Chapter 834
The two white clouds gradually drifted backwards and disappeared in an instant.

This is the perspective of imputation, which shows how quickly he escaped.

At this time, it was the second day of farewell from Wen Jinyuan's mansion.

Although a group of ten people all want to visit.But the severity is bound to not be equal.What's more, after a meeting with Wen Jinyuan, there was another "mission" by Ning Suchen.

But innocence does not need to be done immediately.

On the other hand, a "Small Martial Arts Show" was also organized in advance under the leadership of Wei Qingqi.

Those with superb meritorious deeds from both sides, Jiang Minyi, Xun Shen, Ma Yuan, Ning Suchen, Du Niansha, etc., all happily participated.

Demonstrating Taoism, stretching the Tao to compete, is of course its due meaning; but just like this, the pattern is too small.In addition to the discussion between the two sides, the more important link is to find out all the people who may fight on the side of the holy religion, and anyone who has searched for information or has photos of their fighting skills. The next person who is most suitable for the battle.

Although the two sides can rotate freely, the finalized match may not be able to meet their wishes.But how much you know the enemy will still have a profound impact on the battle situation.

Flying away for a while, Gui Wugui jumped down.

Among the many islands in the small world that seem to be covered with stars, this one is the largest.

The southwest of the island is sandwiched between two foothills. After blocking the view, looking around, I don't even realize that it is an island.If ordinary people live here, they will only regard it as a quiet valley, like a paradise.

Not far below one of the mountain walls, one can see a very wide lake, full of blue waves, the water is like water color, obviously much softer than the "sea water" outside, it is gratifying to see.

Just south of the lake, on a stone platform, stands a man.Although her body is petite and graceful, she is naturally eye-catching and surpasses everything.

Gui Wujiu jumped down and said with a smile, "Junior Sister Mu."

Mu Yunli looked at the rippling water surface in the distance, did not turn around, but nodded slightly.

If there is no tacit understanding, such an attitude will inevitably be misunderstood as a rejection of others, showing indifference, or giving people winks.But even though Gui Wujiu only met Mu Yunli for one day, he already had a deep understanding of her way of doing things and her temperament, so naturally there would be no misunderstanding.

Turning around to look, Gui Wugui smiled and said: "Junior Sister Mu is really a strict person."

It turned out that the island was named Dengjia Island, and it used to have good weather among the islands in Xiaojie.Between the foothills of the two mountains, there used to be a very prominent palace and palace.

Mu Yunli was the leader of the group of ten people, so naturally he couldn't wait any longer.Gui Wugui sent out a talisman, and Kong Ling, Huang Caiwei and others placed her here to show respect.

But at this moment, at a glance, the palace between the two mountains disappeared without a trace.

Gui Wujiu looked carefully, on the opposite cliff, at a height of more than [-] zhang, a layer of restraint could be faintly seen, which obviously coincided with the mountain gate.

Obviously, the door was opened by Mu Yunli and used as a temporary cave.

Mu Yunli heard the words, and said calmly: "It's just that when I was young, the cave in the village has a similar style. Later, when I set up the cave, I simply followed this example."

Gui Wugui nodded slowly.

The childhood Mu Yunli mentioned was naturally before entering the Tao and before being found by the spirit fish of the esophagus.When talking about their backgrounds back then, Mu Yunli and Gui Wugui mentioned one or two things.

Mu Yunli turned around and took a look, and said again: "If senior brother Gui has stayed in Yueheng, maybe there may not be such a 'clean and strict' style."

Gui Wugui leisurely said: "Maybe."

In order to get rid of the catastrophe of the heart, besides the "law of sentient beings", there are thousands of ways.

The arrangement of the regulations of Muyinli Dongfu is not just for "nostalgia".Because when she was a child, she was suddenly introduced into the Yueheng sect. The incident happened suddenly, and there was no trustworthy partner around her.If you don't carefully screen, there may be slight deviations in your mind.

In addition, the speed of her practice and entry into the realm is rapid, and she entered the Nascent Soul Realm in just a few decades, and took over the duties with the elders of the sect who had different backgrounds and longer lifespans.There are more or less inconsistencies in it, but they can't be completely eliminated because of her respected status and great future.

The so-called vigilance in keeping the law and being cautious and strict are not Mu Yunli's nature, but the most "smooth" and most relaxing attitude in the path.

Among them, the subtleties are not enough for outsiders.

What Mu Yunli said just now, if Gui Wujiu stayed in Yueheng, maybe it would be different.

This is because, if there is a trustworthy and trustworthy person by your side, you will naturally be able to let go of your hands and feet; if your heart is full of love, like a bright heart, you will naturally take another path.

This seemingly plain sentence actually reflects the great trust in Gui Wugui.

When the past came to mind.

Looking up at this time, the outline of the lake in front of me seems to be three points familiar.

Gui Wugui didn't hesitate, with a wave of his hand, mana surged.

The outline of the lake in front of me suddenly becomes "narrower" by two points; there is also a flat stone platform in the south, where the pavilions are connected and the vegetation is flourishing.

Although in terms of the overall shape of the lake, it is only slightly "decorated"; but if measured by a square, it is a change that stretches for dozens of miles.With such a method, it can be reluctantly praised as "turning your hands into clouds, and covering your hands as rain".

