Chapter 972
A dilapidated black banner stands in the square courtyard of bamboo.

The height of the bamboo poles is uneven, and there are faint mottled marks on them.

In the main house surrounded by the courtyard, there is a horizontal set at the front door.There were six broken tables scattered in front of them, as if they were the regulations of a small wine shop.

Behind the counter, a strong man with a green face tilted his head, seemingly half asleep.

"Twenty catties of air-dried meat, ten catties of sake."

At this moment, a clear voice sounded.

The blue-faced man suddenly opened his eyes.

A few idlers scattered around the house glanced at it inadvertently.

Everyone in this generation carries a container, but it is completely different from the gourd, water tank, bamboo tube, etc. commonly seen in the five major shrines.

Roughly speaking, it looks like a strangely shaped soft bag.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that the person speaking was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, and they couldn't help being slightly surprised.

Although there was nothing special about the appearance of the blue-faced strong man, but when he looked at him head-on, he could notice that his pupils were half smaller than ordinary people, and the whites of his eyes were exposed, which was quite creepy.

His tiny eyeballs rolled for a while, and then he lightly weighed the soles of his feet, and a lotus leaf package popped out, and he pushed it head-on.

Gui Wujiu stretched out his hand, caught it steadily, and returned it with an innocent smile.

The blue-faced burly man showed surprise, and immediately nodded slightly, closing his eyes.

Gui Wujiu is also very pleased, the person in front of him looks like a top-notch clerk, but in fact he is already a first-class guard leader.

Gui Wugui came to an empty table alone.

Not long after, another person came in and sat down with big strides outside the house.

The rest of the people at the table looked at this young man, a young woman about [-] years old, and couldn't help but feel amazed.

In fact, Shu Shen Yun did not use the method of disguise, but just changed her attire.But with a simple change of attire, the owner of the Beisha Shrine, whose name is moving across continents, can no longer be easily identified.

This is because of the subtle effect achieved by adjusting the light and dark tones of the skin with a special "sand method".

At this moment, more than nine months have passed since Shu Shenyun returned to Beisha Shrine.

Right now, the place where the two are based is the "Hidden Wind Shrine" between the Beisha Shrine and the Star Iron Shrine. It is not among the five major shrines, but it is the largest among the more than ten small and medium shrines and declining inheritances.

However, the "Hidden Wind Shrine" has no leader, and gradually became a "place of exile" under the constraints of special rules.

Long story.

After the message of the special charm, the Grass Leaves Shrine responded.Now the remaining Xuan Dao fruits of the two major shrines are all in the body of Shu Shen Yun.

In addition, it is better to take the initiative to attack than to sit on the sidelines.

If He Tiebo wants to continue to attack, he must either go directly to Shu Shenyun, or temporarily avoid the edge and go to Chaowu Shrine and other three families to attack.Beisha, Caoye and the treasury of the shrine are empty, so naturally there is no value in selling them.

Therefore, special charm and no blame, travel among the three shrines.

It doesn't look like much, but in fact, there is a special name in practice called "roaming".

Because those who practice the mysterious method are always switching between the two states.

Or the state of wartime that one deliberately enters, long-term cutting off food and sleep, and continuous combat, can also be supported; or the state of regular practice, with movement and rest, sleep, and convenient eating, all of which are extremely rhythmic and cannot be easily destroyed.

Usually after a wartime state ends, more than twice the "normal" is needed to make up for it.

But in addition to these situations, there is another situation called "roaming".

In layman's terms, it is a mode in which there is no diet, no rhythm of life, and it is possible to enter a combat state all the time, but it is not as compact and concentrated as a wartime state. If necessary, "roaming" and daily life are integrated, often lasts for several years or even longer.

Undoubtedly, this kind of chaotic life is extremely harmful to the spiritual body of the practitioner.

A cultivation base below the Golden Guardian cannot be attempted.

Only by entering the first floor of Zhenwei, can one continue in the "roaming" environment for a longer period of time; if this is the case, there will be a great loss of Shouyuan Divine Consciousness.

Even at the first level of Shezheng, everything seems to be as usual, but it seems that a layer of "membrane" is pasted on the body, and it will be inferior to the most comfortable and perfect state after all.

Gui Wugui's original cultivation was at the peak of the Golden Guard; it was extremely reluctant to try the "roaming" journey.

During the first six months of the trip, every three days, Shen Yun had to use the bone rubbing method and spirit washing method for him, which was very exhausting.

Finally, half a year later, Gui Wujiu felt that the time was ripe, and stepped into the realm of Zhenwei, which lasted eighteen months.

