Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 560 Just do good deeds, don't ask about the future

Chapter 560 But do good deeds, don't ask about the future (thank you Amandasun for recommending the monthly pass)

The dark clouds rolled, the thunder shook, and in the afternoon, the sky and the earth looked very dark.

In the dark clouds high in the sky, Zhang Ke and Zhenjun Jiuren stared down indifferently like gods.

Seeing countless people slipping and falling on the muddy ground in a panic during the heavy rain, Zhenjun Jiuren couldn't help it.

"Ruyi, is this what you want to see?
If this continues, Nanzong will probably lose all of his support. "

What Zhenjun Jiuren said was to remind Zhang Ke.

In the blue world, because the 'money tree' needs to accumulate popular popularity and beliefs to grow and produce various talisman money.

Therefore, most sects will try their best to help ordinary people.

Practitioners can be found in almost all fields, ranging from opening mountains and guiding seas, calling wind and rain, to subduing demons and catching ghosts, and offering sacrifices to save people.

After thousands of years, ordinary people have become accustomed to go to practitioners to solve problems.

Sometimes it is even taken for granted.

Zhang Ke wants to change all this, not because he doesn't want to help ordinary people, but because he hopes that ordinary people can stand on their own.

In the past, he promoted the dojo system in the sect, and he also hoped that practitioners and ordinary people could better integrate together.

However, Zhang Ke found that the more practitioners get involved in the secular world, the more dependent ordinary people become.

What he hopes is to enlighten the wisdom of the people and guide the social development of ordinary people, instead of ordinary people who can only cling to practitioners like vines like now.

Looking at the chaotic situation below, although Zhang Ke couldn't bear it, he still decided to persevere.

"If there is grievance, let them vent it.

You see, Patriarch, if we didn't intervene, the common people would still be able to solve the problem.

In the past, they got used to our help, now they need to change their concept.

Perhaps because of resentment, people's popularity and beliefs will be lost, but as long as they can be independent, it's all worth it.

Self-reliance can only be self-improvement! "

True Monarch Jiuren sighed softly:
"I hope you are right. You are the head of the Nanzong sect, and you can only bear the responsibility for the merits and demerits in the future."

Zhang Ke smiled slightly.

"I think the way practitioners get along with ordinary people is not correct.

Practitioners have a long lifespan, and their knowledge and experience far exceed that of ordinary people, but their number is much smaller than that of ordinary people.

Therefore, the role of practitioners should be to guide, not to do everything by themselves and solve all the problems.

Ordinary people have a short lifespan, but they are huge in number, but they are the cornerstone of the world.

If the two sides can coordinate their respective responsibilities, I believe the world will be different. "

At this moment, in Zhang Ke's mind, he remembered the scene of the rapid development of earth's technology in the dream.

He has some longings, not knowing what kind of fruit will be produced after the collision of practice and technology.

True Monarch Jiuren looked around for a few times and asked:

"Should we just do nothing and just watch?"

"Of course not, my purpose is to free human beings from the shackles and shackles, so that they can stand on their own feet.

Instead of letting it go, let it run its course.

This step is not something that can be accomplished overnight, it needs to be guided slowly. "

As Zhang Ke said, he raised his right hand and sprinkled emery all over the sky.

The endless sand and gravel fluttered and divided into hundreds of strands, floating down everywhere.

Soon, the gravel fell into the ground, and endless buildings rose silently on the ground.

The mastery of [Xuan Guang] brought his control of vitality to a new level.

Dilapidated temples, semi-incomplete houses, caves with strange rocks, hundreds of buildings of various sizes appear within hundreds of miles below.

Zhenjun Jiuren's heart trembled slightly, he had never heard of such a large-scale casting of spells.

He could see very clearly that these buildings were all built below, closer to the common people.

As long as the people in the rain probe a little, they can easily find these places that can shelter from the wind and rain.

Sure enough, in less than half an hour, countless people below all found these buildings and hid in them.

Without the noise of the people, there is only the sound of wind, thunder and rain in the world.

True Monarch Jiuren pondered for a moment, somewhat unable to understand Zhang Ke's real intention of this move.

"Ruyi, since you helped the people, why did you make it look like this? In this way, they don't know that we are helping them."

Zhang Ke smiled lightly.

"Correct the way without seeking profit, and cultivate the principles without rushing for success.

But do good deeds, don't ask about the future! "

True Monarch Jiuren recited it silently twice in his heart, only to feel that these two short sentences seemed to contain some kind of philosophy.

After a while, he said again: "What shall we do next?"

Zhang Ke probed the trembling people in the building below with his spiritual sense, and suddenly knew how to build their faith.

Turning to Zhenjun Jiuren, he said:

"Patriarch, I don't know if you have heard such a few words."

True Monarch Jiuren asked suspiciously, "What are you talking about?"

Zhang Ke is not sure if anyone in this world has heard "The Book of Songs · Qin Feng · Wuyi".

After all, there may also be people from the blue star in the dream in this world.

"Don't you mean no clothes? I'm in the same robe as my son, the king Yu Xingshi, repairing my spear, and I have the same hatred as my son.

Do you say no clothes?With Zi Tongze, Wang Yuxing teacher, repairing my spear and halberd, and working together with Zi.

Do you say no clothes?Wearing the same clothes as Zi, Wang Yu Xingshi, repairing our armored soldiers, and walking with Zi. "

Liao Liao said a few words, but they showed firm belief, unity, bravery, generosity and majesty.

