Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 558 The enemy is ashamed, I will take off her clothes

Chapter 558 The enemy is ashamed, I will take off her clothes

July 27th of the Gengyou Year.

Moved south No.11.

Eight hundred miles south of the Xiantian Yizong.

Two days ago, Yiqi Nanzong officially left Yiqizong's sphere of influence.

After more than ten days of running-in, the people below have gradually become familiar with this kind of hurried march.

The young and the strong walk, the old and the weak ride in the car, the march is orderly, and the coordination is seamless when camping.

Opening roads in the mountains and building bridges in the water, except for the slightly low morale, everything is developing in a good direction.

The invincibility of the red army in the dream stems from their lofty beliefs, indestructible will and iron-like discipline.

The same model cannot be applied to different worlds.

But there are some things that can be cultivated and exercised.

Leaving the scope of the Xiantian Qizong means that the front is no longer safe.

Jiuren Zhenjun sits in the middle army and guards the four directions.

It will take about a month for all 150 million people to leave, so his position is very important.

It is necessary to cover as many areas as possible with the divine sense, and to be able to respond as quickly as possible once there is an abnormality.

In order to ensure the safety of the people, Zhang Ke recruited Yan Feier and Ming Gui out.

Ghosts of the underworld can divide into thousands, so Zhang Ke ordered the ghosts of the underworld to transform into tens of thousands of clones and surround the people from a distance.

Once there is danger, you can respond in time.

In addition, Yan Fei'er was sent to the end of the southbound common people to prevent attacks from the rear.

And he himself is flying at the forefront as a pioneer to open the way.

The [Sumi Tianyan Array] in the palm and the [Radar Array] in the Niwan Palace cooperate to monitor everything around.

Looking down from above, you can find that there are several teams marching southward side by side.

Smoke and dust rose everywhere, like several earth dragons walking across the ground.

Through the order in the procession of the queue, we can clearly see the control and management ability of the Fangzhu of each team.

The cone is in the bag, and the end will be seen!
Excellent talents will stand out as long as they have the opportunity.

A red flag painted with 'Qingshui County Jiazi Third Square' attracted Zhang Ke's attention.

He found that the order of the people in this workshop was exceptionally orderly, and the morale of the people was also high, and there were faint laughter.

It looks very different.

I was thinking about whether to ask them in detail how they did it.

Suddenly, there were two ripples of spiritual thoughts in the sky in front of them, which scattered and then retracted.

'Um? ?Who is here to say hello? '

With a thought, the white clouds under his feet quickly moved forward.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed forward for a hundred miles, and two avatars of true monarchs stood in midair.

The man on the left is extremely tall, more than three heads taller than the others, has an ordinary appearance, and is as thin as a bamboo pole.

A lavender embroidered costume was loosely draped over her body, and she held a shining purple meteor hammer in her right hand.

On the right is a woman in a light green dress.

He has a good face, and carries two flying swords, one purple and one green, crossed on his back.

Seeing the images of the two, their names appeared in Zhang Ke's mind like lightning.

'Luohe Twins' Chen Luo and Xu Jiahe.

These two are a couple, they come from the seventh grade sect of Dingzhou 'Qingpingmen'.

With a movement of Zhang Ke's feet, he instantly stopped a hundred feet in front of the two of them, which was an acceptable distance for both of them.

Putting your hands together and arching: "Nan Zongru, who is born with the same nature, has seen the Luohe couple."

Chen Luo and Xu Jiahe also bowed their hands and saluted.

"Chen Luo and Xu Jiahe from Qingping Gate have met Fellow Daoist Ruyi!"

Zhang Ke smiled and said:
"I don't know that the virtuous couple blocked the way out of the poor, but what can I teach you?"

Chen Luo was not good at words, and upon hearing this, he turned his gaze to his wife.

Xu Jiahe looked at Zhang Ke, giggled and said:
"Fellow Daoist, don't misunderstand, I heard that Fellow Daoist wants to go to the South China Sea to establish a branch of the sect.

