Chapter 897
"You change quickly."

"This is a matter of course. With the scale of the equipment, the possibility of making it is very high."

"But the benefits he has gained are immeasurable."

"My achievement is no less than his; no, to be precise, the achievement of Chenyang Sword Mountain is higher than his. Therefore, this move is a forehand."

The middle-aged man with short hair and Xuanyuan Huai asked and answered each other.

After each moved a piece on the chessboard, the middle-aged man with short hair said: "If you really find the answer to the seven conjectures I made today, which one will be fulfilled?"

The forward push cannot be exhausted; the reverse push cannot be exhausted.

For this point, middle-aged people with short hair are more than just conjectures.

The way of supernatural powers, the way of swordsmanship is the purest.Even if the pure three-question deduction method can't cover it all, but combining multiple judgments and judgments, it can be summed up after all, not vice versa.

It's just that Chenyang Jianshan hasn't done it yet.

The assertion that Chenyang Jianshan's eight meridians are incomplete in the way of swordsmanship is actually a conclusive conclusion; but what kind of model the real "Complete Swordsmanship" will be, the middle-aged man with short hair also has extremely deep thinking.

There are seven categories he attributes.

Xuanyuan Huai replied: "I think the one that is most similar to reality is the method of 'four stages of yin and yang'; or in other words, it is most appropriate to introduce the two characters of "virtual and real" in the name of the theory, eight to sixteen."

The short-haired middle-aged man pondered: "I think so too. The theory is precise, and this hypothesis is the most perfect and perfect, and it is difficult to find a flaw. But there is an unsolvable contradiction, that is, the Chengdao Carrying De Juntian Sword. If this If it is true, even if the swordsmanship and supernatural powers of other sects rise, my Chenyang Sword Mountain should occupy half of the country."

"But in fact, no blame, his little apprentice, Wu Dao Yugu Cheng. After successively establishing the way of swordsmanship, in the Great Heaven Sword, my eight-meridian swordsmanship has already retreated to less than half."

Xuanyuan Huai thought for a while and said, "Perhaps today, there will be a result."

In the Golden Palace.

Gui Wujiu carefully inspected the eight qi machines, observed for a long time, and sighed: "Your faction has such a big appetite. Please forgive Gui Wujiu for being helpless."

It is clear to see no blame.

If it is just a character who does not enter the level of thirty-six sub-levels, in terms of seven steps and eight ranks, it should be at least three steps away.It is easy to fight against such characters, let alone one against eight, even eighty.

But the eight people in front of them are different.

Among the eight people in front of them, it was obvious that one majored in a certain kind of swordsmanship.

Among these eight people, if two people are randomly selected and joined forces to fight against the enemy, the effect may not be very good; but if two people are riveting opposite each other in terms of sword skills, the situation will be completely different.

The so-called "riveting" refers to the choice of the three kinds of swordsmanship, none of which are the same.

For example, the choice of "Yang Yang Yang" is a sword;

The choice of "yin and yin" is the sword of the heart;

The two are riveting.

It is also like the phantom sword of "Yin Yin Yang" and the absolute sword of "Yin Yang Yin".

There are eight kinds of kendo, which can be divided into four groups according to this example:

Miaojian Tianjian; Empty Sword Killing Sword; Illusory Sword Absolute Sword; Transforming Sword Heart Sword.

If this method is followed, the two of them will work together to have an incredible effect.

Blameless calculations are clear, each group of corresponding "riveting" join forces, and its combat power is almost improved by three ranks.In other words, what stands in front of us is not counted by individual; it is better to say it is "four groups" than "eight people".If the combat power of each group is to be accurately measured, it is roughly equivalent to a Nascent Soul cultivator in a perfect state.

The connection and complementarity of this method is no less than that of Du Niansha and Ning Suchen.

The realm of perfection, the limit of blamelessness, can only achieve one against two at most.

Sure enough, Pu Fang Yu Shangzhen shook his head slightly, and immediately said: "Nephew Wu Jiu must fight one against eight; one against four."

"Nephew Xuanyuan went deep into the mainland this time, and indeed met several heroes. However, Nephew Xuanyuan thought that if one fights four, there should be four or five people in this world; but if one can fight four, win Among those who exceed four, besides himself, there is only Wujiu nephew and nephew."

"If Martial Nephew Wu Jiu outperforms the four of them with his magical sword skills, it will be considered a pass. In exchange for this, I, Chenyang Sword Mountain, will help and protect the foundation once."

Gui Wujiu smiled lightly, and said, "Shangzhen really thinks highly of Gui."

Pu Fangyu Shangzhen here, the previous sentence is roughly fair, Gui Wugui believes that this is indeed Xuanyuan Huai's judgment.

In terms of mana, state, and foundation, the level of the first six people is actually very little different from the state of perfection.The reason why he was able to use one-on-two was actually relying on a little inspiration to do things that couldn't be done.If it was Yu Gucheng and Xi Lerong decades ago, they would at most use a limit-breaking blow to defeat one of them, and then end up in a miserable situation.It was not until there was another breakthrough in Taoism in recent years that the situation could be held.

Even today's Qin Menglin may have a three-point chance of winning against the two of them; but it is not certain that he will win.

Only Xuanyuan Huai and Gui Wugui, with one against two, are sure to win the battle.

But in the second half of Pu Fangyu's words, Gui Wujiu had another problem.

"Outperform four people with divine swordsmanship", the divine swordsmanship really limits the range of methods for imputation.

