Chapter 832

Wen Jinyuan nodded happily.

A thought floated in Gui Wugui's mind.

Carefully appreciating the Qi mechanism, the purity of Wen Jinyuan's Taoism is almost higher than the four of Misty Sect.Not to mention the Yingjies on the list, they are almost countable figures.With the potential and aptitude he showed when he entered the Tao, only by perfecting every step can he achieve what he is today.

Gui Wugui immediately thought about it, but it was not the place to talk at this time.

Han Taikang was walking casually at the side, seeing Gui Wujiu's expression, he interjected casually: "Brother Wen claims that I am the 'first person under the Eighteen Pearls' since the Yueheng Sect from ancient times to the present. Disciples, all take him as an example. When it comes to reputation and popularity, it is only above Han."

Wen Jinyuan smiled lightly and said, "Junior Brother Han is too famous."

But looking at his expression, it is clear that what Han Taikang said is true.

After Wen Jinyuan said a few words, he turned sideways and made way for the last person.

Draped in feathers, you are Zhenji.

Cold and clear, clear and cold.

In terms of appearance, Han Taikang is the most different from the image of the past; but when it comes to the changes in demeanor and demeanor, it is the person in front of him, which can be said to be very different from the past.

This is also the unexpected person of Gui Wugui.

The two looked at each other, Gui Wugui finally bowed his hands slowly, and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you in a hundred or two hundred years, Junior Sister Du is fine."

Du Niansha.

Wei Qingqi has a mysterious demeanor; Mu Yanli is strict and serious; the rest of Ning Suchen, You Caixin and others, although there are slight differences in proportions, are generally free-spirited, agile and free-spirited.Only Du Niansha, who was the most detached and masculine at that time, is now mum and quiet, cool and peaceful, and outstandingly independent.

It can also be said to be a trick of good fortune.

Du Niansha smiled slightly when she heard the words, and said, "Your kindness has not been repaid. When you can contribute, you dare not sit idly by."

If it were someone else, it would be hypocritical to say this sentence in public.

But Du Niansha said it calmly, but it was very natural.

Gui Wugui thought for a while, and said: "Junior Sister Du can do it if she wants to. But the actual trip is beyond my brother's expectation."

Du Niansha shook her head and said, "A little burden, what's the point? It's just a sharp sword."

Gui Wugui secretly sighed.

Where is this what Du Niansha said?

The spirit of the person in front of him is really different.

Seeing this, Mu Yunli's face moved slightly, and then the divine will came over via voice transmission.

It turned out that after Du Niansha had fellowship with Yue Hengzong, she had a very close friendship with Mu Yunli, Ning Suchen and others when Gui Wujiu was still in the barren sea.

The cause of this incident is also known.

Later, limited by the general decision of the sect, there was a lot of resistance to maintain the previous relationship.At one point, Du Niansha practiced in seclusion in the Zangxiang Sect, and she was not so close to the Yueheng Sect.

But more than [-] years ago, Du Niansha suddenly took a crucial step in the cultivation of "Northern Darkness Constructing and Education Sutra".

"Bei Ming Zao Yu Jing" is the last obstacle on the way of Zang Xiangzong's completion of Taoism.

When the news came out, the Tibetan Xiangzong was shocked by it.

If we say that we can complete the Dao foundation with our own strength, Du Niansha's background is still lacking.The Misty Sect had Dongfang Wanqing, a great Daoist, giving careful guidance. Wei Qingqi walked here, and this road was very difficult.

But after all, the Tibetan Xiangzong is far away from the Tao, and it can be said that it is half a dozen miles away. After all, it is different from Yuehengzong and Misty Sect who hope to succeed in one step.

From this point of view, Du Niansha's talent accumulation is enough.

As for another descendant in the Tibetan Elephant School who ranks higher than Du Niansha, this person's practice order is very different from the predecessors, and for the time being, he does not focus on the "Northern Ming Zaoyu Sutra".Ordinarily, based on his background, there is a great possibility of breaking the barrier in the future; but who can say for sure what hasn't happened yet?

