Chapter 996

Shu Yubai immediately shot again.

This shot was different from the one just now.

Its figure is either long or flat, high or low, and even disperses into phantoms in one breath, seemingly everywhere.The subtlety of the two essences immediately reached an unimaginable state.

Du Niansha guards her mind and responds to all changes with the same.


Why are there forty-two kinds of supernatural powers in Tibetan Xiangzong?

Take two of the seven methods, so there are twenty-one kinds in total; if each other is master and slave, then double the changes, so there are forty-two kinds.

The combination of "master" and "slave" is actually a fixed number.

Because the Taoism of the Tibetan Elephant School follows the path of interlocking circles.The two kinds of Daoism are not only divided into two parts, but also merged into a whole from time to time.

When the former sages intensively studied Taoism, they discovered that if the weight ratio between the subordinate supernatural power and the main supernatural power is the same as the ratio between the main supernatural power and the master-slave, then when the supernatural power is used, it will be the most important. Hassle-free.

In terms of numbers, the importance of the main supernatural powers accounts for about [-]% out of [-]%.

However, due to the opportunity of dismantling Xuanyuan Huai and Gui Wujiu to demonstrate the Bamai swordsmanship, Shu Yubai made a breakthrough in understanding the cooperation between supernatural powers and achieved his unique secret.

Shu Yubai discovered a truth from it——

If the master and slave do not follow this fixed ratio, but the profit and loss change at any time.From the immediate point of view, it is not the optimal solution, and the power of the supernatural method seems to be compromised; but from a higher level, all kinds of changes are connected successively, which contains the secret of "everything in the world".

In other words, the seven methods of Zangxiang were originally born out of Yin-Yang and Five Elements.There are infinite changes in the severity of supernatural powers, and their destinations are not forty-two, but one thousand, ten thousand, or even infinite;

This step can only be achieved by the Legend of the Eight Swords of Zangzong.

Moreover, this method needs to wait until the "Bei Ming Zao Yu Jing" is perfected and the Tao is truly completed before it can exert its greatest power.

Embodied in actual combat, at this time, the image of Shu Yubai's supernatural powers spread for more than several miles, and the scene was so magnificent that it was really unimaginable.Sometimes the sky hangs down like a line, forming a line; sometimes there are thousands of clouds, and a hammer falls.Its style and shape are diametrically opposite, forming ninety-nine changes in an instant.

The difference is so great that it is hard to believe that these are all from the two classics "Xie Xing He Bian Huo Liu Shu" and "Bai Yu He He He Fei Jing", without any variation.

In terms of effectiveness, Du Niansha felt that the coming magical change was a moment faster.

Resisting it, the pressure suddenly increased.

Fortunately, judging from the results, many extremely surreptitious attacks seemed to be too late to react, and they were about to break through the defense line of the mask in an instant; purpose" resist back.

Shu Yubai thought secretly.

I have gained the upper hand.The reason why he failed to win was because the combination of "Xie Xing He Bian Huo Liu Shu" and "Zi Feng Chi Shu Jing Chen Tu" happened to restrain his own two scriptures.

Shu Yubai suddenly changed his tactics.

All the gorgeous visions outside suddenly disappeared.

Within the mask of Du Niansha's protective body, thousands of blue needles that were half an inch long and short and as thick as hair suddenly appeared out of thin air, piercing towards Du Niansha's body!

At this time, Shu Yubai's two supernatural powers changed into "Taixuan Jiyang Method" and "Chongning Zhigui".

This method is good at creating something out of nothing, and then spread its power to the extreme in an instant. It is the nemesis of the "Scenery Map" that responds to all changes without change and visualizes the big shield.

Relying on the ability to appear quietly within the defense line, defensive magical powers that are almost the same as this are completely useless.

With Shu Yubai's realm of perfection, his attainments in "Taixuan Jiyang Method" and "Chongning Zhigui" are not as good as those of "Fei Jing" and "Huoliu Shu", but the gap is extremely small .However, the huge benefits of mutual restraint with supernatural powers far outweigh the losses.

If Du Niansha insisted on using the two classics of "Jingchen Tu" and "Huoliushu" that she is best at, she would lose in an instant.

This is to force both the enemy and the enemy into areas that are not their best skills, and then decide the winner.

Shu Yubai's intentions don't stop there.

To achieve the restraint of the two methods held by Du Niansha, there are at least six combinations; and the combination of "Taixuan Jiyang Method" and "Chongning Zhigui" is actually not the best of the six.

But he still chose this method.

Because according to the path of the seven methods of mutual restraint, if you want to restrain "Chong Ning Zhigui", you can't get around the most special part of the seven methods——

"Bei Ming Zao Yu Jing".

Because the Tao has not yet been completed, this method is slightly lacking; therefore, the effect of restraint will not be able to reap the full effect!
Du Niansha responded immediately.

As soon as the mask was closed, the real body turned into a dark blue "water man", and all offensive magical powers were absorbed by this "water man".

"Zifeng Chishu Scenery Map" is the deputy;
"Bei Ming Zao Yu Jing" is the main one.

Du Niansha really chose the most restrained way to deal with it.

Shu Yubai shook his head, obviously thinking that Du Niansha's choice was unwise.

But he still paused slightly to see the aftermath.

At the moment when Shu Yubai felt that the form of the supernatural power was completely dissolved, and it did not exist in the world at all, Du Niansha's watery body seemed to dissipate in an instant, revealing a trace of her true form.

It was still a tie.

Hearing that Du Niansha has an extraordinary comprehension of the "Northern Darkness Constructing and Educational Sutra", it seems that she has taken a big step forward.

It was verified today, and it really is true.

