Chapter 938
An open pavilion.

The carved railings are made of jade, and the golden tiles and purple terraces are beautiful.

On the jade platform, there are rare delicacies, exotic wines, exotic fruits and vegetables, each with more than thirty-six kinds, a dazzling array.

Below the jade steps is a pool of [-] feet in length and width. In the pool, there are more than a hundred smaller lotus leaves the size of a palm, floating and floating.

Sixteen young women with peerless looks, dressed in long skirts, danced on top of the green leaves with bare feet, moving around.Lightly from the shadows, graceful and unsurpassed.

Outside the pool, there are two rows of twelve people on the left and right, holding strange musical instruments, playing music and dancing.

The person on the main seat was middle-aged, tall and tall, with a square face, and extremely well-proportioned eyebrows, eyes, mouth and nose.Dressed in a black-gold hundred-beast python suit and a purple-gold crown on his head, he looks very handsome.But at this time, his eyes were already hazy, and the brilliance in his pupils was scattered, as if he was intoxicated.

A middle-aged man's cultivation base is not low, and the appearance of a harmonious air is at least not something that a Nascent Soul cultivator can achieve.

The person picked up the jade chopsticks and poked a huge bear's paw on the table, and saw that it was really crispy and fragrant.Then he waved his big sleeves and said loudly: "Enjoy together."

These words were clearly spoken to the two maids beside him.

But the two maids kept their pretty faces pale and their eyelashes trembling slightly from the beginning to the end, as if they had a serious concern in their hearts, and they were just barely calm.

Hearing this, the faces of the two maids turned pale instantly. Thinking of what happened half an hour ago, they tremblingly said: "No... dare not..."

The man snorted coldly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, with a wave of his sleeve, two beams of light swayed, cutting the two maids into four pieces.

With a bang:

On the clear pool, the dancers and a group of musicians scattered around.

The middle-aged man lifted his hand, and immediately spilled the food and drink on the table on the floor, and the bloodstained bodies of the two maids who confused him looked very strange.

His name is Rong Kun, and he is the ruler of the Songyan God Kingdom in the Ziying Dynasty of Fang Rong Jietian, and he is a conferred god.

This kind of drunkenness and dreaming has lasted for three months.

The reason.

The first day of February this year is the day of Fang Rongjietian's Shinto examination once in a thousand years.

He, Rong Kun, got the lower rank!

In fact, he thinks that he is quite diligent in his actions, but his luck is too bad. In the past few decades, when he ruled the lower realm, a group of mysterious demon cultivators sprang out from nowhere, and sent many descendants, wandering sects, and those who practiced the divine way, Those cultivators who open up their hearts will kill six out of ten.

A hundred years ago, Rong Kun was full of confidence and high spirits.Ask yourself if you continue to maintain the situation for two to three thousand years, and you may be promoted to the king of the dynasty, it may not be hopeless.

But the sky fails to fulfill people's wishes, and the dream is broken.

What's even more unbelievable is that in normal seasons, if the achievements are damaged due to irresistible external forces, the Shinto Envoy will not be too harsh.But this time after he explained the situation, the envoy came down to investigate, but he did not find any trace of the so-called "demon cultivator".

Offended by this, Rong Kun got a rare low-rank assessment.

If you have not received the divine rain from Tianchi to continue your life, when the time comes, it will be the time of death.

"Rong Shenhou."

At this moment, a very sharp voice suddenly sounded.

Rong Kun was taken aback, and sat up straight.

Beside Zhang Xu, there is already one more person.

Rong Kun took a closer look, couldn't help being startled, then stretched out his hand and caressed his cheek for a while.

The person in front of him was about twenty-seven or eight years old, with small eyes and a discordantly high nose.A slightly yellowed robe, with a strange pattern painted in the middle, looks like a bird but not a bird, or a beast but not a beast.

Rong Kun asked in surprise, "Who are you? How did you get in?"

All the palaces of the gods are heavily guarded.

If it's a person with great supernatural powers, it's fine to sneak in quietly; but the person in front of him is clearly only a Nascent Soul cultivator, and he is two levels lower than Rong Kun himself.

But he just appeared so unknowingly.

The young man smiled and said, "Tell Rong Shenhou a secret."

Although he tried his best to appear approachable, his voice was always too hoarse, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Although Rong Kun was very suspicious in his heart, he kept his face calm and said, "Say it."

The young man said leisurely: "If my expectations are correct, it won't be long before Rong Shenhou will be dissipated and turned into a pile of loess. Is that right?"

Rong Kun's expression turned cold, and he said, "Where did you get the news from?"

With a vigor like a string, he immediately entered the state of being ready to go.

If the person in front of him speaks eloquently, he doesn't mind that there is an extra corpse in this bright hall.

