Chapter 846
In less than ten days, the direct descendants of the two parties, who are about to enter the battle, have all arrived.

In the first battle between the pure and the turbid Xuanxiang, the two sides had already established a fortress.This time, however, the second battle between the clear and the turbid mysterious images showed an uncharacteristic demeanor, showing a more relaxed and calm attitude.

There are more than a hundred people on each side, but hastily set up the foundation, two or three rows across, facing each other.The "array" set up is nothing more than a map on the ground and an "umbrella" suspended in the air.Not only that, the distance between the two sides is only twenty or thirty miles away.With the ears and eyesight of a cultivator, they almost meet each other in twos, completely ignoring the truth.

Naturally, the tightness is so appropriate, and it is also because the standard of the people holding the formation has been improved, and it is the two people who came to rob the Taoist priest in person.

As far as the Yinzong is concerned, this formation looks ordinary, but in fact it hides the methods set up by the head of the Misty Sect Dongfang, which can be said to be foolproof.

Gui Wujiu stood in the formation, overlooking at a glance, the best of his subordinates, the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong.

On the other side of the holy religion, there are many new faces, which can be seen at a glance.Apart from Yugucheng and Yuzi, Xi Lerongguo was in the formation.In addition, there is another glimpse of a man and a woman, their looks and demeanor are very similar, and their meritorious deeds are extremely extraordinary.

That man is obviously better than Yugucheng and Yuzi, let's not mention it for now, but he is obviously not inferior to Xi Lerong.According to Zu Gaocen's words, there are as many as four top figures in the holy religion, which is absolutely true.

Although the woman is a bit weaker, her aura is refined and harmonious, and she may not be inferior to Wei Qingqi, Mu Yunli and others.

In addition, Lin Yi from the Kirin clan who had a feud with him, and the monk from the Thirty-one Ming Yao clan who had seen his true face in the thirty-six sub-pictures but had never negotiated with him, appeared in the opponent's camp majestically.

Not far away, Jiang Minyi, Yamashiro Hiroshi, Du Niansha, Ning Suchen and others were discussing in low voices. The person they discussed was the "keel" between the two camps.

Among them, Gui Wugui has already known all the subtleties.

Daoist Yi conveyed the crossing with divine will, and first informed Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin.

Daoist Yi himself, still above the blue sky, confronted Zongli Daozun, obviously they had not yet reached an agreement.

Gui Wugui's mind is floating and captures two interesting details.

One of them, the group of people from the Holy Cult opposite, was also very interested in this "dragon bone" - a treasure named "Satisfaction".It seems that what the Zong Li Dao Zun said is indeed true and credible.Even the direct lineage of the Holy Cult who is about to fight does not know the details of this thing.

This incident was not only a sudden attack for Yinzong, but also a new trick for his own family.

But there is another thing that Gui Wugui really cares about.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was twenty or thirty miles.And those who are about to enter the battle have not hidden their heads and showed their tails.The helping hands from the Nine Sects, Mu Yunli, Du Niansha, Ning Suchen, Han Taikang, Wen Jinyuan, and others are very personable, especially confident and magnanimous.At this time, he stood in front without hesitation, watching the situation.

What is amazing is the attitude of the other party.

It seems that the descendants of the Holy Cult and its allies are no strangers to the sudden addition of new troops; although they are curious to examine, they take it more calmly.If we only use reasons such as "stopping with static" and "the city is deep and strict", it is absolutely difficult to evade it.

Gui Wugui not only has sharp eyesight, but also has advanced the practice of sword heart, the sensitivity is so subtle that it is unpredictable, and he can see many clues.

It can be seen that the more than ten strongest opponents, although their eyes are also scrutinizing the new recruits of the Nine Sects, the focus of them is obviously more on Mu Yunli, Du Niansha, Ning Suchen, Han Taikang, You Caixin On five people.However, people like Wen Jinyuan and Misty Sect received less attention.

Of course, it can be said that the first few people are stronger, and it is natural to attract attention.It seems not unusual for people with the most exquisite Taoism, such as Yugucheng and Yuzi, to have such eyesight; but Gui Wugui can conclude that Yu Jing of the Yuan Crocodile Clan has a cultivation level that is quite outstanding.But it is absolutely difficult to tell how big the gap is between Han Taikang, You Caixin and Wen Jinyuan.

But the importance of his heart is no different from others.

In addition, Gui Wugui also clearly felt——

Mr. Li, the first descendant of the Holy Cult, is especially concerned about Du Niansha and Ning Suchen, and his attention is even more focused on Mu Minli, who has a deep demeanor and more refined skills.

Naturally, this is not because Du and Ning are graceful, beautiful and delicious.

Gui Wujiu immediately thinks that in the thirty-six sub-maps, Mr. Li is ranked [-]th; while Du Niansha and Ning Suchen are ranked [-]th and [-]th respectively.

It seems that this matter, as the secret of the Yinzong side, has been maintained for one or two hundred years, and it has finally become a situation where the enemy and we all share.

While thinking about it, Qin Menglin silently leaned forward.

Gui Wugui immediately felt something in his heart, and said: "Is there something wrong?"

Qin Menglin said: "Although the two Taoists are still discussing, Menglin believes that it is imperative to use this method to fight against each other."

"Once there are more of these things, the pre-conceived confrontation situation may not necessarily remain the same."

Gui Wugui was surprised to hear this.