In fact, Gui Wugui's cultivation in the Nascent Soul Realm does not possess such a large-scale magical power without using the "Wuyu Reincarnation Heaven".The reason why he can do it is because he is the master of the small world.

Yuehengzong, Ziwu Peak, Youming Lake.

The place I visited back then.

Gui Wujiu smiled leisurely, and said: "If there are more groups of blue-winged gulls floating on the water, then it can be false."

If the matter of talent just now is done by a literati and poet, neither the left nor the right can jump out of the circle of "nostalgia and sadness", and even a little bit of hypocrisy; but Gui Wugui does it casually, although it is retrospective, it does not damage the sophistication of the mind .It seemed that the situation was justified, so he did so without hesitation.

Looking briefly at the scene in front of him, Gui Wujiu suddenly turned around and glanced at Mu Yunli.

The scenery is the old scenery; the people are not the old people.

Mu Yunli is so bright and intelligent, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "What? You want my junior sister to change my appearance?"

Every frown and smile is completely different from the demeanor she shows outside.

Gui Wugui laughed loudly: "Of course not."

Mu Yunli lowered his head and thought for a while, and seemed to find it very interesting, and smiled knowingly, "Which one do you think is better?"

Gui Wugui pondered for a long time, then smiled and said, "They're all very good. It's hard to tell which is better."

This conversation is like a riddle.

If a third person saw this scene, it would inevitably lead to misunderstanding.

In fact, this is neither a joke, nor a childish innocence, nor is it just a rash interpretation of intimacy.Since Gui Wugui had resorted to tricks, Mu Yunli showed his "cooperation" with a move of his mind.

What was shown was exactly the topic just now——

If Gui Wugui hadn't left the Yueheng Sect, in which direction would Mu Yunli's temperament and temperament be finalized?
Mu Yunli sighed with emotion: "It can be seen from this that although we have only met each other for a few days, senior brother Gui still holds the way for Yunli, which has a profound influence on him, surpassing the rest of his fellow teachers."

Gui Wujiu shook his head and smiled, "Everyone. If Junior Sister Mu has snatched the spot, I'm afraid I will spend the two or three hundred years as a brother in the Yueheng Sect. When it comes to the path that Bianyi takes, Junior Sister Mu is very supportive. Brother's influence will only be greater."

Mu Yunli's eyes seemed to brighten slightly, and he said: "Just now I asked my senior brother which one is better. Senior brother's speech is hard to tell. Indeed, it is hard to tell the difference here, junior sister."

"But if we transfer this question to Brother Gui, the answer is very clear."

"Brother Gui is on the right track."

"There is no doubt. The you you are now must be stronger than Gui Wugui who stayed in the Yueheng sect."

Not to blame and not humble, he smiled knowingly and nodded slightly.

Mu Yunli looked up at the sky, and suddenly said: "I know that Brother Gui came to look for me, not just to reminisce about the old days. You and I are of course on two different roads, and we are divided into wilds; and Yue Heng's Taoism , also between you and me, the weight is very different. If we meet today, we should have the merit of dialectics."

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "Junior Sister really has a clear heart, and she sees the reason for my brother's visit."

Mu Yunli smiled, and said: "Brother's cultivation is higher than mine. After this collision, I must have gained more from my junior sister. Here, my junior sister thanked me in advance."

The two jumped at the same time, stood on the surface of the water, and waited intently.

Indeed, Gui Wugui came to find Mu Yunli not just to reminisce about the past.

The state above perfection, logically speaking, has reached the state where there is no increase, and the water will overflow.

However, after reconciling the four classics and penetrating the upper realm, this boundary has been broken.

With a real and clear vision of the near-dao realm, what you see is completely different from the past.This is also Xuanyuan Huai's confidence to surpass other first-class figures.

For example, if a porcelain bowl is filled with water until it is full, nothing can be added.The "fullness" and "overflow" are naturally true; but if a larger porcelain bowl is replaced, then naturally it will no longer be "full".

Of course, this porcelain bowl is not easy for everyone to exchange, because its name is "Yuanyingjing".

Only the special experience of Gui Wugui and Xuanyuan Huai can make this "container" break through the limit.Even so, this breakthrough is also subtle and unfathomable, rather than the actual scale of mana.

In other words, after going to the next level, Gui Wujiu has a far-reaching room for improvement.

Gui Wujiu's Taoism is based on Kongyun Nianjian.

Although he was born in the Yueheng sect, he did not take the eighteen supernatural powers manifested in "Psychic Manifestation of True Form" as the foundation of his life.Today, he has cultivated ten of these "eighteen supernatural powers".But the vast majority of them are used as assistants, used in conjunction with swordsmanship supernatural powers.

Because in my own Taoism, I didn't use this method to focus on the "fundamental", so later, there were differences.

Mu Yunli, on the other hand, possesses supernatural powers of Taoism, all of which are tied to the "True Figure of Psychic Manifestation".At least as far as the Nascent Soul Realm is concerned, it can be called the highest peak of the Yueheng Sect throughout the ages.

When Qizheng meets and meets, there should be a difference.

ps: Although this paragraph has nothing to do with the advancement of the main plot, I still think it needs to be written.

(End of this chapter)

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