Chapter 845
Treasure boat journey westward.

Compared with the neat and simple flying boat of the Yinzong, the vehicle of the Holy Religion side is obviously a lot more unconventional.

Through the clouds, four giant turtles can be vaguely seen moving slowly, looming.Looking at its overall appearance, it is clearly in the shape of a huge crab.

And the space inside this boat is becoming more and more wonderful, it looks like a tower—but it is an upside-down "tower".In other words, a very large deep pit was excavated, with a wide top and a very narrow bottom.Among them, I don't know whether it is called Feiyu or Feishi's exquisite house, each has its own owner, and it is not mentioned that it is moved sequentially.

But the people in the boat are obviously very enthusiastic, and it is rare for them to hide deep in the house.On the largest pumice stone among them, there are pavilions connected to each other, and people's shadows are crowded, which is the place where all the cultivators gather.

At this time, whether it was Master Li, Xi Zhenzi, Mo Yonggong, Qiu Li, etc., or the strong supporters of the monster clan, Lin Yi, Yu Jiaolong, Wu Xuanxi, etc., they all settled down and whispered constantly.Even Yu Jing from the Yuan Crocodile Clan, who is quite vicious, is chatting happily with Qing Yingzi from the Phoenix Clan.

On the huge boat, only Yugu rides alone to overlook the beautiful scenery.

Although this huge boat is raised by an invisible air cover, it is an invisible thing after all. At first glance, the clouds are rolling and relaxing, and the flow is boundless.

As soon as the light escaped, suddenly there was a figure approaching the bank of Yugucheng.

Miao Miao's voiceless voice seemed distant and near: "I don't know how much the Zong Li Dao Zun thought about this matter, but he knew about it. I'm afraid it's not beautiful to make changes."

The figure is condensed, tall and straight, it is Yu Ion.

It turned out that there was no reason for the unusually lively atmosphere in the flying boat—it was because of the secrecy of the "Thirty-six Sons" revealed by the Zongli Daoist that there was such a reaction.

The revelation of this matter was originally a method of the Phoenix family, and Yu Ion was naturally the first to know about it.

But in Yu Ion's view, at most she, Yu Gucheng, Li Yunlong, Xi Lerong and a few others should know about these secrets before the battle.Taking a step back, at least those who are on the list, such as Master Li, Xi Zhenzi, Wu Xuanxi and others, can tell.

Now the scope of transmission is obviously too large.

However, Zongli Daozun also has its own reasons.

The descendants of the various sects have their own depth of experience, and the holy religion has a precise grasp.For example, Yu Jing of the Yuan crocodile clan has a deep connection with the peacock clan.It can be inferred that although he is not on the list, he is actually very close to the bottom of the list, almost a hair's breadth away.

With this reappearance as a ruler, the rest of the people who are not included in the picture can also find their own location through Yu Jing.

At this time, the discussion was enthusiastic, precisely to find out their own opponents.

For example, Mr. Li already knew that he was ranked [-]th on the picture scroll, which was actually much higher than Xun Shen.He has always regarded Xun Shen as his destined opponent; but at this time, he can't help but wonder whether he can find someone with a closer ranking and try his skills.

Hearing the words, Yu Gucheng only said indifferently: "It is commendable to have lofty aspirations."

Yu Ion was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "From now on, it seems that you are right."

Yu Gucheng shook his head slightly, and said: "No way. The difficulty and twists and turns of this road are actually much better than previously expected. If it weren't for this unexpected change, it may not be possible to achieve something in just twenty or thirty years. According to the situation at that time , your strategy is the correct solution."

Judging from his tone, it was obvious that he had "achieved something"; upon hearing this, Yu Ion also tacitly agreed to this statement and did not refute it.

As for the so-called "accident", it was naturally a chance encounter with Xuanyuan Huai.

Yu Ion smiled lightly, and said: "But in the final analysis, it was you who followed your original wish, improved your supernatural powers, and got the chance to fight Gui Wujiu."

Yu Gucheng shook his head again, and said, "It may not be me who fought against Gui Wujiu."

Yu Ion was slightly surprised when he heard this.

The difference in strategy between the two of them is nothing more than whether Yugu Cheng has succeeded, whether he has acted too hastily, how sure he is and how advanced he is in swordsmanship.Only in this way can we fight against Gui Wugui.

Today, in terms of facts, he did it; but when things came to an end, he said, "It may not be me."

His complexion changed slightly, and Yu ion said: "Could it be that you want to give up this opportunity to me?"

Yu Gucheng frowned slightly, and said: "It may not be you."

After a pause, Yu Gucheng said sadly: "It's not just you and me. At this moment, don't look at these people bustling and enthusiastically, each of them has made up his mind and made many promises. But when it comes to the battle, Yu always has something in his heart. There is an intuition that many people may not be on the field; those who are on the field, their troops and formations are completely different from what they think today."

What kind of opponent to find, everyone who enters the battle at this time has their own thoughts.

In addition, the bet that Li Qinglong found Ma Yuan and Wu Xuanxi found Kong Xuan was also very eye-catching, as if he had already picked his opponent.But Yu Gucheng's current intention seems to have a lot of variables.

May not be able to do so.

Yu ion frowned slightly.

In fact, she also had a glimpse of this insight.But this "sensation" is hazy and elusive.But it's not as good as Yugucheng, who said it clearly at this time.

Yu Ion and Yu Gucheng originally had a long friendship.But in recent years, Yu Ion's attitude has changed slightly, and he has become more polite.

