Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 573 Tiger Creek

Chapter 573 Tiger Creek
Looking at the situation below, Zhang Ke was slightly moved.

There are more than 600 large and small islands in the 'Huxi' island group, and the distance between each island is not too far.

If the reason for the high tide can be solved, it is actually very suitable for human habitation.

And it can fully accommodate the nearly 200 million people who came with the sect.

But the rising tide of sea water is the power of nature, even Zhang Ke has no way to change all this.

'How can we solve the problem of high tide? '

Because Zhang Ke was always thinking about the island, as long as Zhang Ke saw a suitable living environment, his mind would be stirred.

After a while, he came back to his senses, and couldn't help but secretly smiled wryly.

Practitioners from various schools and factions in Laizhou are also patrolling around the 'Huxi' island group.

Zhang Ke scanned the nearby islands with his spiritual sense, but found nothing unusual.

This was also within his expectation, True Lord Blood Mist is True Lord Dongtian, if he could be caught out easily, he would definitely not be able to survive till now.

It will take at least a few days to perform the [Sumi Tianyan Formation] to investigate.

Zhang Ke didn't want to waste time here, if True Monarch Blood Mist wasn't here, wouldn't it be a joke when Yunxiao Tiangong came.

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Ke stomped his feet and flew away in a golden light.

After flying hundreds of miles, he suddenly plunged into the sea.

A ripple flashed across his body, and Zhang Ke turned into a half-foot-long golden-backed swordfish, shuttled into the sea, and swam towards the 'Huxi' island group like an arrow.

Swordfish can be regarded as relatively fast among ordinary fish.

With the help of the power of water movement, Wei Wei swam at three times the speed of ordinary swordfish, and Zhang Ke pierced a white line in the sea.

An hour later, Zhang Ke's changed golden-backed swordfish came near the 'Tiger Creek' island group.

In the following time, Zhang Ke kept changing various marine creatures to explore hundreds of islands underwater.

Large and small islands, including the underwater places on the islands and reefs, Zhang Ke did not miss a single thing, and explored them one by one.

Finally, his attention was drawn to a sunken ship beneath a medium-sized island.

By this time, it was midnight.

The location of this island is on the east side of the entire island group, and the surrounding large and small islands completely cover the island.

A rusting shipwreck covered in seaweed, oysters, barnacles, and mussels was stuck three hundred feet below the island.

This sunken ship is not very big, only thirty feet long.

There are still many sunken ships like this on the nearby seabed.

The reason why this sunken ship caught Zhang Ke's attention was because the ship was a little too clean.

Although it also has shellfish and algae attached to its hull, it doesn't have the kind of flocs that are unique to shipwrecks over the years.

After thinking about it again and again, Zhang Ke decided to enter the sunken ship to investigate.

At this moment, he has transformed into a palm-sized crab hiding in the crevice of the sea reef.

For the sake of safety, Zhang Ke did not use his spiritual sense to investigate the sunken ship, but simply observed the surroundings of the sunken ship with his naked eyes.

Through careful observation, Zhang Ke felt that he might have found the location of the 'Ghost Thief'.

Hundreds of feet away on both sides of the sunken ship, there are two relatively flat lands.

Looking at the traces revealed on the bottom of the sea, it is obvious that large ships have been docked.

And in places like the sea, I'm afraid only the 'ghost ship' can dock here.

As he continued to observe, more and more traces of unnatural formation were revealed one by one.

Zhang Ke was observing the situation around him, when suddenly there was a wave of water shocking his body.

A day at sea is not free.

Zhang Ke's eight crab claws moved quickly, and suddenly moved more than half a foot across, penetrating into the cracks of a sea reef.

This is the escape route he reserved in advance, after all, he is just a crab at the moment.

A two-foot carnivorous marine fish swam past his original location.

The sea fish wandered around the reef where he was, and swam away helplessly.

Zhang Ke waited for the sea fish to swim far away before carefully crawling out of the reef again.

'How to enter the wreck? '

He found that he couldn't enter the wreck by changing the fish and shrimp, because there was no marine life near the wreck.

Zhang Ke saw with his own eyes a sea fish suddenly swim in another direction when it was about to approach the sunken ship.

There seems to be a unique force affecting the creatures in the sea, making them subconsciously avoid the sinking ship.

'Do you want to force your way? '

While hesitating, Zhang Ke saw a faint white light flashing past the sunken ship.

'Um? ? '

You must know that this place is three hundred feet below the sea, not to mention that it is midnight at this moment, even in the daytime, it is pitch black here.

Zhang Ke carefully observed the place where the white light appeared from the corner of his eye.

I saw that the hatch of the sunken ship opened silently at some unknown time, and traces of white light were blooming from here.

After a while, a faint blue light floated out from the hatch.

It turned around the nearby seabed very spiritually, and then, two slender figures came out of the hatch.

Zhang Ke let out a long sigh of relief.

'hey-hey!Finally I find you. '

These are two beautiful young women with childish faces, and they will never be more than 20 years old.

One of the women was as light as a fish, swimming back and forth in the water, with bubbles popping out of her mouth from time to time.

Just from her cheerful and lively movements, it can be seen that she must be in a good mood.

The other woman is very stable, with a flower basket in her left hand, and a blue orb flying out of her right hand.

