Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 395 Deception

Chapter 395 Deception
Afterwards, Elder Yinhu questioned Liu Huaizhong about the condition of the hyena.

Elder Yinhu told Liu Huaizhong very bluntly that if he couldn't explain the situation, he would die.

In desperation, Liu Huaizhong had no choice but to say something.

In the early years, Liu Huaizhong had inadvertently helped a monk named "Mr. Big" as a favor.

As a thank you, "Mr. Big" stated that he could make a request as compensation.

This time the blood sacrifice in Yutian Town, Liu Huaizhong always felt that the incident happened hastily, and he felt a little uneasy.

Therefore, he proposed to Elder Yinhu that he was willing to go to Yanziwu to rescue the hyenas, and took the opportunity to leave the dangerous place temporarily.

Afterwards, things were simple. "Mr. Big" was really powerful and easily rescued the hyena.

As a result, Liu Huaizhong escaped the disaster of Yutian Town.

Regarding Liu Huaizhong's words, Elder Yinhu and the envoy Bai Wuchang did not fully believe them.

The most critical point is that the entire army of the "Red Robe Club" in Yutian Town was wiped out, and the only survivor, Liu Huaizhong, was naturally the most suspected.

But regarding this matter, Liu Huaizhong also has his own opinion.

The destruction of Yutian Town's own side is just a one-sided opinion of Zhen Mowei, and no one can say whether there are any betrayers hidden in it.

Besides, if he was really a traitor, how could he come back? Isn't this courting death?
In fact, Elder Yinhu and Bai Wuchang also had similar doubts, so they didn't execute Liu Huaizhong rashly.

After listening to Liu Huaizhong's explanation, plus the special state of the hyena at the moment.

For the sake of his son's life, Elder Yinhu decided to put the matter on hold for the time being, and investigate it later when he has time.

As for why the colorful mushrooms appear on the hyena, Liu Huaizhong is also not clear.

Elder Yinhu discussed with Bai Wuchang and decided that Liu Huaizhong would contact "Mr. Big".

See if you can get any useful clues from Mr. Big.

So far, Liu Huaizhong has saved his life.

Liu Huaizhong was not imprisoned or killed, which was already a relatively good situation as Zhang Ke and Liu Huaizhong expected.

When Liu Huaizhong communicated with Zhang Ke with the mother and son snail, he knew that his life was finally saved.

He heard Zhang Ke's gentle and old voice coming through the mother and son.

Liu Huaizhong turned his head and glanced at Elder Yinhu and the envoy Bai Wuchang.

According to Elder Yinhu's instructions, Liu Huaizhong said to Luokou:

"Mr. Big! The person I asked you to save that day had a problem."

After finishing speaking, the three people present held their breaths and listened carefully.

"I'm just helping you rescue him, what's wrong with me?"

A slightly indifferent voice came out, there was a slight pause, and Mr. Da's voice came out again from the screw mouth.

"Your favor is returned to you, don't look for me in the future!"

Looking at the mother-and-child snail in his hand with dim aura, Liu Huaizhong said frightenedly:
"Mr. Big, he cut off the connection!"

Elder Yinhu was furious, and shouted in a low voice: "If you contact him again, you must ask him clearly!"

Bai Wuchang didn't make a sound at the side, which obviously meant the same thing.

Liu Huaizhong had no choice but to inspire Zimuluo to contact Zhang Ke again.

In the central courtyard.

Zhang Ke quietly waited for the mother and child to start up again.

He performed the supernatural power 'resurrection' on the hyena, which was originally just a healing method.

An inadvertent deduction, Zhang Ke suddenly discovered that healing methods can also cause harm.

So Zhang Ke used the law of 'superposition' to combine the two supernatural powers of 'withering' and 'resurrection' to construct a mushroom talisman seed.

Withering and revival, endless life and death, withered and prosperous, maintained a special state of balance.

