Nothing is to blame

Chapter 924: Anticipating the Mistakes of the Enemy

Chapter 924: Anticipating the Mistakes of the Enemy
Seeing that Long Yun was very confident, Daoist Ying Yuan frowned slightly.

Why should the close-path cultivators of this sect be driven out to die?

If this blow is real, what should be done?

However, seeing Feng Qing, Lin Lei, and Wu Ming, the three Ascension Demon Ancestors, all had normal attitudes; and those who looked hesitant were Zhan Hengzi's four members from the Lower Realm, and the three from the Ben Sect.Daoist Ying Yuan knows that there must be a reason for it.

However, before he took the initiative to ask questions, Long Yun had already caught a glimpse of his expression, and said with a smile: "Although the meritorious deeds of fellow Taoist are high, after all, he has never experienced ascension, and he knows the whole world."

"How can you hide the truth from me?"

When the merit has reached the level of Feisheng Yaozu, if you deduce it carefully, you can almost achieve the degree of exhaustive changes in the appearance, law, and event in a world.

Although the enchantment just now failed to wrap Long Yun and the others into it.However, Long Yun and others can immediately deduce the grandeur of the great power contained in it and the order of its scale.

Among this thing, all space means in the lower realm are sealed and exterminated, which is absolutely unreasonable.

There are only two ways to break through——

One is the eight peak Dao Realm powers, working together to defeat or pull;
The second is the power of empathy and compatibility in the big world, which is so strong that it is not weaker than the former level.

In fact, Daozun Yingyuan and others are also aware of these two methods.

But the four Ascending Demon Ancestors obviously have a deeper understanding of this path than the resident Daoist Masters.

The Dao Realm is powerful, divides heaven and man, and contracts with one realm.

The so-called "compatibility" power comes from nature, its nature is softer, and it is equivalent to the regressive and simple existence of divine channeling.

The power of empathy and compatibility naturally produced in the Ziwei Great World will definitely not exceed the limit of the ability of a Dao realm power.

For example, cooking a fire.

You directly take a pot and put it in the fire; or you can heat up an iron rod and place an iron pot on the other end of the iron rod to conduct heat.

There is no doubt that there is a layer in the middle of the latter, and the temperature will not reach the height of the former, and the efficiency will be greatly inferior.

It is actually a huge overestimate to say that "no more than one great power of the Dao realm"; under normal circumstances, it will not exceed half of the mana of the great power of the Dao realm.

Unless it is a means laid down by a higher-level ascetic.

The next level in practice——

Deeply enter the secret three thousand worlds, and walk between the secluded and mysterious.

If there is such a level of power, operating in the Ziwei Great World, it may be able to create a magic circle eight times the power of the Dao Realm.

Other than that, absolutely impossible.

But things are plain and simple:

It is precisely because the Nine Sects have been confirmed for [-] years and all ties with the upper realm have been severed, that the dragon and phoenix clans came up with their idea.

This repeated deduction of information is the most reliable, so how can it be wrong?

That's why Long Yun and the others firmly believed that the great seal that actually launched the secret technique, and a treasure in the great seal, would be repelled into the turbulent void with the annihilation of the barrier.

It is impossible for things from outside the world to return to the world, and it is impossible to hide it from the eyes and ears of the four people.

There is another intuitive factor.

At this time, Gui Wujiu's great seal of the sect in his palm actually exerted a little "disguise" power of the Dongfang sect, which further misled the judgment of Long Yun and others.

At this time Feng Qing suddenly said: "But this person uses this deceitful power, naturally it is impossible to send him to death in vain, or to scare us."

"Presumably the intention is to force us to retreat temporarily, so as to gain space to escape or to use some means. I am afraid that there is a gate hidden at the edge of the boundary. It is intended to launch."

"Fellow Daoist Ning Hang, fellow Daoist Tong Xin. The two of you occupy the left and right sides, so don't miss this opportunity."

Behind him, the demon ancestors of the Xuanwu and Qilin tribes, heard the voice and took orders.

However, before the two of them had time to take action, the scene in front of them was negligent.

Looking up, everyone is already in the barrier!

Everyone was shocked.

Long Yun slightly raised his hand and swiped it in the air, already feeling that this enchantment is real.

The two thoughts in my heart are quickly weighed, and I am faced with a decision.

There are only two options.

One of them is eleven people working together to strike towards a certain point.

Because the barrier is rapidly shrinking and changing, resulting in spatial dislocation, the method of slowly accumulating mana and condensing the combined force of thirty-two or sixty-four times does not work within the barrier.Everyone must shoot at the same time, without any difference.

If it is done, they can escape together.

If it fails, there will be no second blow, and everyone will die here.

The key lies in whether the combined efforts of eleven people can truly match the power of eight Dao realm powers.

It seems that the number is enough: because the eleven people in front of me are all existences in the Dao realm.

But the "eight people" at the boundary of this treasure are the top Taoist powers who can ascend without hindrance and travel freely in the world.Only the four of Long Yun slightly surpassed this limit, and Daoist Ying Yuan reached this level, and the rest of them were obviously inferior.

In addition, Wu Ming's magic power is less than [-]%, so if there is one person missing.

The possibility of success is at most only [-]%.

Long Yun looked around, trying to accurately measure the strength of everyone, and make a decision within a breath.

But when I looked closely, I couldn't help but be amazed——

Within the barrier, there are only nine people.

God backtracks.

turn out to be.At the moment before the formation of this enchantment, Daoist Ying Yuan clicked out a space passage without warning in an instant, and jumped in.

Although Daoist Hanzhen is a pungent and decisive person, she was raised by Daoist Yingyuan since she was a child, and she only obeys her own instincts, so there is no need to ask why.Seeing Daoist Yingyuan running away, he immediately followed without even thinking about it.

