Chapter 931
Gui Wugui smiled slightly.

He didn't see any movement, a clear light flashed in front of him, and an invisible wall had already appeared.

It also seems to be an elusive and invisible glass crystal, lying between the two.Looking through this "wall", the figures of Gui Wujiu, Qin Menglin, and Palace Master Xuanbing seemed to be swaying slightly, their heights changing constantly.

This supernatural power is another idea of ​​Gui Wugui's "Eighteen Supernatural Powers", but it is only in its infancy at the moment.

Ultimate utility is far from being as simple as passive defense.

Although the sanshou supernatural power displayed by Sanxiu Han surname is very good, in the process of defeating Laomo Yan just now, he fought against the supernatural power and defeated Laomo Yan's soul-possessing method in one fell swoop.But at this moment, it has no effect, just like a flame falling into an extremely cold icy lake, it immediately disappears.

Then he just felt a blur in front of his eyes.The small gourd held in the palm has been placed across the palm by Gui Wujiu, carefully playing with it.

The casual cultivator surnamed Han was startled, and immediately retreated a hundred feet away.

Then he looked at the breath of Gui Wugui and the two of them, as if he had realized something.

With a backhand toss and a throw, three kinds of supernatural powers, four kinds of methods, two kinds of spiritual birds and beasts, and twenty-four flying swords, like a celestial maiden scattered flowers, came rushing towards me!At the same time, when this body escaped, four blue bird wings appeared on its back, like thunder, flashing three times in a row, it flew tens of miles away.

One stagnation and one escape match, it can be said to be very familiar.

Palace Master Xuanbing was alarmed.Unexpectedly, this manpower fighting flame old devil still kept an extremely considerable hole card.It wasn't until this time that he was faced with the unfathomable impunity, and then he started to use it.

However, although these supernatural powers are great, they have no effect on the defensive wall laid by Gui Wujiu.

This person helped Gui and Qin to understand the mystery, which is also considered a bit of fate.

Attributing no blame does not mean killing.

It's just that this casual cultivator with the surname Han wasted too much of his foundation because of being too cautious.

Qin Menglin said lightly: "Since the work is done, I shall leave as well."

After speaking, he immediately turned up the light and returned from the original road.

Blame Not Blame follows.

Palace Master Xuanbing walked in the dark, because he was coerced by Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin.

She felt intuitively that Gui and Qin were not far away from him; but when the light faded and she hurriedly raised her head to look up, she found that she was in a secluded place in the valley, and Gui Wujiu had long since disappeared.

In front of him, three feet away, there were three small swords floating.

A vast voice came: "There are three ways of killing and cutting inside, which are enough to keep you safe."

Palace Master Xuanbing was slightly taken aback, and in an instant, he felt bewildered.

It's nothing to worry about.

The casual cultivator surnamed Han has the predestined relationship with him to understand the mystery, so he doesn't need to be a killer.But after this person left, news of the success or failure of Taixuan Mountain and his party may spread to the outside world.

Palace Master Xuanbing is the only one who is active in the world among the surviving people.

It must be known that Palace Master Xuanbing has been his maidservant for more than two months, since there is no ending, she will naturally give him a talisman.

Seven days later.

Tens of thousands of miles away, there is a peak of ice and snow.

Gui Wujiu took "Guixu" into his palm and shook his head in great surprise.

The things hidden in the gourd have already been included in the "Return to the Ruins".

However, the true spirit of this magic weapon is extremely weak, and it can no longer maintain the active form of life.

Only by accumulating for a hundred years can it be restored.

According to common sense, the true spirit under such circumstances either takes on the form of a sleeping human being, or transforms into a stream of the purest true energy.However, the true spirit of Guixu Lord is very unconventional, and the image presented to the outside is actually a volume of scriptures, with about a thousand words.

At this time, the thousand characters emerged in the middle of the core space of Guixu, and the stunted Acquired Spirit was squeezed aside, with a clear distinction between priority and secondary.

The characters are weird, they are actually ancient characters in witchcraft.

This trip really hit it off.

The bronze medal, or "previous life", which is the main material of Guixu, is actually a treasure in witchcraft.

Qin Menglin said: "It's time."

Gui Wujiu nodded his head slightly, sensing his aura, he was indeed full of Yuan Chun.

The comprehension of Taixuanshan and his party is not only about the differences in Daotu's thoughts; it is also related to Gui and Qin's concealment methods.After this deduction game, the two people's sense of belonging to this lower realm is full and flourishing.

The face and image have also undergone slight changes.

This is not to use the method of disguise to disguise, but to understand the aura of the world, and it will be accomplished naturally.

At this time, even a person with great supernatural powers would not be able to recognize the abnormality in Feisheng Lingshan.

The two sat cross-legged opposite each other.

Half an hour later, dark clouds gathered, and thunder and lightning flashed.


A high platform of sixty feet in length and width and twenty feet in height.

The high platform is made of stone, but at a rough glance, it seems to be broken and incomplete.Especially the edge of the bottom layer is covered with moss, forming a deep green.

On the mountainside of a small peak facing the high platform, a copper hut is cast, with wind leaking from all sides.

Sitting in the middle of the copper hut was a man, middle-aged, with a very clean chin, but his mustache was not clean under the ears and on his cheeks.Set off against the grimace formed by several lines in the middle of the face, it seems to be a thick and fine brush, forming an interesting contrast.

This person clenched his fist with one hand and held his cheek, as if he was taking a nap.

At this moment, there was a loud noise.

The man in the copper hut was startled immediately, jumped up to a height of six or seven feet, then shook his head from side to side, looking around.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling white light soaked the high platform directly opposite, making it look like jade.

On the contrary, the people in the copper hut were stunned and murmured: "The last time a monk from the lower realms ascended was forty-five years ago..."

Immediately got up and greeted him.

After the brilliance faded, he was even more surprised to see a man and a woman standing side by side in front of him.

Gui Wugui looked around, showing some expressions of surprise.

The vitality here is strong, the potential of the path is high or low, based on instinct, it seems that it is no less than Ziwei Great World.It's just that there is an abnormal restlessness flowing in the air, giving people a strange feeling of fluctuating cold and heat.Looking at each other from a distance, the twelve stars in the sky seem to be empty or real, and even in daytime, they can vaguely show a trace of outline.

Among the twelve stars, from left to right, the seventh one is the destination of this trip, Changying Star.

The person in front of him had a clearly recognizable shamanism.

In fact, everything in front of him is no stranger to Gui Wugui.Because the Lingshan and the Xingchen Terrace of the Yinyang Road were originally connected, in fact, the two parties generally knew the details.Since Gui Wugui has merged with Qin Menglin's memory, he naturally knew the weather here.

It's just a little contrived to fit the perception of the Ascension Cultivator.

The middle-aged monk came back to his senses, seeing this man and woman, they were clearly extraordinary, but at this moment they seemed a little cramped.He smiled and said, "Don't worry, both of you. Congratulations to the two of you who have broken through a natural barrier on the road. After today, the road ahead will be smooth again."

"I am the guardian of this Ascension Platform. The two of you will follow me to register at the Hall of Fame, and set the road for nearly a hundred years. It is not too late to learn more about the situation in the upper realm."

ps: I thought about the plot in advance and ended here, but after writing it, I unexpectedly found that the number of words is a bit small.Forget it after thinking about it, don't use the ascension process to fill the water.

It is not a common practice, and the normal chapter will still be 3000 words in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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