No matter which of the two states of 'kurong' is out of balance, it will lead to the imbalance of vitality in the body, forming an endless confrontation of life and death.

And if you want to maintain the balance of the mushroom seeds in your body, the most critical point is to keep your emotions in a calm state.

This is the inspiration Zhang Ke got when he saw the mushrooms all over the mountains absorbing the vitality of the world and growing rapidly in the wild after a certain rain.

But this method is too vicious, Zhang Ke would not have done it if the hyena hadn't been so vicious.


The mother and daughter snail at hand flashed with inspiration again, and Zhang Ke waited for a while before injecting a little mana into it.

He spoke in an extremely displeased and impatient tone.

"Liu Huaizhong! Don't you understand what I'm saying? After I say it, we will have nothing to do with each other!"

On the other end, Liu Huaizhong begged in a good voice:
"I only said a few words in my arms. If Mr. Da doesn't want to listen, he can cut off the contact at any time. Is that okay?"

There was a moment of silence in Luokou, and the old voice came again.

"What's the matter?"

According to Elder Yinhu's instructions, Liu Huaizhong quickly explained the situation of the hyena.

After finishing speaking, the three of them waited for the reply from Luokou.

After a while, Mr. Da's voice sounded again.

"This is something unheard of. From what you said, this person seems to have fallen into a hair growth or something."

Elder Yinhu was refreshed, and quickly gave Liu Huaizhong a wink.

Liu Huaizhong asked: "I don't know what is the technique of growing hair, but is there a solution?"

"Ha ha!"

A low laugh came from the mouth of the screw, and then Mr. Da spoke again.

"Have you ever seen crops grow? The technique of hair growth is the principle.

It's just that this person is treated as the land as nourishment, and those mushrooms are the crops that grow!
As for the solution, if you find someone who uses Taoism on this person, he should be able to remove him. "

Speaking of this, there was no movement in the screw mouth.

Liu Huaizhong didn't need to be reminded by Elder Yinhu, and said: "Then Mr. Da can undo this Taoism?"

"Hahaha! Could it be that you suspect that I did it?"

Mr. Da laughed loudly from the mouth of the screw.

Elder Yinhu and Bai Wuchang looked at each other, in fact, the two of them really thought so.

"According to what you said, this person should have been passive hands and feet 30 to 60 years ago."

As soon as these words came out, the three people in the secret room were all taken aback.

Liu Huaizhong blurted out and asked, "How did Mr. Da know?"

"It is extremely harsh to perform Taoism such as the technique of hair growth.

First of all, the mushroom seeds need to be injected into the human body.

Then these seeds are soaked and stimulated by their own mana in the body, and this process will be very long.

Only when these seeds get enough nutrients can they change and emerge from the body.

Such spells are actually of no great use, and generally no one will practice them.

After all, practitioners themselves have the ability to purify.

A spell like this needs to keep injecting seeds into the body continuously, which requires extremely high timing control.

This is a kind of torture for both the caster and the recipient.

And its effect is useless except that it will bring the miserable feeling that life is worse than death to the person who is planted with mushrooms.

Only when you hate a person to the extreme, will you do this kind of thing thanklessly. "

At the other end of the screw mouth, Zhang Ke lied all over the place.

From Liu Huaizhong's mouth, Zhang Ke learned that it was 40 years ago.

The hyena saw the color, and once attacked Clover, the daughter of Si snake, one of the twelve earthly branches of the 'Red Robe Society'.

Take him captive in a dark room, and commit adultery day and night.

By the time Si Snake found her daughter through the secret method, her whole body had been ruined.

The Si snake was furious, and directly captured the hyena and threw it into the cave of ten thousand snakes.

When Elder Yinhu got the news and found Sishe.

All the holes in the hyena's body were invaded by countless snakes and insects, and only its last breath was left.

But this matter is that the hyena did something wrong first, and no one is willing to speak for him.

