Chapter 997
In the small world.

The two sat and drank, in front of them was a tall copper pot with a crane beak and a chessboard scattered on one side.

There are two people in the game, one is Gui Wugui, the other is dressed in coarse white clothes, with long hair freely flowing, and there is a faint brilliance flowing on the face, it is Wei Qingqi.

After being separated for decades, the outstanding people gathered on one's own side should have a chance to communicate with them and discuss the truth with them.

It was just bad luck.

Ma Yuan, Xun Shen, Lu Chengwen, and Kong Xuan are all in retreat.And the digital descendants belonging to the nine sects are all practicing within their respective mountain gates at this time.

Only Wei Qingqi, she met Qin Menglin the earliest, and it is natural for her to stay in a foreign land for a long time.

Over the past few decades, Wei Qingqi has often visited the Banshi Sect, and Qin Menglin has also often visited the Misty Sect.

It coincides with the meeting, so there is this gathering.

Suddenly, Yingying's clear light flashed, and Huang Caiwei revealed her description, and said crisply: "Young master, the Qing Weizong begged to see you in a cold manner."

Gui Wugui's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "Please come in."

But I can't help but ponder in my heart.

I don't blame myself, I have no suffocation in my heart, and I am well-versed, and I will definitely not deliberately underestimate anyone because of my cultivation base or future.

But from the perspective of other people, this is not the case. Nowadays, Gui Wugui has a very high reputation. If he feels that his weight is slightly insufficient, he will not come to "disturb".

Leng Hua is definitely the best among Yinzong, but seriously, compared with Zhenshi, Teng Jing, Shen Tuhong, and Lan, he is even inferior; usually even with Xun Shen, Lu Chengwen and others. , which can be regarded as not much intersecting.

After a while, the cooling came.

This person has a handsome face, and his actions are like the wind, but he is not shy.After seeing Gui Wugui and Wei Qingqi, they sat down comfortably.

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "Brother Leng came here, what's the point?"

Leng Hua chuckled, and said: "There is an interesting thing that I want to share with Senior Brother Gui. In fact, this matter is closer to you, but farther than my generation; but according to Leng, people who are in the middle of the game often I don’t care about it; on the contrary, I wait to watch the excitement, but I enjoy talking about it.”

"That's why Leng guessed that although Senior Brother Gui met with several colleagues, it may not be possible for anyone to talk about it."

Wei Qingqi was thoughtful.

Gui Wujiu's eyes flashed, and he said, "But please speak up."

Leng Hua nodded, then clapped his hands heavily.

But he saw a ray of brilliance suddenly gushing out from his sleeve, suddenly falling to the ground, and then leaping upwards.

The clear air manifested, turned into a scroll.

It is not blameless for the image to appear in it, so who else?
This scroll is just the beginning, and then the second, third... Qingqi turns into scroll figures, revealing endlessly.

It was immediately clear that nothing was to blame.

Naturally, this is not the original image seen from Lu Chengwen.

As more and more heavenly secrets were leaked, filling and dispersing the world, starting with the Phoenix family, "Thirty-Six Sons" gradually spread to the world.First-class methods such as Chenyang Xinjian, Yuanlu Sixiangyi, and Zangxiang Tianshushu have been able to independently deduce it.

Yinzong is no exception.Combining the profound methods of Yinzong Baijia, Peacock Clan, Tianma Clan, Chimei Clan, etc. and the four-turn formation brought by Teng Jing, Yinzong also independently deduced a mural of "Thirty-Six Sons", which was engraved in the Kaiyuan world On a "cliff wall" belonging to Gantang sect.

After observing, take a little bit of fresh air, even in the outside world, it can be enlightened.

People who are in the middle of the game, such as Xun Shen, Lu Chengwen and others, if they take them out to observe them from time to time, it will be boring, and they will also be ridiculed as lonely.

But the lesser people like Leng Hua are not like that, they will manifest the images every ten days and a half months, observe their shapes, but they also have the merits of hard work.

