Chapter 930
The secret realm is about to open.

At this moment, Laomo Yan saw two followers following Palace Master Xuanbing, and suddenly gave a cold snort.Stretching out his hand from his sleeve to hold a copper rattle, he shook it repeatedly three times.

Not long after, a few blue shadows fell, and there were a few more monks in black robes, all of whom were at the initial stage of Yuanying.

The purple awns in Changping Jun's eyes flickered, he clapped his hands, and also attracted two subordinates.

Mrs. Shang and Xiaoyao Scholar each called a follower.

Except for one of Lord Changping's subordinates who is in the middle stage of Yuanying, the rest are all in the early stage of Yuanying.

This is the unspoken rule of everyone, or go alone together; if you choose someone to accompany you, I will not suffer.

Only Xiao Henshui, Tianjizi, and Sanxiu surnamed Han were still traveling alone.

In an instant, there were many people present.

Mr. Changping looked coldly at all the Xius present, and from the beginning to the end, he didn't say a word.

About half an hour later, he stretched out his hand and waved it.A gap suddenly appeared in the mountain wall in front of him.

Looking from a distance, this Taixuan Mountain looks like a melon that has been hollowed out, only a shell remains.

Looking at this gap at first glance, it is very strange.

Because there are bright flames in it, there are about half a person's tall fireballs running around, scorching heat, and orange light; but at a glance, it is not bright, but it looks dark and almost night.

But the opportunity is ahead, who dares to retreat?
Since Mr. Changping broke in without hesitation, the rest of the people no longer hesitated and immediately followed up!

The passage on the mountain wall is really wide.

The outer gap seems to be a cave with a height of one person; but after walking inside for a while, it is discovered that it is a "dominus" about two to three hundred feet wide.

In less than ten breaths, half of the people who joined the battle were in a hurry.

It turned out that this peculiar dark phenomenon really had a very mysterious meaning, and it seemed to be able to interfere with the consciousness of those who entered the battle.

The fireball in the cave didn't seem to be fast; but in a trance, it was transported to the present, and then exploded loudly.

Relying on his high skill and courage, that old demon Yan entered the battle right after Lord Changping, not wanting to be thrown too far away, but when the flames ignited, he was almost injured, and a strand of long hair on his ear was burnt to ashes.

After more than ten breaths, a miserable cry came.

It turned out that one of Mrs. Shang's subordinates at the early stage of Yuanying had been hit by a fireball and instantly turned into powder.

Where there is the first, there is the second.

In just a quarter of an hour, the followers of Yuanying's early stage killed three of them immediately.

The true masters who entered the battle were also distinguished.

Lord Changping is the landlord of Taixuan Mountain, and he has the highest merit and the most calm behavior, taking the lead.

After Yan Laomo suffered a sudden loss, he dealt with it carefully at this moment, and he was able to handle it with ease.

In addition, that Han surnamed Loose Cultivator moved calmly and moved forward with restraint.

Except for these three people, Xiao Henshui and Xiaoyao Scholar dealt with it attentively. Although they lost their minds occasionally, they were able to use the method to turn the situation back and not teach the strange fire to get close.

But Tianjizi and Mrs. Shang seem to be struggling.

The two of them both showed the appearance of old people. At this time, the forehead was covered with wrinkles, and the skin was half green and half yellow, which was vaguely scary.

Xuanbing Palace Master Yougui Wugui and the two secretly supported them, but there was no danger.

Halfway through the secret passage, Mrs. Shang was inattentive and forced out of her way by a strange fireball; then another more tricky fireball approached her.There was only a scream, and Yuan Ying's body turned into a wisp of green smoke.

At this time, one of her subordinates in the early stage of the Nascent Soul was still able to survive, but she herself, a monk in the late stage of the Nascent Soul, died here ahead of schedule.

Mr. Changping seemed pleased; Old Demon Yan and the young man surnamed Han were expressionless;

This calm and dullness did not last long.

Just when the exit is looming.

I saw a burst of flames!
Except for Gui Wugui and Qin Menglin who looked dull, everyone exclaimed!

No one would have thought of the dead this time!

It's not the Tian Jizi who is the weakest and has been in danger many times; but the king of Chu, Lord Changping, who is recommended by Taoism as the crown of everyone and who holds the secrets of Mount Taixuan!

Somehow, he was hit by a spark by accident.

After all, Mr. Changping's meritorious deeds are very high. After receiving a heavy blow, although his physical body is sluggish, his spirit and soul are still intact, and his soul is still intact.But he saw that Nascent Soul stabbed at the loose cultivator surnamed Han with the momentum of leaving his soul, intending to seize his body on the spot.

Old Devil Yan's complexion changed slightly.

At this time, Lord Changping's retinue still exists. If he seized his neighbors, it would be [-]% successful; but Lord Changping was unwilling and willing to take risks.That is to choose the highest cultivation level among the people present.

If the young man surnamed Han was a little distracted, it would be unreasonable at this moment.

But the young man surnamed Han just snorted coldly, then swept the sword light with his fingertips, and screamed, the body of Changping Jun Yuanying had been crushed.

Mr. Changping's two subordinates were at a loss.

After two or three breaths, Old Demon Yan suddenly cast a cunning hand and beheaded him in one fell swoop.

Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin looked at each other.

Mr. Changping is a man with deep intentions.

In fact, he has always regarded the Taixuan Mountain Baoling as his own private possession, and the others are just thieves who covet the secret treasure of Dachu.

