Nothing is to blame

Chapter 973 Hands-to-hand combat 2 Strive for balance

Chapter 973
After a moment of confusion, Shu Shenyun and He Tiebo seemed to have an inexplicable feeling at the same time.

A loud bang.

At the same time shot.

Dust and sand rolled in, the house collapsed, and the two broke through the door.

Inside and outside the wine shop, there was a sudden sound of shouting and shouting.

At the beginning of the sound, it was originally mixed with arrogance and scolding in twos and threes. It seemed that he disliked someone who broke the rules and urgently needed to suppress it; but after only a few breaths, the voice immediately died down.Then Qingying escaped and jumped several miles away.

Because, one is thick and the other is agile, the power of the two techniques is really amazing!
After a few breaths, whispering and pointing followed.Amidst the shouts, words like "Special Shenyun" and "Beisha Society Owner" kept spit out from the mouths of these exiles from Yinfeng Shrine.

Special Shen Yun has not changed its appearance.

Previously, she only made a subtle adjustment to describe her temperament and light and dark tones; even though her face is the same, no one can recognize her true face; but at this moment, once she enters the fighting state, her whole body is condensed and unified, and the atmosphere returns to its original state.All pretentiousness is washed away and discarded like shoe shoes.The well-known owner of the Beisha Society is naturally known to everyone, and everyone knows it.

It's just that everyone can't help feeling a little strange.

I have heard that the owner of the Beisha Club is vaguely the number one master in the world; who can compete with him on an equal footing?

Gui Wugui took three steps, two steps and several vertical leaps, headed straight to the north, and took a position to observe.

The location is exactly opposite to the group of spectators in the wine shop.

This is the first time he has watched the first-rate characters in Mana Continent fight.

After a while, I couldn't help but nodded in my heart.

Reaching the pinnacle, it is wonderful.

It should be noted that the two people who fought against each other, one is the owner of Beisha Shrine; the other is the most outstanding figure in the history of Yanyang Shrine, and is one of the "Five Prosperous Ancestors".But the fighting technique between the two is not only on a large scale, but also has the taste of returning to the truth and melting the image of the five elements.

As far as ordinary fighting methods are concerned, those who come from Beisha Shrine, regardless of the subtle changes in Taoism and profound methods, are the fundamentals of their use; There is no need to say much about fire and wood used by the Kusaoba Shrine.

The difference formed is nothing more than a slight difference in fine and coarse color as the grade rises.

However, with the random actions of the special charm, the boundary of "earth" has been obliterated, but there is a mass of black tangible objects, which can be large or small, can be raised or hidden, and can change in a thousand ways, rigid and soft according to the situation.

And that He Tiebo didn't give up much.

Every blow is struck, carrying momentum, shining golden light, pushing waves and dragging currents.It presents a unique image of "golden fire reappearance".At first glance, it is absolutely hard to imagine that this is a method from the Yanyang Shrine, but it is more like the secret method of the Star Iron Shrine.If you look carefully for a while, its waves move like water, and it looks like the roads of Chaowu Shrine.

Only those with very good eyesight can observe the "fire" that runs through it.

The subtlety doesn't stop there.

The size and scale of this fight is in a trance, and it also gives people a unique sense of absurdity.

It's not hard to imagine that the scale of the mystic technique, which is so shocking in the past and the present, must be rare in the world, and it is beyond the reach of ordinary people; Looking at it, it doesn't seem that the scale of the battle is so great.

Only by introducing a "coordinate" in my mind, such as the size of the ruins of the ruined wine shop, did I suddenly realize the scale of the two's actions.

After a tentative fight for a while.

The special charm and solemn appearance suddenly changed.

However, the black tangible "phase" around the body suddenly turned, and it turned into a body covered in armor.

The black color is mysterious, like a mighty Valkyrie.

It turned out to be a simple, close-up invitation to attack.

Although He Tiebo's eyes gradually brightened, his expression did not change at all. He clenched his hands into fists, and when the fire flashed, he looked like two bright wheels, and also like two extremely huge gauntlets.

In this instant, I don't know how many rounds they fought, and the situation changed drastically.

The special charm shook her body.

The black armor on his body suddenly condensed into a black spot the size of a soybean.

The deformation of the real earth is normal; but it turned out that the armor, which was extremely plump and round in shape and spirit, turned into a bead in an instant, and seemed to undergo some twists and turns; however, this change seemed to be so fast that it seemed to break After crossing a certain inexplicable limit, the change in form accelerated, and it became very easy.

He opened his mouth and blew with special charm.

This bead is ten times faster than the full-strength arrow, and it was immediately nailed to He Tiebo's face.

Gui Wugui's heart moved.

This is the "clothes unloading method" among the twenty-four practical methods of the eight methods of real soil. The real power is mixed, not only the physical strength is extremely strong, but more importantly, the "deformation force" contained in it is extremely sharp.It is very difficult for people who have never seen such a move to deal with it calmly.

He Tiebo folded his palms together.

The flames of the two bright wheels condensed into a mirror.

Zhentuwan was unstoppable, pierced through without seeming to be hindered at all, and then hit He Tiebo's chest heavily.

He Tiebo staggered and stepped back more than ten steps before he stabilized his figure.

The special charm showed surprise.

