Chapter 942
This oblique iron gossip is considered to be the first among the treasures of Tibetan Xiangzong.

The only place where its wonderful use fits is in the two formulas of "solution" and "transformation".Against those whose combat strength does not come from their own practice, and there is still a slight gap between the inside and outside, they are the most suitable for use.

For example, the fundamental background of many monster races is restrained by this thing.

Originally, the original Lu Zong had full confidence in the victory of this battle, so he didn't need to work on this thing; it's just that the Zang Xiang Zong valued the two "Wonderful Fruits of Knowing Mistakes" in the compensation that the various schools distributed from the original Lu Zong. Unwilling to substitute other treasures.

Du Minglun made a proposal under the difficult decision.The important treasure in the self-recommended family may be useful for the original Lu Zong's campaign against the Qilin clan.So make an agreement.If this thing is really used, then the treasure distribution plan will be carried out by the owner of the Tibetan Elephant Sect.

In today's battle, Du Minglun got his wish.

A quarter of an hour later, Duanmu stood at the tip of the leaf and looked into the distance.

Except for Duanmu Lin, the rest of the true monarchs have all ended.Not long after, all the demon kings of the Qilin clan knew that there were enemies invading the territory.They came out enthusiastically one after another, and the number was quite considerable.However, although the Qilin family is a big family, in terms of Taoism, skills and practice, it may be slightly better than the natives in the same realm; but compared with the Nine Schools of Short Ways, the gap is still considerable.

Baoguang vertically and horizontally, flying blades swept across, the five qi in a radius of tens of thousands of miles, hundreds of thousands of miles were like boiling, and they were constantly absorbed by the true kings in the next battle.

When facing the enemy, if everyone finds out the opponent, and then divides a clan of demon kings into five parts, and dozens of people besiege one person, they may still be able to persist; Can find opportunities to attack the weak.

In addition, the reaction speed of the other generation is fast or slow, and the distance is far or near.Entering the battlefield one after another, it's like fighting a fire with a salary.

If you use one as ten, keep it; if you use one as two, three, or even five as six, the original Lu Zong Zhenjun can break through at a very fast speed.

The number of demon kings killed grew at a considerable rate.

The situation of the enemy and ourselves is also changing irreversibly.

It is expected that it will take less than an hour to fully control the situation.

Even if this generation realizes that the situation is wrong and intends to escape, it will be too late.As early as a day ago, within a million miles around, all spatial means were dissolved, and an insurmountable barrier was erected.

Originally, this method was divided into two categories: "Forbidden Method" and "Molten Method".

But for some reason, when facing the enemy, the Qilin clan did not use this method.

At this moment, there was a sudden change in the battle situation.

That was the three demon kings of the Qilin clan gathered together to fight the original Lu Zongfu Changbai Zhenjun, within dozens of breaths, they were not defeated.

Jiang Chenglu nodded slightly, and pressed the little finger of his right hand in the air.

The three of them suddenly rolled their eyes and fell straight in the air.

Immediately, Zhenjun Fu Changbai waved his sleeves, and a diamond-shaped basket appeared in his palm, and loaded the three people into it together.

This was also the first time that Yuan Lu Zong tried to capture his opponent alive.

Duanmu was watching the battle from a distance, and suddenly opened his mouth and said: "The fighting strength of these indigenous monster clans is much higher than what I expected before. It would be a pity if the gains from this trip were only limited to foreign objects."

Jiang Chenglu said lightly: "It's a pity."

"It's just that no one has ever imagined that this day will come so quickly when we enter the deep wasteland and become enemies with the local monster clan. Among the talismans, if the 'Dahengxin Yufu' is such a thankless and unpopular means , Naturally, there is not much reserve. With ten backings left, there are only twenty places this time."

Duanmu Lin hesitated for a moment, but did not speak.

However, Jiang Chenglu seemed to sense the change in his mind, and said, "You intend not to use the talisman restraint, but you have been arrested and tamed slowly so that you can use it for me?"

Duanmulin said calmly: "This disciple has exactly the intention."

Jiang Chenglu sighed slightly, and said, "Taoism is different and difficult."


Yue Hengzong.

A graceful woman in white clothes led a gentle man in green robes behind, and entered from the main entrance of the Yueheng Sect.

Inside and outside the Fufeng Peak, if there is a magic weapon of the flying boat, or it is within [-] zhang, they will always come closer and call out: "Senior Sister Ning, you are polite."

Then, with a slightly curious gaze, he glanced at the strange man behind him, and then walked away.

The young man behind him said: "Friend Daoist Ning is in your sect, and his prestige is extraordinary."