Because of this cause and effect, Du Niansha regained a great right to speak in the Tibetan Xiangzong.

For more than ten years, she has been living in Yueheng, pondering Taoism with Mu Yunli, Ning Suchen and others, and inspired each other.

Ning Zhenjun and the others did not hide anything from her about today's trip.And Du Niansha decided to join in her own name, to help Gui Wugui, and has nothing to do with Tibetan Xiangzong.

The referral is over, and the group returns leisurely.

When one's cultivation has reached a certain level, it's hard to find a confidant.So although it was the first meeting, after a quarter of an hour, both parties were very warm.

Especially Huang Xiyin, when Mu Yunli and others heard that this person was actually a disciple of Wugui, they were all very surprised.

If you ask carefully, this so-called "disciple" is not a special master-student relationship entrusted by fate, but a direct master-student who has been teaching and receiving karma since the day he entered the Tao, which is even more inconceivable.

After several twists and turns, he returned to the sect of Banshizong.

Waiting to welcome them next time are two people, Konghe Shangzhen and Yuexiang Shangzhen, from Yinzong's party.

Ning Suchen, Han Taikang, You Caixin and the others looked carefully and couldn't help smiling.

Han Taikang lowered his head and whispered for a while, as if communicating with Ning Suchen.

When the two parties gathered, as the elite disciples of the Nine Sects, they were somewhat surprised to see so many fellows from other lands who were able to perform on par with them.

After all, they hadn't been informed of the secret by the True Monarch of Chengmen Zhong, so they took it for granted that it was a wild land outside the jurisdiction of the Nine Sects.

In fact, Mu, Ning, Han, Du, and You were more or less mentally prepared.

Because these five people are on the list, when the news was passed on, Daoist Dongfang had already informed them about the ranking of the scrolls.

Take Ning Suchen as an example, she knows it well.Among the nine sects, those whose foundation of Taoism is not weaker than oneself include Xuanyuan Huai, Gui Wujiu, Wei Qingqi, Lin Shuangshuang, Mu Yunli, Du Niansha, and the one from Zang Xiangzong.Now it is suddenly announced that among the people who stand at the forefront of the current world in the Zhoutian world, she can be ranked fifteenth. This is not an unacceptable result.

With the size of the Ziwei Great World, the number of unnamed heroes has only less than doubled.

Although the Nine Sects are not going to be the ultimate, but it is undoubtedly to occupy half of the country.

Therefore, the shock in the hearts of these few people was not as great as that of Gu Xingxue and the other four.Because of Zhou Tian's scale, he already knows it well.

Even so, it still had a considerable impact on his previous consciousness.

It wasn't until this moment that his heart suddenly relaxed.

Because the two Shangzhens who greeted each other, Konghe and Yuexiang, as existences in the realm of close-to-the-way, there is obviously a big difference between their Taoism and the power of the Nine Sects be precise, there is a gap.

In this place where the group of people settled down, several true monarchs who were originally in charge of the hidden sect planned to build another cave.

But Gui Wugui resisted all opinions and decided to settle down in the small world where his family lived.

The small world he lives in, although it takes up the word "small", is actually extremely vast, let alone ten people, it is no problem to pretend to be a city and a country.

For the other reasons, take into account two more.

First, just like Gui Wujiu's current residence, it imitates Panlu Peak of Yueheng Zong; Huang Xiyin's residence imitates Danxia Xuanzhu.In the small world, there is a special power of enlightenment and fractal evolution.The shape of the building can be decided according to the customer. Describing the shape will definitely make the guest feel at home, which is better than rebuilding the building.

Second, the ten "guests" must choose the opportunity to visit one by one.Such an arrangement is actually a two-way method.

The relevant operations have been properly arranged in less than an hour.

On the second day, Chen Shi.

Gui Wugui escaped light and landed under an island.There is a square hall in Zhongli, the door is extremely wide, but it is gray, but it is not very majestic.

