Chapter 926
Original Lu Zong.

The three Daoist priests used the Heavenly Calculation Book and the Heavenly Sword Method together, and briefly looked at the hidden methods around them, which really taught them to find a path.

The two are in power, which is better than flying away directly.

This method is a further development of Ji Cangsheng's method of "returning surplus".Extend the sealing time of the teleportation array of this sect to twenty-four hours, forty-eight hours, and ninety-six hours.Every time it is extended, another virtual image can be erected, and one of them can be sent to Yueheng.

At this very moment, the twenty-four hour changes of the first level are about to take shape.

Zhu Yongchen nodded to the left and right, and said calmly: "I'll go there."

Jiang Chenglu nodded in agreement.

Due to the limitations of the skills, the evolution of the last level is relatively difficult. If one person completes it independently, only the sword master Ji Cangsheng can do it.So the order to go to the rescue is Zhu Yongchen, Jiang Chenglu, and Ji Cangsheng.

At this time, Ji Cangsheng suddenly raised his head to the sky.

Zhu Yongchen and Jiang Chenglu also looked surprised and looked up into the distance.

More than a dozen true monarchs noticed that there was a difference between the three superiors, and they all looked up to the sky, but they couldn't see anything.

As the saying goes, the sun rises in the east and rains in the west.

Even with one mountain and one river, one county and one county, it may be completely different if it is cloudy or cloudy.

But this is not the case with the desolate and desolate dharma that has fallen from the Dao realm.

The place where it really manifests is undoubtedly the area where the Yueheng Sect is located; only here, no matter how high or low the practice is, everyone can perceive the vision in the sky.If you are in an extremely far place, or at the other end of Ziwei's great world, you can't see anything abnormal. Above the blue sky, it is still faint and clear.

But this is for ordinary people.

In fact, the power of the Taoist realm is equal to the same realm, equal to the heaven and the earth.Once it falls, if it is a small realm with a narrow boundary, there will be visions in the sky; if it is a big realm like the Ziwei Great World, it will be illuminated as a dome, presenting this profound information countless times, and passing it out one by one .

Qiantan reflects the moon, only according to its spirit but not its shape.

If the Taoism has reached the level of ascension without hindrance, equivalent to the realm of heaven and earth, you will be able to detect this slight difference.

Seeing Zhuzhen's puzzled expression, Zhu Yongchen said indifferently: "The method of Yue really extraordinary."

"The enemy has retreated."

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd was sensational.

But it's not the uplifting and joyful look, the flow of emotions, and the wandering eyes as imagined, but it's...a bit subtle.

Many Shangzhengs were full of thoughts, and they only looked at Zhenjun Ning of Yuehengzong.

Ning Zhongliu, on the other hand, had a solemn expression on his face and was serious.

Jiang Chenglu's grass, trees and sword intent are vivid and sharp, especially when he fought Long Yun just now, so his aura has been blooming.At this moment, the corner of his mouth moved slightly.

Immediately smiled and said: "It's a coincidence. The person who fell happened to be this one from the Xuanwu clan."

From the scale of aura, all three of them can tell that one of the four ascended demon ancestors has fallen; the other four fallen people are all slightly lacking in merit.

Hearing this, Ji Cangsheng raised his hand as if stabbing in the shape of a sword.

Wu Ming's [-] times sealing method, although the magic power still exists, but it has become a dead thing, this sword pierced down, and immediately opened a gap.

Jiang Chenglu and Zhu Yongchen shot together.

However, after more than a hundred breaths, the prohibition of this formation completely melted away.

Jiang Chenglu took a look around, and pondered: "Why don't you go to Yueheng to take a look and see the reality."

With a quick glance, he consulted the two of Chenyang Jianshan for their opinions.

Ji Cangsheng's face was colorless, and he said flatly: "Yes."

On the contrary, Zhu Yongchen glanced at Zhu Zongshangzhen and smiled: "If you are interested, you might as well go together."

Du Minglun's heart skipped a beat.This is what he was waiting for.

The remaining three or four true monarchs also have intentions to move.

Everyone came to the original Lu Zong's teleportation formation together.

Turn around.

Yue Hengzong.

The treasure seal in the palm of the head of Nangong flashed, waiting to see what happened.

Slightly surprised in my heart.

The nine teleportation formations are connected, although the clouds are connected internally, but due to the different people coming, they can already distinguish the aura and make corresponding differences in response.Or they can enter without notification; or they refuse directly;

After speaking to the Dongfang Sect Leader and Liang Zhenjun in a few words, the Nangong Sect Leader asked, "Would you like to go to welcome us together?"

Dongfang Wanqing said calmly, "Yes."

There was a burst of energy.

There were nine people in total.

Because of the original Luzong and Chenyang Jianshan, Tianzun came here in person.There is no need for the generation of the two sects of true monarchs to rush over to join in the fun.

The rest of the true monarchs are all one clan and one person, waiting for Ruo to move from the original Lu Zong.

Once they entered the Yueheng Sect's mountain gate, all the true monarchs were immediately overwhelmed by the tragic scene above the virtual sky.

Just looking up for a while, everyone seemed to suddenly remember something, and quickly observed the [-] peaks of the Yueheng Sect Zhongtian to see if there were any abnormalities.

But looking around, there doesn't seem to be any trace of change.

After a while of lingering, the person who greeted him has arrived.

Head of the East.

The head of Yueheng Sect Nangong and Liang Zhenjun.

When Zhenjun Ning saw the two Zhenjuns of his sect, a trace of surprise rose between his brows, and he immediately returned to normal.

Among the accompanying True Monarchs, Du Minglun was the leader, seemed to be a little absent-minded.It's just that I have seen the courtesy roughly, and said a few words of relief and praise, and then I glanced at things, trying to find a clue.

