Chapter 971
After the thunderstorm, came the torrential rain.

The rain was extremely heavy. At first, the raindrops the size of soybeans fell in a flurry, and then they formed a thread and poured down like a pour.

In the inner hall, through the floor-to-ceiling glazed windows, overlooking from top to bottom, it is not difficult to tell that the water channels at the corners of the hall will converge into a dynamic and surging overflow in a short time, and channel them to the outside.

Xuan Lingying suddenly entered and reported: "The thunderstorm came unexpectedly. We have to postpone the message."

Shu Shenyun glanced at Gui Wujiu and nodded calmly.

Xuan Lingying said: "As soon as the rain stops, the subordinates will start immediately."

On the way back, Gui Wuyu Shu Shen Yun agreed on the plan, and once he returns, he will start to implement it.

However, the method of emergency communication with the other four major shrines can only be used when the weather is clear.

Xuan Lingying hesitated for a while, and said again: "This celestial phenomenon..."

Precisely because the method of communication needs the support of the weather, there are people in the shrine who specialize in this method, known as the "Fa Tiansi", who are like the Qin Tianjian of the secular dynasty, and deduce it; there has always been no error.

As soon as the time passes every day, Fa Tiansi will make today's celestial changes accurate to every quarter of an hour as part of the information summary.

If the celestial phenomena change beyond control, it often means a bad omen.

Shu Shenyun waved her hand and said, "It's okay."

Xuan Lingying retreated.

Gui Wugui also secretly marveled in his heart.

Even in the world of Ziwei, if there is a chance to meet and arouse the celestial phenomenon, it cannot be said to be very rare.

But such situations are usually nothing more than two images:

One is the sound of thunder.

The second is the changing situation.

Whether it is what he saw in the records or Gui Wugui's personal experience, it can be said to be roughly the same.

That's why when the thunder and lightning rolled just now, Gui Wugui was not only not surprised, but rather pleased.

But the drowsy rainstorm that followed was far beyond his expectations.

It is really unbelievable that it is so concrete and substantive.

Is it because my idea of ​​"exiting the country with a special charm" is very correct, and it is because of the discovery of the secret?

It seems that this is not the case...

Looking out of the window,

With a thought, Gui Wugui suddenly realized something, a smile appeared on his face, and said: "Disciple understands."

Shu Shenyun said in surprise, "Tell me."

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "What the disciple said, if the master thinks it is crazy and absurd, please don't be offended by the master."

Shu Shen Yun pinched Gui Wu Jiu's shoulder blades heavily, and said casually, "That's natural."

Gui Wugui said calmly: "In the heart of the master, he attaches great importance to his disciples. He thinks that fate lies in the sustenance of enlightenment and career, and Mo You knows it in his heart."

Shu Shenyun turned her head, said "En", and looked up and down.

The experience of the past year, especially Shen Yun himself, certainly does not hide his love for Gui Wujiu; but Gui Wujiu's attitude is relatively quiet and internally refined, quite a bit of "tacit", and seldom has the same Such an act of "expressing one's heart".

Gui Wugui continued: "In the final analysis, besides the importance of aptitude, the more important factor in the fate between the master and the disciple is probably the four words 'combination of knowledge and knowledge'. On the way of the law, I was touched and inspired."

Shu Shenyun put her arms around her waist, her voice was high, but her attitude was casual: "That's right."

Gui Wugui said: "There was a storm just now. The disciple suddenly came up with a thought—whether the value of the disciple's treasure to the master lies only in the practical level of 'communication of knowledge and understanding'? Is it possible... Can the disciple still help Master in your practical practice?"

Shu Shenyun was stunned, and said, "This is... the inspiration that this sudden rainstorm gave you?"

Gui Wugui nodded seriously.

Special Shen Yun looked up to the sky and smiled.

After more than ten breaths, Shu Shenyun smiled and said: "I have reached my level of practice, do you think there will still be 'practical' deficiencies?"

This rhetorical question really has inexplicable pressure.

But Gui Wugui was unmoved, and said with his chin in his hand, "Maybe there is..."

Shu Shenyun straightened his face, mixed with three points of eccentricity, and said: "Indeed there are...but this is not my deficiency alone, but the deficiency shared by all the people in the world, ancient and modern, who have descended to such a state of If it can be resolved, it will really live up to the image of 'bolt from the blue' just now."

Gui Wugui's expression turned positive, full of interest.

Shu Shenyun continued: "Those who practice profound power in the five major shrines all have a container behind them. It may be a gourd, or a box, or a box. But when they reach the first floor of the shrine, they often no longer carry this container. Do you know what it is? reason?"