The young man waved his sleeves, signaling Rong Kun to stay calm.

He said again: "If I say that I can extend the life of the Lord Rong and restart the road, how can the Lord Rong thank me?"

Rong Kun's eyes were wide open, staring fiercely at the man in front of him.

His expression was clearly filled with two words:

"Do not believe."

But Rong Kun didn't stop the young man from continuing.

Just listen to the young man's unhurried way: "The ancestral court of the holy religion... Daoist Ying Yuan established the method of spatial connection; Daoist Xiandao established the method of inheriting the Shinto. Therefore, the holy religion has flourished until today. Open up thirty-seven Jietian, with hundreds of millions of believers, ruled the roost for a while, and his power overwhelmed the first-rate big monster clan that has been passed down for several epochs."

"It's just that the vast number of sentient beings, many low-level monks, don't know one thing-the so-called inheritance of the divine way is not the original method of showing the Taoist priest; it's that he has learned from a long-inherited and powerful Taoism. The 'Second Turn' inheritance of the subsequent achievements."

"Although the formula has the advantage of adapting to local conditions, when it comes to the fundamentals of Taoism, it is not as good as the original formula."

"Did you know? Originally, this Taoism didn't need any 'Shenyi Tianchi'. It's just a way for Daoist Daoist to strengthen his own control."

"If you can get good dharma, don't fake it from external objects..."

There was a gleam of red light in Rong Kun's eyes, he smiled coldly, and four words popped out of his teeth: "It's a bunch of nonsense!"

But for some reason, there was a buzzing in his mind. These ten words, like the echo of the valley, oscillated endlessly:
"If you can get good dharma, don't fake it from external objects..."

"If you can get good dharma, don't fake it from external objects..."

Seeing that the heat had come, the young man suddenly smiled.Opening his mouth, he spat out a tender green willow leaf, and said with a smile, "Look at it, and you will know it naturally."

"It's time to get to the bottom of the matter."

Rong Kun was already in a state of confusion at this time.

Tremblingly, he stretched out his hand and took the green leaf.

In fact, at this moment, his mind was in a state of confusion, it was completely subconscious, and he had no intention of exploring the mystery of this "green leaf".

But once the green leaf was in his hands, he suddenly encountered a thorn in his consciousness!
The thing was very active, as if it was a living thing, it turned against the guest, and it naturally appeared in Rong Kun's mind.

What is presented is not text, but a transparent figure sitting cross-legged.

Inside the body, there are twelve air mechanisms of different colors, floating up and down, flowing freely.

This picture seems to have an inexplicable attraction. As long as Rong Kun doesn't deliberately stop it, it seems that the flow of energy in his body will naturally follow the imitation.

After more than ten breaths, Rong Kun was surprised to find that his qi mechanism, which was originally condensed into dead silence and had to pass through the water of Shenyi Tianchi to "activate" his life extension, seemed to have found the clue of its operation again.

I felt it again and again, and confirmed that it was not an illusion.

Rong Kun's face flushed for a while, and he didn't care about the young man's side, so he immediately sat down and practiced cross-legged.

After about a quarter of an hour.

Rong Kun opened his eyes again and fixed his eyes on the young man.

Looking at each other for more than ten breaths, Rong Kun finally said, "What's next?"

After the image in Ye Zhong had been running for a week, a golden seal suddenly appeared out of thin air, completely blocking the image of the movement of the Qi machine.

The young man seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and pulled out another sheet-wide yellow note from his sleeve, saying: "After you swallow it, you will see the result."

Rong Kun took a look.

There are more than a hundred words densely packed in it, which turned out to be a secret oath.

Below the Kingdom of God, it is equivalent to a Shinto cultivator in the realm of transforming gods.As long as the road to advancement has been cut off, Rong Kun will teach this method on his behalf.For every tenth of the spread, the remaining formulas can be unsealed by [-]%.

In other words, if half of the Shinto cultivators under his remote leadership switch to the transformed formula in front of him, he will be able to obtain the complete formula.

Rong Kun was in a trance alone, and after a long time said: "The spread is so wide, how can we keep it secret?"

The young man said: "Of course there is a way to keep it secret."

Rong Kun thought for a while, and then said: "The number of years of enlightened Shinto cultivators is registered in Jietian and Dynasty. If the time limit is up, the person who should have died has not died. Didn’t it make a big mistake?”

Rong Kun smiled mysteriously, and said calmly: "When the day when Rong Shenhou should 'end his life', the subtle changes will be revealed naturally."

As soon as the voice fell, the young man's body turned into a cloud of strange smoke, which dispersed from the palace in front of him.

Only Rong Kun was left alone, in a daze.

Half an hour later, after all hesitation and fear had been digested, Rong Kun's eyes were filled with the joy of being reborn.

(End of this chapter)

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