The moment Gui Wugui landed on the ground, the door of the main hall suddenly opened.

A Qingyue voice came from among them: "Junior Brother Gui, please come in."

Step into without blame.

This is Wen Jinyuan's temporary residence.

Since the second day, Gui Wujiu deliberately communicated with each other.The etiquette is also thoughtful, one after another set the time and sent greeting cards.

The first stop is Wen Jinyuan Office.

Wen Jinyuan led Gui Wujiu into the world and sat down, there seemed to be a strange light in his eyes, he took a deep look at Gui Wujiu's eyes, and then said with a smile: "When I came here, Zhenjun Nangong and Zhenjun Ning made a bet."

Gui Wujiu's eyes moved slightly, and he said, "What are you betting on?"

Wen Jinyuan said: "The bet is who is the first person to meet alone after Junior Brother Gui and I and the others met. Both Zhenjun Nangong and Zhenjun Liang guessed that it was Junior Sister Mu; but Zhenjun Ning was sure that it was Wen. "

Gui Wugui was surprised to hear this.

Wen Jinyuan continued: "Brother Gui is not looking for Wen to reminisce about the past; but there is a hidden question, isn't it?"

Gui Wugui narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly.

Wen Jinyuan's eyes lit up, he seemed a little unbelievable, and sighed: "It's true. Brother Gui's sharpness of Taoism, discerning the mind and moving it in a few minutes, is no longer under the power of short-handedness. The mission of revival of this sect, I hope it will be done again. A little bigger."

Not waiting for Gui Wugui to express something, Wen Jinyuan interjected again: "This is the original words of Ning Zhenjun."

Observing people and distinguishing qi without blame has indeed reached an unfathomable level.

If it were a direct heir with extraordinary morality, in his eyes, the world is so big, there are a gathering of heroes, with different demeanors and demeanors.Maybe there is a difference between superior and inferior.However, Gui Wugui was able to dissect the slightest difference from this "each is good at winning games", and saw a slight difference.

There is an interesting thing about it.

Of the nine sects of Taoism and nine sects of figures, the most brilliant ones are certainly unique in the world; but those who are slightly inferior are actually not as good as everyone in the local civilization.

This seems a bit unbelievable.

At first glance, the power among the nine sects is also unique.For example, Yue Xuanying, the master of the Five Tombs Palace, is sharp and aggressive, and the four disciples of Zhenjun Ning also hold their own ways.But compared to the local culture, such as Zhen Shi, Shen Tuhong, Mu Gaoyuan, and even Leng Hua's first-class figures, they are healthy-minded and calm, and seriously, they are slightly inferior.

There is no reason for it.

Although local Taoism is rough, there is one advantage in the final analysis-that is, the threshold for entry is a little shallow, and even if the foundation is a little weaker, there is hope of enlightenment.But it is not like the nine sects sequence, which is restricted by the meeting of five hundred years.

Once the Dao is hopeless, the Nascent Soul monks among the Nine Sects will either entertain other things, or plan for the descendants of the clan early on. The bearing of people like Yue Xuanying and others can already be called excellent.This is an innate restriction, and it cannot be compensated for by some false kung fu of self-cultivation.

And today's Wen Jinyuan.

If it weren't for upholding extraordinary beliefs, forging and sharpening one's heart.It is absolutely impossible to cultivate to today's level.

This is where Gui Wugui's "interest" lies.

The two sat down as guest and host, Wen Jinyuan smiled and said: "If you have any questions, Junior Brother Gui, but it's okay to ask."

Gui Wujiu smiled playfully, and said: "It's boring to ask for the answer directly. Let me make a guess, Junior Brother."

Speaking of this, Gui Wujiu's eyes flashed brightly, and he said in a low voice: "Brother Wen's journey is not over, is it?"

Wen Jinyuan was raising his glass to drink, when he heard this, his right arm stopped moving, and he looked back in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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