Chapter 970
This intimate gesture fell into Xuan Lingying's eyes, apart from being horrified, there was even a bit of sourness.

But on the way back, Gui Wugui seemed a little dazed.

A trace of graceful emotion suddenly floated in my heart.

He is not fluttering because of the intimacy expressed by the special charm, but...

Gui Wugui Mingrui noticed that since the silence just now, Shu Shen Yun has also entered an inexplicable and wonderful state.

Although there are many projections of extraordinary people in the "ring heart" of Mana Benzhou, those are only virtual images of "intentional or unintentional" after all; , A person with a clear goal.

Therefore, Gui Wugui observes the characters in this world, even the special charm that seems to be the incarnation of a woman in white, can hold a detached attitude, just like appreciating a complicated and precise picture scroll, detached from the world of mortals.

But Shu Shenyun's descriptive attitude at this moment made Gui Wujiu's heart suddenly lifted, and the impact he received was no small matter.

The core problem lies in the "consciousness" of Shen Yun.

The special charm at this time, after a long time of rare contemplation, became radiant, clear-eyed, and firm-eyed.

She seemed to have decided that defeating an ancient "Five Prosperity Patriarch" would be extremely beneficial to her own practice.

This kind of "knowledge" and "consciousness" that transcends everything; or "sense of mission" and "clear heart", even if it is not blame in Ziwei's big world, it needs to be carefully considered every time it encounters a major decision , Retreat and practice quietly, feel the general trend quietly, and the time sequence rotates.

Every time at this moment, Gui Wujiu firmly believes in——

I must really "know" and "consciously", and what I see is definitely not a phantom of whimsy.

In the end, it was verified by the fact that everything tended to be roughly the same as he expected, and it was verified that his sense of destiny was correct.

If it is just a phantom "intentionally or unintentionally", can it have such a strong sense of mission that seems to be fully realized?

Go back to Beisha Shrine, the shrine.

After Xuan Lingying left, only Gui Wujiu and Shu Shenyun were left in the hall.

Shu Shenyun glanced at Gui Wujiu, and said with a smile, "Mo You. It seems that you still have something to say? It's okay to say everything directly."

Gui Wujiu breathed out a turbid breath, shook his head lightly, and said: "The disciple is just thinking wildly, it's not worth mentioning. Since the master asked, Mo You just said it directly, and the master doesn't have to worry about the weird words." .”

Standing in front of the glazed window in front of the hall, Shu Shenyun said, "Say it."

Gui Wugui weighed his words carefully, and said: "The practice of Xuanfa is so graceful and mysterious, imitating objects and embodying shapes, which is not unsatisfactory. But throughout the ages, people who have practiced to the highest level still have a lifespan of less than two hundred years. Can the cultivation Dao, used to strengthen the body and soul, seeking a long life and long sight?"

Shu Shenyun was slightly taken aback, and said with a smile, "I never thought you would think of life and death at such a young age."

Then he continued: "In fact, with the cultivation base of the first level of society, the body has been refined, and it has reached the state of indestructibility. For example, He Tiebo's 'corpse change', if not for the premise that his body is still intact, it would be Absolutely impossible."

No blame nodding.

Shu Shenyun continued: "Longevity and immortality, heroes of ancient times, have never thought about it. But the key is not the deterioration of the body, but the decline of the soul. After two hundred years, the practitioners will not gradually age like ordinary people; Consciousness weakens, only between night and day. Maybe one moment you are still full of energy, but the next moment you feel that the end is approaching. The mystery of it has never been an exception throughout the ages."

"Those who are ambitious use various secret methods to make up for it, and they must not be exempt from vulgarity."

Gui Wugui nodded again.

A trace of comfort emerged in Shu Shenyun's heart.She only said that it was nothing to blame because she was about to fight He Tiebo to the death, so she felt disillusioned and anxious, thinking about life and death.

Gui Wugui had an idea, caught a subtle detail, and suddenly said:
"Has Master ever thought about a possibility—that is, when more than two hundred years have passed, the divine will is not completely disintegrated, but ascended to the sky and thrown into another world?"

"Maybe another world is broader, more exciting, and has a longer lifespan. It seems to be a higher-level stage."

This is a "mystery" that Gui Wugui accidentally caught.

In Mana Island, there seems to be no one who thinks beyond the sky, considers the boundaries of heaven and earth, and the past and present of people.

Not to mention people who practice profound methods, it is said that ordinary people who are the most popular in the theory of gods and monsters also adhere to the idea of ​​​​"one life and one death".Such a situation seems to be quite different from the law of the evolution and reproduction of creatures.