After the unfinished flaws of "Bei Ming Zao Yu Jing" were reduced, the strengths of the supernatural powers that counteract each other offset each other, which is equivalent to using two "tied" supernatural powers that have no difference in birth and restraint.


That's enough too!
Shu Yubai immediately activated.

The two evolved into needles, nails, arrows, spears, and hammers, all of which appeared out of thin air and greeted Du Niansha.

But Du Niansha still used the method of "melting water" to resist.

If there is a tie in the way of life and restraint, then my advantage in supernatural power changes will be brought into play.

These different shapes and the order of shots are not just for the sake of looking good; the gradual coordination among them contains extremely profound principles.It won't be long before Du Niansha will feel that her body is becoming more and more sluggish, and the pressure to dissipate the incoming magical powers is increasing, and the "hydration body" will also be disbanded in advance!

This battle is over!

A quarter of an hour passed.

At first, everything went as Shu Yubai expected.Du Niansha's body became more and more sluggish, and the water phenomenon gradually changed from clear and running water to that filled with mud and sand, which was not working well.


This moment of shattering has yet to come.

Finally, Shu Yubai got a glimpse of the clue.

It seems that Du Niansha's supernatural power of water body that is about to collapse has always been kneaded together by an unusually graceful, faintly mysterious air mechanism, and it will not disperse.

If this situation continues...

Hold on for another quarter of an hour.

It can be vaguely seen that Du Niansha's complexion is not very good; but the water magic power seems to be really "locked".

Like a collapse, but not a collapse, stop at Linyuan.

Du Niansha said coldly: "Don't you give up? If you don't use that technique, you won't be able to tell the winner."

Shu Yubai looked blank.

He took a deep breath, his eyes turned from empty to firm, and his voice was unusually calm: "It has come to this point. you wish."

The body of the water image is diverse and disappears at the same time.

The image of the two qi flowing rose up on the two of them.

It turned out that the two classics "Jingchen Picture", "Huoliu Shu", "Huoliu Shu" and "Flying Classic" were replaced.

Shu Yubai delivered the most violent blow.

The two qi repeated, but did not condense into any concrete form, it was like an iron fist tens or hundreds of times bigger, bombarding the past heavily!
Du Niansha did not use the method of body protection to defend herself.

With both palms together, Qi Qi pushed forward, it turned out to be the same very primitive divine channel technique!
The sages of Tibetan Xiangzong discovered a long time ago that using the common strategy of yin-yang fusion, no matter how ingenious the response is, many of the most subtle changes of birth and restraint are not easy to understand.Only by attacking but not defending, and experiencing the real threat at the critical moment of life and death, can the bottom line and outline of each magical power be thoroughly described.

But in this way, the protective means held by the major direct disciples are immediately activated, which is actually very inconvenient.

Therefore, it was easier for the Zangxiang sect to practice later on. The first-rate self-defense secret treasures in the sect were completely useless to the supernatural powers that also evolved from the Seven Classics of Zangxiang.

There are two methods of actual combat.

Or both sides have kept their hands, even if there is a small damage, it can be recovered in three or two days.

When you have to make a move with all your strength, then the True Monarch of the Short Way will take care of you personally.At the last moment when the real threat is clear and is about to be implemented, it will be eliminated.

Similarly, this method has raised another level of subtlety in measuring the strength of the two sides.

It is also a means for the disciples of the Tibetan Elephant Sect to truly compete.

These two blows were only offensive but not defensive, and they landed heavily on the opponent's chest.

Shu Yubai's eyes protruded, his face was as golden as paper, and then he coughed lightly, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Du Niansha's complexion changed between crimson and sallow, spit out three mouthfuls of blood, and then fell to the ground.

Shu Yubai was sure.

Measured by a more subtle standard, I am still much stronger.

When his mana recovered slightly, he captured Du Niansha and brought him back to the Tibetan Elephant Sect.

The scale of these two blows seems to be limited, only within a few feet.But then there was a loud rumbling noise, and the sound of rocks collapsing was endless.Looking around, the entire Dashenmi Mountain, which stretches for more than ten miles, has been cut off by as much as two or three hundred feet.

Both of them had sluggish qi, their bodies were swollen and numb, and they each fell on a boulder to adjust their breath and exercise their kung fu.

After about half an hour.

Shu Yubai only felt that most of the energy in his body was cleared, and his spirit and energy were connected, as if he could outline a "whole".I couldn't help but feel joyful in my heart, this is a sign of sensing the whole body, and after a hundred breaths or so, I will have a ray of mana surging.

And Du Niansha still had her eyes closed tightly, as if there was no movement.

This battle made him feel a lot of emotions.Not to mention Du Niansha's ingenious methods to achieve perfection, her strong stalemate ability is even more unbelievable.

If her foundation is stronger, she will have a state of consummation. She is almost a generation of outstanding people from the Nine Sects under Xuan and Gui, and no third person can compete.

Just now.

Du Niansha's eyes widened suddenly, she stood up without warning, and said with a smile, "I won."

Since meeting each other, Du Niansha's expression and attitude have always been stern and old-fashioned, as if she was a different person.But at this moment, she looked at herself happily, and her aura was lively, as if she had changed back to the bright girl she used to be.

Shu Yubai set off a stormy sea in his heart.

Du Niansha walked over slowly, shook her head, and said crisply: "It seems that what I believe in is not wrong."

"However, Senior Brother Shu, your way of master-slave cooperation and random changes has opened a new door for me. Please be grateful when I understand it thoroughly."

Lifting up the hem of the skirt, stretching out her long legs, kicked Shu Yubai who was meditating a somersault.

Du Niansha drove the escape light and drove away.

(End of this chapter)

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