Because the two have the secret method of swordsmanship and practice together, they can share everything they get.

As for the direction of Yu Ion's force, in terms of his own magical powers, he does not specialize in swordsmanship.Therefore, the great gains in this way are all obtained from Yugucheng, and if she is here by herself, it is quite a bit of "getting something for nothing".

The cause and effect of the road is really not small.

It’s just that the progress of the two people’s meritorious deeds in the past was exactly the same; but at this time, Yuzi suddenly realized that after Yugu Cheng’s Taoism went a step further, although there was a relationship of co-cultivation, the two people’s gains were subtle and incomplete. equivalent.

After a moment of silence, Yu ion said: "Just now, Zong Li Dao Zun seems to have left the Dharma boat."

Yu Gucheng said: "The day is coming soon, both sides are powerful in the Dao realm, and they must step on the road to find out the truth. I heard that in the place where the clear and turbid mysterious phenomena appear in the world, we have a special plan."

Yu Ion nodded and said, "It seems to be the method of the Dragon Clan."


The sea of ​​ink is boundless, far and unpredictable, and it is the place where clear and turbid mysteries appear in the world.

Above the water waves, there was a huge and impressive monster floating.

It can be identified at a glance that this seems to be a huge skeleton.The middle ridge winds and twists and turns three times, and its length is more than a hundred feet.And the two wings spread out like "ribs", presenting a completely symmetrical shape, a total of eighteen.

Looking at its shape, it seems to be a "keel".

On top of this thing, the two of them stand in the sky, like a painting hanging in the void, seemingly real but not real, seeming to exist but not to exist, completely different from this vast world.Only people with that level of realm can have such a scene.

The two confront each other.

Dong Xiang is the Taoist priest of the ancestral court of the holy religion.

The person facing west is Daoist Yinzong Yi.

Both of them are the "leaders" of the two sides in the second battle of the clear and turbid mysterious image.

But at this moment, Yi Dao Zun's face was full of undisguised displeasure!

Finally, Yi Daozun said: "You and I, two families, almost divide half of the world equally. How can it be a joke to fight like this? Your method of sudden attack is really useless."

Yi Daoist's displeasure was precisely aimed at this "dragon bone".

The two sides surveyed the place where the pure and turbid mysterious image came into the world in advance, but unexpectedly, the Holy Cult side came up with tricks.

Daoist Zongli was neither happy nor angry, and only said with a smile: "The rules and regulations must be observed by both parties. At that time, the two families agreed that this method of fighting in the auxiliary world should be treated as if both parties have no disagreement, no complaints and no regrets. This The name of the treasure is 'Satisfaction', which is exactly for this purpose."

Yi Daozun heard the words, shook his head again and again, and said: "No matter what means, there is no agreement in advance, and it will be taken out temporarily, it is absolutely impossible."

Daoist Zongli sighed slightly, and said: "When we proposed this method of fighting at the beginning, it was actually a foreshadowing. It's just that this thing is hidden deep in the secret world of the Dragon Clan. It is really uncertain whether it can be taken out in advance. I am dissatisfied with fellow daoist B. It was not until seven days ago that the grand banquet for the practice of my holy religion opened, that the opportunity for this thing to be transferred was decided. People, the descendants of the various families of the Holy Cult Monster Clan, and no one knew in advance."

Yi Daozun's face remained unchanged, and he said: "Let your tongue shine like a lotus flower, and I, the Friends of the Yinzong, will never accompany you."

In the first battle of the pure and turbid Xuanxiang, although the Yinzong side won in the end, the Holy Cult introduced the method of the divine way without anyone noticing, which really scared the gods and the demon kings into a cold sweat.Fortunately, Lai Gui Wujiu, Qin Menglin and others turned the tide, and luckily survived.

Yi Daozun never dared to underestimate the profound heritage of the holy religion.

Zongli Taoist said unhurriedly: "If we have a plan, it will be seamlessly arranged. It is absolutely impossible to be so abrupt, isn't it? Ming people don't say dark words. At this time, my holy religion is dealing with two ends. , has its own importance. In fact, speaking of arrogance, it is just a way of taking offense as defense. With this treasure, I just seek peace of mind."

Yi Daozun's eyes moved slightly, and he said immediately: "It's not unusual to be false or true. It's because your teaching broke the rules first."

Daoist Zong Li chuckled, and said, "It's useless to babble here. You and I will try it out and we'll see."

As soon as the words fell, Zong Li Dao Zun went to stand on the first "rib" on the side of the keel.

Yi Daozun's mind moved slightly, and his body fell like rainbow smoke, and he stood in a position that was symmetrical to Zongli Daozun.

Although this thing is a bit mysterious, but the depth of the roots, he can roughly see it clearly, and it is definitely not possible to plot against a great power in the Dao realm.

After settling down, Daoist Yi felt a vague thought in his heart.

No, it's not "excessive", but excavated.

This thought was hidden in the depths of my mind, if there was nothing, it was obviously suppressed by my own Taoism cultivation base; it was not until this time that I saw the light of day again.

Secretly used several preparatory methods, Taoist Yi let go of his mind, and carried forward this idea like lighting a candle.

Finally, a thought is so clear——

The man on the opposite side, the Holy Pope and Daoist Master, possesses different Taoism skills than ordinary people, and he has unforeseen achievements.If it is a life and death fight, it is very likely that I am a little bit worse.

This idea is calm and clear, it originates from the heart, and it excludes all cover-ups and smears of acquired cultivation and qi-nourishing skills. It is by no means any illusion, it is the most real.

(End of this chapter)

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