Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 570 Hainachuan, tolerance is great

Chapter 570 The sea is inclusive of all rivers, but its tolerance is great (thank you Sword God Dongfeng for your monthly ticket support)
Zhang Ke covered his heart for a while, took a look at Zhu Mingang and the others, and smiled wryly:
"Ah! At the beginning, I was so shallow, I didn't know gold inlaid with jade, so all the treasures were consumed like sand.

Thinking about it at this moment, it really hurts so much that it made several fellow Taoists laugh. "

Xin Baoshan and Suqin Zhenjun were secretly delighted.

When he was in the secret realm, Zhang Ke once mobilized various sects and casual cultivators in the secret realm to search for the 'Two Instruments Pearl'.

Although most of them later exchanged for Zhang Kebu to set up formations, they all kept their minds at that time and kept some for themselves.

At this time, I was very happy to hear that the 'Liangyi Pearl' had such a great effect.

Zhu Mingang and others practiced persuasion and comfort.

Zhang Ke calmed down and asked:
"I already understand the intentions of the two friends, how much do I need to pay?"

Mo Zixing glanced at Zhu Mingang, stretched out three fingers and said:
"Three hundred bottles of essence and three thousand Liangyi beads."

Zhang Ke smiled and shook his head.

"Friend Daoist Mo is not sincere, you and I are in this realm, if you really want to bargain like a merchant, then you will lose face.

How about this, the two of you can negotiate and set a number.

I think it's acceptable, so that's it.

If not, treat it as a friend, and we can cooperate if there is a chance in the future.

However, as a reminder, the two of you only have one chance to set a price! "

Zhu Min just screamed fiercely, and couldn't help but look at Zhang Ke with admiration.

Zhang Ke's move suddenly turned passive into active, and firmly controlled the situation.

Zhu Mingang laughed 'hehe' and said:
"I've always heard that you are powerful and unparalleled, and seeing you today really deserves your reputation."

After a word of praise, he continued:
"Fellow Daoist, let me discuss it with you two?"

Zhang Ke waved his hand to signal the two to be free.

Zhu Mingang and Mo Zixing discussed in a low voice how to make an appropriate bid.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xin Baoshan wanted to talk to Zhang Ke, but was stopped by Suqin Zhenjun.

She understood the relationship between them. Once Zhang Ke talked to the two of them, it would be easy for Mo Zixing and others to see Zhang Ke's bottom line.

None of the people who can become the true king of Yuanshen is given for nothing, and any trace of emotion will be seen.

Zhang Ke nodded slightly at Suqin Zhenjun, very satisfied with her actions.

A few minutes later, Zhu Mingang spoke to Zhang Ke again.

"Fellow Daoists are very powerful, how about one hundred bottles of the essence of the five elements and one thousand Liangyi beads?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Ke's mouth.

"make a deal!"

Outside Chiba City.

Zhang Ke watched Xin Baoshan and Suqin Zhenjun leave.

The two of them have to go back and settle the matter properly. After all, there are nearly 30 people who have to migrate.

The two parties agreed to gather outside Chiba City.

Today, Nanzong's southbound team is still hundreds of miles away, and it will take at least ten days for the forward to arrive here.

It will take some time for Xin Baoshan and others to arrive here.

Zhang Ke shot out a golden light and returned to the position of the brigade.

Here it is possible to give a full range of echoes to the queue advancing in three parts.

Usually it is guarded by the Jiuren Zhenjun with the brigade.

When Zhang Ke informed Zhenjun Jiuren of Xin Baoshan and Zhenjun Suqin's intention to bring 'Yunzhan Cave' and 'Fengxia Guan' to join the Southern Sect of Xiantian Qi, Zhenjun Jiuren frowned.

"Sect Leader, although what I said may not sound good, but the Sect Leader has done a poor job."

Zhang Ke let out an 'oh' and asked with a smile:

"Where did it go wrong?"

"Master, this sect has never recruited casual cultivators or other clan sects from outside.

All the disciples were recruited from generation after generation of innocent people in Qingtian and Tieshan cities.


It is very simple, that is the sense of identity!

Only these common people's children who are already inseparable from the sect will regard the sect as their family and be loyal to the sect.

This is the foundation of our sect, and the head of the sect once said this.

Practitioners recruited from the outside, especially the entire sect, can easily form independent groups.

Even if they join the sect, once the sect conflicts with its original leader, they will not hesitate to stand by the original leader.

If that is the case, wouldn't the sect's contribution of resources for cultivation be making wedding dresses for others?

In case, one day, the guests suddenly overwhelm the host, then..."

Zhenjun Jiuren didn't continue talking after he said this, he believed that Zhang Ke could understand the meaning.

Zhang Ke stroked his chin and nodded slightly.

"What the patriarch said is very reasonable, but I don't understand something, and I want to ask the patriarch."

"what's up?"

"At the beginning of the establishment of this sect, it is said that the first generation patriarch and a group of friends jointly established it.

It is said that except for the patriarch who is an abandoned disciple of the Qing Dynasty, the others are all from casual cultivator background.

I don't know why it was able to accommodate outsiders at that time, but now it can't? "


True Monarch Jiuren couldn't help being speechless.

Zhang Ke said slowly:
"The reason is very simple, because we have now regarded ourselves as a famous sect, and we look down on casual cultivators from the bottom of our hearts.

