Chapter 937
Original Lu Zong.

Jiang Chenglu sat high on the golden platform.

Eyes drooping, as if motionless.

After experiencing a battle with the demon ancestor Feisheng Yaozu, and using the methods of various sects, Jiang Chenglu's Taoism and supernatural powers have also greatly improved.

At this time, he felt that he was refining and absorbing, and he was doing it slowly, and it seemed that he still had a lot of stamina, which had not yet been fully exerted.

The Taoism of plants and trees he held in the past seemed to be full of vitality, flexible and changeable.But fundamentally speaking, they all took an extremely pragmatic path, and everything served Dou Zhan.Among the four Daoists in the present age, it is not his strong point to talk about the "next step" perception.

However, through the secret sealing method of the nine former sages of Huitong, this "enlightenment" road has been improved a little.

Beneath the golden platform, standing tall and tall, is Xin Ya'an, a well-respected true monarch of the close way.

He held a jade talisman and a golden book in his hand, as if he was waiting for something.

Sure enough, about a quarter of an hour later, the two stepped forward side by side.

Both of them are dressed in light blue Taoist robes, one is a female cultivator in her thirties, she is graceful, with long hair draped over her shoulders, and her skin is especially fair; the other looks younger, with a thin face and a straight nose .

Both of them are above Nascent Soul, Xingjun cultivation level.

These two people, each holding a gold-rimmed scroll, came to Xin Ya'an and bowed.

The man took a step forward, opened the page in his palm, and read aloud: "Huiyuan Xujidan, three pills..."

"Ninth grade upper treasure fetus, Huanzhenqing Lingxu, two pieces..."

"The first-class refining material, Ruyi Bati gold and iron, four pieces..."

"The first-class banning talisman, the brocade presenting auspicious talisman, four..."


After reporting the names of seven or eight objects in a row, Xin Ya'an frowned slightly.

After the person retreated, the female cultivator stepped forward again and said loudly:

"Shangyuan Transcendence Pill, one..."

"Alien cultivation secret treasure, Whispering Qiaowu, one..."

"Miaowei Zhicuoguo, two..."

When reporting this item, Xin Ya'an suddenly interrupted: "Wait a minute!"

Jiang Chenglu unexpectedly opened his eyes at the same time.

Xin Ya'an stepped forward to salute, and said loudly: "If the disciple remembers correctly, if these two wonderful flavors are missed, if they are picked, it will be difficult to produce new fruits within [-] years."

The woman hesitated and said: "Mr. Xin Zhen is very generous. The amount planned this time is really too astonishing... If you don't use these two things, even if it is an ordinary treasure, it is far from enough to offset... I am afraid that the most important person in the sect must be Take out one of the three heavy Hunyuan True Treasures to recharge."

The man also answered: "With such a heavy responsibility, the two of us dare not neglect. The price of the things in the door is roughly priced, and I first consulted Master Uncle Duanmu."

Jiang Chenglu frowned slightly, obviously very difficult to decide.

Needless to say, what is in front of you is the reward for the original Lu Zong's previous battle and the use of the various sects' background.

The last treasure reported by the female nun just now—Miaowei Zhicuoguo is really no small matter.

As the name suggests, taking this fruit can bring out a trace of mistakes and omissions in one's own Taoism practice, and then come back to the source and correct them.

Among them, the best use is to take it when achieving a shortcut.

It can push my foundation forward a little bit.

Not only that, but the candidates who take this fruit are also very particular.

For example, when the foundation has reached a perfect state, such as the family Lin Shuangshuang, when they achieve the shortest way in the future, they don't need to take this fruit.

Those who have achieved the shortest path are only considered middle-class in the five hundred years meeting, and there is almost no possibility of further progress, and there is no need to take this fruit.

Only the potential to achieve the Dao realm in the future, between the two, this thing can play a great role.

For [-] years, the original Lu Zong took this fruit, a total of five people.

Three of them achieved Taoism.