The orb burst out with a blue light, and suddenly it was bright with a radius of hundreds of feet.

At the same time, the orb was still trembling non-stop, waves of ripples extending towards the sea.

Suddenly, Zhang Ke found himself leaving the reef uncontrollably and swimming towards the blue light in a daze.

Although he woke up later, it was hard to turn around and leave.

Attracted by the blue light, countless sea creatures swam over from all around.

Immediately afterwards, the woman threw the flower basket, and a multi-colored glow burst out from the flower basket.

Countless fish and shrimps were shrouded in multicolored rays and fell into the flower baskets.

Apparently, the woman was fishing.

At this moment, Zhang Ke keenly sensed that this was a very good time.

Therefore, he no longer resisted the temptation in his blood, and let the five-color glow put him in the flower basket.

This flower basket is obviously a treasure, and there is another world inside.

After countless fish and shrimp fell into it, it didn't look crowded at all, as if it was still in sea water.

Moreover, after the fish and shrimp enter the flower basket, they are separated, and the same kind of marine life will gather together.

Now, Zhang Ke is surrounded by all kinds of crabs, big and small.

The crabs waved their two large pincers to provoke and fight together.

What made him extremely speechless was that many of the crabs actually bullied him.

How can this kind of thing be tolerated!
So he opened his two crab claws, rushed up bravely, and was beaten and fled.

Without the assistance of extraordinary abilities, how can his palm-sized physique be the opponent of other crabs. '

Even though he is well versed in various tactics and possesses human wisdom, at this moment, he can only be crushed.

This is a very strange and novel experience.

Weakness, helplessness, fear, pain and other emotions and feelings came to my heart one by one.

He has not felt this way for many years.

This strange feeling made his somewhat numb nerves become active.

Even Zhang Ke was a little intoxicated by this experience.

He decided to try it out every now and then, it was so much fun.

In this chaotic crab battle, Zhang Ke was carried by the woman into the sunken ship.

Clamp a crab's forelimb again, and use the force of the water to twist it off.

Zhang Ke triumphantly clamped the two large pliers with a 'click' sound.

Suddenly, the flower basket began to shake violently, Zhang Ke felt dizzy.

Rao Xianhong turned the flower basket upside down and poured countless fish and shrimp into the pond in front of him.

Deng Yuyan, who was drenched next to her, said with a 'hee hee' smile:
"Senior sister, will you take me with you next time you go out?"

Rao Xianhong said angrily:
"No, I know how to play after I go out, I can't help at all, I'm exhausted!"

Deng Yuyan begged:
"Don't! You can only go out once every three months, it's too boring here.

At worst, I'll sell my brother to you, okay? "

Rao Xianhong's face turned red immediately, how could this ghostly spirit discover his little thoughts.

Guilty glanced left and right, seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he was slightly relieved.

Seeing that Deng Yuyan wanted to continue talking, she hurriedly said:

"Okay! Okay, stop making trouble, and I will take you out next time."

Deng Yuyan smiled happily, holding Rao Xianhong's arm and jumping around.

"I knew that senior sister was the best, don't worry, I will definitely send my brother to your bed."

Rao Xianhong's face became even more red, and he spat on Deng Yuyan lightly, but his heart couldn't help but flutter.

"What are you doing?"

While the two were fighting, a cold and stern voice suddenly came.

Rao Xianhong and the two of them shuddered when they heard the familiar voice.

At some point, a man in black with pink face, red lips and green eyes flashed appeared behind the two of them.

The two quickly turned around and bowed to salute.

"Disciple pays respects to Uncle Song!"

Song Yunhai held a bronze mirror in his hand and pointed at the two of them.

A purple light flashed in the mirror and shone directly on the two of them.

Under the irradiation of purple light, the robes on the two became transparent, and all the clothes inside and outside were completely transparent.

The exquisite and curvy body of the second daughter was revealed in front of Song Yunhai without any cover.

Rao Xianhong and Deng Yuyan were ashamed and angry, but they didn't dare to resist at all.

This is a check that must be done after going out, but under normal circumstances, this kind of thing will only be checked by the same sex.

If you dare to resist, you will surely bear the pain that life is worse than death.

Over the decades, hundreds of people have warned everyone with their horrific experiences.

Song Yunhai's doing this was obviously out of good intentions.

'Gulu——! '

Song Yunhai's throat couldn't help swallowing, and his eyes wandered lewdly at the vital parts of the two.

After the faces of the two women turned pale, Song Yunhai said maliciously:

"Turn around!"

Tears filled Deng Yuyan's eyes, but she could only turn around obediently.

Rao Xianhong gritted her teeth, clenched her hands tightly, and inserted her nails into her palms.

Turning around with her head down, she didn't dare to let Song Yunhai see the anger in her eyes at this moment.

At this moment, her heart was filled with endless shame and humiliation.

Rao Xianhong swore secretly that he would make this damn beast pay the price.

I don't know how long it took before I heard that hateful voice say:
"Okay, you can go back and rest!"

This may have only passed for a short period of time, but in the feeling of Rao Xianhong and the others, it is like a long time.

When the two turned around tremblingly, Song Yunhai had already disappeared behind them.

Deng Yuyan collapsed to the ground with a 'plop', and couldn't help crying loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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