Chapter 844
Xuanyuan Huai's face and description at this time are different from any time before.

He seems to be a mixture of two images, the black and white stripes on the clothing can be vaguely seen, but the outline of the face has a kind of sparse and empty taste.And the subtleties of the eyebrows and eyes can clearly be seen to be the fusion of two images.

The two images are mixed into one, the air flow is flowing, and there is also a slight disorder, and there are signs of floating and erratic.

Gui Wujiu suddenly had an intuition in his heart, it seemed that Xuanyuan Huai couldn't manifest any kind of "image" independently.So the next best thing is to present this confusion.

After pondering for a few breaths, Xuanyuan Huai opened his eyes and said with emotion: "Good swordsmanship."

Gui Wugui did not hide his head and showed his tail, and asked directly: "I don't know how long Taoist Xuanyuan will be able to recover to the state of perfection and energy?"

Xuanyuan Huai lowered his head and thought for a while, and said: "If all the supernatural powers can be operated without hindrance, it is no different from the peak time, and there should be more than a month's work."

This answer was a little unexpected.But considering Xuanyuan Huai's determination, there is no need to pretend.

Gui Wujiu nodded and pondered, then suddenly came up with an idea.

On the surface, it would take a whole year for Gui Wugui Kongyun Nianjian to recover to perfection; but Xuanyuan Huaiyue would be able to recover in just over a month.It is clear that the two competed.

Just for a moment, Gui Wugui also thought so.

But in-depth scrutiny, but there is room for discussion.

In this situation, Gui Wugui was surprised by two things.

One of them, of course, is that Xuanyuan Huai claimed that the recovery time was about a month or so, which was much shorter than Gui Wugui expected.

However, there was another thing—that is, Xuanyuanhui was severely injured at this time, but it was a little heavier than Gui Wugui expected.It should be noted that it is not the fault of myself, and at this time it can barely be said to be high-spirited.So much so that Gui Wugui felt eager to try.It seems that fighting against each other in such an imperfect state, how much does one's chances of winning increase?

These two things are not independent, but interrelated.

The method of forming the Kongyun Nianjian that I have practiced is with the help of "The Evolution Diagram of Nianjian".It is manifested with all the pearls presented by the woman in white, and this fundamental method can be obtained.

Originally, there were clues that showed that this white-clothed woman must be an existence of extremely high realm.Later, the experience of the great demon Li Lanza and himself on the chess game further verified this conjecture.Therefore, in terms of the fundamental power of supernatural powers, even if Chenyang Sword Mountain's Eight Meridians Sword Dao is equally good, Gui Wujiu is confident that Kongyun Nianjian seems to be superior to it.

This is the advantage of imputation.

But on the other hand, Kongyun Nianjian is a newly established method after all, and its meaning is still simple.In terms of infinite adaptability and fantastic uses, it is somewhat inferior to the supernatural powers of Chenyang Jianshan's eight-meridian swordsmanship that has been tempered for thousands of years.

The context of the matter lies here.

Eighteen Swords of Kongyun Nianjian strikes, there is no magic power in the world to compete with, so Xuanyuan Huai's injury is indeed more serious than what I expected in advance; and as time goes by, the method held by the opponent to recover, heal and cleanse the body, Vast and complex, mysterious and unpredictable.So the speed of its recovery is much faster than what I imagined.

Comparing the advantages and disadvantages constitutes a set of contradictions.

Then the key to winning or losing came to the surface.

The period of time after the supernatural powers are exhausted is the relative advantage period of no blame.If you can't win in one fell swoop and delay for a long time, then it will be Xuanyuan Huai's turn to turn against the guest.

Xuanyuan Huai said again: "What a supernatural power."

This is what he reiterated again and again.

It seemed that the full power of the Kongyun Nian Sword had blossomed, which was indeed far beyond his expectations.

The two looked at each other.

At this moment, both sides have already understood their respective paths of victory and defeat.

At first glance, Gui Wugui's situation is more active, and Xuanyuan Huai seems to have to temporarily avoid the edge in the face of Kongyun Nianjian.But in Gui Wujiu's heart, he didn't have much pleasure in gaining the upper hand for Xuanyuan Huai.

Because I don't blame myself, I hold the method of retreating from the image of myself in the real and illusion.Changing places, with the respect of Xuanyuan Huai's status, there may not be a very high level of avoiding war.

If Xuanyuan Huai also holds a similar method, then the two sides are fighting a game, obviously it is not easy to win without blame.

After more than ten breaths, Xuanyuan Huai's body swayed and became much purer.

It seems that there are many inexplicable things that retreat to the depths of this body.

It's not something else, it's Gui Wugui's Kongyun Nianjian sword intent.

Xuanyuan Huai came here to meet Gui Wugui for a while, this was obviously in his plan; it seemed to defy the law.

There is no need to give up if there is no blame. When his own dharma body cuts the main body with a sword, the subtle feeling at that moment has been completely sealed and sealed by him, and it will be reserved for the future.The solemn attitude of cherishing and hiding it is no less than when breaking through the realm and taking a shortcut in the real world.

If you take time to understand, you will have some experience.

Xuanyuan Huai said with a smile: "A certain book is here for 'learning from the scriptures'. I have acquired the swordsmanship of my fellow Taoist."

Gui Wugui sternly said: "To each other."

Xuanyuan Huai said lightly: "Back then, fellow daoist got a volume of "Viewing the Law" from the hands of a certain disciple. Fellow daoist's magical skills covered a wide range. Including this fundamental swordsmanship, there were at least three major sects. It is expected There is no time left to comprehend the method of our sect. However, after you and I have fought against each other today, we have confirmed each other, and we are not far from getting a glimpse of the whole picture."