There was a slight surprise in the special charm eyes.

Immediately explained the reason for Gui Wugui.

It turns out that when the meritorious deeds have reached the stage of social justice, they are already deeply familiar with the nature of things, and they are a little bit clear.Although there is no means such as "divorce of spirit and soul", it is not difficult to sense one's own spirit as if it were an entity.

With the brilliance of such people's knowledge and insight, they can naturally perceive that the essence of a body is not "departing", but completely "dissipating".

So the theory of reincarnation, the theory of reincarnation, and the theory of ascension to another world, although it is not uncommon to mention such strange words, but there is not much market for them.

Gui Wujiu was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Then He Tiebo, the matter of 'death change', is there a more cooperative solution?"

Shu Shenyun was stunned, and said: "The five elements spread up and down, and the senses communicate with living beings..."

But the latter words did not continue.

Confusion and surprise flickered in the eyes of the special charm, which seemed to open a door in his heart.

Then he stretched out his right hand unconsciously, and lightly landed on Gui Wugui's shoulder.

Gui Wugui must be sure.

That's why he insists it's a "mystery" that hasn't been properly explained.

If we say that in the minds of the people in Mana Benzhou, the spirit is an unfathomable, subtle and mysterious existence, with no reason for its coming, and no end for its going, then Gui Wugui can barely understand the strange world where there is no spirit in this world. The reason; if it is consistent, it will be self-consistent.

But the truth is otherwise.

Since even things like "decadal change" can happen and be accepted; in addition to the path of essence and blood inheritance and yin and yang intercourse to give birth to blood descendants, the circulation of qi up and down can also be born in accidental situations like "spiritual wisdom" ", then the status of the soul is obviously not "transcendent".

Under this premise, the research and exploration of this Tao will definitely be put on the agenda, and this idea will never be abandoned because of temporary futility.

Taking a ten thousand step back, those with great supernatural powers who practice profound methods would rather suspect that their own insight has not penetrated into one realm, and should not form such a strange consensus.

For example, the emperors and generals in the mortal world, and the rich and powerful.

Its praying to the gods did not work, or refining and taking the so-called life-prolonging elixir did not work, and they only said that they were not sincere enough, or they did not get the right way, so they would not doubt the real existence of the immortal way.Because things beyond the scope of their understanding, which constitute supernatural phenomena, often appear.

At this moment, Gui Wujiu suddenly had a definite guess in his heart.

The characters in Mana Benzhou are the unconscious spiritual reflections of great people.

In other words, it's not that a certain big man, like the master of yin and yang, deliberately made a clone and put himself into it; This world, possessing people.

The real natives in this world obviously did not come from this way.

It should be a big person in Zhou Tian's universe, who is "interested" in the world of Ziwei, then unconsciously, a mirrored virtual image will naturally appear in the world.

Arranged in order, bento symbolizes the superiority of meritorious deeds.

And the former "sages", perhaps representing the big figures who once "followed" the world of Ziwei, left a thought; but that thought has dissipated.

Thoughts come and go, thoughts come and go without a trace, so it looks very crisp and neat!

Shu Shenyun sighed.

Immediately smiled and said: "Reincarnation is fine. If it is really beyond the sky, there is a sky. I want to see the scenery outside the world."

She said this easily, obviously not taking it seriously.

But Gui Wugui's chest rose and fell.

Shu Shenyun's words were like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which made him have a bold idea——

What will happen if the special charm is brought out of Mana Island and brought into the Ziwei Great World?

Gui Wujiu said in his mouth: "Perhaps there will be such a day, maybe."

Before the words fell, the sky suddenly darkened and was covered by dark clouds.

A cyan thunderbolt almost as thick as a bucket crashed down and hit the school field in the middle of the main hall heavily.

ps: resume update.

I thought I would be fine with a day off.Unexpectedly, the spasms and waving of the arms were too violent, resulting in a strained right shoulder.It is difficult to hold on for ten minutes with the right arm raised flat, even resting on the table, and it is only comfortable when it hangs down.So there is really no way to update.

Resuming the update today is the fastest possible.When I wake up in the morning and feel that my arms can be lifted flat, I update it immediately.

Sorry about the new book.In fact, when I wrote more than [-] new chapters, I felt that the writing was not good, and everyone knows it.At that time, I had the idea of ​​​​abandoning and reopening.The reason why I insisted on it later, to be honest, an important factor is the investment and rewards of book friends, who are unwilling to let down.I didn't expect an accident, but it helped me make a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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