects in combat, it is completely hopeless.

Although the Ziwei Great World is large, there are still very few foreign objects that can interfere with the outcome of a high-level fight.

Gui Wugui didn't ask for it for novelty; it was for the purpose of clarifying the boundaries of swordsmanship when studying swordsmanship intensively.

Kongyun Nianjian claims to cut everything.But it also has a premise, that is, the body can only sense, know, and see.If what you see is not true, or if the target is something invisible and formless, then the use of swordsmanship will be greatly reduced.

For example, this "Nine Nisan".

What is difficult for outsiders to understand is that, in fact, at this time, the cloudy and rusted Qi mechanism is actually on top of Wu Jiu's little finger, but it is actually just an illusion, not the real body of "Nine Nisan".After this thing is mixed with the human body, it seems to be infinitely subtle and indistinguishable from each other.

Therefore, Gui Wugui tried to cut it with the "Kong Yun Nian Sword", but could not accurately grasp its nature and shape.Although he cut off most of the power of this foul medicine, he didn't do all the work after all, but caused his Dharma body to receive slight damage.

Whether the plan is feasible or not will soon be revealed.

Gui Wujiu took a deep breath, his mind sank, he activated his sword, and turned to the "incarnation" perspective.

Taking a closer look, the corner of Gui Wujiu's mouth twitched slightly, his heart was three points determined.

From the "Avatar" perspective, the empty, ice-like mirror of Gui Wugui's finger has turned into a strange waxy yellow.But at a glance, the clear boundary of this so-called "abnormality" can be seen clearly.It seems that the "Nine Nisan", which is known for being invisible, invisible and difficult to know, is just a false name.

With a swipe of the sword, the light shines brightly.

When I looked down again, the little finger was as clean as new.The so-called "no distinction between each other", but at this moment it has been solved cleanly.

If Gui Wujiu's sense of this world has reached this level, then the power of the Kongyun Nianjian will climb another level.For today's use, only the "self-cutting" of the incarnation can reach this subtle and unpredictable state.

But even so, the profound meaning in it is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

With the test of "Nine Nisan", Gui Wugui dared to proceed to the next step.

Because in the next step, if you make a slight mistake and the Dharma body is damaged, it will take at least fifty or sixty years of hard work to make up for it.

Blame no blame and point right to the sky.

A small six-inch long sword suddenly solidified out of thin air and floated leisurely.

The appearance of this sword is subtle and specific, and it is by no means a "sword of empty memory"; at first glance, it looks more like a real treasure.

Looking at its appearance, it is very extraordinary. If you don't know it, you will be confused.Because although this sword is very mysterious, it can be easily discerned that it is not the first-class level of "Heavenly Sacrificial Artifact".I don't know why Gui Wugui found such a foreign object.

But if you have experienced the battle between Yin and Yang, it is very easy to feel familiar with this sword.

Gui Wugui smiled lightly.

Of course he doesn't know.It wasn't until recently that Yugu Chengjing Xuanyuan Huai's hands saw the origin of "Kongyun Scattering Nerves" and Kongyun Nianjian.But if I don't blame myself, I already know the difference between the body and scabbard of the sword.

Although there are no sword scriptures, but based on his personal experience, Gui Wugui is confident that this sword has acquired three points of the essence of "one sword breaks all spells", or even surpasses it.

As soon as the mind was attracted, the little sword moved from stillness, and suddenly slashed towards Gui Wugui's left arm!

This sword slashed, Gui Wujiu's left arm seemed to be normal; in fact, it looked as if it was frozen in ice, almost paralyzed and numb.

Gui Wugui squinted his eyes, and his perspective escaped into the avatar.

send affection.

Jian Guang rose again.

Under the brilliance like swimming waves, Gui Wugui's left arm miraculously returned to normal.

Gui Wugui let out a long laugh.

From today onwards, the fighting system surrounding "one sword breaks ten thousand spells" has been completely cracked.If Yugucheng can't establish a new way, when they meet again in the future, the outcome will be clear.

It's not just for "one sword breaks all laws".Even in the face of other opponents, Gui Wujiu also has a very heavy defense card.

(End of this chapter)

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