Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 394 Growing Mushrooms

Chapter 394 Growing Mushrooms

a few days later.

In the huge central courtyard, countless platinum-gold rune lines criss-cross all over every corner.

Zhang Ke sat in the middle, and the dense rune lines enveloped him like layers of spider webs.

As Zhang Ke flicked and pulled his hands on the rune lines, all the rune lines changed accordingly.

Mountains and rivers, changing seasons, and characters and buildings are outlined from time to time, faintly following the rhythm of a certain avenue.

Zhang Kezheng is using the 'Spiritual Mind Probe' to carefully investigate the various changes in the 'Sky Eye Formation Diagram'.

Suddenly, there was a sudden induction from the mother-in-law used to communicate with Liu Huaizhong.

Zhang Ke ignored it and continued his own investigation, but the mother and son nuts vibrated continuously without stopping for a moment.

With a thought, the rune lines intertwined in the sky suddenly disappeared.

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Ke stretched out his body, changing from a child to an old man.

Zhang Ke's favorite is still the child form, and he is best at learning like this.

But in order to balance the three states, he will take a certain amount of time to switch between them every day.

Take out the mother and daughter nut, quietly watching it vibrate and flashing aura.

It was not until a few seconds later that a little mana was injected into the mother and child snails, and the voice of Liu Huaizhong came over immediately.

"Mr. Big! Liu Huaizhong has something to ask!"

Hearing this claim, Zhang Ke's heart skipped a beat, knowing that there must be someone else beside Liu Huaizhong.

This is the secret code that Zhang Ke and Liu Huaizhong agreed in advance.

Under normal circumstances, it will be addressed as 'Mr.', once the prefix is ​​added, it means that there is someone around.

"I have already paid back your favor, what else can you do with me?"

A secret room.

Liu Huaizhong spoke to the screw mouth of the mother and child snail with a somewhat apprehensive expression.

"Mr. Big! Liu Huaizhong has something to ask!"

At this moment, he is not wearing a white bird mask. After all, Mr. Da knows Liu Huaizhong, not the white bird from the 'Red Robe Society'.

There were two people sitting on the desk next to him, and on the desk were a pot of spiritual tea and several teacups.

One of them was tall and burly, with a white-fronted tiger mask on his face, his eyes were as sharp as a blade.

Sitting beside him was a thin man wearing a black gauze, his face covered with a pale white impermanence mask.

The two of them looked at Liu Huaizhong quietly, carefully listening to the sound coming from the mother and son snails.

"I have already paid back your favor, what else can you do with me?"

A somewhat old, gentle voice sounded from the mother and daughter snail.

Liu Huaizhong breathed a sigh of relief, a hanging heart fell into his stomach.

Before going to Yanziwu to rescue the hyenas, the two had discussed how to deal with the internal investigation of the 'Red Robe Society'.

It doesn't matter whether Zhang Ke has the ability to rescue the hyena.

The evil cultivators of the 'Red Robe Club' who are preparing for the blood sacrifice in Yutian Town will surely die.

Liu Huaizhong once told Zhang Ke that the number of Jindan real people under him should be around 30, led by several leaders.

Once these Golden Core cultivators fall, the 'Red Robe Society' will definitely be greatly shaken, which is absolutely unavoidable.

No matter how ingenious Liu Huaizhong's design is, everyone related to you is dead, and you are the only one alive.

But you were not there at the time. No matter what your reason is, it will definitely arouse suspicion.

The 'Red Robe Society' is just an evil cultivator organization, no evidence is needed, as long as there is doubt, then Liu Huaizhong will surely die.

This is a dead end with almost no solution.

After thinking about it again and again, Zhang Ke decided to make a fuss about Elder Yinhu.

After rescuing the hyena, he secretly manipulated the hyena.

After that, he and Liu Huaizhong preset several different countermeasures.

But what has not happened, no one can guarantee that everything will develop in the direction they expected.

Therefore, since the "Red Robe Club" in Yutian Town was annihilated, Zhang Ke never took the initiative to contact Liu Huaizhong once.

Whether Liu Huaizhong can get a glimmer of life from the internal investigation of the 'Red Robe Society' can only depend on his luck.

For Liu Huaizhong, Zhang Ke didn't have any sympathy or pity.

It would be best if he could escape the internal investigation, and he could use it in the future.

If Liu Huaizhong couldn't escape the internal investigation, he could only blame his own bad luck.

Zhang Ke decided to kill him at the right time from the beginning.

Only in order to be able to find out the evil cultivators of the 'Red Robe Society' one by one, they will temporarily let him live.

Liu Huaizhong himself is well aware of this point.

People's hearts are the most complicated, maybe Liu Huaizhong was willing to give up resistance for Ye Xiaowan and the child.

But Zhang Ke never put his hope on the test of human nature.

Rescuing the hyena and killing the red-robed evil cultivator in Yutian Town is actually a net that Zhang Ke wove for Liu Huaizhong.

As a traitor, Liu Huaizhong had no way out at this time.

Because of the fall of many Jindan real people, Liu Huaizhong was interrogated and investigated inside the Red Robe Society.