Facing the blow of Xieyi Hozhenchimaru, if you want to completely resist it, you will inevitably be destroyed.Only at the last moment did the limits of manpower become known, but by then it was too late, and serious injuries were inevitable.The correct way to deal with it is to disregard one's own mighty power, only to dispel the "transformation potential" hidden in the pill, and then take a hard blow.

It seems to be a little frustrated, a little embarrassed; but the person who made this blow is also in the "low valley" of aura, and has to accumulate profound strength again, so it is not possible to immediately take advantage of the victory to pursue the victory and establish a victory.

Such a countermeasure is extremely difficult to think of.

After Shu Shenyun became familiar with the "Eight Principles of True Earth", she had to think about it for a while before she came up with it.

Unexpectedly, this "zombie" made a correct response in an instant, and used the "burning god method" in Yanyang Shrine that only guards against the invisible, not the tangible, to dismantle it.

This is definitely not a dead body, it can be done by instinct!
It seems that as Gui Wugui said, he should be treated as a "resurrected" person...

From this move, the battle situation changed again.

Special Shen Yun uses the actual combat methods in the eight methods of "True Earth" one by one.The domineering intentions on the battlefield were restrained by three points, but the precise setbacks and treacherous changes immediately increased by more than ten times.

Regarding this scene, the attitudes of the spectators are completely different.

Gui Wugui's spirit is boosted, and he appreciates the limit of the combat power of Muna Island, just like tasting a good cup of tea; but the wanderer at the other end doesn't know much about the subtle changes in the battle situation, and he still says It was after the two of them had fought fiercely, their true strength dropped a little, so they were a little bit weak.

What's more, once the fresh excitement at the beginning was over, several people immediately remembered that being involved in a fight at the level of the head of Beisha Shrine seemed to be a disaster rather than a blessing.Therefore, after the cup of tea, half of the people have quietly dispersed.

In this battle, half an hour has passed in the blink of an eye.


A gleam of splendor flashed in Gui Wugui's eyes.

After pondering for a long time, he has roughly captured more and deeper things.

It depends on whose "means" are deeper.

Shu Shenyun once said that she is confident that she is not under the "Five Prosperous Patriarchs" of Mana Island.However, the five people in the past have achieved the great honor of being in charge of "Half the World". There seems to be a slight difference between "success" and "unachieved", "done" and "not yet done".

This slight difference, floating between existence and non-existence, may become the key to victory or defeat.

Verifying the battle situation today, it really is.

Except for the "undressing method" used earlier, He Tiebo disassembled all the subtle methods that Shu Shen Yun used later with ease.But Gui Wugui observed carefully, but he couldn't find the slightest leap of mind, brilliance of talent, and the agility of seeing the tricks;

Gui Wugui pondered for a while, then secretly put his own observation ability beyond one realm into fit, and finally came to a conclusion.Such a wonderful use is exactly the "score" that He Tiebo obtained naturally after he achieved the "Five Great Ancestors" and took control of half of the country. It is like the "righteous name" in the secular orthodoxy, or the "general trend is in me" that the monks tirelessly pursue. .

With this heavy trump card at his side, even though the two of them know each other well and have the same morals, Shu Shenyun's methods are still difficult to be effective, but his own defense is always ineffective. .

However, this is the special charm of "once upon a time".

Now, Shen Yun also has its own "reliance".

Since the "Mirror Bead" was refined into the dantian as the treasure of savings, when the magic power is used by the special charm, it will naturally reach a new state of seamlessness and integration between the inside and the outside.

This is not just as simple as saving about [-] to [-]% of the profound energy during the battle.

All in all, after the mirror beads are cultivated and matured, in the eyes of special charm, the colors of the whole world become more plump, full and vivid.It seems that God's will, personnel and affairs cannot be separated from this wisdom heart.

In the rhyme of Taoism, if you have time, you will inevitably drift with the tide; if you have no time, you will be able to develop the "great freedom" heart of looking up at the universe and looking down at the world.

If you are in the midst of a battle against the enemy, or you have a flash of "knowledge", you are not outside the three realms, jumping out of the five elements, or you can get the unexpected effect.

In other words, this is not a contest between Shu Shenyun and He Tiebo.

It is a contest of "dependence" that the two bear additionally.

After enlightenment, Gui Wujiu no longer paid attention to the battle situation, but pondered secretly.

After another hundred breaths, Gui Wujiu slowly opened his eyes.

He has the answer in his heart.

He Tiebo's enlightenment and openness are ultimately limited to one world; but the "chance" of the special charm implicitly coincides with himself, linking reality and illusion.

At the moment when this thought was completely clear.

An incredible, indescribable blow hit He Tiebo on the forehead.

 I was supposed to take a few days off last month.But suddenly encountered a situation that had never appeared before.

  Induce disease in sleep in the morning.

  It's never been seen before.

  Even before the dressing was changed, before it was thought to be "cured", it did not appear.

  Although there is no serious harm to the body, as long as there is one in the morning, the spirit of the next day will inevitably be sluggish, and it is impossible to code.

  I tried my best, thought of countless ways, and resumed [-] steps of exercise under the sun every day, various indoor exercises, etc...

  Finally, by correcting my sleep habits and waking up at four or five o'clock in the morning, this problem was roughly solved.

  The joys and sorrows in it are not enough for outsiders.

  Reverted to update.

(End of this chapter)

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