Chapter 872
Qin Menglin and Yu Gucheng seemed to be slightly startled, and retreated from a very strange state.

Qin Menglin whispered: "How long has this competition lasted?"

Yu Gucheng seemed to show a rare trace of hesitation on his face, and said, "Five or six hours? No more than one or two days at most?"

The luster in Qin Menglin's eyes moved slightly, and he said: "I think the other big and small realms have already been decided."

Yu Gucheng was in a trance for a moment, and said: "The dispute between the clear and turbid Xuan Xiang?"

The origin of this competition is naturally the dispute between the pure and the dark, but at this moment, Yu Gucheng seems to have forgotten it, and is immersed in the competition between him and Qin Menglin.

This round seems to be the key battle that determines the ups and downs of witchcraft, yin and yang, and luck. Once immersed in it, it seems that even the original meaning of clear and turbid mysteries gradually fades away.

Qin Menglin turned his head slightly, looked around carefully, and said, "Maybe it's only been a quarter of an hour, and I don't know." But in his tone, he seemed uncertain.

Yu Gucheng took a deep breath and said, "Shouldn't that be the case?"

The same tone of uncertainty.

Dao Xing has reached the step of Qin Menglin and Yu Gucheng, whether it is walking, walking, lying down, or standing still, they have an extremely precise grasp of the passage of time.At this moment, the two of them also showed hesitation, which shows the beauty of this battle just now.

Qin Menglin said leisurely: "Life is like a dream, regardless of the distance. It's time to decide the outcome."

Yu Gucheng still seemed to have three points of interest, hearing the words, he said with emotion: "You and I are the direct successors of Yin-Yang Dao and Wu Dao, and we are destined opponents. But in this fight that is not a 'fighting method' just now, it is probably you and me The only moment in this life between the two can be called the time of 'friends'. It's a pity that the time is too short, and the dead are hard to recover."

Qin Menglin didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

In today's battle, after the two met each other, they immediately found that each other had made a major breakthrough in Taoism.

In fact, both of them have the same mind. If the opponent's divine channeling technique is still just tinkering with the old pattern, then in today's battle, he is bound to win quite easily.But the two vaguely felt that things would not be so simple.

Once they met each other, neither of them was disappointed.

Qin Menglin got the revelation from Xuanyuan Huai, and found out that there was a big sect hidden behind the "Spiritual Eye".In just a few tens of years, a gap was indeed found, and an extraordinary breakthrough was made in this way.And that spiritual eye has also changed from a killer move hidden in the dark to one's own basic Taoism, and its auxiliary means have also returned to the original, hiding it in the space depression created by "regressive balance".

Once the enemy's body is locked, the subtlety of the calculation is like a tidal wave, far exceeding the limit of the force of the gods, abandoning all secondary paths, and going straight to the end of the opponent's defeat. The subtlety is that it is hidden The confluence of the Dao of deduction and the transfer of advantages and disadvantages in Yin and Yang Dao is so powerful that it seems inconceivable.

Even if the calculation is wrong, this supernatural power will not fail, but turn around in time and start all over again.

This means that even if Gui Wujiu's ingenious method of infinitely dividing the thirty-six breaths of the previous knowledge, when facing Qin Menglin's method, he has to do his best to deal with it, and has to face its offensive that comes and goes like a tide.

Yugucheng's method is also extraordinary.

His swordsmanship supernatural power really broke the shackles of the three "Kong Yun San Nerve", and he won a single sword, which is called "Second Sword".

This sword heart seal is opposite, only taking the truth, but this sword alone has no lethality.

But the person who is hit by the sword will be affected by a subtle influence——

Within three days and nights, if Yugucheng makes another move against this person, no matter what kind of move it is, whether it is swordsmanship supernatural power, or shamanism, in the eyes of the opponent, this move will be subtly changed into the "second sword" shape.

It seems to be an illusion.

Actually not.Among them, the subtle truth and the direct acquisition of the mind seal are obviously superior to the illusion techniques that penetrate the five senses and six consciousnesses.

Since you can't see the opponent's real moves, you can't deal with them in a targeted manner.As long as Yu Gucheng conceives a little bit of means in the next magical power, it will not be difficult to win.

A person's path has a unique context to be found, and it is absolutely impossible to go up the house and pull the ladder.The Taoism of Yugucheng is deeply influenced by the Tao of "one sword breaks all dharmas".Although later he was categorically aware of the limitations and boundaries of this technique, inspired by Xuanyuan Huai, he took a crucial step.But whether it is transcendence or sublation, it is impossible to completely negate the previous Taoism.

Although this "second sword" breaks the shackles and understands the principle of "swordsmanship is ideal", but after careful scrutiny, there are still obvious traces of the sealing technique of "one sword breaks all methods" in terms of its cost arrangement, which is just a coincidence. That's all.

From the outsiders' point of view, this battle has not been decided for a long time. It is as if Qin and Yu are facing each other and fighting hard; but no one knows. Compared with the battle between Yu Jing and Lu Chengwen, the winner was decided much faster!

