Nothing is to blame

Chapter 943 Confidence bet 1-line difference

Chapter 943

On the second day, the head of Dongfang arrived.

Zhenjun Nangong, Zhenjun Liang, and Zhenjun Ning prepared thin seats on a lonely peak with a beautiful scenery, and entertained the head of Dongfang.

During the meeting, the contact documents brought by Lu Chengwen were displayed.

The pros and cons are also implicitly mentioned.

With the eyesight of the three true monarchs of the Yue Heng Sect, they can naturally see the great benefits of forming an alliance with the Yin Sect and the Yaozu in the name of the sect.

From the perspective of fighting ability, it seems that Jiu Zong is superior and doesn't care about the power of the natives.Unless those monster clans have the help of the demon ancestors who descended from the world, they can only say "doesn't matter"; otherwise, ordinary power is not taken seriously.

In fact, it is not.

Being a friend and being an enemy have completely different effects.

If it is an enemy, the realm of the Nine Sects is far beyond the reach of the native Daoist Jie; as for the realm of the Closer Dao, even if the first-rate big monster clan uses any secret method to bless, it is difficult to hope to match the Nine Sects True Monarch.The gap between the two sides seems to be greater than Dao Jing Dao.

But if they are friends, Jiuzong, as the more intelligent party, can roughly play a role of leverage.

For example, many things can only be done at the level of the shortcut; no matter how inferior the true skills of the native Tianxuan are, they are still at the level of the shortcut.As far as many methods in formations and implements are concerned, simply stacking the number of people who perform them can greatly advance the way held.

Furthermore, after going deep into the native land, even if the rare and famous objects in the aboriginal Taoism are collected and enshrined, they can replace many extinct old objects in the nine inheritances.Whether it is Dan Dao or Qi Dao, it is possible to usher in a big development.

This is not the background of Daozong or Yaozu itself, but by using it as a leverage, the use of Ziwei Great World is more sufficient.

But the three True Monarchs had to worry.

Furthermore, knowing that there are so many benefits, Jiuzong has been keeping a low profile in seclusion for [-] years, how can it be helpless.

The reason for this is the management plan of the first ancestor of the Nine Schools for the Xuanhun Liulitian and Taizhi Qi.

One day, the qi of Taizhi will be full and perfect, and it will be released in one fell swoop, changing the Ziwei Great World into a new sky.At that time, no one dares to guarantee the inheritance of the local Taoism and the inheritance of the monster clan, who can survive the catastrophe and restore the new, and who will perish and annihilate.

In other words, when this happened, it was already countless epochs later; the inheritance of humanism and monster race in the local civilization might have been extinct long ago, replaced by new orthodoxy and sects.

But no one dared to pat their chests and say that this must be the case, and there is absolutely no accident.

In order to maximize the benefits, it is natural to form an eternal alliance.

But in case of the day when the air of too much quality spreads, the clans and clans that have formed an alliance today will not be extinct.Then wait for a big karma to be picked up.

After chatting for a while, the head of Dongfang smiled slightly.

Suddenly he took something out of his sleeve.

Zhenjun Ning took a look and couldn't help being surprised.

It turned out that what was recorded in the scroll was also a letter of alliance talisman, which was sent to Misty Sect by the Yinzong and Peacock clans.The Chinese characters are similar to the one sent to Yue Hengzong.

On that day, Dongfang Wanqing and Mi Daozun had practiced Taoism for a long time, and they also had some friendship.Therefore, a method of contact was left behind.

It's not as good as direct communication between the native land and the Nine Sects; but if you come to the southeast realm through the Yin-Yang Cave of Three Lives, then the method of connection can directly transmit the tokens to the Misty Sect.

At the moment when Lu Chengwen came out of the yin and yang hole, when he was facing the barren sea, he sent out this talisman.

Dongfang Wanqing smiled and said: "I came to the Yueheng Sect to ask your sect to establish a charter, let's see how confident you are. I don't want the three of you to ask me instead."

The head of Nangong was startled.

Immediately remembered that although Ning Suchen was ordered to send a message to the Misty Sect, the head of Dongfang came very quickly.The interval before and after is just a cup of tea.

He also said that Ning Suchen was suddenly impatient and used the secret technique of moving and escaping.

It was only at this time that I realized that it was the head of Dongfang who rushed over on his own initiative.

Ning Zhenjun pondered: "How much confidence?"

"Where did this remark come from?"

Dongfang Wanqing smiled and said: "I heard from you the day before yesterday that you have already succeeded in expanding the path of Daoism without any fault?"

