Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 569 Encountering a Secret Realm Cultivator Again

Chapter 569 Encountering a Secret Realm Cultivator Again

Chiba City.

Zhang Ke stood outside the city, looking at the first big city next to Dingzhou.

He remembered that it was here that he obtained [Red Lotus Karmic Fire], one of the nine great divine fires in the world.

I also made friends with a disciple of the local 'Green Cloud Valley'.

'I don't know how Zuo Chengxi's cultivation is now, why don't we go to him and have a few drinks. '

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Ke's mouth, and he entered the city mixed with the surrounding crowd.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the city, a divine sense touched him.

Zhang Ke followed his spiritual thoughts and saw a person on the sixth floor of the Duzun building cupping his hands at him.

The Duzun Building is a wooden building made entirely of hundred-year-old trees.

All the joints are fixed by spells, and after a long time, the whole building has grown together completely, exuding vitality.

Countless twigs and thick trunks crisscross from the building, thick vines and thin vines are entangled in it, and the inside and outside are integrated, which is magnificent.

Flashing to the top floor of the Duzun Building, Zhang Ke was a little surprised by the few people who appeared in front of him.

'Yunzhan Cave' Xin Baoshan, 'Fengxiaguan' Suqin Zhenjun, how did these two Yuanying Zhenjun in the secret realm appear here?

The other two True Monarchs were both fresh-faced, one with white hair, white beard and white robe, with a cold face and thin figure, holding a white jade flute in his hand.

The other person was wearing a round-neck embroidered gown embroidered with gold talismans and coins. He had a round face with big ears, a body as round as a ball, and a harmless smile on his face.

The only Jindan real person is an acquaintance.

'Biyun Valley' Gan Weiyun!

Zhang Ke smiled and cupped his hands.

"Nan Zongru, who is innately united, has given advice to fellow Taoists!"

White-robed True Monarch Su Rong bowed his hands.

"Mo Zixing in Biyun Valley has met fellow Taoist Ruyi!"

The rich Zhenjun bowed his hands and saluted with a smile.

"Zhu Min from the Nine Layers Gate just met fellow Taoist Ruyi!"

Xin Baoshan and Suqin Zhenjun on the side also stepped forward to salute one by one.

Zhang Ke greeted everyone politely with a smile, then turned his head and said:

"Long time no see, Reverend Gan, you've always been great!"

Gan Weiyun was in a complicated mood.

In the past, Zhang Ke was in the Golden Core Realm when he was in the Heavenly Realm. Now that Zhang Ke has advanced to the Primordial Spirit, he is still in the Golden Core Realm.

"Master Lao Ruyi misses you, junior...junior"

Zhang Ke said with a smile:

"In the past, Zuo Chengxi and I were inseparable friends. Daoist Gan doesn't have to be restrained. By the way, how is Zuo Chengxi doing lately?"

Gan Weiyun sighed lightly and said:

"Chengxi failed to advance to Jindan, and passed away many years ago."

Zhang Ke was slightly taken aback, sighed for a moment, and sighed:

"At first I wanted to have a drink with him, but I didn't want to say goodbye that day, and it would be an eternal farewell. It's really unpredictable."

Then he changed the subject and asked:

"Why are you fellow Daoist Xin here? Could it be that the secret realm manifests here?"

Xin Baoshan respectfully said:
"It is indeed as Zhenjun expected, the place where our sect manifested is not far from here."

After hesitating for a moment, he opened the mouth and said:

"I heard that Zhenjun wants to establish a branch of the sect in the South China Sea. I wonder if other sects can be accommodated?"

Zhang Ke raised his eyebrows, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"Did something happen?"

Xin Baoshan smiled bitterly and said:

"After all, we are from a secret realm, not only the language is difficult to understand with the people in this world, but also various customs and habits are very different from the local ones.

Since the manifestation of the secret realm, it is difficult for the people in the secret realm to coexist harmoniously with the local people. "

Zhang Ke nodded and said:
"It's normal, new shoes still need a certain amount of time to break in.

