Chapter 925
When Gui Wugui escaped from the barrier, five people died, and the remaining people's vitality declined, which has been clearly seen.

Fleeing back to the Realm and Illusion, and then back to the Martial Domain, Ban Shizong.

But this time, Gui Wujiu thought for a while, but he was not in a hurry to transfer to Sansheng Yinyang Cave through the character array of Yinyang Daoist and return to Yueheng.

Now that the Yueheng Sect's crisis has been resolved, the head of the East is only watching the battle in the original Luzong, and he is still full of energy. Even if he doesn't pursue and take the initiative to fight, it is more than enough to protect Yueheng.

After the calculation was settled, Gui Wugui returned to Kaiyuan Small Realm via the teleportation array of Yinzong's veins.

After the practice of the Red Charm Ancestor, the atmosphere of Yinzong's ground vein transmission has changed.Looking at its charm, it is neither dry nor prosperous, neither ancient nor modern; it looks like gold and iron from a distance, but it looks like grass and trees when viewed close up; the flow of vitality seems to be sentimental; the stream of light is impermanent after all.It seems to have reached a super-wonderful realm of "not falling into words".

Wanjing Pool.

Gui Wujiu just stood under the door for a few breaths, and there was a feeling immediately.The portal twisted and closed, taking him into it.

After wandering in the world for a while, I found it immediately, the constellation was anchored, Pinghu high platform, Mi Daozun and Yi Daozun were on top of it.

See each other.

The two Daoist priests are right here at this moment, shaped like a painting in the void, but there are all kinds of glimmers and shadows on the edge of this "painting", and the ripples are weird, obviously the two are participating in a Taoist art.

Gui Wugui's return this time can be described as silent and without warning.

Mi Daozun looked serious.

Naturally, the actions of the Yaozu and the Holy Cult cannot be hidden from them.

I heard that when he was in the secret place of the Yin-Yang Dao, the Red Charm Ancestor had a chance to strike first.Is it to consolidate the foundation of the alliance between Yinzong and Yaozu, or to predict the direction of the upcoming mana.At that time, the opportunity to choose was given to Gui Wugui.

Gui Wugui chose the former.That's why there is the great blessing of the Yinzong Earth Vessel Teleportation Array and the luck of the various clans.

Could it be that such a choice put pressure on that end?

Since our side has benefited, it is also due to help if we want to help at this time.

Mi Daozun said slowly: "No blame, do you have something to say?"

Gui Wujiu nodded slightly, and said seriously: "There is a big event."

Mi Daozun and Yi Daozun looked at each other, and their hearts were sure.

Yi Daozun said: "It's okay to speak bluntly."

Gui Wujiu said indifferently: "The demon ancestors of the Xuanwu clan have fallen, and their power has declined. The current situation is worse than that of the Tengshe clan back then. If we don't move, the other clan will definitely move first. If this clan is swallowed up During the entrance, not only the strength of the alliances with our side has greatly increased, but the morale of the rest and the balance of the general situation will also lead to a major reversal."

"Please contact the Chimei, Peacock, Tianma, Xiezhi, and Yurong clans as soon as possible. On the one hand, send your troops to the north, and on the other hand spread the word to the world."

"However, in the battle to break through Rui, I'm afraid that you Daoist priests will end it in person."

Mi Daozun and Yi Daozun were shocked when they heard the words.

After pondering for a long time, Daoist Yi finally said: "I heard that there are four demon ancestors who descended into the world... The demon ancestors of the Xuanwu clan that you said were destroyed, are the demon ancestors of the Xuanwu clan living in the world, or the descended demon ancestors..."

Gui Wujiu smiled slightly and said, "Both of them have passed away."

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the two Taoists, obviously unbelievable.

They have seen the spectacle of the demon ancestors of the Red Mei clan; it is really indescribable and indescribable.It is expected that the descendant demon ancestors of the Xuanwu clan will not be so bad.Unexpectedly, a character of such a state would fall halfway.

The foundation of the Nine Schools is indeed so strong that it is unbelievable!
However, if a top demon clan force has neither the resident demon ancestor nor the ascension demon ancestor, there is no need for it to exist.Even if you can temporarily improve one or several Dao Realm cultivation bases by virtue of the sect's treasure background, this is not your real power after all.Dao Realm's power slowly wears away with you, and will always solve you in the end.

Eight positive and five odd, although they are all in the first class.

However, there are still subtle differences in the weight and weight.

In particular, the alliance of the four major families of the real dragon, phoenix, unicorn, and basalt has surfaced, and its potential deterrent power is no small matter.Although Yin Zongfang won two games in a row in the battle between pure and turbid Xuanxiang, but Shengjiao Fang relied on the background of the four clans, which still made many second- and third-rate monster clans hesitate to wait and see, and failed to create a general trend.

Now if one of the four clans is extinct... the influence it brings will far exceed the destruction of the Soaring Snake clan back then.

The second of the eight demon clans has gone.

The drastic ups and downs of this era are really extraordinary.

Mi Daozun thought about it, and said hesitantly: "My Yinzong is one of the five major land lines and hundreds of sects. The closest to the Xuanwu clan is the Xiyanzong. But even if it is the base of the Xiyanzong, it is still close to the Xuanwu clan. It’s not close, it’s not far. If the Holy Cult side upholds the attitude of not letting the fat and water flow to outsiders, tear off the face and take the initiative, I’m afraid we may not be able to reach it.”

Gui Wugui laughed and said, "The Holy Pope, Pope Li, and Taoist priest also fell in this battle. Right now, one of the six Taoist priests of the Holy Church has lost one person. As long as the news spreads and people's hearts flutter, he will be unable to make progress for the time being."

Mi Daozun was silent for a long time.

After a while, the two nodded slowly.