After Yu Gucheng and Qin Menglin met, they also decided to use basic Taoism to decide the winner in one go.

But after revealing their methods, they immediately noticed a strange thing——

When Qin Menglin and Yu Gucheng each used the Yin-Yang Tianyan method and the second sword, they only needed to complete the step of "facing the heart seal". The sharp collision of the needle tip against the wheat awns, instead, it keeps disintegrating and transforming, from complex to simple, from fine to rough.Saying "Rutang Woxue" still seems superficial; it seems like an instrument with complicated parts, the mechanical parts of which are constantly peeling off and returning to its original state.

Both of them were taken aback at first, thinking that their own Taoism was just restrained by the opponent's means.But immediately realized that the situations they encountered were generally the same.

Moments later, even more wonderful feelings emerged in the hearts of both of them.

Not only the most important four words obtained from Taoism and considerateness naturally emerged in each other's hearts, but even the other party's heart was clearly understood.

In an instant, they reached the state of knowing each other's minds.

When Qin Menglin was practicing the Dao of Calculations, at the moment when he finally leapt to sublimation and reached a very deep state, he naturally understood the four words in his heart. The purpose of this Taoism lies in the four words "only truth and reason".

At that moment, in Qin Menglin's heart, the words "only truth and reason" naturally emerged and flowed in his heart.

However, Yugu took advantage of Tongming's swordsmanship, and what he got was another four words: only consciousness and only heart.

Just at that moment.

In Qin Menglin's mind, he knew that the words "only truth and reason" appeared in his mind, and he also knew that the words "only knowledge and only mind" appeared in Yu Gucheng's mind; Apart from words, he also naturally knew that Qin Menglin's heart showed that it was "realism and reason".

The beauty of it is beyond words.

Both of their income belong to the real stream.

If at this time Xuanyuan Huai and Qin Menglin are fighting with the Dao of calculus; or Xuanyuan Huai, Gui Wujiu and Yu Gu are fighting with the Dao of swordsmanship, as long as they are not in a hurry to decide the outcome, there is no need to deliberately hold back. Then it is almost inevitable that this battle will present a feast of strange flowers and splendid feasts for three to five hours.

And at that moment, Qin Menglin and Yu Gucheng realized in their hearts——

These two different "true streams" are like deadly rivals, never meeting each other.

Once they meet each other, they will disintegrate into a strange and majestic vast turbid current, and then the winner will be determined with one blow, and there is no room for change!
This is the wonder of good fortune; it is also the connection between the two great avenues.

So there was a tacit understanding between the two of them——

Don't be desperate just yet.And restricting the scale, keeping away from oneself, and using the magic way to fight and change, it can also help the two have a deeper understanding of their respective methods.

Although there are extraordinary figures such as Gui Wugui and Yu Ion beside the two of them.But when supernatural powers are born, they all have the edge of the first test.In order to maintain this vigor, the two of them did not demonstrate the practice.It's the right time to meet today.

This is the reason why the two kinds of Taoism are clearly very sharp and direct, but they evade their fundamental usage, seek distance from near, and chase each other in the void.

Yu Gucheng said that this is the only time in their lives that can be called "friends", and this is the reason.

Now, both of them have mastered their supernatural powers.

It's time to score the winner.

Even if they are very outstanding in the world, the eyes of the two are full of solemnity.

Qin Menglin was pointing parallel to the sky, with his left arm hanging horizontally.

Three feet above her head, a half-empty and half-solid disk loomed, only the size of a palm.If you have a good understanding of Qin Menglin's Taoism, you will be able to recognize that it is a "regression balance" technique.It's just that this technique is so small and exquisite, which is quite surprising.

Inside this "disk", the eyes of the gods cannot be glimpsed, only chaotic patterns can be vaguely seen, forming an unusually complicated and strange pattern.Obviously, this is not just for the purpose of concealing people's eyes and ears, but also for the benefit of Taoism.

Zhang Xu before Yuanpan, it can be vaguely seen that the net is dense and varied.

Yu Gucheng's posture became more and more simple.Pointing and closing the five fingers, bluffing the situation, the forehead suddenly appeared abnormally bright.

It looks flat and round, bright and shining, but it is more than twice as big as an "egg"!
Simultaneously launch.

Don't give up an inch of ground, and fight for the edge.

Then, before contact is formed, it collapses into its shape.

The elliptical sword intent issued by Yugucheng suddenly became bumpy, as if it was pecked by thousands of birds, and it became a big loss in no time.

And Qin Menglin's "dense image" is no exception, like a dilapidated umbrella stretched to the maximum, and then the bones keep breaking and collapsing; then repeat this process, continue to open, break, and collapse Scatter...

No more than three breaths at most, the two extremely sublime supernatural powers and profound phenomena, without direct contact, have already collapsed into two clumsy and primitive auras.

But what is puzzling is that the power contained in these two groups of energy does not seem to be lost by the disintegration of the two magical powers.

It surged, irresistible.

The two air mechanisms both had an aura of only attacking but not defending, which could not be resisted by supernatural powers. They completely submerged Yu Gucheng and Qin Menglin...

(End of this chapter)

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