Elder Yinhu also had no face to settle accounts with Si Snake, so he could only smash his teeth and swallow it into his stomach.

But since then, Elder Yinhu and Elder Sishe have developed a gap in their hearts, but it has not intensified in the open.

The 'Red Robe Society' is tightly organized and difficult to break from the outside.

But if there are contradictions within it, it will be much easier to operate.

Si Snake is proficient in all kinds of weird Taoism, so Zhang Kecai deliberately brought this matter here.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhang Kezhi's words, Elder Yinhu immediately remembered what happened decades ago.

At this moment, he already had some trust in Zhang Ke's words, pondered for a moment, and secretly sent his voice to Liu Huaizhong.

Liu Huaizhong understood, and asked the screw mouth:

"Mr. Da has great powers. I don't know if there is a way to solve this hair growth technique?"

Mr. Da's displeased voice came from the mouth of the screw.

"Hmph! I think he deserves it, I don't know which god he offended.

When I was in Yanziwu, this person's actions were outrageous, even if I could save him, I would not save him. "

Liu Huaizhong cautiously raised his head to see Elder Yinhu's expression, but he only saw a tiger's face, nothing else could be seen.

Just as Liu Huaizhong was about to speak, Elder Yinhu suddenly stepped forward and snatched the mother and son snails.

Facing the screw mouth, he said in a deep voice:
"Mr. Big! As long as you can save the dog, feel free to ask for anything?"

Bai Wuchang and Liu Huaizhong were slightly startled.

At the beginning, in order to find out the details of Mr. Da, it was unanimously decided that Liu Huaizhong would contact Mr. Da alone.

Elder Yinhu came so suddenly, wouldn't it be a surprise.

Sure enough, Mr. Da's angry voice suddenly came from the mouth of the screw.

"Liu Huaizhong! How dare you lie to me?"

Elder Yinhu sneered and said, "So what if you lie to me, is it possible that you can still bite me?"

In an instant, Bai Wuchang suddenly understood Elder Yinhu's actions.

He obviously wanted to provoke Mr. Da and make him show his feet, as long as he could find out a little bit of information.

With the strength of the 'Red Robe Club', it is not difficult to find it.

Sure enough, Mr. Da's extremely angry roar came from the mouth of the screw.

"Great! Where are you now, do you dare to tell me?"

Liu Huaizhong's breathing was stagnant, and Elder Yinhu said disdainfully:
"At this moment, I am at Liu Huaizhong's home, what can you do to me?"

In the central courtyard at the other end.

A smile appeared on Zhang Ke's face, and he finally achieved his goal.

It is actually not easy to really get in touch with the high-level members of the 'Red Robe Society', their vigilance is really too strong.

Now that there is a "Sky Eye Array", if Zhang Ke is willing to stay here for decades.

It is not difficult to eradicate the influence of the 'Red Robe Society' little by little.

But in the Eastern Territory, the Zongmen will be promoted in a few years, and I must go back to the mountain to help.

In addition, Zhang Ke did not forget that his main purpose of coming to Zhongyu was to find Tu Shan's whereabouts.

The reason why he joined Zhenmowei was only for Zhenmowei's pervasive intelligence information.

My time here is limited, so naturally I can't get caught up in these things.

Therefore, Zhang Ke used Liu Huaizhong to get in touch with the senior management of the 'Red Robe Club'.

Generally speaking, such a simple aggressive method is of no use to two people who have already practiced.

Elder Yinhu made provocative words, Zhang Ke pretended to be angry, but it was actually because both parties had the intention of meeting.

In Elder Yinhu's opinion, as long as Mr. Da is willing to show his face, it will not be difficult to find Mr. Da with the influence of the 'Red Robe Society'.

And Zhang Ke's reliance is his own strength that is superior to others, so the two sides reached an agreement in a faint tacit understanding.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Ke's right index finger was a little empty.

I saw a mirror door opened, and walked towards the mirror door.

(End of this chapter)

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