No blame.

Xuanyuan Huai.

Qin Menglin.

Jade ion.

Huang Xiyin.

Yu Gu Cheng.


Originally, everything was calm.

But when it came to the seventh person, there was a sudden change.

Not Wei Qingqi.

It was a gentle, luxurious young man in a golden and white chaotic cloud robe.

Li Yunlong.

Gui Wugui and Wei Qingqi gave a soft "Hey".

After that, Wei Qingqi, Shentu Longshu, Lin Shuangshuang, Mu Yunli... descended one place in turn, but they didn't mention it.

When he reached the twelfth place, it should be Lin Yi who was originally ranked eleventh.

But as soon as the picture scroll was erected, suddenly there appeared an image of a young girl with a slightly raised head, bright eyes and jade face; gold hairpins and gold locks, dotted with white clothes.

Du Niansha!
The thirteenth place is still not Lin Yi, but a woman with a dignified and deep demeanor, but it is difficult to hide her beauty.

Dragon family, Jade Jiaolong.

Fourteenth place...

Lin Yi still didn't show up, he was mysterious and handsome, his eyes were clear and energetic, as if he was deep in thought.It was actually Mo Tianqing, the first descendant of the Luoquan sect and the successor of Pei Hongping who had caused a little trouble to Gui Wujiu in the early years.

When it comes to fifteen or sixteen, the original eleven or twelve——

Lin Yi of the Qilin family, Shu Yubai of the Tibetan Xiangzong.

Afterwards, Master Li, Ning Suchen, Mu Mu, Jiang Hai, Xi Zhenzi, and Yun Qianjue arranged in order, but nothing went wrong.

At the twenty-third place, another change occurred.

According to the order, this person should be the person who was originally ranked twenty-first.

This is also the only person whose name is unknown to Gui Wujiu so far, and it can only be vaguely seen that he is a monk of the Demon Sect.

Before the second battle between the clear and turbid Xuanxiang, the only unknown names in the "Thirty-six Sons" were Wudao Patriarch Gao Cen, Yin Yang Dao Xia Zongsan, Lingming Ape Clan Yuan Fang, and the twenty-first this.

Later, with the exchange of the three camps between Zu Gaocen and Xia Zong, Yuan Fang reported to Youhuanzong, and so far he is the only one who still holds the pipa half-hidden.

But the position that should belong to him was taken by Yuan Fang, who was originally ranked [-]nd.

Next, the direct descendant of the Demon Sect never appeared.

Xun Shen, Fu Ningjin, Zu Gaocen, Shen Xiangqin, Bai Xinchan, Xia Zongsan, Han Taikang...

Arranged one after another without any waves.

It's just that there are more Li Yunlong and Yu Jiaolong; after the disciple of the Demon Sect is short, from the [-]rd place onwards, everyone's ranking has moved down one place.Kong Xuan, who was originally ranked thirty-fifth, became thirty-six, but Lu Chengwen was no longer on the list.

At the end of the day, I can only think that Lenghua came to report the news; but after thinking about it, Lenghua would not be so childish about such a shocking event as "the ranking of the thirty-six sub-pictures can be changed".


Gui Wujiu looked up, the surprise on his cold face was far more obvious than his.

Leng Hua came here with great interest, originally to provide a few subtle changes he observed in recent years for reference.

First, the probability of the top six randomly appearing, the probability of the leader being innocent is getting higher and higher, and only Xuanyuan Huai can compete with it; while Yugucheng has gradually stabilized at the sixth place, and there has been no change for at least ten years.

Second, the characters of countless people, especially Du Niansha, are often disillusioned and erratic, and seem to have wonderful changes.

Leng Hua thought that a few signs might be helpful for innocence.

In fact, just a few hours ago, Leng Hua had seen the image of the Thirty-Six Zitu once, and there hadn't been any changes at that time; unexpectedly, when it came to Gui Wu Jiu, there was an earth-shaking change.

