Chapter 835
It's nothing to blame.

With one blow, a huge force was aroused.

The oncoming weather is like a tide, extremely majestic, mixed with the flow of mana, rolling into a mighty trend.

If this is the case alone, it is not surprising.

Although the weather in this hand is grand and vast, if you carefully discern it and push forward, it is only more than a hundred feet wide.What is even more rare is that the celestial phenomena, clouds, and lake water phenomena more than ten miles away seem to be infected by this blow, and the differences seem to disappear in an instant, and the colors are mixed, which helps to boost its momentum.


This attack was an idea born after fighting Lin Yi from the Qilin clan, and it took shape only a few years ago.

Gui Wugui's supernatural means, if it is Rukongyunnianjian, or even Moluo's strength, they are all means to determine the outcome as soon as he makes a move.Such a style is vaguely connected with his artistic conception of striving hard and striving forward.As for the countermeasures, there are endless changes, and it is enough to be used with the support of the swordsmanship supernatural power of "Luchen Sword".

But after taking a closer look, this system of supernatural powers seems to be heavy at the two ends and light in the middle, like a spindle.

If there is a kind of magical channeling technique, which contains the essence and meaning in the plain, it seems that it is not the finale method for a quick victory, but if it is used in an understatement, it can give people great pressure; If you don't use your own hole cards, you will feel that it is difficult to deal with it.

Such means are what Gui Wugui lacks.

This is called the "middle way".

In this way, the ultimate move that really determines the outcome can be hidden even deeper.

In all fairness, Lin Yi's "Four Hues" is an extremely ideal "middle way" method.

Of course, from the perspective of the Qilin family, the "four hues" method is the fundamental method that they have tried and tested; if they know that it has been judged as the top-grade method among the second-rate methods by Gui Wugui, they don't know how they feel.

on the other hand.

Gui Wugui's previous "eighteen supernatural powers" were formed, all for auxiliary purposes.After falling into this path, it seems hard to return.If all supernatural powers are auxiliary small skills, it is really unreasonable.In order to correct this deviation, Gui Wujiu decided to change the old rules and bring forth the new.

The combination of these two factors constitutes this new supernatural power "Moon and Half Menarche".

Used as a soldier, it is extremely imposing and powerful, and when it is in operation, it will give full play to the advantages of Gui Wugui's profound and majestic mana.

It is upright and upright, like a giant hammer knocking off the pass.

This is also Gui Wujiu's highest attainment in Yueheng School's "Eighteen Laws" so far.

For this formula, blameless nature has high hopes.The envoy will come out today, but he will "verify" with Mu Yunli's method.

In an instant, Mu Yunli clasped his palms together and launched a counterattack.

It's just that compared with Gui Wugui's great momentum, its appearance is subtle and almost negligible——

However, there are only two faint water patterns blooming around the body, other than that, there is nothing else.

But in the next moment, something amazing happened.

Gui Wugui's "month-and-a-half menarche" supernatural power swept majesticly, but as he got closer to Mu Yunli, its power decreased rapidly visible to the naked eye, and finally dissipated completely.

The trend of strength and weakness reversed in just a short breath, which suddenly became unbelievable.


In the two circles of "water patterns" surrounding Mu Yunli's body, there seemed to be fragmented air mechanisms in the shape of clusters and lumps, as if they were captured by the "water patterns" from outside forces.

Then, she opened her arms and pushed, counterattacking lightly.

But in terms of the "scale" of mana, it was surprisingly large!

Gui Wugui sensed it briefly and immediately recognized it.The reason why this counterattack is so powerful is because her magical power of "month and a half menarche" was captured by her, turned into her own use, and turned against her own body.

In terms of supernatural power alone, it can be said that it is good or bad.

The method of absorbing the mana and supernatural powers of the opponent for his own use is no stranger to blame.

It's not just people who are close to Gui Wujiu's level; even second- and third-rate sect monks are familiar with it.

This type of method sounds extremely powerful, but in fact it is often very restrictive, and it is not as beautiful as it seems.In the fight of the real first-rate people, I still take the lead, which can be called an invincible strategy.Going this way is actually suspected of crooked ways.This kind of method, so brilliant to this level, is really rare.

Gui Wugui thought about it.

Unexpectedly, the contest between the supernatural powers of the Yue Heng Sect would end as soon as it started.

As for Shangmu Yunli's divine channeling technique, the only way to break it is to overwhelm and defeat it from the very beginning; if there is a stalemate, it is completely unsolvable if she takes advantage of her own power and turns against me.And the "month half menarche" pose is already the strongest among Gui Wu Jiu's ten supernatural powers.

As soon as the divine will was turned, the boundary of Mu Yunli's bottom force, Gui Wugui, was already known.

With a movement of the little finger, the three swords are released, the sharpness melts as soon as it is exposed, leaving only the three big characters "return to no blame", as if sinking or floating.

Mu Yunli's complexion changed slightly, as if sensing a strange force added to her body, her delicate body trembled, and then retreated back.

The two water patterns around the body also collapsed most of them.

After about a few breaths, the remaining remnant also completely disintegrated.

But Gui Wugui let out a slight "ooh".

He has good eyesight and weighs the situation without any difference.According to Gui Wugui's estimate, the full destructive power of the Kongyun Nianjian's three swords can just dispel Mu Yunli's supernatural power, but now it seems that it is a little bit short.

After careful identification, it is the "Yuyin" that should have [-]% of the power of the sword, but only [-]% is left.

Although Mu Yunli was invincible in the divine channel technique, but with the transformation power absorbed by it, even the Kongyun Nianjian was able to disintegrate even a little bit.

