Chapter 969
When this news came, it was like a heavy blow in the hearts of everyone present!
Because the "Nine-Ring Enchantment Method of Qiaowu" unique to Asagiri Shrine is really superior among the space hiding methods of the five major shrines.There have been accidents such as theft of treasures more or less in the other shrines, but there is absolutely no such thing as Asagiri Shrine.

According to various sources, after Chaowu Shrine collected the Profound Dao Fruit, it hid the fruit in nine separate clever fog nine-ring enchantment spaces.

Even this method is unreliable, and the rest of the shrines are bound to put everyone in danger.

Bi Buzhong's lips were a little blue, and after receiving the "Star Book" passed by Miao Zhizhen, he said with some difficulty: "This shrine needs to send an envoy to verify it and go back to your company's monitoring circle. If it is confirmed that he did it , then this shrine will naturally not deny it."

Miao Zhizhen shook his head and said: "Aside from this person, who else has such cultivation?"

"Furthermore, my Asagiri Shrine's 'Star Book' method is the fundamental means of urgently transmitting information, and the cost of using it once is high. Moreover, this method can only transmit information in one direction, unless I do not know the foresight, I can establish this in advance Shuanghuang, take this opportunity to blackmail you."

"Of course, if you want to verify, this shrine will never refuse."

Bi Buzhong shook his head, he didn't know these truths.It's just an instinctive resistance in my heart under the sudden increase in pressure.

If He Tiebo continues to attack, stealing two, three, four, five pieces of Xuandao Fruit from various sects... then all the compensation will be accumulated in the Yanyang Shrine, which is nothing short of a catastrophe.If the amount is really too large to pay, then it is conceivable that every ten years, Yanyang Shrine will confiscate the remaining amount except for one Xuandao fruit that retains the fire seed.

Wei Qing said indifferently: "Be more calm than the owner and don't be impatient. We are all reasonable people. If Yanyang Shrine tries its best to recover, then the losses of the other families must be repaid, but the repayment period can be diluted. For example, if The total number of losses has reached ten, so over a period of [-] years, if your company takes one less coin every ten years, the impact will not be too great."

Tie Ci shook his head secretly.

This Wei Qing seems to be well-informed, but if he assumes that he lost ten coins in one mouth, it is really a big deal to watch the excitement.It's just that this matter is a common crisis for the five major shrines, and I don't know why he can be so leisurely.

It's not as dark as Zhong Yintang, thinking for a long time.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and said, "Two things are the top priority now."

"One of them is to ask everyone to think more about ways. Try to hide your own profound way fruit as much as possible to avoid greater losses. In this step, everyone has to show their magical powers, and they can't do anything better than someone else."

"The other thing is that we all work together to form a team to search and suppress this corpse."

"My suggestion is—"

"Grass Leaf Shrine and Star Iron Shrine unite to form a team;"

"My Yanyang Shrine, Asagiri Shrine, and Beisha Shrine each have a team."

"Four teams attack on the move, searching for this person's whereabouts."

"How do you feel?"

The other four owners, including Shu Shen Yun, were all surprised when they heard this.

To deal with the former "Five Prosperous Masters", at least four social masters, or two social masters, and ten elite town guard leaders are needed.

Now the Grass Leaf Shrine and the Star Iron Shrine, together with the owners, but each has two owners.It is appropriate for the two to work together to form a team.

The Beisha Shrine has four first-level masters who are masters of the shrine, and their special charm and Taoism are extraordinary. It is also affordable to form a team independently.

Asagiri Shrine has three first-level masters who are owners, but among the five major shrines, Asagiri Shrine has the largest area and a large number of people who practice profound power.In terms of the size of the backbone force, it is actually the crown of the five societies.It is roughly estimated that there are between [-] and [-] elite guard leaders in Shezhong Township.

It makes sense to form a team independently.

Although there are three people at the first level of the head of the Yanyang Shrine, their scale ranks second to last among the five shrines.In fact, it is a little bit of a struggle to form a team independently, even worse than Tsukamoto himself, and he has to do it himself.

It seems that Bi Buzhong also "knows the elegant meaning by listening to the stringed songs", which is a way for him to express his attitude.

During the negotiation process between the five co-owners, Gui Wujiu stood on the sidelines, frowning and remaining silent.

In fact, at this moment, the pressure in his heart is not much less than that of Bu Zhong.

Whatever you are afraid of, you will come here.

Even Gui Wugui grew up extremely fast and made great achievements.But the income in the next round is also limited. For example, if Gui Wujiu grows to the state of Shezheng, and the share of Beisha Shrine is expanded to several pieces, then Gui Wujiu will be in love with Shu Shenyun again, and half of the amount will be obtained. The pay is also the limit.