The simpler the words, the more touching.

Don't worry about not having armor, even if there is only one, I will wear it with you, your enemy is my enemy, we prepare and fight together.

"This is.?"

Zhang Ke explained:
"The patriarch should also know that I have Su Hui. This is a battle song I heard in a dream, called 'Wuyi', sung by the people of a great country.

I think the people below may also need such a song to encourage each other. "

True Monarch Jiuren took a slight breath, and said slowly:
"Master, what do I need to do?"

From this moment on, he no longer regarded Zhang Ke as a disciple of the younger generation, but as a decision maker of the sect.

"Well, ask Xu Qingzhi and others to come up and pass this song on."


in the cave.

More than a dozen huge spaces are connected together, enough to accommodate thousands of people.

In addition to the third workshop of Jiazi, people from the fifth workshop of Jiazi also entered here.

Yan Liangyi sat down on the ground exhaustedly. Together with Zou Yufeng, he and Zou Yufeng had just settled the 3000 people in the workshop.

Thanks to Yan Liangyi's previous preparations, they carried a large amount of living supplies.

Clusters of fires were lit, emitting a bright orange light.

The firewood used in the fire is a dead branch of Lingpine that is easy to burn, has high heat, lasts a long time, and has no smoke.

Tired and sleepy people gathered near hundreds of fires, relying on the fires to dispel the chill that penetrated their bodies.

Zou Yufeng came to Yan Liangyi and sat down on the ground.

Yan Liangyi asked lazily:

"Yufeng, have all the security and armor settled down?"

"Well, the food has been distributed, and everyone's mood is still stable.

It's just that some old and weak women and children are afraid that they will suffer from minor illnesses when they are exposed to the cold. "

Zou Yufeng reported the general situation, and said:
"Fortunately, senior brother has the foresight to know that there is a place to shelter from the rain, otherwise, few people will be able to persist in the rain."

Yan Liangyi glanced around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he said in a low voice:

"I didn't know there was a cave here, but the location we were in was not good.

It was raining so hard that I feared floods or wild animals.

At that time, the situation was urgent, and I told everyone directly that I was afraid of causing panic, so I tricked everyone to leave the place. "

Zou Yufeng's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly discovered the difference between himself and Yan Liangyi.

Don't look at this person who is usually a little lazy, but when he really does things, he is absolutely inferior.

And after these days, even that lazy temperament seems to have changed a lot.

Yan Liangyi pondered for a moment, still a little worried.

"You guard here, I always feel that this cave is a bit weird, according to the direction of the nearby area, there should be no caves.

In addition, I will find a way to get some medicine from other brothers and sisters.

If you find something is wrong, don't hesitate to shoot the arrow quickly. "

"Okay, senior brother, go and come back quickly. Let me tell you this, why do I feel a little creepy here?"

Zou Yufeng looked at the dark darkness all around him, and always felt that something would rush out.

Yan Liangyi struggled to get up, he was only at the innate state of divine illumination.

In the past, he practiced lazily and his foundation was not stable. Although his physique was stronger than that of ordinary people, it was not much better.

In addition, there are many things to worry about, and he is busy, but he is the hardest person.

In the cave, some people were whispering and discussing the heavy rain today.

In his words, he was somewhat dissatisfied with Yiqi Nanzong, thinking that they were not well prepared to deal with the disaster.

There are also some people who secretly regret it, and feel that they should not leave the Xiantian Qizong in a flash of their brains.

Although life is a bit more difficult, at least there will not be hit by wind and rain, nor will it be so hard and exhausting.

Hearing this, Yan Liangyi felt a little sad.

At the same time, he secretly wondered why the two True Monarchs did not dispel the wind and rain in the sky.

Others were leaning against the fire, drowsy.

Yan Liangyi lightly walked past some people.

"Master Fang, thank you!"

A child's voice came from beside him.

Yan Liangyi turned her head and saw a five-year-old girl curled up in a woman's arms trembling.

The little girl's face was a little abnormally red, she looked at him with pure and clear eyes, and whispered again softly.

"Master Fang, thank you!"

In an instant, a warm current appeared, comforting him and making him feel warm all over.

"Master Fang, thank you!"

"Fang Zhang, you've worked hard, come, drink some hot water!"


Alarmed by the little girl, the surrounding people all thanked Yan Liangyi.

People's eyes are discerning. For more than a month, many people in the workshop have been helped by Yan Liangyi.

Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts. How much you pay will weigh down the weight.

Watching him think hard and wholeheartedly help everyone solve one problem after another.

Everyone's hearts are full of gratitude, this is a person worthy of respect.

For some reason, Yan Liangyi felt a little sore in his nose when he heard everyone's thanks.

Suddenly, I felt that what I paid was worthwhile, and what I did had meaning.

He greeted everyone softly and left the cave quickly.

Outside the cave, it was raining heavily.

Ten steps away, water mist swept across the sky and the earth.

The wind whimpered and the thunder rumbled.

Under the flash of lightning, the swift storm whizzed the rain and rolled it away.

Looking at the scene outside the cave, Yan Liangyi felt a bit of shrinking back in his heart.

'Should we wait for the rainstorm to subside before going out? '

Then the image of the little girl shivering and trembling flashed through her mind, she gritted her teeth, urged her mana to protect her head and face, and rushed into the storm that was sweeping across the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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