It is a matter of course to say that Xuanyuan Huai's supernatural powers are all in the eight-meridian swordsmanship; but it is not the case for Gui Wujiu.

If Gui Wugui wants to outperform the two Consummation Realms, he must skillfully use "others and me" to control an external environment that can be used to win.The four classics of the Demon Gate, especially the method of knowing the thirty-six breaths, are also inevitable.If you just use swordsmanship, you may not dare to say that you will win.

Pu Fangyu really seemed to have a deep meaning and said: "Try it, maybe it will be of great benefit."

This time Gui Wugui did not evade, he thought for a while and said: "Okay. Then give it a try."

Tianzun Zhu Yongchen stretched out his hand a little.

The space was reversed, and Gui Wujiu and four of the eight people appeared on the top of a mountain.

All of you, Shangzhen, are fighting outside ten miles away.

Those four people did not greet Gui Wugui either.One of them just shot directly.

Pointing back, a sword intent.

This swordsmanship supernatural power... is very ordinary.

If we use food as an example, if the various methods in the second battle of the clear and turbid Xuanxiang are big fish and meat, delicacies from mountains and seas.Then the dish in front of me is characterized by the word light.

To forcefully describe its obvious appearance, it is roughly equivalent to the water marks left by a fast boat passing rapidly across the water surface, but it is lighter and tighter.

The shooting distance is not too long, but about fifty feet.

Once the distance of fifty feet is exceeded, the bundle of supernatural powers, like water waves, will naturally disperse.

So, to remain undefeated is actually easier than tight.With the above-mentioned escape technique, if you leave fifty feet away, there is absolutely no possibility of missing.

However, with the eyesight of impunity, it is natural to be able to discern.If such tactics are used, the sword spirit and energy of the four people will be closely linked together like spring silkworms cocooning.Once it becomes a trend, there is no chance for a breakthrough.

Therefore, Gui Wugui had to attack by force.

Gui Wugui's first-hand, there is a suspicion of selling what you learn now, and it is a targeted play after trying to unify the simulacra.

The four opponents he faced belonged to Miaojian, Tianjian, Kongjian and Killingjian.

The opponent chosen by Gui Wugui was the one who used the empty sword.

The swordsmanship used by Guangui Wujiu is exactly the purpose of the swordsmanship that was first precipitated and manifested - killing the sword.

Yin and yin are yin and yin against yang and yang.

The foundation of imputing no blame is far above the opponent, so restraint has been formed.

As for the appearance of supernatural powers, when it comes to the step of attributing no blame, there is nothing to do.Since the other party is ingenious, then I will go along with the flow.What appeared in everyone's eyes was the same image of a water pattern, but the color was dark and the composition was different.

If this sword is carried out, even if the person using the empty sword consumes the same mana, it can only melt one-third of the previous sword.

Shengke changes, which is manifested.

But how could the other party respond like this.

The one who used the sword to kill immediately countered with a move of swordsmanship.

The two are also in the same bloodline of killing swords, and Gui Wujiu's mana realm is far superior to the other's, so it stands to reason that Gui Wujiu easily took advantage of the ending.But the reality is not.

Because this person's killing sword intention is not to confront Gui Wujiu head-on, but to form interference and make them repel and deviate.

It's as if an embroidery needle hits the blade horizontally, hitting straight horizontally.Even though the strength of the two sides is very different, it is impossible for the sword body to remain unchanged.

And as long as there is a sign of slight movement, the universe is hanging upside down.

After the slight change, the swordsmanship of the person who made the empty sword at this time restrained the swordsmanship of blameless.

Once they fight recklessly, taking advantage of the moment when Gui Wugui puts more effort into it, the two people who used Miaojian and Tianjian will take advantage of the vacancy and return in one fell swoop.

Gui Wugui took advantage of the escape technique, adjusted his position and fought again.

The method of restraint is no longer feasible, Gui Wujiu's swordsmanship has changed, and it has become a "righteous sword".

The so-called "righteous sword" refers to Gui Wujiu's heavy sword intent when he first stepped into the sword heart wheel platform, under the "Three Questions", he is precise and self-restraining, always half false and half true, and does not enter the eight veins.

Sure enough, when the sword was used, the four of them were stunned.

It seemed that the four of them also felt that no matter who made the move or how to receive the move, they could not completely restrain this magical power.

This is a situation that these four people have experienced thousands of times in the past, even when fighting against Xuanyuan Huai, this situation has never happened.

It seemed that there was an itchy spot on his body; but he couldn't tell exactly where it was itching, and he couldn't touch it, so he felt uncomfortable.

So, follow this path and gradually disassemble.

After fighting for more than a hundred rounds, Gui Wugui discovered the crux.

Although I had an implicit advantage, at that time this advantage was far from winning, but there was always a certain distance.As expected before the competition, if you use both magic methods and others, it is not difficult to win; but if you only use swordsmanship, the success or failure is actually two points.

Inside the huge pavilion, Xuanyuan Huai's eyes were no longer on the chess board.

The way he beat the four of them with the way of the sword is because of the combination of Tianxin's calculation path, and the way that the eight swords move and change extremely quickly.Maybe one is a wonderful sword when it is used; but when the opponent wants to interfere with the wonderful sword, this wonderful sword has become a heavenly sword.

This back and forth is endless, and the four opponents are naturally exhausted.

If today, Gui Wujiu can win by "outside the eight sects", it will be a crucial day since the founding of Chenyang Sword Mountain.

In exchange for a foundation, it is actually a big profit.

(End of this chapter)

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