After hundreds of years, through continuous contact, understanding, and intermarriage, they will naturally merge together. "

Xin Baoshan glanced at Suqin Zhenjun and said to Zhang Ke:
"The two of us have discussed that Zhenjun's sect is moving south, and there will definitely be a lot of trouble along the way.

If people from the secret realm join in at this time, with the cooperation of the two parties, the process of running-in may be accelerated. "

Zhang Ke's expression changed, this was something he had never thought of.

Only by sharing weal and woe can we build firm friendship and affection.

Zhang Ke was a little moved. Xin Baoshan and Suqin Zhenjun represented two secret realm sects and a large number of secret realm people.

These are all talents and resources. I lack everything now, so I am naturally very welcome.

He looked at Mo Zixing and Zhu Mingang, and shook his head regretfully.

"Before this mission started, there were regulations in this world.

Whether it is a secret realm or a small thousand world, wherever it is manifested, the sects of that place will communicate with each other.

Other sects are not allowed to intervene in it.

I appreciate the kindness of the two of you, but I can only say sorry. "

Zhu Mingang smiled 'haha' and said:

"I heard that Ruyi Zhenjun acted openly and aboveboard, and seeing him today really deserves his reputation."

Zhang Ke touched his nose, smiled bitterly and said:
"I still don't know what my reputation is like. Friends Daoist's words make Ruyi feel ashamed."

Mo Zixing was slightly surprised. He thought that Zhang Ke must be very domineering when he became famous when he was young.

His way of traveling south has fully revealed this point.

But listening to him at this time, he is not an arrogant and unreasonable person!
Zhu Mingang said with a smile:
"Since Fellow Daoist is so forthright, then I won't be around the corner."

After a short pause, he opened his mouth and said:

"Fellow Daoist Xin's 'Yunzhan Cave' and Fellow Daoist Suqin's 'Fengxia Temple', together with the nearly 30 people in the secret realm sheltered by the two factions, 'Jiuzhongmen' and 'Green Cloud Valley' can allow them to join fellow daoists sect.

However, this requires Taoist friends to pay something in exchange. "

Zhang Ke opened Bai Sensen's eyes, glanced at the faces of several people, and said with a smile:

"It seems that you have planned this long ago, let's hear it?"

Zhu Mingang smiled "hehe", and signaled Mo Zixing to speak with his eyes.

At this kind of juncture, it would be more beneficial for Mo Zixing to speak first, even if they couldn't reach an agreement, he would be able to settle the situation properly.

Mo Zixing looked at Zhang Ke and said:

"I heard that Taoist friends got a lot of 'Two Instruments Beads' and 'Five Elements Essence Essence' in the secret realm.

The meaning of my two sects is that as long as fellow daoist is willing to exchange this, fellow daoist Xin and others can go with fellow daoist. "

Zhu Min just rolled his eyes secretly, what he said was too low-level.

Zhang Ke's heart moved, he looked at Xin Baoshan and the two, and understood that the news should have been leaked by the two.

But this is also normal, such a big mystery was brought back.

People are always curious about the details, and it is not surprising that they are snooped out.

Zhang Ke pondered for a moment, then took out two 'Liangyi Pearls' and two bottles of 'Five Elements Essence Liquid' and put them on the table.

"The two fellow daoists are talking about this thing?"

Mo Zixing and Zhu Mingang reached out to take it for a little inspection, and there was a hint of joy in their expressions.

"Exactly this thing!"

Zhang Ke looked at the expressions of the two, pondered for a while, and suddenly smiled and said:

"I'm ashamed to say, I've had this thing for a long time, but because I'm ignorant, I still don't understand the effect of this thing.

I would like to ask the two fellow Taoists, what are the uses of these two items? "

Mo Zixing and the two were very surprised. It turned out that Zhang Ke didn't know what the thing was for.

The two looked at each other, and Zhu Mingang said:

"The 'Essence of the Five Elements' is born from the power of the five elements of heaven and earth.

