Nothing is to blame

Chapter 871: The Argumentative Game of the System

Chapter 871: The Argumentative Game of the System
The reason is easy to figure out.

The weight of each main realm is equivalent to a quarter of the weight of the entire battle between the clear and turbid Xuanxiang. Whether it is the hidden sect or the holy religion, they will do their best to win under the premise of their ability, so as not to be easily intimidated by the opponent's name. It's down, it's inevitable.

Therefore, those who send out the battle formation will never be weak, and must be outstanding figures in the near-dao realm.

But for such a character, it is absolutely difficult to make him sacrifice his life, or even become two people at once.If you can win by sacrificing the lives of two people, that's fine; if it's just a draw, it's not worth it.

But that's exactly what the holy religion did.

Naturally, it also has a prayer.At the beginning of his entry into the battle, it may not be certain that he will die.It can be seen that Ji and Xu are quite dependent on Xu Yuande's "God Dance in the Courtyard" method.In fact, it may not be that there is a lot of thought in my heart, and I don't have to go to the last step, and this technique alone can maintain a tie.

If it wasn't for Xuxian Shangzhen's hole card of being able to advance to the breaking point at any time, if he was replaced by another person with the same strength, he would have to teach him to succeed.

Master Xu Xian pondered for a while, and said: "Although this Ji Bingyan's skills are extraordinary, it seems that his life expectancy is approaching; and that cultivator of the divine way, Xu Yuande, seems to have lost his opportunity to make progress, so he embarked on this path. It is quite a coincidence that there are two people who dare to sacrifice their lives but have great merits."

The Demon King Kongxiu bowed his head in thought, but at this moment he shook his head and said: "No. Although we have not lost the wind in Taoism this time, what happened today is still because the holy religion has demonstrated its foundation...or in other words, it is because of its system. unique advantages."

Xu Xian Shangzhen raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked in surprise, "How do you say?"

The Demon King Kongxiu said with a smile: "The four of us entered the battle, so it goes without saying that they are not to blame. They are the ones who will determine the overall situation in the future, and their weight is still higher than that of one person who robs the Daoist; Naturally, the opportunity of the realm can't be easily compromised. But although I, Kong Xiu and the Gongpan Yin of the Chimei Clan, although I have a reputation, the weight is not as good as it is."

"Relying on that secret technique, Gui Wujiu's short-range combat power is hardly inferior to fellow Taoist Xu Xian. Do you think there is such a possibility—to face the enemy, and you are in the same place as fellow Daoist Gui Wujiu?" For a while, you should be able to win a victory; and Kongmou and Gongpan Yin Daoyou will stay together for a while."

"Needless to say, Daoist Gongpan Yin seems to be slightly weaker than the three of us. We may not be able to win in this round. But we can carry this 'wasted mud pill' with us in this round."

"In this way, Fellow Daoist Xu Xian will definitely not lose in this round; and Fellow Daoist Kong Xiu and Gongpan Yin may have a relatively high chance of winning in this round, but if there is any disharmony in the face of a strong enemy, it will be this' It's time for the wasted Niwan to show its power."

Master Xu Xian was really surprised and said: "Fellow Taoist Kong Xiu is joking."

How famous is the "King of Prestige" of the peacock clan?If you don't use the ancestral background of the peacock clan, even the patriarch Kong Wu is no match for him, and he can be called the number one figure among the demon kings of the peacock clan.

Compared with Kong Xiu, Gongpan Yin's prestige was not obvious in the past.But that was all in the past; now that this person has surfaced, after the battle of Qingzhuo Xuanxiang, he is bound to become an important figure of the Red Mei Clan.

How could it be so easy for the top figures of the Peacock and Chimei clans to be destroyed so easily?
Just to secure at most a tie?

The Demon King Kongxiu shook his head again and again, and said, "Naturally not in the current situation."

After a short pause, the Demon King Kongxiu said meaningfully: "If Kongxiu and Gongpanyin are not from the Peacock and Chimei clans, but are monks from the Yin sect, do you think this proposal is feasible? "

Xu Xianshangzhen's complexion changed slightly, as if he had figured out the context of what Kong Xiu Demon King said.

After pondering for a long time, he finally said: "Naturally, this action must be done willingly by the people involved, and there is absolutely no reason to force it. But with the hidden sect's regulations, even if I have no objection, I'm afraid it's still difficult."

This is what the demon king Kongxiu meant.

Under the Holy Cult, Ji Bingyan and Xu Yuande have the ambition to die. Although there are factors of coincidence, they are inseparable from the arbitrary authority of the Holy Cult.

Changing places, if such a situation occurs in the Yinzong, the situation is much more complicated.

It should be known that Yinzong is a union of one hundred sects.With meritorious deeds reaching the stage of Kong Xiu and Gong Pan Yin, they are bound to be the pillars of their sect.Even if he himself has no fear of life and death, he still has to consider the success or failure of the sect behind him.

The situation in front of me is just a small reminder.In the future, if the contradictions are deep and the situation evolves, it will be difficult to say.

If the two sides want you to fight to the death, then naturally there is nothing to mention, and they can only do their best, regardless of gains and losses; but if the intensity of the battle is between superficial and life-and-death, then it is very delicate.Yinzong's manpower mobilization and dispatching is bound to be a big constraint compared with the holy religion.

