Chapter 944
Zhan Hengzi fled towards a vast abyss.

The scene in front of him changed, and suddenly a place with a lot of vitality appeared.

There are precious trees thousands of feet high, one for tens of miles, with a faint aura of auspiciousness, faintly bright and dark.In terms of the subtlety of the weather, it seems that it is not as good as that of the Qilin family; but the auspicious energy is full of auspiciousness, vigorous and vigorous, and if it is solid, it is almost better than that of the Qilin family.

Just taking a dive in this wonderful place, Zhan Hengzi has appeared on a high platform.

On this high platform, there are three thousand words in the pattern pattern, and the handwriting is flowing, so subtle that it is unimaginable.

This is where Zhan Hengzi usually lectures.

Like many other big monster clans, the resident demon ancestors are in dormancy, and they can't be different without major changes.Fenghuang was the resident demon ancestor of the clan earlier, but he has been active all the time.He even explained Taoism to the juniors in the sect from time to time, and passed on the magic method of blood descendants.

This is also one of the secrets to the longevity of the Phoenix Clan.

Zhan Hengzi jumped down.

Suddenly there are seven or eight auspicious lights around.

Seven or eight people gathered in one place and worshiped together: "Congratulations to Feng Zu for his victory and return."

The sound of the door is very grand.

Zhan Hengzi was taken aback.

This time the four tribes attacked the southeast, but returned in defeat.The Phoenix Clan is the only one whose Dao Realm is intact.The rest of the Qilin and Xuanwu clans have already been overthrown; even the Holy Cult lost one person.

Before he returned from this trip, he also managed to make a lot of rhetoric.Don't let the demon kings and heirs of the clan lose their morale.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, everything that happened surprised him a little.

With a thought in his mind, he suddenly said: "Return after victory? Where do you start?"

The first demon king of the Phoenix clan, dressed in colorful robes, took a step forward and said cheerfully, "You can see the ups and downs of your luck. There is no doubt about it."

Zhan Hengzi asked for details.

It turned out that in the past few years, under the order of Fengqing, the whole Phoenix family has painstakingly studied the method of compensation and replacement of the triple break.

When studying the formation foundation, all the clansmen were hidden in the realm of their own gate, and were not allowed to go out, nor to get in touch with Ziwei Great World.

Of course, it is not without reason to make a judgment on victory or defeat.

It has two signs:
One is the change of Feng Qing and Zhan Hengzi's life and soul transmission.

For the rest of the clans, when they reached the Dao Realm, the similar Life Soul Lamp method might not be accurate.For example, the Qilin family, several years after Lin Lei's fall, did not accurately reflect the method of the family, so that the two leaders of the family could not use the best method to deal with the original Lu Zong's attack.

This is not the case for the Phoenix Clan, whose hidden Great Dharma Door of Nirvana and Rebirth is especially sensitive to life and death.

Both statues are intact, the possibility of natural defeat is very small.

The second is the ups and downs of the Phoenix family's luck.

Although the situation of the other clans has not yet been seen due to the occlusion of this world, but the situation of the Feng clan is clearly to be expected.

Over the past few years, the status of the Feng clan has become more and more stable, and it seems that the tide is going up.

Zhan Hengzi wondered secretly when he heard the words.

He said: "Send the image of the lifting, floating and sinking method to the Cangwu tree."

All the demon kings, without doubting him, gladly took orders.

An hour later.

Zhan Hengzi's mood fluctuated, as if someone who had been submerged in water for a long time suddenly surfaced, touched the fresh air from the outside world, and his spirit was shocked.

What the demon king of this clan said is true.

After a big defeat, the Feng Clan's position in the Yao Clan's fixed product calamity not only did not drop, but even slightly increased.

Because the dragon and phoenix clans brought in the Qilin and Xuanwu clans, although a contract was signed, the contract talked about the method of mutual prosperity, division of labor and cooperation, and the distribution of profits after the war.But there is no oath that hurts everything.

The dragon and phoenix clans are far ahead in the demon clan, followed by Qilin and Xuanwu.

Now that the two clans have nothing, the weight of the top two clans has increased further.

But this by no means means that the destruction of the two allies is a good thing.

In simple words, let's say there is a country with [-] soldiers on the border to defend against foreign enemies.Not only is the amount of food and salaries consumed astonishing, but the orders of the foreign monarchs will not be accepted, which increases the risk of border army rebellion.If compared with the [-] troops disarmed and returning to the fields, and everything is fine, then this army is naturally worse than nothing.

The question is whether "all is well" is true.If there is no frontier army and the enemy country attacks the door, it will be in danger of subjugation.

Now the facts are similar.

The two clans of Qilin and Xuanwu were destroyed. If the hostile forces such as the Chimei clan and the Peacock clan rapidly expanded, it would not be a good thing.