"If it really succeeds, borrowing one hundred and eightyth of the Taizhi Qi can break through the realm, then as far as the entire Ziwei Great World is concerned, the Taizhi Qi does not necessarily need to completely fill a world. It can reach the Ziwei Great World. One hundred and eightyth of the world's original vitality machine, isn't it the largest amount of cultivation resources?"

"Even if the old method is purely used, there is a slight difference in the depth of Taoism and the new method. However, the old method is originally a 'narrow door', and it is possible to break through the realm only when the foundation reaches a very deep level. At that time, it will still be one' Xuanhun Liulitian' is [-] to [-] times larger than today's, and it is expected that even if the nine sects of Taoism spread all over the world, no matter how many people with outstanding aptitude, it will be enough."

Ning Zhenjun and the other three were surprised when they heard this.

Although they have also been inspired by the "high theory" of imputation, they can make people with less moral conduct have a chance to break through.

But it never occurred to me that this method would completely change the plan of the nine former sages about the air of too much quality.

This seems to be an unbearable burden for the three true monarchs!

Dongfang Wanqing said leisurely: "So, it depends on whether the confidence of the three of you in returning to innocence is sufficient?"

Obviously, if the theory held by Gui Wujiu is true, then Taizhi Qi can be maintained up to a tenth of the scale of Ziwei Great World's spiritual energy, which is enough.

The crape myrtle world is still dominated by the original aura; the old magic arts of the monster races that it nourishes do not need to be extinct.

Whether Taoism is absolutely sure to be established is the key.

If there is an absolute certainty that it is established, the rest of the sects will not stop it.

Because under the premise of having nothing to do with one's own enlightenment, being able to retain more inheritance and maintain the complex changes in the world of Ziwei is actually an advantage rather than a disadvantage.It is not necessary to cut a boat and ask for a sword, and follow the ancient plan of our ancestors.

It depends on whether Gui Wugui can succeed.

With Gui Wugui's growth rate, not to mention the head of Dongfang, even Ning Zhenjun and the three present here will definitely be able to wait until the day when the success or failure is verified.

If you are more optimistic, I am afraid that Gui Wugui will become a true king at the next five hundred years meeting, and this method will have a first chance to try.

But the Yueheng and Misty two families just wanted to form an alliance before the [-]-year meeting to strengthen their own power. After waiting for hundreds or thousands of years, the situation may have already changed.

Ning Zhenjun thought about it carefully, and said: "Gui Wugui said that he was retreating in a secret place, but at the beginning he only said that it took three to five years."

"Ask in person. If he thinks 'yes', I will take a gamble."


Three years outside, thousands of years inside the cave.

Gui Wugui's aura is different from before at a glance.

In addition to sharpening the sharpness, there is an extra charm. After careful examination, it seems that within the surrounding Zhang Xu range, the dust has been swept away, and the water has been washed and ethereal.

It is so subtle, and the resulting atmosphere, described in one word, is not "clean" but "clear".


Able to clearly and clearly see the existence of blameless, without being obscured or distorted by anything.

If there is a person with a deep Taoist heart, carefully deduce it.

It is not difficult to draw conclusions.

This feeling of "clearness", no matter how strong it is thousands of times, is actually similar to the most elementary image of Taoist power, which is like the realm of hanging paintings in the void.

Qin Menglin's weather is also slightly different from the past.

It seems that in the insignificant world, it has become a more "dark" existence.

At this time, Qin Menglin opened the forbidden formation in the cave.

Gui Wujiu stood up long and collected all the external objects hidden inside.

Just as he was about to leave, Gui Wujiu was startled suddenly, and said with a smile, "Although there is half a step away, it has not reached the point where a layer of window paper cannot be broken. If so, he can hardly be called the most outstanding person in the world of chaos." One of six."

Qin Menglin frowned, and then relaxed it.

The two stretched out their hands at the same time, and two extremely unstable visions appeared in the air at the same time.

A kind of gentleness and calmness is the supreme method of retreating without blame, and the real and the illusion are like means.

The other is very domineering, forming a very abrupt void and black hole; the entire space is infinitely shattered, then infinitely condensed, compressed and swallowed, and repeated.

This is the escaping method of Yin and Yang, and it can only be used here, and the place to escape to is also unique:
Yin Yang Dao Zhou Tian Xing Chen Tai.

And this method is not harmonious, after using it for at least ten breaths, a person with great supernatural powers in Yin and Yang will be able to sense the clues.

Gui Wugui and Qin Menglin escaped through their respective passages!

After more than ten breaths, a ray of light fell to the front, quickly dodged in, looked up, but only saw an empty stone room.

Yu Gu Cheng.

He had read the classics for three years, and suddenly there was a ripple in his heart, and he realized that the fate lies in people, not in scriptures.

If you follow your mind, you can be regarded as catching up; if you are not catching up...

(End of this chapter)

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