When it turns gas into liquid, combined with some elixir, it can speed up the cultivation speed of practitioners under the Golden Core Realm.

But this is nothing, the most important thing is that this thing can increase the success rate of foundation building. "

Zhu Min just glanced at Zhang Ke, stretched out three fingers and said:
"Thirty percent!"

Zhang Ke's expression changed involuntarily.

What does it mean to increase the probability of building a foundation by [-]%?
When Zhang Ke established the foundation, 800 of the [-] disciples of the sect got the opportunity to establish the foundation.

But in the end, only a hundred people succeeded in building the foundation.

Although there are reasons such as lack of resources, the most important thing is that its own foundation is not solid enough.

You must know that these 800 people are the best selected from the hundreds of thousands of children in the two cities of Qingtian and Tieshan.

From this we can see the difficulty of building a foundation.

Zhang Ke stared at the 'Five Elements Essence Liquid' in front of him, thinking of the countless essence liquids he had used in the secret realm, his heart ached like a knife.

They are all true masters of the Yuanshen, and his expression cannot be hidden from others.

Zhu Mingang and Mo Zixing breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at Zhang Ke's expression, it was obvious that he had wasted a lot without knowing it.

Zhang Ke's divine sense scanned the natal talisman.

'There are less than [-] bottles left, so heartbreaking! '

After calming down, Zhang Ke asked:
"I wonder how effective this bottle of primordial liquid is?"

Zhu Mingang laughed 'hehe' and said:
"This bottle contains about one hundred drops of primordial liquid, and ordinary people who have not established a foundation can only use three drops at most."

Zhang Ke understood, it seemed that this bottle could help 30 people increase their chances of breaking through Foundation Establishment.

After pondering for a moment, he asked again:
"Then what's the use of the 'two instrument beads'?"

Mo Zixing said:

"The yin and yang energy in this bead is self-consistent and balanced, and it is very effective for practicing yin and yang spells.

The most valuable thing is that it can balance the yin and yang in the body, and it can increase the number of times of running a week every day. "


Not only Zhang Ke, but Xin Baoshan, Suqin Zhenjun and others present all gasped.

In the state of womb, practitioners can run the circle once a day, and in the state of sitting and forgetting, the number of times of running the circle is twice a day.

Even Yuanshen Zhenjun can only breathe and run Zhoutian twice a day.

There are many factors involved in this, including the rules of the Dao, and the inability to withstand the violence of vitality in the body.

Therefore, it is very important to run Zhoutian, which determines the speed of a practitioner's practice.

Why did Zhang Ke become the true emperor of Yuanshen in just 200 years.

It is because when he runs Zhou Tian every day, the natal talisman can purify a little more essence of vitality from the void.

Accumulating over time can make him practice faster than others.

Zhang Ke said in disbelief:

"How could this 'two instrument beads' have such a heaven-defying effect?"

Zhu Mingang explained with a smile.

"Of course it won't work for everyone.

Practitioners in the Xiantian Realm wear a 'Two Instruments Bead', which can increase the number of cycles per day for three consecutive years.

At the Golden Core Realm, every [-] pieces can only last for one year.

When we reach the realm of you and me, this kind of thing has no effect.

But no matter what, if used reasonably, this object can speed up the cultivation speed of practitioners at low levels.

For a sect, this bead is considered a treasure. "

Zhang Ke's senses were very keen, and he heard a trace of incompleteness and inaccuracy in Zhu Mingang's words.

There must be some inside information that I don't understand that has been concealed.

But he wasn't going to ask the bottom line. Since Zhu Mingang didn't say anything, it's useless to ask more.

When I have time in the future, I will naturally be able to check it out.

However, thinking of the 'Liangyizhu' that was consumed when he deployed the 'Scattered Yuan Formation' and the 'Star Trail Traction Formation' in the secret realm, Zhang Ke felt pain in his heart.

Know earlier.
(End of this chapter)

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