Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 559 If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight

Chapter 559 If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight (thank you for the monthly ticket of World Tree Miracle)

Chen Luo couldn't help being shocked when he was grabbed by the neck.

Drumming up the mana, I was about to break free, but found that the mana in my body was as silent as a stagnant pool.

He wanted to take advantage of Yuanshen Zhenjun's intangible characteristic of gathering and dispersing to escape, but he couldn't make any changes.

Struggling with all my strength, I felt that the hand was as heavy as a mountain, twisted a few times like a dead fish, and finally despaired.

Life is in the hands of people, so naturally there is no confidence to resist.

Then he said something that shocked Zhang Ke extremely.

"Haha, fellow Taoist Ruyi, how about my wife's figure?
Do you want her to take it off again to show fellow Taoists! "

At this moment, Zhang Ke suddenly had the idea of ​​blasting the person in front of him to pieces.

'Scum! '

At the same time, the names of Goujian, Han Xin, Sun Bin, Li Chen, Sima Yi and others flashed through his mind.

For a Yuanshen True Monarch to say such words shamelessly, his mind must be in danger.

At this moment, Zhang Ke felt infinite fear of the person in front of him.

This is a person who has no bottom line, naturally I will not be afraid of him, but there are sects and disciples behind him, such a terrifying person should be destroyed.

Even if this matter will lead to a war with the 'Qingping Gate', it must be completely avoided.

His eyebrows were condensed, and an invisible murderous intent approached Chen Luo's eyes.

Chen Luo screamed in his heart that it was not good, he was indeed planning to launch crazy revenge on Zhang Kemen's disciples in the future.

That's why he said these words on purpose, begging Zhang Ke to let him go in an absolutely humble gesture.

Generally speaking, when encountering such a situation, one would either be overwhelmed to death, or be dismissive.

But he never expected that he would be self-defeating, which aroused Zhang Ke's murderous intentions.

Xu Jiahe on the side was also a strange woman, seeing her husband being captured, she didn't have the slightest intention of stepping forward to fight.

Instead, he flew hundreds of feet away in an instant, and the purple mist completely enveloped him.

Like a frightened mouse, it will flee here at the slightest movement.

"Fellow Daoist Ruyi, Fellow Daoist Ruyi, don't do anything, I have something to say, I have something to say."

Chen Luo was really scared, afraid that he would be slow to speak and be killed by Zhang Ke, so he hurriedly prayed repeatedly.

Although he has three chances to escape as the primordial spirit, he dare not take the risk.

This Ruyi Zhenjun is so terrifying, since he wants to kill himself, he will not ignore the three lives of Yuanshen Zhenjun.

Zhang Ke took a breath, and said without any waves in his tone:
"You are the most tolerant person I have ever seen, for the safety of my disciples, I will not let you die.

But I also don't want to cause you and my sect to start a war because of you.

So I will give you a chance to speak, whether you can survive or not depends on your performance. "

Zhang Ke's tone was very calm, but it contained absolute firmness.

Chen Luo felt bitter in his heart, he didn't expect that his own words would harm him, so he broke his mouth immediately.

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry, I, Chen Luo, swear to heaven that I will never trouble anyone in the fellow Daoist sect from now on!"

Zhang Ke's right hand tightened slightly, and said expressionlessly:

"I have at least ten ways to bypass the oath of heaven. If you just say this, you can only be sorry."

Chen Luo immediately felt suffocated and couldn't even breathe.

Struggling desperately a few times, he hissed:
"I will give you a handle. As long as you have it in your hand, I will never dare to take revenge on you."

Zhang Ke let go of his palm, allowing him to escape from his control.

"Bring it!"

Chen Luo broke away from Zhang Ke's palm, and his whole body returned to normal immediately. He had an urge to disintegrate and escape immediately.

But this idea only flashed in my mind for a moment, and then was thrown aside.

Chen Luo opened his mouth slightly, and spat out a Shadow Bead from his belly.

He said in a low voice, "Fellow Daoist, you will know it at a glance."