This matter has caused an uproar within the 'Red Robe Club'.

Even the instigator, Elder Yinhu, did not expect such a situation.

In his vision, Yutian Town would succeed in the blood sacrifice, attracting the attention of Yanziwu.

After all, Yanziwu is relatively close to Yutian Town, and the incident happened suddenly, and there is a certain chance that the town demon guards will dispatch the monks in Yanziwu to investigate.

At that time, his son Hyena can take the opportunity to escape.

Even if some clues and moderate casualties are found in the end, Elder Yinhu can still accept it.

But who knew that the blood sacrifice hadn't even started yet, the 37 Golden Core cultivators and more than 100 followers were all wiped out.

The first time Elder Yinhu got the news, two words flashed through his mind.


In addition, there is no way to explain why Yutian Town was ambushed in advance.

So when Liu Huaizhong returned to a secret stronghold with the hyena happily, he was directly taken down by Elder Yinhu.

For a moment, Elder Yinhu wanted to kill Liu Huaizhong on the spot.

The culprit who caused such a big mistake this time is actually Elder Yinhu.

If he hadn't wanted to rescue his son and forcibly ordered Shiratori to perform a blood sacrifice, such a thing would never have happened.

Now that his son has been rescued, Shiratori is naturally useless.

Even he can push things to Shiratori himself.

After all, he is the only person who is at the helm of Shiratori now, so he is the biggest suspect.

However, after the incident, Bai Wuchang, one of the two ambassadors of the 'Red Robe Society', has come to investigate the truth.

At this moment, if he wanted to kill him again, it would be difficult to do so.

At the moment of being taken down, the only thing Liuhuai Center was lucky about was that the 'Red Robe Society' had leaked information in order to ensure that it would not be searched for souls.

Therefore, a restriction has been placed on everyone's brain, which is why there is very little news about the Red Robe Society from the outside world.

Therefore, after being taken down, Liu Huaizhong insisted that he did not participate in the blood sacrifice in Yutian Town because he wanted to save the hyenas.

The restriction that was originally placed in his mind to prevent leakage of secrets actually saved his life at this moment.

After more than ten days of stalemate, Bai Wuchang became a little impatient.

Since Liu Huaizhong is suspected, in line with the principle of killing mistakes and never letting them go, he is going to kill Liu Huaizhong directly to avoid future troubles.

And at this time, Zhang Ke's preset backhand played a role.

One morning, when the hyena woke up in the morning, he suddenly discovered an extremely terrible thing.

A scream of extreme fear immediately alarmed everyone.

After Elder Yinhu's investigation, he discovered that colorful mushrooms had grown on his son.

Hundreds of mushrooms of different colors change colors according to the mood of the hyena.

This really shocked everyone present, no one had ever encountered such a weird thing.

Elder Yinhu gritted his teeth and tried to pull the mushroom off the hyena.

But that didn't make any sense except to make the hyena hiss and lung-piercing.

These mushrooms have grown completely with the hyena, just like his organs, every time one is pulled out, it will grow again.

What's more frightening is that the number of mushrooms is constantly increasing, and the appearance of hyenas is constantly changing.

First of all, the hair turned from black to yellow, and the strong and powerful body became thin.

It's like those mushrooms are constantly absorbing all the nutrients from the hyena to grow.

And when the mushrooms are produced to maturity, they will automatically fall off the hyena.

But in the next moment, new mushrooms will burst out and grow again.

Those mushrooms that grow will turn into heaven and earth vitality and dissipate after a few seconds of falling off.

Everyone tried several methods, but nothing worked.

In order to delay the hyena's aging, Elder Yinhu tried to help the hyena take some elixir to supplement the body's consumption.

This action did have an effect, relying on the medicinal properties of the elixir to temporarily resist the mushroom's absorption of nutrients from the hyena's body.

But perhaps because mushrooms have terrible hallucinogenic effects, the growth of mushrooms has brought great sensory stimulation to hyenas.

The hyena's mouth and eyes were crooked and let out a weird laugh of extreme joy.

As his mood changes, the mushrooms on his body also flash different colors.

This weird scene couldn't help but make everyone who saw it terrified.

Since then, 'planting mushrooms' has become the most terrifying curse within the 'Red Robe Society'.

When everyone was helpless, someone suddenly thought of Liu Huaizhong.

Since the hyena was brought back by Liu Huaizhong, maybe he can explain all this.

Thus, Liu Huaizhong was brought directly to the hyena.

Looking at the hyena with a strange smile on his face soaked in the elixir pool, and the five-colored mushrooms falling off his body one after another.

Liu Huaizhong was stunned and couldn't help himself.

At this moment, for Zhang Ke, boundless fear arose in Liu Huai's heart.

What happened to the hyena was obviously the work of Zhang Ke.

He didn't dare to imagine whether the same method was used on himself.

Just thinking about it, Liu Huaizhong felt itchy all over, and twisted his body involuntarily.

This action of his frightened everyone present at the time, and they all avoided him from a distance.

Even Elder Yinhu and Bai Wuchang were taken aback.

 Thank you Shandong Dahan 0 and Panda King for your daily votes, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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