If you want more, you have to attack the other shrines like He Tiebo, and steal them.

But for the past six months, Gui Wugui has been trying to figure out Taoism, and gradually he has a clear idea.

Although he has a wonderful sense like a "person outside the world", it is very easy to break through the world and refine sand; however, a wonderful mind and combat power are two different things.Taking the mastery of the fighting methods under the profound power system as a yardstick, it seems that it may not be able to clearly surpass the unworldly characters in this realm.

It is easy to break through the realm; but at the first level of the society owner, there seems to be an inexplicable gap between the achievements of achieving the special charm; even the advantage of being able to comprehend and penetrate the realm has become a disadvantage.

in case……

The number of Xuan Dao fruits that He Tiebo grabbed continued to increase.

So if there is no blame, we have to pin our hopes on the "discount" of utilization efficiency.

After signing the second contract, the five co-owners had no intention of staying and bid farewell hastily.

Shu Shenyun, Xuan Lingying, and Gui Wujiu put on the sand bird and fled quickly.

After a quarter of an hour.

Xuan Lingying looked left and right, feeling slightly surprised.

Whether it is blameless, or special charm.All of them were frowning tightly, looking preoccupied.

It's okay to blame.Having been together for nearly a year, Xuan Lingying already understood that this little brother sometimes has delicate thoughts and is difficult to penetrate.However, Xuan Lingying has served Shu Shenyun for nearly ten years. From what I have seen in the past, the master he serves seems to be tough but soft. middle.

What it looks like now is really rare.


"Little devil..."

No blame, special charm, each dumbfounded.

It turned out that after being silent for a long time, the two of them spoke at the same time.

Shu Shenyun smiled slightly and said, "You speak first."

Gui Wujiu hesitated for a moment before saying, "I have an idea. I just don't know what you want, Master."

Shu Shen Yun nodded slightly, indicating that it's okay to speak out.

Gui Wujiu raised his head, and said calmly: "I don't know how high your cultivation is in Master's mind, compared to ancient heroes like 'Five Prosperity Lords', how is it? Is it capable of fighting?"

There was a glimmer of light in Shu Shenyun's eyes, and he said lightly: "Compared to every detail of meritorious deeds, there are all of them... state of mind, mysterious method, tactics, and even life and death changes... As a teacher, ask yourself and the heroes of the previous life, and have the power to fight. .Compete first, not weaker than others."

Gui Wugui's heart shuddered.

What Shen Yun said is "not weaker than others", not words like "closer" or "not much difference".Its meaning can be imagined.

Xuan Lingying covered her vermilion lips lightly, as if she was a little surprised, as if she didn't recognize the person in front of her; but after a short while, she became overwhelmed again.

Shu Shenyun continued: "But... there is one difference."

"After all, they have 'done it'...and I haven't 'done it' yet. Even if the two sides are completely equal, there is always a subtle difference between what has been done and what has not been done."

The "achieve" in Shu Shen Yun's mouth refers to the established career.

Those who are really ambitious must have the idea of ​​deciphering the secret of the Ten Yuan Xuanshu and leveling the world; but no one can do this.

Then the next best thing is to reach the limit under the current rules, take twenty-four of the forty-nine fruits, and control half of the mountains and rivers.

This is what Shen Yun said about "doing it".

Gui Wugui said in a slow voice: "Just now I heard the discussion of the community leaders, thinking that the hidden law of Chaowu Shrine is the first among the five societies, and other places have also fallen, so everyone is not confident... My disciple has an idea, maybe it can be saved. The Profound Dao Fruit is safe and sound."

Shu Shenyun said quietly, "What method?"

Gui Wugui said: "Concentrate all the remaining Profound Dao Fruits of this shrine in the body of Master alone, and keep them close to me. Even... if the other four shrines are interested, the two parties can sign a contract. All the Profound Dao Fruits held by each family will be handed over to Master You keep it."

Xuan Lingying was stunned.

The consequences of doing so are self-evident.

It's a really crazy plan.

In the beautiful eyes with special charm, the brilliance flows.

After a few breaths, Shu Shenyun sighed: "I just thought about it for a long time, and I just thought that if I had a fight with He Tiebo, there might be immeasurable benefits... But I just want to take the initiative to challenge you. idea……"

"really not bad."

After finishing speaking, Shu Shen Yun pulled Gui Wu Jiu over and kissed him on the forehead.

Not without regret, he said: "If I had found someone to marry more than ten years ago, you little guy would have been reincarnated as my son, right? It must be like this... What a pity."

(End of this chapter)

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