Chapter 831
Ten years later.

At the gate of Sansheng Yinyang Cave, a group of people, about twenty people, were sparsely divided into two or three rows, and the leader was Gui Wugui.

Under no blame are Qin Menglin, Wei Qingqi, Xun Shen, Ma Yuan, and Lu Chengwen.

Followed by Zhen Shi, Teng Jing, Shen Tuhong, and Zong Zhengsi.

Then there are martial arts and western land cultivators forming a line of their own, vaguely forming their own system, vaguely visible there are Yamashiro Hiroshi, Mu Gaoyuan and others, all led by Jiang Minyi.

Huang Xiyin stood by Gui Wujiu's side, but she had a calm demeanor with her eyes on her nose and nose on her heart, which caught the eyes of others, and she couldn't help being very upset.In just over a hundred years, no one would have imagined that even Gui Wugui's disciple could form a Nascent Soul so quickly.

Not only that, but the subtlety and eccentricity of his aura movement seems to be only inferior to Gui Wujiu, Qin Menglin, and Wei Qingqi.Compared with Xun Shen, Ma Yuan and others, he may only lack a little accumulation of Taoism and combat experience, but in terms of background alone, he may not be much inferior.

The most important figures on the Yinzong side, except Kong Xuan who practiced a secret technique in the clan, which can only be achieved after a year.The rest are all here.

There is another person who is unrestrained and unruly, pacing far and near.It was Gao Cen, the second ancestor of Wu Dao who lived in Yinzong.

This person did not participate in the second battle of the pure and turbid Xuanxiang, but Gui Wujiu seemed to trust him very much, and he did not hide anything from him.When everyone was going out, this one suddenly said that he was very interested in foreign guests and would like to have a look.

Gui Wugui gladly invites you.

In fact, except for Zu Gaocen, the rest of you present, except for Gui, Qin, and Wei, are they not very interested in the visitor?

This kind of interest is not for one person.

There is no blame, and Wei Qingqi's pearls and jades are in front of him. In terms of one person's cultivation alone, it is extremely difficult to surpass no matter what.The interest of everyone lies in the "all" of the people who come.

According to the vague meaning revealed in Gui Wujiu's words, this time we have joined with strong reinforcements, our combat power has almost doubled, and there is no danger of defeat.

Almost doubled, how much is this?
Now, Yinzong's side has raised the combat power, in addition to the people who participated in the battle last time, there are several more generals such as Jiang Minyi, Huang Xiyin, Yamashiro Hiroshi, Teng Jing, etc. It can be said that the army is strong and strong.nearly doubled...

Therefore, everyone seemed not very interested in the images of mountains and rivers displayed in the curtain waterfall in front of them, and everyone had different attitudes, which showed the clues of the flow of thoughts.

I don't know when it was, the sky in front of me closed together.

It was as if after a cycle of day and night, and then a round water image, with more than ten figures vaguely wrapped in the middle, "squeezed" in instantly!

Although as far as I can see, it seems that this group of people escaped from a mountain twenty or thirty miles away, and came close in one step.But in fact, even if it is "so close to the world", it is difficult to describe the distance between the two worlds.The visitor crossed half of the Ziwei Great World in this instant!

The magic of good fortune made everyone present fascinated instantly.

After settling down, the two parties were separated by only a few feet.

In this short period of time, when no one said hello, one after another looked at him, and his thoughts were flying, like a sudden undercurrent under still water, becoming very active.

People from Yinzong's side, although some of them looked surprised and splendor; but it's strange to say that at this time, it is obvious that the attitude of the visitor's side is even more surprised.There seemed to be several people vaguely, and they made a slight noise, and immediately met their eyes, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

Hearing vaguely, it seems to be horrified that the local Taoism can reach such a state.

Not one person; a group of people!

Gui Wujiu glanced at the past, saw who was coming, and was also slightly surprised.

At this time, the leader on the opposite side took a step forward.

He is exquisite and slim, with icy muscles and picturesque eyebrows.

The clothes on his body are said to be palace clothes, which are a little short, and said to be casual clothes, but they are too neat, dragging the floor more than two feet.The upper part is plain white, but the lower part gradually turns yellowish.