Not wanting to pass by our door, the little girl was a little curious, so she came here to ask fellow Taoists for advice. "

Zhang Ke secretly complained in his heart.

'It's really shameless for a thousand-year-old person to still act as a little sister in front of himself. '

But he said in his mouth: "Oh, I don't know what you want to ask?"

Xu Jiahe said with a smile:

"My little sister is quite familiar with the land of the South China Sea, but I haven't heard that there are islands that can accommodate millions of people.

I don't know where fellow daoist is going to settle down. If it is convenient, we may be able to be neighbors with fellow daoist. "


Zhang Ke couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. "Building islands together on reefs" is just Zhang Ke's idea at present.

Although he felt that this method should not be a problem, if he told the truth, the two of them would probably not believe it.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Ke said:

"Unknown to you, there are actually no islands suitable for human habitation in the South China Sea.

Our door is going to build an island on a reef in the sea, and open up an island suitable for human habitation. "

Chen Luo and Xu Jiahe's expressions darkened.

Even if you don't want to say it, don't use this kind of talk to fool me.

Building islands together on reefs, does this mean that the two of us know nothing about the sea situation?

Xu Jiahe felt displeased, and glanced at the ground.

"Hehe, if Fellow Daoist doesn't want to say it, then forget it.

Oh, by the way, I heard that the friends of Taoism are illustrious, and the younger sister is a little bit eager to learn. I don't know if I can learn a thing or two. "

Zhang Ke frowned slightly, "Qingping Gate" had already said hello, why would he still make things difficult for himself here.

Seeing that Chen Luo was expressionless, he didn't want to explain.

Zhang Ke was a little annoyed.

'It seems that I have to give these two people a little color, otherwise I don't know how many unscrupulous guys are waiting for me on the road ahead. '

"Hehe, since Fellow Daoist is interested, then you and I can discuss freely, how about we go to the end?"

Xu Jiahe smiled proudly.

"Little sister is a sword cultivator. All her life, she only knows how to divide life and death, and she has never heard of what it means to stop.

If Fellow Daoist is afraid, why not take someone back here, there is no need to go to the South China Sea. "

Zhang Ke smiled lightly.

"In that case, please!"

Xu Jiahe didn't respond, and shook his shoulders.


There were two sword cries, and two sword lights, one purple and one blue, flew out from behind him.

Afterwards, Xu Jiahe stretched his waist to show his disdain.

Chen Luo also flew hundreds of feet away, saying that he would not bully the less with more, and appeared to be aboveboard.

The sword light shone across the sky, instantly dyeing the sky a purple-blue color.

Qingpingmen Zhenshan Swordsmanship: 【Various Changes and Thousand Illusions Cloud and Mist Sword】

Once this sword technique is unfolded, the light of the sword splits into mist, overwhelming everything.

The lightness of the cloud and the penetrating sword intent of the mist can turn a mountain into ashes in an instant.

With this swordsmanship, Xu Jiahe has never met an opponent for hundreds of years.

Xu Jiahe was very dissatisfied when he heard that Zhang Ke and Qingmei were called the most powerful practitioners of the younger generation in Dingzhou.

Now that I have the opportunity, I am about to wipe off Zhang Ke's face and see how arrogant he will be in the future.

Zhang Ke stood suspended in the air, and the purple and blue mist in the sky hit him overwhelmingly.

With a slight raised eyebrow, Xu Jiahe really didn't hold back at all.

'Hey, if that's the case, then you can't blame me. '

The characteristic of swordsmanship is that it is fast. Even if it turns into mist, it doesn't take more than a second from Xu Jiahe's strike to the cloud and mist sweeping in.

But for Zhang Ke, this time is enough for him to yawn.

His right hand reached into the hair, and he pulled out a hair with a slight curl of his fingers.

Put it near your mouth and blow it gently.


Isn't it just pretending, as if no one knows how to do it.