Lenghua was about to distinguish, Gui Wugui waved his hand.

As soon as his mind moved, Gui Wujiu immediately visualized the thirty-six sub-pictures based on his acquaintance with Lu Chengwen and the evolution of his spiritual thoughts.

Sure enough, it was no different from what appeared in front of him.

Gui Wugui meditated secretly.

The matter in front of me is divided into several parts.

Could it be that Li Yunlong and Yu Jiaolong were on the list because they had found a connection channel between the Dragon Realm and the Ziwei Great World?

But he has also mastered the connection between martial arts and Ziwei Great World, but he did not see Xi Lerong and Jiang Minyi on the list.

After thinking about it, the division between martial arts and the big world is obviously deeper than that of the dragon world, almost to the point where Taoism is completely isolated and the rules of the world are unreasonable.Ordinary people in the martial arts, if they don't have the heart light of the martial arts domain, come to the world of Ziwei, they can't use any means.In fact, the Taoism of the Dragon Realm has no similarities and differences with the Feng Clan, Peacock, and Soaring Snake Clans, except that the triple boundary cut off the connection of Qi and Qi.

It seems to be within the reasonable range.

Du Niansha's ranking has been greatly improved.

In fact, Gui Wujiu had already thought this way, if the four people who have achieved great luck, if they are on the list of thirty-six sub-pictures, is it possible to leverage the ranking of the picture scroll?

It's just that after he came to the big world, he had a sense of divine sense, and he was sure that there was no change, but he let it go lightly.

Unexpectedly, it finally came.

It is worth noting that only Du Niansha's ranking changed, but Zu Gaocen and Ma Yuan did not change.

Could it be that the ranking changes will be triggered after going through verification or checkpoints?

At last.

Mo Tianqing's ranking leaped forward, and the disappearance of the person ranked [-]st, is there any connection...

Think about it for a while.

Gui Wujiu and Wei Qingqi looked at each other.

Wei Qingqi smiled and said: "This change, after careful review, only two people from the Long family are on the list; Du Niansha and Mo Tianqing have risen in the ranking; the original twenty-one monks from the Demon Sect disappeared in three cases. The rest are just Changing with the trend, just adjusting the seat. I don’t know what Senior Brother Gui thinks about it?”

Gui Wugui said indifferently: "If it is said that the ranking of the thirty-six figures cannot be changed at all, doesn't that mean that the success of all cultivators depends entirely on destiny? Naturally, this makes no sense. Only those who can be on the list have the chance , Qi luck, karma, and power support are all different sizes. So stubborn that they cannot be easily changed. If there are factors that are so influential that they are inconceivably involved in stirring up, it is still possible to break the original situation."

Wei Qingqi nodded slowly.

Gui Wugui said again: "It's not surprising that someone's ranking has changed. It's just that Lin Yi and Shu Yubai are the guards of the Consummation Realm. Once this realm is touched, there is absolutely no reason for them to fall. Du Shimei and Mo Tianqing jumped to their ranks in one fell swoop. Going up means that there are two more people added to this realm. The original pattern of six, six, twenty-four on the scroll has been broken."

Wei Qingqi said with a half smile but not a smile: "I didn't expect that the place that senior brother values ​​is actually here... But forgive Qingqi for speaking bluntly, it doesn't seem to be a big deal."

"Three volumes, upper, middle and lower, six people in the upper realm, six people in the middle realm, and twenty-four people in the lower realm... This arrangement may not necessarily be reasonable, nor may it be the final form."

Gui Wugui was taken aback.

"Scroll [-]...Scroll [-]...Scroll [-]...Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in my heart, and a thought came to me."

But he was surprised immediately.

Why was Wei Qingqi able to break through this barrier of perception earlier?
Looking up carefully, Gui Wujiu was suddenly enlightened, and said with a smile, "Congratulations, Junior Sister Qingqi."

(End of this chapter)

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