His sword heart is clear and decisive, and he has tended to the subtle state.Such a feeling was born just now.Those who can get this thought, he thinks that he is the only one.Unexpectedly, Qin Menglin also had similar opinions.

The two of them had a tacit understanding, there was no need to say anything, Qin Menglin knew that it was Wugui's intention.Then he said with a smile: "Don't underestimate people. After all, Menglin is in the game."

Gui Wugui suddenly heard the words.

He doesn't participate in the battle of the auxiliary world, so it is difficult and difficult to feel the sword's heart, to be transparent and obedient; but what Qin Menglin senses is his own personal and powerful relationship, so the threshold is naturally lower.


When Qin Menglin said these words, it meant that the original opponent might change.

Gui Wugui participated in the battle of the main world, and the opponent in the auxiliary world had four strongest fighters including Yu Ion, so it could be said that he had a relative advantage.Originally, it was intended to be blameless, but it would not be appropriate to let all these four games go.In the end we must try our best to fight.

Yinran is the strongest jade ion among the four, and Qin Menglin will take over without hesitation; as for Xi Lerong and the others, if they have not improved in their Taoism, Wei Qingqi and Mu Yunli's current cultivation bases are enough to deal with them.If this step can also be fulfilled, the rest of Jiang Minyi, Xun Shen, Wen Jinyuan and others are all existences whose actual combat capabilities far exceed their "ranking".Encountering an opponent who seems to have similar skills, in fact, the chances of winning are great.

Ten thousand feet above the sky.

Zong Li Dao Zun felt a little ironic in his heart.

In fact, what he said was true. In response to the pressure of the Red Charm Ancestor on the northern border, the battlefield of the battle between the turbid and pure elephants, he advocated not to be too troublesome, and acted according to the rules. The treasure "Satisfaction" was actually used to guard against the Yinzong side, using some unexpected means.

But maybe it was because of the prestige of the holy religion, or the last round of the turbid and turbid Xuanxiang battle, the magic tricks of the mysterious soldiers left a deep impression on Yinzong, so that today's Daoist Yi seems a little too cautious up.

With the mighty venerable of the Dao realm, with a clear mind and unimpeded fun, what else can you worry about?

But the more this is the case, the more careful Zong Li Dao Zun must be, and it is even more impossible to make concessions.In case the Yinzong side really has some secret plan, the other side's seemingly hesitant attitude at this time is actually a deliberate affectation of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.This one has to be guarded against.

Daoist Yi frowned.

All the expressions of the descendants of the Holy Cult fell into his eyes.Zong Li Dao Zun seems to be right, this "satisfaction" does not seem to be a hidden conspiracy.But it's a big deal, and teaching him to give in to the opponent's surprise attack is not a decision that can be made happily.

At this time, Zong Li Dao Zun also had a panoramic view of the people on the Yinzong side who were actively preparing for the battle.Suddenly there was a movement in my heart, an idea came up, and I said seriously: "Friend Daoist Yi..."

After a quarter of an hour.

Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin were discussing the subtleties, when suddenly the lights intertwined in front of them, forming a single character.

Taking a closer look, Daoist Yi landed nearby.

Yi Daozun glanced at Qin Menglin, his expression moved slightly, he was quite hesitant, as if he was organizing his words.

Qin Menglin smiled slightly, and said frankly: "I already know what Daoist means. Let me do it first."

As soon as the words fell, Qin Menglin didn't hesitate, raised his light and landed on the first rib on the left side of "Satisfaction".

Although the Yin-Yang Dao chose the Yinzong side in the end, it constituted a hostile relationship with the Holy Cult in principle.But after all, the Lord of Yin and Yang has a lot of personal relationships with Xiandao and Ying Yuan.Moreover, the Yin-Yang Taoist himself is one of the few resident powers in the world.Therefore, in terms of attitude towards Qin Menglin, the Holy Cult side may not be afraid or shrink back; but it must be an obvious means.

No matter how unwise, he would definitely not dare to use cold arrows outside the rules.

Besides, Qin Menglin, as the next yin and yang master, possesses a secret treasure that can tell good and bad omens.This point, both sides are vaguely aware of the powerful.

Therefore, it is most suitable for her to take over the role of "pathfinder".

The descendants of the Holy Cult immediately went into an uproar upon seeing this.

The pure and turbid Xuanxiang came to the world after three days.

At this time, Li Yunlong has made two or three explanations about the origin of "Satisfaction".Although everyone praised this thing very much, but it was similar to a sudden attack, Yinzong might not buy it.At this moment, Zong Li Dao Zun and Yi Dao Zun have been entangled for a long time, and the failure to make a decision is a clear proof.

Unexpectedly, the opponent was so forthright, the person who entered the battle in the first battle showed up without hesitation, and he didn't hide it. Once he made a move, he was one of the opponent's strongest combat power.

Yu Gucheng, who was standing beside Yu Ion, suddenly frowned, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a strange smile.

During this period of time, he has made a clear decision, and always feels that his opponent may not be blameless.At first it was just a vague idea, but as time went by, it became more apparent and I believed it.But who is the opponent he is destined to be, but it is difficult to decide.

At this moment, the gloom in Yu Gucheng's heart disappeared.

Turning around, nodding slightly at Yu Ion, Yu Gucheng escaped and landed on the "rib" opposite Qin Menglin!
(End of this chapter)

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