Zhang Ke took it and probed into it with his divine sense. The image inside couldn't help but make his face change color slightly.

This video recorded the entire process of Chen Luo and Xu Jiahe's torture and killing of four people.

From the marks on the clothes of the four people, it can be recognized that they were the robes of the disciples of the "Tao Dezong" before the split.

'Hiss—! '

Zhang Ke was taken aback. He never expected that the two of them would be so bold that they dared to do such a thing to the Dao Dao sect disciple who was in full swing at that time.

Judging from the screen, Chen Luo and Xu Jiahe probably hadn't advanced to the Primordial Spirit at that time.

Although Zhang Ke was a little surprised how the two escaped from the investigation of 'Tao De Zong'.

But as long as this image is handed over to 'Tiandaozong' or 'Mingdezong'.

Regardless of whether the four people in the picture are disciples of the "Tao De Zong", Chen Luo and Xu Jiahe must die without a place to bury them.

Spiritual thoughts swept towards Xu Jiahe slightly, only to see that her face was livid and very gloomy.

Thinking of the special situation between the two, Zhang Ke finally understood why the two didn't care about each other.

I'm afraid that the relationship between the two of them is an illusion, maybe it's only because of this shadow bead that they are tied together.

Putting away the Zhao Yingzhu with his backhand, Zhang Ke reassured the two of them.

"Please don't worry, fellow daoists, as long as you don't do anything against my disciples in any way, this thing will never be known to anyone."

Xu Jiahe also resigned to his fate at this time, and came to Zhang Ke in a flash.

"Fellow Daoist Ruyi, go ahead, and the two of us will guarantee that there will be no mistakes in those who pass through the border."

Zhang Ke arched his hands, turned around and left with the cloud.

He didn't want to stay here any longer, these two made him sick.

According to his temperament in the past, such scumbags would be killed immediately.

But now that the sect is burdened, countless worries and entanglements bind him tightly, but he can't act arbitrarily.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight!
At this moment, Zhang Ke had a deeper understanding and understanding of this sentence.

At this moment, there was a question in his mind.

"Such a terrible thing, why didn't Chen Luo and Xu Jiahe destroy it, once people found out, even the 'Qingpingmen' would be destroyed." '

But on this point, Zhang Ke no longer wants to pursue it any further.

This is a very dangerous move. The more you know, the greater the threat to yourself and the sect.

After Zhang Ke left, Chen Luo and Xu Jiahe who were next to each other intentionally or unintentionally left a little distance away.

After a moment of silence, Chen Luo spoke first.

"The Shadow Orb in my hand is gone, shouldn't the one in your hand be destroyed?"

Xu Jiahe tightened her robe, and after being broken by Zhang Ke's sword, she always felt that the robe on her body would be broken at any time.

"The Shadow Orb in my hand is not with me, it will be destroyed when I go back.

well!This is also a good thing, you and I finally don't need to guard each other like this anymore. "

"Yeah yeah!"

The eyes of the two touched, and then they turned to other places as if nothing had happened.

"Hmph, how about lying to ghosts, you pretend I don't know, except for the one that was taken away by True Monarch Ruyi, you have copied at least three of them."

"Hey! You bitch, that Shadow Orb is hidden in your sword box but you refuse to destroy it. You deserve to be stripped of your clothes by True Monarch Ruyi."

The two smiled at each other with their own ghosts.

"Let's go! That robe is too weak, I will accompany you to Fangshi to buy another one."

"Okay, heck, by the way, I'll help you buy a pair of collars. If you encounter such things again, you can also resist one or two."

".Alright, hahaha!"


Zhang Ke rode the cloud back to his original position, staring at the sea of ​​people moving below.

Taking out a volume of records, which recorded the situation of hundreds of sects, large and small, with a slight swipe of the fingertips, the 'Qingping Gate' was checked off from the records.

Looking at the few lines of writing under the 'Qingping Gate', Zhang Ke muttered to himself.