Although the age of achievement is still lower than that of Shu Shenyun, but in terms of the golden guard alone breaking through the rank of the guard leader, it is already a rare speed in Mona continent.

If it wasn't for traveling abroad, there would definitely be a large-scale celebration in the Northern Sand God Territory.

After breaking through, the normalization of "roaming" can be maintained.

At the same time, the special charm operates the mirror beads, and controls the way of the real earth, gradually from "distracted use" to "interior and exterior seamlessness". The Taoism seems to have reached a magical state full of perfection and rich details. Among them, they seem to have a vague feeling for the top figures in Mana Continent.

Even when wandering around the Chaogiri Shrine, even the master of the Chaogiri Shrine, Miao Zhizhenggong, has surpassed all others, and gradually became considerate.

Since this month, I finally found my destiny and came to the Hidden Wind Shrine.

If the premonition is not bad, this is where He Tiebo will appear soon.

After Gui Wujiu and Shu Shenyun sat down, within a short time, each ate two catties of jerky.

Shu Shenyun said: "If you can predict it this time, it will be no less a surprise than the 'Dzi Bead'."

"Dzi Bead" is what Shu Shen Yun calls "Mirror Bead".

Gui Wujiu nodded, then smiled and said, "I'm not sure about this either."

Shu Shen Yun stared at Gui Wu Jiu twice, then shook her head.

It stands to reason that since she was able to predict the place where He Tiebo appeared, then the outline of this person should also be as expected...

His disciple, not only "confirmed and agreed" with his own concept, but directly put forward a prophecy.

After eating half full, the two waited quietly in the house.

So did the rest.

It's just that everyone's mental state seems to be moving but still, and there is agility hidden in the dormancy, and they are also in the state of "roaming".

The reason why Hidden Wind Shrine is called "the place of exile", or "the domain of sin" is actually because most of the monks who defected from the five major shrines.

Although the location is favorable here, unless the people on the first level of the society come in person, it is extremely difficult to capture the target in the area like snakes walking through the nine caves; and the unique "wind miasma" here is not suitable for long-term residence; Carry out irregular and indiscriminate suppression, do not teach people peace, and force those who fled here to enter the "roaming roaming" mode.

In this way, those below the Golden Guard will surely die within twenty years.

It can be regarded as another means of punishment.

Even the masters at the town guard level still feel uncomfortable.


After a quarter of an hour.

A middle-aged man wearing a bamboo hat stepped into the house.

His eyes are clear and piercing, looking around the audience.

You Qi exchanged a glance with Shu Shen Yun and Gui Wu Jiu, and then sat down at an empty table as if nothing had happened.

Although his appearance has changed, he can still be clearly identified with his special charm and eyesight of no blame. This is the person who emerged from the five-square formation, the culprit who stole two profound Dao fruits, He Tie Bo!
He Tiebo counted breaths blankly, then waved towards the counter, and said in a low voice, "Come and eat as you please."

When these words came out, Shu Shenyun had no doubts anymore, took a deep breath, turned his eyes between He Tiebo and Gui Wujiu, and said: "Good boy!"

"you win."

It was shown in the array that day, although the characters could be fully deduced and brought to life, but that was only an image after all; He Tiebo's real demeanor can only be judged after meeting him.

At this time, Gui Wugui had a whimsical guess.

After seeing He Tiebo in person, maybe he is different from the imaginary "dead corpse" who is ignorant of intelligence, He Tiebo should be more like a living person.

In layman's terms, it's not a "dead corpse"; it's a "resurrection".

This statement is really unbelievable; even Shu Shenyun thinks it is nonsense.

But Gui Wugui added that although it is a "resurrection", it should be different from the living people back then; perhaps it is more like a "resurrection" who has lost his memory, does not know where he is, and does not know that he is in a serious case. By".

In fact, there is no absolute certainty of blameless, it is just a hidden expectation.

See you today——

The brilliance in his eyes is clearly a living person.

The Qi mechanism of the skin should also be a living person.

Calling food and drink is beyond what zombies can do.

What's even better is that although the appearance of the special charm has changed, the aura is deeply hidden.Ordinary people can't detect it, but they are determined not to hide it from He Tiebo.At this time, as long as He Tiebo has normal intelligence, he can definitely guess that the person in front of him is here for him.

But he was indifferent, as if he was not at all sensitive to what he had done!

fit perfectly—

A "living man with amnesia".

ps: I was a little sore when I wrote Chapter 3 yesterday.Take it easy.Will be back to 3 chapters/day soon.

(End of this chapter)

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