I feel that if a casual cultivator joins the sect, other sects will laugh at it, and it will indeed cause trouble for the sect management.

Over time, they are unwilling to accept outsiders. "

True Monarch Jiuren was speechless, even though this was the truth, he still liked the disciples he cultivated.

Zhang Keyu said sincerely:

"Father, our sect is now going to establish branches overseas, which is very similar to the situation of the first generation of patriarchs back then.

With you and me, when will we be able to develop the sect.

The tree that embraces is born at the end of the millet, and the nine-story platform rises from the base of the soil!
The accumulation of soil becomes mountains, the wind and rain are blowing, and the sea is open to all rivers, and tolerance is great! "

Zhang Ke paused slightly, and continued:
"I have explored the reasons for the growth of the top-rank sects in the Eastern Region, and the most notable feature is that they have all introduced talents from outside.

7000 years ago, the "Tao Dezong" accommodated no less than [-] small sects, families, and casual cultivators in one fell swoop.

6000 years ago, the "Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace in the Clouds" recruited as many as a thousand casual practitioners.

There are countless examples like this.

If our sect wants to develop and grow, relying on the strength of our headquarters, it will only be a sixth-rank sect like the main sect for thousands of years.

But after 2000, there may be a monstrous catastrophe waiting for us.

If you are still complacent now, how to deal with the chaos in the future. "

True Monarch Jiuren had to admit that Zhang Ke's words made sense, but he still had concerns in his heart.

"I already understand the intention of the head of the sect, but if these sects who join me repeat themselves, I'm afraid there will be a catastrophe!"

Zhang Ke smiled lightly.

"Since we dare to let them join the sect, we are not afraid that they will turn the world upside down.

I will not treat anyone differently, and all merits and demerits are measured by the laws of the sect.

If even these Xu Zongmen dare not let go of contact, how can they recruit other practitioners in the future.

This is also a good incentive for the disciples of the school. Only with competition can we promote development.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if the disciples of the main department fail to live up to expectations in the future, the position of head will fall into the hands of the branch.

Then he is still a disciple of the Southern Sect of Xiantian Yiqi, so it's no big deal. "

True Monarch Jiuren secretly admired Zhang Ke's courage.

These words fully revealed Zhang Ke's ambition and determination. Perhaps only such a mind and courage can truly lead the sect to glory.

At this moment, Zhenjun Jiuren was full of fighting spirit, and he decided to do his best to help Zhang Ke realize his dream.

"Master! I rarely admire people in my life, and you are definitely one of them.

What to do next, just let the head tell you! "

This is the reason why Zhang Ke wants to become independent. If he is in the sect, this kind of thing can never be done easily.

"Ancestor, please lead the people who moved south to Qianye City, and when the time comes, all the cultivators and people in the secret realm will be dispersed to enter the various workshops.

Afterwards, Patriarch, Xin Baoshan and others turned to the west and headed for the west coast.

I once asked Bixiao Palace to come forward to buy mountain boats, and I needed to go there to receive the boats.

If all goes well, turn from the west coast to the South China Sea. "

True Monarch Jiuren thought about the route for a while, and asked:
"Why don't we turn directly from Chiba City to the South China Sea?"

Zhang Ke explained:
"The terrain of Laizhou is very special, most of the areas are islands, although the South China Sea is three thousand miles south of Chiba City.

However, most of the way is blocked by islands, and it is impossible to reach the South China Sea without ships.

So we have to go to Bixiao Palace to collect the ships first, otherwise we won't be able to go to sea at all. "

Only then did True Lord Jiuren understand the connection, he pondered for a moment, and asked:

"Did you go to the Star Chasing Sword Sect just for those three mountain boats?"

Zhang Ke nodded, a little depressed and authentic:

"I originally wanted to remind the Star Chaser Sword Sect so that they could make preparations in advance.

I don't know what happened to the Star Chasing Sword Sect. It seems that our three mountain boats are not in their sect at this time. "

He didn't elaborate on the situation that the Star Chasing Sword Sect wanted to harm him, and what happened will be known when Qingmei comes back and asks.

But for a while, the three mountain boats were unreliable.

True Monarch Jiuren frowned and said:
"Without those three mountain boats, I'm afraid it would be difficult to transport so many people away?"

"It doesn't matter for the time being, the island has not been built yet, and even if it goes to sea, there is nowhere to settle.

Let's first gather all the people to the west coast and set up a temporary camp.

After the island is built, it is estimated that the Star Chasing Sword Sect will have an explanation, and it will not be too late to go to sea by then. "

True Monarch Jiuren said with some concern:

"The construction of the reefs and islands is just an idea of ​​the head, so it can't be completed, right?"

Zhang Ke said with a relaxed smile:
"I have calculated this matter countless times, and there will never be any problems."

In fact, Zhang Ke was only half sure.

No matter how complete the calculation is, as long as it is not implemented, no one can guarantee that such a thing will be successful.

"That's good! That's good!"

True Monarch Jiuren muttered to himself.

At this time, he could only trust Zhang Ke.

Now there are nearly 200 million people walking on the road. Once the reef construction fails, he can't even imagine what the result will be.

Afterwards, True Monarch Jiuren asked:
"I'm here with the team moving south, but the sect master has other things to deal with?"

(End of this chapter)

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