Ning Suchen smiled indifferently, and said: "To each other, to each other. Fellow Daoist Lu is in the Yinzong, so he doesn't give in too much."

This young man is exactly Lu Chengwen.

Lu Chengwen shook his head and said: "No. In the southeast of the Inner Region, there is a big difference in Taoism. Lu Mou vaguely knows that the southeast Taoism, since Yuanying's consummation, is equivalent to the realm of the real great supernatural power in the Inner Tianxuan, and it has been achieved in one step. In other words, the cultivation status of Ning Daoyou is already the existence of only a few great supernatural beings in the sect."

"In the inner domain sects, there are quite a large number of monks who are old, virtuous, and have higher merits and achievements."

Since the yin and yang master opened the three-life yin and yang cave passage that turns every eighty years.

This channel does not return to its original state after being used once; instead, it will remain open for a hundred years.In the past hundred years, the contact between the local and foreign regions will become quite easy.

The two flew away for a while, and came to a secluded bronze hall.

The title written on the floating boulder:

Nine Turns Spiritual Light Hall.

After stepping in, in the dim sky, I found a middle-aged man in a yellow robe sitting on a high platform. It was the Zhenjun Liang of the Yueheng Sect.

Lu Chengwen took out a yellow scroll from his sleeve, and said: "This is a book jointly written by the Patriarch of the Peacock Clan and Jie Daozun, a member of the Yin Sect. What do you think of it, I beg you to write back after reading it."

Looking up, Lu Chengwen was secretly amazed.

The person in front of him is known as the "True Monarch", and his realm of Taoism is said to be comparable to that of the Tianxuan Shangzhen in the Inner Domain.But looking at this realm of human dao and mind, it exists majestically and alone in the void of heaven and earth, and thinks that the vast miraculous phenomena and the truths in the inner domain, except for Xu Xianshangzhen, who may be able to compare with it, there is a huge gap between them.

Liang Zhenjun got the yellow paper, unfolded it to have a look.

After thinking for a long time, he said: "Suchen, you and fellow Taoist Lu, find a scenic spot in this sect to live temporarily. Within three days, there will be an answer."

Ning Suchen and Lu Chengwen were ordered to retreat.

Immediately, there was a flash of clear shadows in the hall, and an old man in hemp robe appeared, who was none other than Zhenjun Ning.

Ning Zhenjun took the yellow scroll and looked at it, then nodded slightly.

It is mentioned in the yellow paper that it is an alliance proposal.

Although Yinzong, Yuehengzong, and Misty Sect are known as allies, the honored guests of the Eastern Dao came to their place, and the second battle of the pure and turbid Xuanxiang was assisted by the direct descendants of the two sects.But to be honest, the Yueheng and Misty sects, the Yinzong and the Peacock clan do not actually have any real alliance agreement.

The relationship between the two parties is based on blamelessness.

Gui Wugui took the Fa Deed as his promise, and got the testimony of the ancestors of the Peacock Clan, and formed a close alliance with the Yinzong.

Shangzhen, the Yinzong and Yaozu, also vaguely knew later that Gui Wugui went deep into the mainland and formed a fate with the Yinzong for the sake of his own way to blossom and bear fruit and solve problems.

The weight and credit of imputation does not need to be questioned.

There is no need to question Gui Wugui's status and influence in the Yueheng Sect.

But individuals and sects are different after all.

For example, Gui Wujiu could not replace Yue Hengzong after all, and made a good alliance contract with Yinzong and Yaozu that would not break through the ages.

Because, everyone has a hunch.Yigui Wugui, a talent that is unprecedented in ancient and modern times, after achieving the Dao realm, is bound to explore a new path after ascension, such as the Holy Teaching and Yingyuan, who have lived in the world for hundreds of thousands of years. The chances of it happening are pretty slim.

Then once Gui Wugui is gone, what will happen to the relationship between the local sect and the Nine Sects, it may not be without the possibility of shaking and changing.

At first, the Yinzong and the Yaozu all thought that the Nine Sects in the southeast were deeply secretive and peerless, and they would not communicate with the outside world.Going without blame is an exception.So I don't have much other thoughts.

However, news came out recently that because of that fierce battle, one of the Nine Sects, according to Bingfeng, intended to seize the resources of the Qilin Clan.

This is the first time that the Nine Sects have gone deep into the mainland in the name of the sect.

Since the boundary of this "hidden world" can be broken, the Yinzong side has also moved their minds.

Liang Zhenjun and Ning Zhenjun looked at each other, and they seemed to have some concerns.

After a while, Ning Zhenjun said: "Why don't you ask the head Dongfang's opinion."

(End of this chapter)

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