In addition, there seems to be a dark frost on its face, and one can tell at a glance that it is walking a deep, careful and rigorous way.

There are more than ten people in this line, although all of them have extraordinary bearing.But only this person, one can tell at a glance that his demeanor is the most vigorous and solid.Even if a person with no cultivation base sees it, it is not difficult to guess that this is the leader of the crowd.

The four eyes met, and the two couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

To say they are acquaintances is actually just getting along with each other for a few days, and it is the beginning of the road; but if you say you are not familiar with each other, you have unique experience, as long as the time is right, there will be a kind of timelessness.If we say "should" be like old friends at first sight, but there is a kind of hazy estrangement—it is also a meaningful taste.

After all, Gui Wugui took a closer look and said with a smile, "Junior Sister Mu."

Mu Yunli also laughed.

Although she didn't say a word, the distance and temperature changes were obvious.

After more than ten breaths, she said in a low voice: "If Yun Li said that he knew that senior brother Gui would be able to achieve today's climate, it would be a lie. But since it has come true, there is only joy."

Not far away, Huang Xiyin curled her lips when she heard this.

At this time, a crisp voice sounded: "Among the juniors, if one is said to be the most majestic and the most disciplined, it must be the Master Mu. Today's Mu Shimei is not the one who was at the flowing water banquet back then. image."

After finishing speaking, he covered his mouth and smiled lightly.

Mu Yunli also responded with a smile when he heard the words.

If the relationship is not very close, these words will not be easily uttered.

If it is said that Mu Yunli is the person who is the most different from the image of the year; then the one who spoke is just the opposite.In Gui Wujiu's eyes, it was as if he had returned to more than two hundred years ago.

Wearing a plain silk robe and double hair shawl; wearing a pendant around the ring, giving birth gracefully.

Fifteen on the list, the weather is natural.

Gui Wujiu nodded lightly, said with a smile: "Junior Sister Ning is as beautiful as before."

Ning Suchen blinked.

Although he is no stranger, Ning Suchen was also very "curious" about Gui Wugui's growth and changes when he met him in person.

Not to mention Ning Zhenjun's words of praise for Gui Wugui.Just one thing, the "True Figure of Psychic Manifestation" in more than a hundred years of Qianmen has changed, laying the foundation for the completion of Taoism, and it is Gui Wugui's handwriting.Based on this matter alone, he is worthy of being the person that Yue Hengzong confidently launched to compete with Xuanyuan Huai.

In the image of meeting on the first day of junior high school, this "Senior Brother Gui" is so sharp, he is determined to point it out, and he has a very maverick style.It is said that he is also based on the way of swordsmanship, and seeing him now, he seems to coincide with it.

However, Gui Wujiu's attitude when he met Mu Yunli was unusually sincere, with the rhyme of "near people".

These two phenomena are not unusual in the eyes of wise men.But no matter who it is, it is more or less one-sided, and it is difficult to be prepared.As far as the numbers are concerned, among the current Nine Schools of Heroes, only a few like Mu Yunli are inclined to the former; while the vast majority of people like Ning Suchen are inclined to the latter.

Like returning to no blame, the Dao heart is clear and the heart is close to others. The two are seamlessly integrated, which is something Ning Suchen has never seen before.

Seeing that Ning Suchen was slightly lost in thought, Wei Qingqi immediately greeted him.

After Ning Suchen, there was a middle-aged man who was a bit scruffy and slightly fat.

If "judging people by their appearance", the person in front of them is the most disharmonious among the group; compared with the other nine people who are elegant and handsome, this person is clearly a street person.

After this person took a step forward, he stared at Gui Wugui with a pair of clear and energetic eyes.But there was a very greasy brocade bag in his hand, and he would reach out to search for it from time to time, and then stuffed it into his mouth.At a rough glance, it seems to be cooked food such as chicken legs and chicken wings.

The method of knocking on the pass has its own magical powers.Gui Wugui didn't make any fuss, cupped his hands slightly, and said, "Junior Brother Han."

"Junior Brother Han" blinked, immediately stretched out his greasy hands and waved them wildly, and said loudly: "Brother Gui, don't worry about me. Just go and greet others first."