Gui Wugui was startled when he heard the words.

In Chenyang Jianshan's "Viewing Fa Tu", he started with all the pearls, and took away all the parts that could be used for reference in one go.To show the images, it is as if a big hole has been dug out in the picture.As for the things that are not in common, although Gui Wujiu tried to comprehend one or two things, he still didn't get it completely.

Listening to Xuanyuan Huai's words, it seems that if you comprehend this picture after today's battle, it will be easy to see its whole picture.

Gui Wujiu smiled lightly, and said: "The Taoism of your school is naturally attractive enough. But for Yu Gui, the gate of Chenyang Sword Mountain is like a dragon's lake and a tiger's lair. It seems that the time has not come for him to visit in person. Thinking about it As a result, the mind of intensive research and speculation has also faded."

At this time Xuanyuan Huai had fully recovered to the "body of reality", and the black and white stripes on the robe became more distinct.Hearing the words, he smiled, and said, "Why do you have to speak out, fellow Taoist? Xuanyuan Huai can decide. You and I will really decide the outcome, when we will re-establish the Tiangang Law Deed at the Five Hundred Years Meeting. Before that, if you realize If you go to our sect through the "Viewing Fa Tu", this sect should treat you as a distinguished guest, and you don't have to worry about it."

Gui Wugui said: "So, I really appreciate the virtue of Taoist Xuanyuan."

Xuanyuan Huai raised his head suddenly, looked far into the distance, and said: "Fellow Daoist's supernatural power of swordsmanship, in terms of power and power, is indeed beyond someone's expectations. But purely in terms of the purpose of Taoism, it makes the disciple's supernatural power even more powerful. It's amazing. The so-called "swordsmanship is mind-body" originally meant truth and clarity; and her swordsmanship really fits the word "idealism"."

Gui Wugui was surprised and turned around to look.

Xuanyuan Huai smiled slightly, and a small sword emerged from his sleeve.

This sword is about the length of a ruler. Although it is shaped like a sword, it looks more like a mirror at a glance.A faint figure emerged from the shiny and flashy sword, which was as clean as new. Who could it be if it wasn't Huang Xiyin?

Not only the characters, but also some steps of Huang Xiyin's Taoist practice, including those related to swordsmanship, are also presented.

If Gui Wujiu was familiar with Chenyang Sword Mountain, he could immediately see that this small sword imitated the appearance of Juntian Sword, except for the slightly different proportions, it was [-]% similar.

Xuanyuan Huai said leisurely: "Within a thousand miles, you can see the clues of true affinities. It's just that her knowledge is still shallow at the moment. If she wants to fight, it's not the right time yet."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked away.

not the right time yet.

Gui Wujiu was also silently reciting these five words.

However, what he was referring to was not the fight between Huang Xiyin and Xuanyuan Huai, but himself.

Today's competition is actually only half completed.

How to act in the second half, both of them had a tacit understanding, and it didn't happen after all.Gui Wugui actually had a secret thought about whether to give it a try; but in the end he gave up.As far as Xuanyuan Huai is concerned, he seems to be confident that there is a way to escape, but to call it "victory", victory is nothing more than martial arts.

Only when both sides are unable to retreat is the decisive moment.


At the same time, Donghua was in the north of the sky.

Just before Xuanyuan Huai and Qin Menglin met each other, that giant needle-shaped tower, looked at from a distance, seems to be hard to call it a "needle"; it is more like a candle, but it is slightly slender .

Lighted candles.

The difference is that at the tip of the tower, there is an extra ball of dazzling light, like a candle.

The flames on this "candle" appear orange in the morning; as the sky grows longer, they appear dazzling golden at noon; they appear red in the evening, but translucent white at midnight.It changes at any time, coincident with the phase of day and night.

It has been in this form for seven days and nights.

In fact, if you find it nearby and have a full grasp of the size of the boundary-breaking needle, you will know how huge this so-called "flame" is in your heart!
About [-] to [-] miles away, a Jinpa floated in the air.

The two, whose bodies are like dust, stand side by side.

One of them was dressed in gray and black, but his skin was extremely fair; while the other had a faintly sallow complexion.The two of them gazed into the distance, looking at the Boundary Breaking Pagoda that showed a vision, but it showed a unique tranquility and peace.

About half an hour later, the gray-robed man broke the calm: "How many more days?"

The sallow-skinned person looked intently and said, "About three days and nights."

He looked at it for a while, and then said: "The leader of the Chimei clan may not be sitting in the tower at this moment. You and I are at least [-]% sure to destroy this tower together with the boundary-breaking magic circle."

The man in gray robe shook his head and said, "If we do this, we will treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Delaying for three to five years is not enough to call it."

The sallow complexion said: "It's not to delay the time. It's just to resolve the situation where the two sides are fighting each other."

The man in gray robe said with a smile: "Those two families are going to use this to test the depth of the holy religion. You can't retreat, you can't retreat."

He suddenly turned around and said: "The rise and fall of the holy religion is in your hands. If it succeeds, the result will be unimaginable."

It turned out that there was another person standing a few feet behind the two of them.

The face of this person is very young, and his cultivation base is close to the Dao realm, but he is not a fairy, he seems to be the Emperor of the God Realm.

The man answered "yes" in a low voice, but his eyes couldn't hide the splendor.

(End of this chapter)

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