Zong Li Dao Zun only hesitated for a tenth of a breath, and when he wanted to follow up again, the barrier had already fallen, and the space channel immediately disintegrated.

With two more people missing, Long Yun knew that there was no need to hesitate.

With a wave of his hand, the five-color auspicious light overflowed from his fingertips, and he wandered towards the masked ancestor of the Dragon Clan.

The one who wore the mask only said that the ancestor of his clan wanted to join forces with him against the enemy, so he started a magic link.

However, it was never expected that when the force was traced back, it immediately formed a "white cocoon" woven by dazzling white awns, and the space law that surpassed a world overflowed in the sky, tightly enveloping the person wearing the mask.

Long Yun had no expression on his face, and swallowed the "white cocoon" in one gulp.

A loud bang.

Above the blue sky, there suddenly appeared a huge black gap, with countless fissures, lights and shadows flickering, and a biting chill overflowing from it. Even the collapse of space is not enough to describe its depth.

The "Desolate Dharma Aspect" that appeared after the great power of the Dao Realm fell.

Long Yun's aura surged.

When it is more complete, it is especially victorious.

Then, on Long Yun's forehead, there was a strange shape that seemed to be a family emblem, which suddenly shone brightly.

Long Yun turned into a two-foot-long, exquisite and unique nine-clawed golden dragon, and rushed towards the direction where the barrier was approaching!

In the next moment, I saw a faint dragon shape, which was already outside the barrier, but only the mana remained, less than one-tenth.

Feng Qing snorted, opened her arms, and also performed supernatural powers.

Zhan Hengzi felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.

However, Feng Qing has never made a move since the lower realm, and her mana is still in the state of perfection, but she has not imitated Long Yun's method of fighting each other.

The body turned into a phoenix, and the totem on the forehead, which was also in the shape of the family emblem, disappeared in a flash, and the two illusory shadows bloomed with light.

A stab in the void!
In the sky, there is a foreign body about the length of a ruler, with one end slightly thicker and the other thinner, like chopsticks.

This object is obviously a channel, opening both ends; but its weather is obviously different from the "space channel".It is obviously a supernatural power, but it is more like a magic weapon.

Feng Qing plunged into it immediately.

Its figure is still much smaller than that of Long Yun; about the size of a fingernail can only be seen "Phoenix" crawling out along the "chopsticks".

The body of the phoenix was full of flames, which seemed to be completely consumed.

But after a moment, the other end of the "chopsticks", the shape of a phoenix, suddenly appeared in the air.

Looking at the strength of its qi, it is also only one-tenth of it.

However, although Feng Qing escaped, the "chopstick" was still sticking there and did not disappear.

The rest of the people couldn't help being surprised and delighted.

Feng Qing not only escaped by herself, but also set up a passage for everyone.

Zhan Hengzi fled in immediately.

He only walked two inches in the "chopsticks", and the phoenix shape was completely burned by the fire.

But it seems that the body shape does not exist, but the phantom of the phoenix manifests at the right time, but the aura is weak, almost none of them exist, and it is far from being compared with Feng Qing's appearance.

Wu Ming entered next.

He was only an inch inside, and the black tortoise elephant was completely burned, not even a trace of fly ash was left.

There is no phantom emerging from the other end of the "channel"; on the contrary, there is another huge crack in the blue sky, the desolate appearance, which is more than three or four times larger than what appeared after the death of the person wearing the mask.

The dignified Ascension Demon Ancestor died here just like that!
Linley's face was gloomy, he thought for three breaths, and finally chose to take a gamble and escape from this path.

Drilled in one breath.

After his unicorn phantom was burnt out, his real body did not appear, nor did a third desolate dharma form appear in the sky.

After a full five or six breaths, a faint to barely noticeable aura appeared on the other end of the "chopsticks", condensing into a phantom of a unicorn the size of a grain of rice.

Yu Hang, Tong Xin and Zong Li, who hadn't left the border yet, looked pale.

Now that Linley has gone, if he tries to find out the lower limit of using this channel to escape.

To escape through this passage, one would either have to bear the method of rebirth from the ashes of the Phoenix Clan, or one would have to shave off an extremely thick original strength to preserve a trace of vitality.Otherwise, it will turn into fly ash.

Although Linley had used a lot of mana in the previous battle, his remaining savings were still far superior to Yu Hang and the other three.

It can be clearly seen that his current mana is just barely able to make the transition, just a little bit beyond the bottom line of success.

At this time, the energy inside the barrier is very strange, if you move slowly, you can only feel the solemn "touch" of Dao Yizhong, not resistance.But if you want to break through the barrier, the feeling of being possessed by hundreds of millions of catties of sand will immediately stick to you like a gangrene attached to the bone.

Gui Wujiu felt a sudden feeling in his heart, and looked at Zongli and the other three from a distance.

It is absolutely impossible to destroy the process of practicing one's own way.

But at this moment, they realized the intentions of the three people, and the three of them seemed to be in a desperate situation, and they had the meaning of dying together with themselves.

Don't be afraid of ordinary methods, the great seal of the sect can cover it by itself.But if it is an extraordinary means at the cost of burning lives, then it may not be necessary.

Since the intentions of the three people have not been concealed, Gui Wugui can also receive the omen——

If the three of them make this choice, the method of "Three Flowers Transforming" hidden in this body will be performed naturally.

But the three were not so determined.

The three went forward one after another, and drilled into the channel of the "chopsticks", whether it was a magic weapon or a supernatural power.

After all, the three of them still did not give up the one in ten thousand possibility of escape.

But the miracle didn't happen.

After a few breaths, three more "Desolate Dharma Aspects" appeared in the sky.

One big and four small, creepy.

 Everyone can invest in new books. ω

(End of this chapter)

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