Gui Wugui said seriously: "I don't know."

Shu Shenyun said: "Because of the first floor of the society, the profound power has been controlled to a subtle and mysterious level, almost dissecting the source, from top to bottom. In fact, there is a slight gap when the original material is deeply hidden in a container. Disharmony. Even the best container is not immune to vulgarity."

Gui Wujiu thought for a while and said, "But Master still prepared a container."

The small gourd with special charm is slightly smaller than the ordinary four-section gourd, and it is obviously a special treasure.

Shu Shenyun nodded calmly, and said: "This is also a last resort. If you always hide the original five elements in your palm or between your skin, the storage time will be limited, and spiritual loss is inevitable; If there is an extra burden."

"So, people who have practiced to the highest level actually lack a 'container' that is flawless inside and outside, coordinates the origin, things and self, and holds on to the outside. Don't be afraid, even for long-term practice, it is also of great benefit."

"Perhaps, it may not be impossible to reach the 'interval between heaven and man' as you said, to explore the boundaries of the ancient and modern worlds, and the soul and longevity."

After a slight pause, Shu Shenyun said a little slyly: "Can you help me solve this 'practical difficulty'?"

Gui Wugui felt a slight shock in his heart.

Immediately telepathic, reviewing the foreign objects carried by this body.

Whether it is a grade as high as a small blacksmith, or the out-of-bounds treasure, swallowing the Twin Beads, the Yueheng Seal Talisman, the Guixu, or even the real treasure Golden Pill.One should be a heavy treasure, although it has a charm of detached world.But because they had been refined by the Gui Wu Jiu Immortal Method, they all fell into a deep sleep and could not be awakened.

Only when you are on the verge of leaving the world, is there a chance to reawaken.

However, there is one thing that appears in one's sleeve at will.

Although the rank of this item is high, it is the only treasure that has not yet been refined by Gui Wugui. It has natural physical properties and has not been contaminated with immortality.Therefore, in this Mana Island, it still appears as a flexible entity.

Gui Wujiu took it out, hesitantly said: "I have a sense of affinity with my disciple, it seems that this thing is of great use to Master."

Shu Shenyun took it casually, originally with a careless expression on her face.

But after a few breaths, her face suddenly changed, and her eyes shot out a brilliance that she had never seen before.

A few inches above the palm of Shu Shen Yun's palm, there is a round bead floating.

Crystal clear, round and self-sufficient, wonderful.

At the same time, there is fine dust surrounding the bead, sometimes floating outside, sometimes dissipating and disappearing.

In fact, what makes it difficult for outsiders to see the secret is that at this time, Shu Shen Yun has incorporated all the real soil from the four-section gourd placed in the corner of the wall into this bead.

Such a transparent entity without gaps inside and outside is simply unimaginable.

It is not worth mentioning that it works flawlessly when it is used; more importantly, the real soil is hidden in the bead, and there seems to be a feeling of incarnation as a part of one's own body. If it is cultivated for a long time, it can truly reach the " limit".

Senior Yingjie, whether it is the so-called "Five Prosperity Lords", or other club owners; or it is Shu Shenyun himself.Originally thought that they were the peak of the world's profound cultivation; but after obtaining this thing, Shu Shenyun suddenly realized that there was still a ray of light ahead.

A quarter of an hour later, the special charm was running smoothly, and it seemed that the meaning was still unfinished, so he said: "Where did you find the treasure? Why do you have a premonition that this thing is useful as a teacher? Is it just because of the abnormal celestial phenomenon just now?"

Gui Wugui pondered and said: "This is what I got by accident when I was on a mission a year ago."

"Afterwards, I had a dream, and in the dream I got a verse: Take three for one, and the law is always there."

At the same time, he raised his head and waited and watched the change of Shen Yun's expression.

Shu Shenyun raised her eyebrows and said in a low voice, "Take three for one?"

Not much difference.

Gui Wugui suddenly felt a trace of regret.

This moment doesn't seem to be the time to point out the maze, the words just now were a bit too radical.

As soon as the thought came to mind, he immediately said: "I didn't know what it meant. I just thought about it recently. It should be about the disciple becoming a closed disciple of the master. There are three things the disciple got from the master: one is the profound method instruction; the other is fame and status; It’s family love. If you have these three benefits, you should return them to one, and it seems that you should use this treasure to thank Master.”

Shu Shenyun murmured, "It's like this..."

But there seemed to be a trace of confusion in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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