Although it is extremely subtle, it can also be called shocking.

Pressed by the lingering sound of the sword force, Mu Yunli's figure was like a leaf, floating backwards.

Just at this time, a ball of water droplets behind her, diverged one after another, and suddenly turned into a soft "round cushion", blocking Mu Yunli's back, helping her stabilize her figure.

This ball of water was originally caused by the resonance when Gui Wugui activated the magical power of "Moon and Half Menarche", and it rolled into the air.After a short while, Mu Yunli's help was actually "coincidentally" established.

It looks very graceful posture, not at all embarrassing.

In Gui Wugui's eyes, he was even more surprised.

If the winning ticket is in your hands, it's fine to use some dazzling means; just now this blow, Mu Minli must go all out to meet it, why would he have the time to make such fancy superficial articles?Even if he didn't blame himself, he didn't feel any signs of Mu Yunli manipulating the water droplets with his magic power; it seemed that this group of water droplets happened to appear where "karma and chance meeting" really happened to help Mu Yunli.

But where is such a coincidence?
After careful perception, the image of the condensed water drop and the previous method of absorbing and absorbing are connected in origin and flow, and they are originally one.

After concentrating on it, Gui Wujiu vaguely guessed that his own vision was a little shallow.

Count your breaths later, and wait for Mu Yanli to calm down the Qi machine.

Gui Wujiu asked with great interest: "What is the name of Martial Sister Mu's supernatural power?"

Mu Yunli blinked, and seemed to be equally amazed by Gui Wujiu Kongyun's miraculous ability to recite the sword, and said crisply: "Besides me."

Other than me.

Gui Wugui's pupils narrowed slightly, and he instantly understood the meaning of this pose.

Intentions are not far-reaching.

If there is no "water cushion" that appears at the right time, Gui Wugui will inevitably mistakenly think that Mu Minli's supernatural power is simply for the purpose of devouring and absorbing the opponent's mana.Now hearing his real name, the three tastes hidden in him will come out.

The so-called "other than myself" means that all appearances except the opponent and oneself are under one's control.

The so-called "remaining" includes the magic power emitted by the opponent, the image of true energy, and the remnants of supernatural powers; it also includes all mountains, water, grass, trees, clouds, fog, and sky light and air flow.But all the independent existences that constitute each other will be guided and naturalized and used by me.

The "use" here means that Taoism follows nature and follows the trend, not like a puppet on a string, which is dull and penetrating.

Mu Yunli said calmly: "This was accomplished three years ago. My junior sister, my seventeenth form of supernatural power is also the strongest form so far. However, compared with senior brother's Kongyun Nianjian, this form is still obviously inferior. Senior brother’s finale method really lives up to its reputation.”

Gui Wujiu shook his head and said: "Compared only with the methods in Yue Hengzong's "Psychic Manifestation True Shape Diagram", my junior sister is far above me, why bother to be too modest?"

Comparing it with the Kongyun Nian sword, it is really deceiving.

In fact, Gui Wugui is quite confident in his own "half menarche".I thought it was slightly inferior to Mu Yunli's method.Roughly equivalent to the ratio of swordsmanship back then, the positioning of "Luchen Sword" and "Qing Yi Ming Xin".

But in fact, the gap is slightly larger.

Close your eyes and meditate.

Mu Yunli stood quietly by the side, neither far away nor disturbed.

After about a hundred breaths, Gui Wugui only felt a stagnation in his chest, which was relieved.On the basis of Taoist insights, another problem was solved, and finally he smiled knowingly.

In the secular world, there are also sages and great philosophers born at any time, emerging in endlessly, and writings are also abundant.

Leaving aside the "practical learning" among them, there are more than a thousand schools of learning that only understands the mind and sees one's nature?
There are some classics that have been widely circulated and far-reaching. When Gui Wujiu was in Chongxiao Pavilion, he read a lot and had a certain experience.

This kind of knowledge, in the view of the latecomers, is just one of the "Hundred Schools" and each holds his own opinion; but for the writers, it is the foundation of settling down, penetrating heaven and man, and interpreting the universe, which can be called a life. entrusted.

Among them, the charm and style of each family are different.

Certain doctrines, its nature "broad".It is good if you believe in it to the end and carry it out physically and mentally; but if you are one of a hundred schools of thought, you can read and adopt it at will, criticize and judge, or even use it as a discourse to expand your knowledge.

However, there are certain theories whose nature is "narrow".As soon as you enter its door, you must treat it as the foundation of your life and the supreme treasure, so that you can get the three flavors.If you just regard it as one of the theories, it will be difficult to appreciate its true taste.

As far as the fundamental spirit is concerned, "broad" is better than "narrow"; but once you step into the narrow gate, the style is so precise, the atmosphere is broad, and the discussion is rigorous, there is often a sense of detachment.

Yue Hengzong's three thousand wonderful methods and eighteen supernatural powers are a "narrow gate".

Gui Wugui's fundamental fortunes are all above the wooden glass.When the vision has reached this step, it should be one way and ten thousand ways.Even if you can't focus on this, the number you get should not be too bad; but the method of overweight, only if you take it as the fundamental way of belief and uphold it, and be compatible with everything, can you get the best of the three flavors.

Gui Wugui said solemnly: "Although it is a confrontation, it has benefited a lot. Apart from others, I have a lot to learn from this technique, brother."

Mu Yunli smiled and said, "Then it depends on the fate."

Blameless is also a smile.

A moment later, where the two stood, an exquisite sphere appeared at the same time, with stars dotted in it.

(End of this chapter)

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