"I hope that 'Famous Sword Sect' won't appear any more."

The seventh day of August in the year of Gengyou.

Southbound No.20 for one day.

It was summer, and the sky was changing.

The sky was clear one moment, but the next moment, dark clouds rolled in the sky, lightning exploded in the clouds, and dull thunder resounded through the sky.

After a while, the sky began to rain heavily.

The dense rain lines shot down in the wind and rain like feather arrows shot out when the two armies were at war.

In just a few minutes, the earth was torrential.

Yan Liangyi cursed the bad weather, and looked up at a white cloud floating in midair.

With the ability of Yuanshen Zhenjun, this heavy rain can be easily eliminated.

After waiting for a while, not only did the rain not weaken at all, but it became stronger and stronger.



The strong wind roared and rolled around in the rain and fog, and the rain and fog swayed chaotically like a curtain.

The heavy rain came too fast and too fast, and it just overflowed the feet in an instant.

Countless people shouted and ran in the rain, avoiding the invasion of the pouring rain everywhere, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

Some people begged loudly, begging the practitioners to disperse the heavy rain.

There are also some people who gather in groups of three or four and build simple shelters by themselves.

Yan Liangyi stretched out his hand to wipe the rainwater off his face, his whole body was already drenched, and the cold air from his body penetrated directly into his heart.

Looking around, the thick rain and fog made it impossible to see anything from five feet away.

He secretly scolded Zhang Ke thoroughly in his heart, knowing that True Monarch Yuanshen was no longer reliable.

'I can only rely on myself. '

Gritting his teeth, he opened his mouth and shouted loudly.

"Don't panic, each protector gathers the people under their jurisdiction, the young and strong are outside, the old and weak are inside, and they will walk in the direction I directed.

There is a spacious rain shelter not far away.

Chief Jia and Chief Bao organize good people respectively. When they gather later, if anyone gets lost, they will be whipped and served! "

Zou Yufeng rushed to Yan Liangyi's side covered in mud and shouted loudly:

"Where is there shelter from the rain?"

The rain was too heavy, and the sound of wind and thunder roared and shook, and the sound was too quiet to be heard clearly.

Yan Liangyi stretched out his hand and pointed to the left side, and shouted:

"It's there, I'll guide it, you go to the back of the palace, and help those who escaped from the team."

After finishing speaking, Yan Liangyi mobilized his mana and used the 'amplification technique' to direct the people in the third workshop of Jiazi to leave quickly to the left.

As soon as he stomped his feet, a gray cloud gathered under his feet and lifted him up.

The mana gathered the red flag in his hand, and the platinum aura shone immediately, which was extremely eye-catching.

The handwriting of the third square of Jia character is so bright that it can be seen clearly even in the wind and rain.

Yan Liangyi held high the big red flag and slowly fluttered to the left.

Shouting from time to time:

"Qingshui County Jiazi third workshop, Qingshui County Jiazi third workshop"

Dozens of Jiachang and Baochang in the third workshop of Jiazi shuttled through the stormy crowd, shouting hoarsely for their own people.

Human beings have the heart of conformity, once someone directs, the panic will soon stop.

Three thousand people were restrained by the chiefs of armor and security, and followed the red flag waving in front of their heads and moved quickly to the left.

The rain and fog filled the air, and the sky and the earth were vast.

On the land hundreds of miles around, tens of thousands of people struggled and shouted in the rain.

At the beginning, they pinned their hopes on the practitioners, hoping to eliminate the heavy rain.

For countless years, whenever there is a crisis, practitioners will always deal with it as soon as possible.

But this time, no matter how they prayed, no one dispelled the wind and rain.

Some people got angry and yelled at the practitioners loudly, but such actions were meaningless.

In desperation, people can only find their own way.

Or alone, or in groups of three or four, build a frame and rocks to build a shelter from the rain.

Countless people were running around in the rain, and some people fell into the mud from time to time.

At this time, they no longer rely on or wait, but solve all kinds of difficulties caused by the heavy rain by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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