At the same time, looking at the group of people behind Gui Wujiu, there seemed to be a hint of coldness in his mouth, and he couldn't help sighing in a low voice: "It's amazing, it's amazing."

Han Taikang is also.

Don't look at him being so sloppy, but he is also on the list.

Except Gui Wugui, there are still three people from Yue Heng's school on the list.In terms of the prosperity of a single family, there is no comparison in the current world.If Gui Wugui is added, there are four people.What's more, the ages of these four people are very close, except for Han Taikang who is at the bottom, the other three are all at the top.

Wei Qingqi took a step forward.

Anyone who meets Gui Wugui, she immediately recommends them and teaches them to get acquainted.Now she is the only one who is knowledgeable about both sides, and she is the only one who takes on this responsibility.

In fact, Qin Menglin and Gui Wujiu share similar memories, and most of the people from the Nine Sects also know each other.It's just that she knows the members of the Nine Schools, but the members of the Nine Schools don't know her, so it's naturally inconvenient to come forward.

The next one, with a little curiosity, hurriedly said, "Brother."

Then he leaned towards Wei Qingqi in a hurry, muttering something in a low voice.

This person is seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a long green dress, regardless of his body size, he is obviously a little plump compared to Mu Yunli, Ning Suchen, Wei Qingqi and other girls.Looking at his face, he also has bright eyes and sparse eyebrows, demure and dignified, and looks very dignified.But once the words and actions are shown to the outside, it is the most naive and willful.

Wei Qingqi smiled apologetically.

But as a famous person on the list, plus it was mentioned once or twice before, now there is no need to recommend him to Gui Wugui again.

The second descendant of Misty Sect, You Caixin.

Then four people in a row, all disciples of Misty Sect, met Gui Wujiu one by one.

Gu Xingxue; Chun Yujian; Shen Baiyu; Lu Jincheng.

The expressions of admiration and curiosity on the faces of the four of them can be seen at a glance.

The top people, relying on the number of days, come out of the world, beyond human intervention.But at a slightly inferior level, the role of external forces cannot be ignored.

The Misty Sect has Dongfang Wanqing as its master, so it naturally has a unique advantage when it comes to training disciples.

In fact, if you were to be another mighty Heavenly Venerable, you might not spend much effort on this path.Dongfang Wanqing, in order for Misty Sect to successfully complete Taoism in this generation, puts her heart into Wei Qingqi's journey of growth and development.The so-called one method, ten thousand methods.The rest of the disciples also benefited greatly from this Tao.

The few people in front of them often laughed at themselves and said "one person can ascend to heaven", but it is not blameless.

The four people including Gu Xingxue, each have the strength to do a few tricks under the hands of the characters in the third volume, and almost all of them are not under Xiao Tianshi and Zhang Hongbian of the Youhuan sect, which can be called quite amazing background.

These four referrals have been completed, and another person stepped forward.

This person seemed to be in his thirties, dressed in a toga, with a gentle demeanor and a mind of his own.

Not only that, he looked at Gui Wugui with a rare magnanimity.

The two smiled at the same time.

The person in front of him finally spoke first: "Return to Junior Brother."

Among the ten people in the group, there were only two people who "surprised" Gui Wugui.

old friend.

This trip was regulated by four people from Yueheng Sect and five people from Misty Miao Sect, which Gui Wujiu already knew.

Of the four members of the Yue Heng Sect, those three naturally did their part; but it was unexpected that the last one should be blameless.

Although they are not on the volume, but they can be qualified to play, and they can't be too far apart.In the Yin Yang fish test, the talent of the Nine Jewels is a matter of course.It just so happened that more than a hundred years ago in the Yue Heng Sect, there was also a figure who reached this level, named Xia Yongnian.

It is expected that this person came with Mu Yunli and others.

But I didn't expect that here and now, there was a pleasant surprise.The person in front of him is the first person who admires each other and understands his heart after he entered the Tao without blame; he also used his name to act in the lower world.

Gui Wujiu raised his head slightly, as if turning around from the past, and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Wen. It's been a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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