The last one was Jiang Chenglu himself.

Jiang Chenglu knew very well.In terms of fighting methods alone, he is also in the forefront among the nine emperors of all ages; but when it comes to the chance of Dao Xin, if there is no wonderful taste to know the wrong fruit, the chance of enlightenment is only [-]% to [-]%.

If there is no such result, these five people are all slightly weaker foundations than the Dao Realm.Among the five people who finally achieve success, at least one person; at most two people.

In other words, each taste of knowing the wrong fruit is almost equivalent to the expectation of a small half of the dao realm.

The upper limit of this material theory is inferior to that of the Tibetan Xiangzong; but when it comes to benefits, it is not much worse.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Chenglu said lightly: "Let's be included."

Xin Ya'an whispered, "Yes."

After Jiang Chenglu made his decision, he originally planned to close his eyes and hang down the curtains, and re-enter samadhi.

But at this moment, he suddenly raised his head!

Looking from a distance, beyond the blue sky, chaos suddenly appeared.

Like clouds but not clouds; like fog but not fog.

It is said that the air and sky are broken, but the ties are broken; if it is a method such as a space channel, it seems specious.

Moreover, this scene seems to be still in the stage of evolution and change, and has not yet been finalized.

A quarter of an hour later, a trace of surprise suddenly appeared in Jiang Chenglu's eyes.

He has already seen the roots.

He only heard him say lightly: "Just arrange it like this. How the rest of the sects choose and distribute it is up to them to negotiate. You only need to deliver in person."

Xin Ya'an took the order.

Then, Jiang Chenglu jumped into the void, and his figure gradually turned into an extremely thin phantom.In an instant, he disappeared, and he was outside the original Lu Zong's barrier.


Two hours later.

A glacial wasteland.

When Jiang Chenglu arrived, two figures appeared in the other two directions at the right time.

It is almost the effort of the front and rear feet, and it arrives at the same time.

An ethereal phantom, a ring of wonderful swords, and rhythms merged into one person, Zhu Yongchen of Chenyang Sword Mountain.

The other vermilion is like blood, condensed a bit, then oscillates in the void, manifesting its true form, the misty Eastern Wanqing.

The three greeted each other.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

As you can see at this time, there are two great anomalies in the sky and on the earth.

The vision in the sky, two hours ago, Jiang Chenglu had already seen the clue, so he determined the position and rushed over.At this time, the evolution of the form of the blue sky is over, and the formed image is exactly a huge desolate dharma form!

On the land ice sheet, a deep pit was smashed out.

Due to the closer distance, the objects presented, in terms of visual impact, are better than the desolate dharma in the sky.

A unicorn avatar no less than a thousand feet in size.

It is as black as iron and as bright as copper.Although he couldn't feel a trace of vitality, he couldn't hide the peak of the ancient and rough meaning.If it weren't for the light blue ice crystals on its surface to seal its body, the aura exposed by this thing alone could kill all living beings within ten thousand miles and below the near-dao state.

The root of this thing is self-evident.

Three months ago, Yao Zu had a sudden whim and failed to attack Xuanhun Liulitian, so he retreated immediately.

Since then, his harassment of Zangxiang and Zhentan seems to have ceased, and he seems to have completely cut off the thought of severely injuring the Nine Schools.

The four Celestial Venerables heard about it the first time, and they were excited, but they didn't take it seriously.

Because there was no desolate dharma in the sky at that time, and the "forbidden dharma" left in the Xuanhun Liuli Tian, ​​​​the great power of the Nine Sects, was very mysterious, and later generations did not know the details, so no one would have thought that Lin Lei, the holy ancestor of the Qilin clan, who made the move , unexpectedly died.

Of course, the "Forbidden Law" triggered by Liulitian happens to be the most advanced means of sealing; and the position of the demon ancestor is a transnational yin and yang cave, and the real body is actually very far away.