It's just that although he has the highest merit, he can't beat the crowd with the few after all, so he has been holding back all the time.

If the rest of them are lost halfway, or they may kill each other.At the last moment, he thought to himself that if he could win, he would definitely not be relentless.

But he neglected one thing——

Mr. Changping walked in the secret path, and he believed that he knew the trajectory of the formation gate.However, the passage of time and the evolution of land forces had a slight impact on the former ancient formation.

If he passed the battle with his own ability, with his high level of cultivation, there is absolutely no danger.

However, he only cared about planning the next layout, and simply copied the "answer" passed down by the Great Chu royal family, so he fell unexpectedly ahead of schedule.

Passing through this hollow tunnel dangerously, a golden hall with a height of thirty-six feet stands in front of you.

On the plaque in front of the hall, there are three big characters:
"The Hall of True Spirits."

More than ten people went hand in hand.

The Xiaoyao Scholar couldn't wait any longer, and with a flick of the folding fan in his hand, he was about to break open the door.

But at this moment, a dull gray stone lion in front of the door suddenly had its eyes lit up, and immediately woke up.With four legs and one step, two long streams of smoke come out from the nose.Then he opened his mouth and bit him, actually biting him in two!
Its speed is unimaginably fast, and it is even better than the late Nascent Soul monks.

Only by suppressing resentful spirits for a long time and turning them into puppets can they have such abilities.

At the same time, the smoke in the nose is also very strange, its real length is more than twice as long as what he saw.

Tianjizi was engulfed by the smoke, and turned into pus in an instant.

Old Demon Yan and Loose Cultivator Han surnamed blocked the lion-shaped puppet and each performed their ultimate moves.

What Old Demon Yan used was an extremely powerful Golden Fire Mysterious Art, condensed into a long awl as tall as a person.But the loose cultivator surnamed Han used a short blade that was about a foot long.

But Xiao Henshui didn't care about it, slipped past the lion puppet dangerously, and stepped into the hall in one step!
Old Demon Yan and Sanxiu Han surnamed joined hands to fight and kill the Lion Puppet in about seven breaths of time.

At this moment, Xiao Henshui let out a long laugh, and broke out from the main hall, holding a purple gold gourd in his hand, and said loudly: "Everyone, I'm leaving!"

The attitude is very chic.

Old Demon Yan's expression darkened, and he was about to get up and chase after him.

At this moment, Xiao Henshui's expression suddenly showed panic!
It turned out that at this moment, the gourd in his palm had turned into a skeleton.Streaks of emerald green flames emanated from it, burning him into wisps of ashes at a glance.

The rapid changes and strange turning points are in stark contrast to the dullness in the secret path.

Start with seeing the main hall.

All go hand in hand;

The lion puppet suddenly attacked;

Xiao hates chestnuts out of water and fire;
Old Demon Yan and Loose Cultivator Han surnamed join forces to kill the puppet;

Xiao hates water and returns home.

Adding up the front and back, it didn't exceed [-] breaths, and three more people died.

Old Devil Yan and Loose Cultivator Han surnamed opened their arms at the same time, breaking through the door.

It was clearly seen that another purple gold gourd with a seal was slowly rising from the empty niche in the hall.

A stand-in, a real body, the truth came to light.

Old Mo Yan said in a deep voice: "It's a head-to-head fight, but it's ugly. Whoever wins, go and get it."

Sanxiu Han surnamed said flatly: "Very good."

The two actually completely ignored Palace Master Xuanbing and Gui Wujiu.

Then, it was a fierce battle.

The two turned into phantoms, separated and reunited, using various supernatural powers and magic weapons continuously.

In the dizzying and fierce battle for about a hundred breaths, the unobtrusive young man with the surname Han was the winner; not only the magical powers won, but even the accumulation of magic weapons and the number of cards in the hole actually overwhelmed the famous and profound background Yan Laomo.

Waiting for the final blow of the spirit bone blade attached to the old demon Yan, it was melted away by a small tripod of the young man surnamed Han.The outcome was finally settled.

Gui Wugui said with emotion: "There are many mistakes."

Qin Menglin frowned slightly, and said: "This is right and wrong, and that is also right and wrong. In different worlds, the way of doing things is also different."

Gui Wugui is optimistic about Xiao Henshui.

This person broke the contract on the spot, seemingly short-sighted.But his real intention is to form a kind of psychological pressure and deterrence.Because he is good at escapism and ghost killing, but not good at fighting head-on.Therefore, constructing one's own character image in this way is extremely convenient for him to move forward and retreat freely.

Qin Menglin is also optimistic about Xiao Henshui, but his ranking is slightly lower than Yan Laomo.This person has rich means, more experience, and extraordinary decision-making.

These two people are No. [-] and No. [-].

As for the casual cultivator with the Han surname.

Although this person's skill is only inferior to Lord Changping, he is pretending to be a pig and eat a tiger.But the details of its actions are often too cautious.If there is no belief in going forward, it is easy to cause disasters due to missed opportunities.In many cases, it is not that you can be stable if you want to seek stability.

His number is number nine.

Neither Gui Wugui nor Qin Menglin spoke highly of him.

But things are mysterious.This low-key and cautious casual cultivator finally came to the end.

At this moment, the young man surnamed Han walked out of the hall with a gourd in his hand, looked coldly at Palace Master Xuanbing, Gui Wujiu and the other three, and said coldly: "It is inevitable that the three of you will be searched for their souls later, and Han will have to send the three of you away." Killed."

Before the words fell, the palms of the palms had already turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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