Gui Wugui returned to the small realm of Banshizong, where Qin Menglin had already been waiting for him.

The two held out their hands.

Qin Menglin already knew everything that happened in the Nine Sects Battlefield.

This is the method of the combination of virtual and elixir passed through the palm of the hand and completed in the body, which does not look so scary.

Qin Menglin thought silently, and said: "The impact of the fall of the Xuanwu clan's ascension and demon ancestors may be far greater than you imagined."

Gui Wugui raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you mean?"

Qin Menglin said: "Even if the four Ascension Demon Ancestors retreat completely, and the remaining six or seven people all fall, the effect is not as good as one of the Ascension Demon Ancestors."

"My master Yin Yang Taoist, and the eight great witches of the witch clan, are all figures of merit and good fortune. In this way, the depth of the game is measured, and I am afraid that there will be losses."


Outside the boundary of the Yueheng Sect, Dongfang Wanqing saw that the energy of the demon ancestors had weakened, and was about to pursue them.

But I saw another tiny "reptile" appearing above the virtual sky.

Long Yun and several others immediately escaped into it and were never seen again.

Dongfang Wanqing thought for a while, but did not choose to pursue after all.

In a hidden enchantment.

Long Yun, Feng Qing, Lin Lei, Zhan Hengzi, Ying Yuan Dao Zun, Han Zhen Dao Zun.

The energy of the four demon ancestors slowly recovered.

Zhan Hengzi is the resident demon ancestor of the Feng clan, and his merits and cultivation are not as good as the incarnate demon ancestor.At this time, his energy is so weak that it is extremely difficult to improve; it seems that he has to sleep for a long time to recover.

As for Long Yun, Feng Qing, and Lin Lei, the weather was still different.

Although Long Yun and Feng Qing are weak at the moment, after adjusting their breathing for a long time, their outlines have already been set up.

For example, a person, although there is no flesh and blood, but the size of the skeleton can be vaguely seen.Therefore, after this person's blood has recovered, it is conceivable that his appearance will eventually return to its prime.

All that is owed is time.

But lei is not the case.

At this time, he seemed to recover his qi the fastest, but he was already an "incomplete" person.

Through the Feng Clan's means of escape, as the price of his life, most of Linley's personal background has been shredded. Even if he recovers in the future, he will always only have more than [-]% of his peak fighting strength left.Facing the Nine Dao Realms, one-on-one is no longer an opponent.

This is also the reason why Long Yun would rather devour his clan's resident demon ancestor than borrow Feng Qing's means.

Although his magic power is strong, if he walks through Fengqing's secret path once, he will lose [-]% of his foundation forever.

Although the background of the Yueheng sect is strong, there is no way to deal with it in Ziwei's big world; relying on the abilities of the four ascending demon ancestors, they are determined to be unable to escape.

But if you understand the means of the upper domain, it is an exception.

When Long Yun and Feng Qing concealed their clan emblems on their foreheads, they used such means.

It's a pity that with such a method, I have to be able to use it once in a state of complete energy.

At that time, only Feng Qing among the four met this condition; Long Yun had no good or evil heart, so he created the condition by devouring;

Feng Qing's mana recovered slightly, she turned her head and glanced at Daoist Ying Yuan, and said, "How did fellow Taoist see through it?"

This is the question Feng Qing is most interested in.

When the spell was performed for the second time, that person mastered it very well, and there was no trace of energy leaked from the treasure seal, this is the first; Big and small, instant achievement, this is the third.

If the three are satisfied at the same time, no matter how wonderful the fate is, the moment the heart feels it, the formula will fall.

I don't know how Daoist Ying Yuan managed to escape in time?

Daoist Ying Yuan's face was gloomy, and he said lightly: "It's not worth mentioning."

Feng Qing's face froze.

Daoist Ying Yuan changed the subject, but said: "Now that the defeat has been decided, what can we do? Should we run away each other, or—"

Long Yun's complexion changed, and he immediately said: "It is absolutely impossible to escape."

"If the Nine Sects are isolated from the inside and outside, this trip will come back in a feather, and it will be fine to leave. It's just that young disciples such as Gui Wugui and Xuanyuan Huai have wandered in the hinterland of the Yaozu, and they are not trapped in a corner. This news can't be concealed if you want to You can live with it. Once such a battle situation is announced to the world, it will be enough to shake the foundation."

Zhan Hengzi couldn't help but said: "It's just that the foundation of the Nine Schools is revealed, and we are so damaged, how can we continue?"

Feng Qing waved his hand and said: "Brother Long's words are reasonable. The act of attacking and destroying the Nine Sects and improving the background of our two clans is absolutely impossible to complete. Generally speaking, at this moment, this round has already been lost .But even if it is a defeat, it should not end in such a situation."

Daoist Hanzhen interjected: "What can I do if I can't do it?"

Long Yun was furious in his heart, and secretly thought that if we hadn't suffered a lot, there would be no place for you, a junior, to talk.

But he remained calm on the surface, and only said indifferently: "Eating a walnut is always different from smashing a walnut. Eating a walnut may not be able to eat it, and it may even break your teeth; but smashing a walnut, that is Another means. It has nothing to do with strength."

Daoist Ying Yuan nodded slowly, understanding the intention of the two of them.

As far as the ultimate strategic goal is concerned, the defeat of this battle is already set.

But if this defeat ends with both sides having their own injuries, the Yaozu side has not reached the final goal, or it ends with the Yaozu side losing a lot, there is a huge difference.

If you can't think of some way to cause huge damage to Jiuzong, it must be unreasonable.

What Long Yun said is also reasonable, eating walnuts and smashing walnuts are not the same thing after all.

It depends on what tricky and bizarre methods they have.

(End of this chapter)

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