Other sects may not know all the details about the details of the sects.

But the Yueheng Sect has only two Zhenjuns in charge, and all the methods in the sect were transported to the original Luzong by Ning Zhenjun.Facing the fierce attack from the Yaozu crowd pointing east and west, without using the basic means of their own sect, they will definitely be unable to resist.Even if the head of Dongfang came to rescue, it would definitely not work.

There is no doubt that Yue Hengzong's method can only be used at a great price.

You can look at the scene in front of you, the fairy wind is faint, the vegetation is lush, how can you not see where the "price" is?

The head of Nangong seemed to understand everyone's intentions, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your concern. The disciples of this sect have extraordinary opportunities. The secret method they hold is exactly in line with the fundamental background of our sect. Therefore, the methods in the sect can be used calmly."

Zhu Zhen was shocked when he heard the words!
Especially Du Minglun, who seemed to have disbelief on his face.


No matter how great his potential is, he is still not enough to participate in such a level of battle, right?
The head of the East stretched out his hand a little.

The scene of casting the secret technique twice was immediately presented in the air.

After watching, everyone was silent.

It's just that the difference is also obvious——

The six true monarchs were all in a trance, and they were extremely shocked. It seemed that they had never seen such a wonderful scene since they became enlightened for thousands or tens of thousands of years!
But Ji Cangsheng, Zhu Yongchen, and Jiang Chenglu frowned slightly.

They look deeper.

In fact, just looking at the two rounds of contest between Yuehengzong and Yaozu, it seems that Yuehengzong's background is not impeccable; it was deflated for a while before it succeeded.Ascension Demon Ancestor seems to have counterbalances.If it wasn't for the second round of misjudgment due to overconfidence, there is actually the possibility of avoiding it.

Once the seal of this magic treasure is moved, and the magic treasure inside is turned around, the person who owns the treasure will be protected.It is determined that there will be no jokes where the means have not been activated and the master has been beheaded.

But Feisheng Yaozu has a coincidence, that is, the law of joint force under the double order of time and space, using the mighty power of thirty-two times the Taoist realm, acting on the whole body, "flicking" the person who did the law out.

The issue is--

The subtlety and subtlety of the resident Tianzun's mana is no less subtle than that of the Ascension Demon Ancestor, or even more; but there is no such combined force that the Ascension Demon Ancestor relies on as a killer.

Assuming that there is a day when the Nine Sects attack internally, the Yue Heng Sect's method is really difficult to control.It may even influence the overall situation.


Ruyimen Valley, a clear shadow flashed.

The figures of Gui Wugui and Qin Menglin emerged.

In the short quarter of an hour just now, the two returned to Yueheng together, handed over the great seal of the sect to the head of Nangong, and then walked away.

Going and returning, a leaf of duckweed does anything.

One in front and one in the back, ride on the back of Qingdou Beast.

Qin Menglin hugged Gui Wujiu's waist with his arms around, and put his cheek on Gui Wujiu's back.

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "What's the reason, can we talk about it now?"

"Since I made such a choice, why did I come and go so suddenly? I originally planned to inform the sects about the integration of the three families and the development of Taoism, and then leave after I am done. Why is it in such a hurry?"

Although Gui Wujiu made great efforts in this fierce battle, according to his original intention, he didn't want to take credit for it.

With the self-confidence that is now blameless, there is no need for any halo.

Considering the overall situation, Ruoyan's words are a means of attributing no blame.Right now, Gui Wugui is erratic and cannot stay in the Yueheng Sect for a long time.The feeling of giving people, or deterrence, is a little shallower after all.

Rather, it is Yueheng Sect's own background, such as inheriting the guidance of the ancestors of the ancestors, creating some kind of magic circle, which overcomes the disadvantages of the sect's background.

With the head of the East here, it is easy to cover up.

But Qin Menglin strongly advocated that it is not necessary to do so, it is better to say that it is his own handwriting.

He even decided to follow him to Yuehengzong to wait and see.

Thinking about her mind, she should also be somewhat interested in the place where she grew up—if the Lord of Yin and Yang did not intervene, it would also be the place where Qin Menglin grew up.But after exchanging seal letters, she had a face-to-face meeting with the head of Nangong and others, but she dragged herself back in a hurry.

Qin Menglin pondered and said: "Although the master has not sent a message, but I have a feeling in my heart, it should be like this..."

Gui Wugui's heart moved slightly.

Not long after, the Qingdou Beast escaped to the gate of Sansheng Yinyang Cave and entered in one step.

The weather changed.

Sure enough, there was a person standing in front of him.

Hun Hun has grown into a big one, wandering between the virtual and the real.

Lord of Yin and Yang.

The Yin-Yang Daoist smiled slightly, and looked at Qin Menglin with a look of approval: "The Dao of Reality, together with my True Story of Yin-Yang Dao, has really contributed to this tacit understanding between you and me. So , could not be better! If you take the initiative to send a message for the teacher, it will be a loophole to escape."

Looking at Gui Wujiu again, he sighed: "The matter in front of you is a good opportunity for you. However, this opportunity was won by yourself, and others have nothing to say."

Gui Wujiu frowned and pondered for a long time before he said, "The Taoist is referring to the fall of the Ascension Demon Ancestor?"

The Taoist Yin Yang let out a long laugh, and said: "Originally, although you are more than [-]% sure about this matter, you still have to deal with it carefully, and you must plan a way to retreat. But with today's opportunity, Jing Wu Casting spells, you can sit back and relax."

"On the road to the great road, there are tensions and tensions. From now on, it seems that the two of you are going on a trip, just like a newlywed outing. You can enjoy the pleasures of the lower world, and you don't have to worry about anything else."

(End of this chapter)

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