If it weren't for these two coincidences, the four of them would have been able to know the result in advance through deduction of the secret.

In fact, until today, when the vitality of the sealing law was exhausted, the news of the death of the sealed person was able to spread out through the desolate law.

Before today, causality was involved, and this technique was still quite dynamic and variable.

Long Yun and Ying Yuan had a vague sense of Taoism in their hearts, so they didn't choose to approach Linley's real body, but left directly.

This is a smart move.

Zhu Yongchen praised: "A complete physical body that exists in the Dao realm...especially a demon ancestor that has been ascended...It is worthy of the first-class treasure in the big world."

Dongfang Wanqing's complexion remained unchanged, and she said calmly, "Chenyang Jianshan is interested in him?"

Zhu Yongchen shook his head and said: "Because of emotion and reason, this thing has nothing to do with my Chenyang Sword Mountain."

"As for this matter, Jiang Daoyou is the party involved; and Dongfang Daoist, I'm afraid he will also speak on behalf of Youmeng. You two have an impartial discussion. How about it?"

Jiang Chenglu and Dongfang Wanqing looked at each other.

There is no doubt that there are only two who are eligible to obtain what is in front of them.

If others covet it, it is arrogance and unruly.

One is the original Luzong.

The original Lu Zong took on the edge of the elite soldiers of the four Ascension Demon Ancestors, and suffered a great loss.Although all the sects worked together to present the secret treasure, there were also a few Dao realm experts who helped to display it.But don't forget, according to the agreement in advance, whichever family the monster clan attacks, the details of the waste will be borne by the family itself, and will be repaid after the settlement.

What happened in the original Lu Zong two hours ago has already explained everything.

In other words, the four fundamental methods used by the four demon ancestors successively, and more than ten kinds of second-class magic methods, were actually all accepted by the original Luzong.

The second is Yue Hengzong.

The four demon ancestors chose to avoid the truth, but unexpectedly they ran into a hard problem.If one is not noticed, the Ascension Demon Ancestor loses one person and severely injures one person; the Resident Demon Ancestor and Dao Zun lose four people, and if it is fully announced that the Yaozu covets the battle of the southeast, the victory and defeat will be divided.

The Yueheng sect has a fundamental treasure, although it is not clear how many times it can be used.But it was used twice this time, which is not a small loss.

One defends and the other attacks.

One is invincible first, and the other is final.

Whoever gets this thing from the two families has a reason.

If the body of the unicorn in front of him is not complete, then there will be no such troubles.Just cut it into two halves, and divide it equally; but this thing is intact, if you do this, it will be a waste of money.

Dongfang Wanqing had already made up her mind not to let Yue Hengzong suffer too much.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chenglu pondered for a long time, and said: "This thing should belong to the Yue Hengzong. Please ask the Eastern Taoist friend to take it back."

Dongfang Wanqing was slightly surprised, but immediately realized that Jiang Chenglu must have something to say.

Sure enough, Jiang Chenglu said indifferently: "Of course, my original Lu Zong can't fail to gain something."

"The reason for this choice is that my original Lu Sect has relatively abundant manpower and material resources. The Yue Heng Sect took what is in front of us, and we can go to get another harvest; but if what is in front of us belongs to our sect, the Yue Heng Sect has no more than three people." True Monarch, there is no way to sit in the town. The so-called centipede is dead but not stiff, another opportunity, I am afraid I will not be able to catch it."

"Comparing the two, we have to distribute them in this way."

Dongfang Wanqing and Zhu Yongchen looked at each other.

What Jiang Chenglu meant was very clear.

Zhu Yongchen smiled and said: "If the original Lu Zong makes a move, this is the first step for Jiu Zong to break through the hidden situation and go deep into the wilderness. It is worth remembering."

Glancing at Dongfang Wanqing again, she said, "Fellow Dongfang's alliance in the local civilization wiped out a clan like a storm. With the background of the original Luzong, it is easy to do the same."

(End of this chapter)

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