Xu Xian Shangzhen looked at the Kongxiu Demon King in surprise.This person is famous for being brave and straightforward, but he didn't think that he was deeply thoughtful and had such insight.

The reorganization of the Yinzong "Alliance" is imperative.But if we act on the original basis, no matter how to start, even if someone robs Dao Zun to come forward, I'm afraid it will be difficult to satisfy everyone.The best strategy is to wait for Gui Wujiu to advance to the Near Dao Realm, and draw down the regulations with Gui Wujiu as the core.

This is a big matter, and the two agreed that after they left the battle, they would report this opinion to the Taoist venerables and start to establish a system.

The two discussed for a while, and the demon king of Kongxiu sighed: "This is just a whim. Now you and I are talking here. But I don't know the outcome of the second battle between the clear and turbid black elephants."

Xu Xian Shangzhen smiled and said: "In the battle of returning to no blame, we will definitely not lose. As for the sixteen auxiliary worlds, we have a great chance of winning."

The Demon King Kongxiu nodded slowly.

However, the discussion between the two was over, but they did not leave in a hurry.

The outcome of a world is a matter of great importance.

Although both the Yinzong and the Shengjiao are powerful in the Taoist realm, they have all concluded that the method of "wasting mud pills" is very effective; but this is just a deduction after all.Even if you know that the probability is nine out of ten, you must not blindly follow it.If the chance of victory slips away, it will be a big joke!

The two each found something that looked like "catkins" on the ground, and used various methods to try to refine it.After three hours like this, it was confirmed that it could not be easily extracted, so they joined hands to go out.


The battle between Qin Menglin and Yu Gucheng.

The scene in front of me can only be described by the four words "clear, beautiful and peaceful".

The celestial phenomena, the terrain, the mountains and rivers, and the vegetation have not been damaged in the slightest; and Qin Menglin and Yu Gucheng are standing with their hands behind their hands, with a leisurely demeanor, as if they haven't broken a sweat.

The images of supernatural powers are intertwined in the sky, showing two colors, giving people a strange impression.

One of the images is white and transparent, without any variegated colors; but it is three points more intense than the half-moon flower; the clear light is gathered, and it is full of grip.

At first glance, it looks like a swimming fish; but if it is a swimming fish, its edges and corners are not as moist and smooth as this.It's hard to describe, but it looks like an egg; it's just squeezed more "flat".

This pure white "flat egg" was floating in the air, extremely agile.The trajectory of its movement is not only unpredictable in the east and west, but also can vaguely grasp its general trajectory through afterimages and afterimages; it seems to be in a space shifting method and the most brilliant way to find a solution. Between escape techniques.

This "flat egg", logically speaking, has nothing to do with the word "sword" in any case; but as long as you have a little foundation in Taoism, even if it's just a foundation building or a golden core realm, you will be sincerely convinced when you see this scene-this It is a swordsmanship supernatural power.

Its shape and meaning are not like a sword.

It's Yugucheng. To be precise, the relationship between Yugucheng and this thing is a clear sword heart and sword intent!

However, at this time, the manipulation of this thing is not guided by the sword art, but a faint white light shining from Yugucheng's forehead, which is also considered unique.

Naturally, it is not an easy way to fight against this "egg".

It is dense and extensive, and thousands of swords gather to form a momentum.


What is not a sword is a sword; what looks like a sword is not a sword.

Yu Gucheng's "flat egg" supernatural powers are not swords in appearance, but it is the way of swords at a glance; while the means used by Qin Menglin seem to be swords in appearance, but it is also not difficult to see through. The so-called "sword" "Shape" is just a prop, not worth mentioning; what is really powerful is the subtle changes in the connection of ten thousand swords, which accumulate into momentum.

The spiral of ten thousand swords vaguely returns to one point in the endless changes...

The scene in front of me, if you don't see it yourself, it is extremely difficult to describe it in words.

It is barely a metaphor, one piece, one piece, one drop... It seems to be like the action of a fisherman casting a net.

Qin Menglin's divine channel technique seems to be exhausting the process of "casting the net" infinitely.

When the Ruwan Sword Intent strikes straight, the divergent sword net automatically retreats like a tide, giving way to a shallow "channel"; but its evasive momentum immediately reverses, immediately forming a stronger counterattack, as if to Spread the net from this other direction, and capture and restrain that pill of sword intent.

Naturally, at this moment, that pill of sword intent could also move at any time, looking for an opportunity to jump out of the cage and regain the initiative...

So repeated upside down, again and again.

If one's skills are not pure, watching this battle, one will only feel that it is extremely "graceful"; but it is hard to say what is so wonderful.However, if one's meritorious deeds reached perfection, like Mu Yunli and Wei Qingqi's generation, if they saw this battle in person, they might not be very satisfied.

Yu Gucheng's swordsmanship, although the real power and subtlety cannot be seen through at a glance.However, it is recognizable that it adheres to the spirit of directing the heart and directing the front line.Such supernatural powers, as long as they are integrated into the five senses of the opponent's mind, they will be hit with one blow, without beginning or end.

Qin Menglin's sword and net skills are not far behind.

Although this kind of supernatural power has become popular, the target hit by this "net" has already been anchored by the infinite calculation path in the moment of opening the net.

In other words, the two supernatural powers are the best way to defeat the enemy with one blow.

Now these two people are going straight, just like a game, let the two supernatural powers perform the scene of flying birds chasing each other in the sky, I don't know what they want to do?

(End of this chapter)

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