But after losing the two "Alliances", the dragon and phoenix clans can keep up with the expansion momentum of the monster clans, so the destruction of Qilin and Xuanwu is actually a good thing! ?

The amount of strength gained by the many hostile monster clans can be seen in the third battle of the clear and turbid Xuanxiang.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhan Hengzi said, "I'm going to meet you with Yu Ion."


Gui Wujiu drove the Qingdou Beast to the outside of Banshizong's gate.

A long period of thousands of years is only three years in the real world.

This time, he did not use the emergency escape method established by Wuyu Yuanzun, but followed the original reveal, driving the Qingdou beast, spending several months of effort, and walking slowly.

It's passed.

"Come close to reaching" and "truly reaching" are two completely different realms.

Even if it's just a layer of window paper, something is not the same as nothing.

When I met Zhenjun Ning and his four disciples in the Nine Turns Spiritual Light Hall back then, and after taking out the Yuanyu Jinghu, the "most difficult" eternal path, every emotion and scene that I stated were very clear and vivid. currently.Although Gui Wugui burst out with passion that day, his heart might not be without a heavy heart.

Today finally came to the end.

More than three hundred years of shackles, one term of freedom.

At this time, Gui Wugui's aura has reached a state where it is infinitely subtle and almost completely different from the near-dao state. Even if you don't use the methods of the four methods of the Demon Sect to get through the upper and lower levels, you can still vaguely see the "boundary" based on your own knowledge alone. "The other end, what's the scenery like.

Walking through the clouds, only two or three miles away from Banshizong Tianzhong Xiaojie, the green pocket beast suddenly neighed.

Then the eyes were cloudy, and the description quickly dried up.

Gui Wugui was slightly taken aback.

Only then did he remember that Qin Menglin had mentioned it to him.

The blessing method of the secret method of yin and yang escapism is not without cost.

In the battle of the southeast, Gui Wujiu used the treasure of the Yueheng sect for the first time, but failed to make a contribution; then with the help of Yuan Zun, he was transferred from Wuyu to Banshizong; The Yinyang Cave is the entrance to the Antarctic Heaven, the land of the barren sea.

Then, in the section of returning from the barren sea to the Ruyimen teleportation array, the secret method was used to strengthen the escape speed of the green pocket beast again, increasing it by more than ten times to dozens of times, and returning to Yueheng quickly without any fault. Under this, the second shot was completed.

But this encounter caused the origin of the Qingdou Beast to suffer serious damage.

There is no sign of this beast's death and death, and it happens in a breath.

Gui Wujiu originally intended to be excited, but now he slightly shook his head.Falling down two or three miles away from the mountain gate does not seem harmonious.

Using parallel fingers as a sword, he casually cut a crack from outside the gate of Banshizong Mountain and the valley on the opposite bank, and buried the remnant body of the Qingdou Beast in it.

Gui Wugui was about to take a step and leap into the world.

Suddenly, the door of Xiaojie Formation opened.

A blue shadow sprang out.

Before he could see his face clearly, the blue shadow suddenly disappeared again.

Only a clear and clear female voice suddenly sounded from beside my ears: "Master, please sit down."

Taking a closer look, two or three feet below him, there is already a colorful peacock, with five tails fluttering, and its wings spread, about three or four feet wide.

He recognized the voice, it was Kong Ling.

For nearly a hundred years, in addition to her step-by-step practice, she has a close relationship with Huang Caiwei and others. She has always acted as the "housekeeper" of the small world, managing the offshoots of the Yin and Yang Dao, and serving Huang Xiyin's trial disciples.It is also quite powerful.

Even though this place is within the gate of the Banshi Sect, it is absolutely safe; and Gui Wugui's sense of Dao fate has not noticed any danger at all, let alone use the secret method of knowing beforehand.But being able to appear so abruptly close to him is already enough to make Gui Wujiu very surprised.

The method of space transfer.

Kong Ling said in a clear voice: "The mistress has a life, and it is estimated that the Qingdou beast will die at this time. Order the little maid to meet here in advance."

Gui Wujiu sat down comfortably, suddenly in a good mood, and said: "I haven't congratulated you yet, the four-fold door escape method has been cultivated quite impressively."

Kong Ling thanked him, and immediately said: "In terms of long-distance raids, my servant is definitely not as good as a green beast; but when it comes to fighting, I still have a skill in advancing and retreating."

Gui Wugui smiled slightly.

This is more than just a skill.

Cooperating with methods such as anti-swallowing twin beads, the fully mature method of space escape before the near-dao state is almost as powerful as a tiger with wings added.

Kong Ling fled around and was about to get into the small world.

Gui Wugui suddenly said: "Not busy. Turn to the north."

Kong Ling promised, "Where is Master going?"

Gui Wugui smiled and said, "Why is there a place to go? You can wander freely and do whatever you want. Just think of it as a ride."

(End of this chapter)

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