[Seven-turn Red Lotus Gossamer Rune Sword]

A red line flew out from the fingertips, trembling like lightning, and disappeared without a trace.

Chen Luo's expression became serious the moment Zhang Ke shot.

Obviously Xu Jiahe made the first move, but Zhang Ke completed a series of moves at normal speed, but his attack was still ahead of Xu Jiahe.

A feeling that time seems to be distorted and split arises spontaneously.

'Time is the law! '

A thought flashed across Chen Luo's mind.

The next second, he heard his wife's exclamation.


A purple cloud of air enveloped Chen Luo's body, and when he looked at his wife again, his eyes couldn't help but burst into tears.

I saw another red curtain outside my wife's body, completely covering her in it.

Chen Luo suddenly turned his head and said sharply:

"Fellow Daoist Ruyi, don't go too far, quickly dissipate the Taoism."

Platinum light flashed from top to bottom of Zhang Kezhou's body, blocking the purple and blue mist from outside his body.

He wasn't angry either, and smiled lightly: "Now?"

Chen Luo said angrily: "Immediately! Immediately! I advise you not to mistake yourself!"

Zhang Ke shrugged and said, "Okay! This is what you asked for, Fellow Daoist."

With a thought, the red curtain covering Xu Jiahe's body instantly turned into a gossamer and flew back to Zhang Ke's fingertips.

Chen Luo walked up to his wife and took a quick look at her, but found nothing unusual.

He asked in a low voice, "Xiaohe, are you alright?"

Xu Jiahe was still in shock, the speed of the gossamer just now was so fast that it formed a curtain.

As a sword cultivator, she understands what this means.

With such a fast speed, any defense is like paper in front of it, not to mention his fragile body.

So when she felt the speed of the talisman sword, she was so frightened that she didn't dare to move for fear of being pierced into a sieve in an instant.

Dispatch mana to swim around the body, and did not find any damage.

Can't help but patted his chest and said: "It's okay!"

Chen Luo turned around and gave a 'hum' to Zhang Ke.

"You know it"

But in the next second, I heard my wife's exclamation again.


Chen Luo followed the prestige, but saw that the robe on his wife's body turned to ashes when she slapped it on her chest.

Outer robes, middle coats, and aprons are not kept.

Xu Jiahe's whole body was naked, appearing in the air naked.

Zhang Ke closed his eyes, shook his head slightly, and said 'tsk tsk'.

"Hey! No wonder you always call yourself a little sister, she really isn't that old!"

After Xu Jiahe reacted, he hurriedly took out a robe and wrapped himself up.

A face was as red as a ripe persimmon.

Shame, resentment, nervousness, panic, all kinds of complicated emotions appeared in Xu Jiahe's heart for the first time.

There was a 'buzz' in Chen Luo's mind, and the string in his mind snapped instantly.

My own wife was seen through by others.

He suddenly found that his head became green, and a roar burst out from the deepest part of his chest along his throat.

"Ruyi dog thief, I will kill you!!!"

With a shake of his body, a purple light burst out from his chest.

Zhang Ke's face darkened, he opened his right hand and thrust it into the void in front of him, the whole right hand disappeared.

Then a hand appeared in front of Chen Luo silently and grabbed him by the neck.

The speed of this process was not very fast, but Chen Luo clearly watched, but watched helplessly as he was grabbed and didn't have time to react.

At this moment, his mind seemed disconnected from his body.

The next second, the hand grabbed him and disappeared on the spot, Xu Jiahe couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Almost at the same moment, Zhang Ke withdrew his right arm and appeared in front of him holding Chen Luo with his right hand.

Zhang Ke grabbed Chen Luo's neck in front of his eyes, and Bai Sensen's eyes opened.

Sen Ran said: "Fellow Taoist Chen Luo, have the courage to say what you just said again."

 I don’t know what to say to thank you all. At the end of the month, so many friends suddenly issued monthly tickets for encouragement. There are a total of 206 tickets. I dare not do this in my dreams. Stop, thank you all! !
(End of this chapter)

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