Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 574 The Kitchen

Chapter 574 Kitchen (Thank you for the monthly ticket support of Natural Leaf)
Zhang Ke was quietly hiding under a lotus leaf in the pond at the moment.

He silently watched the scene in front of him.

Rao Xianhong's eyes were fierce and angry, he squatted on the ground and hugged Deng Yuyan tightly, comforting her constantly.

His extremely determined expression made Zhang Ke understand that this matter would never end like this.

Not long after, the two girls snuggled up and disappeared through a mirror door on the wall.

Withdrawing his gaze, Zhang Ke looked around.

He found himself in what looked like a kitchen.

It is round and has a radius of two hundred feet, a bit like the "Da Yan Xue Gong", with many mirror-like doors inlaid on the white jade-like walls.

A lifting circle is engraved on the ground in the middle of the hall.

A thirty-story rectangular cabinet board is placed on top of the magic circle, with each floor spaced one foot apart and about Zhangxu in size.

The pond where I am is on the east side of the kitchen. There are three other ponds of this kind in the kitchen, one in the southeast, one in the north, and one in the north.

The reason why it can be seen that this is a kitchen is because there are rows of pots and stoves and large stone long tables against the wall, surrounded in a circle.

At this moment, dozens of handyman disciples in shabby uniforms were interspersed and busy between the desks.

Slices of fish, prawns, turtles, and crabs are scooped up from ponds and dropped on chopping boards, where they are then broken into pieces or boiled or fried.

Cooking dishes one by one without stopping.

In addition, there are some spirit fruits and spirit rice mixed in a small amount, and they are neatly stacked on the cabinet boards in food boxes.

"It's too much. Elder Song, a bastard, is taking advantage of the opportunity again."

"That's right, I heard that many senior sisters were given to that by Elder Song!"

"I've heard that too! This guy is really dishonest, and he uses the name of the inspection to take advantage of it whenever he has the opportunity."

"Hey! Senior Sister Rao and Senior Sister Deng are considered lucky. If there were not so many people here today, tsk tsk"

Many handymen chatted in low voices about what they saw just now, and they all defended Rao Xianhong's second daughter.

While speaking indignantly, a younger disciple deftly dismembered each fish with a short knife in his hand.

"Hehe, what's the matter, I can't bear to look down, or what do you guys think about those two senior sisters?"

"Xiaoou, you cut the knife hard, it will affect the taste of the meat."

A rich middle-aged man with some white hair on the sideburns walked around with his hands behind his back.

From time to time, some handymen who are in a hurry are reprimanded.

Hearing the mutterings of the disciples, he laughed and joked.

"Ah! Steward Ding! How could it be, we...we are just small handymen, how dare we have any thoughts about the senior sister in the door."

Guanshi Ding hummed, and said with a straight face:

"It's good to know that you are a handyman, just keep your mouth shut, you can't talk about things in the door.

If this word reaches Song Zhenren's ears, the sea beast cage will be your destination.

If it weren't for your hard work, I wouldn't bother to say these words. "

Xiaoou shivered, and said with a playful smile:

"Isn't it true that Song Zhenren is not here? If he wants to be here, I wouldn't dare to speak if I have the guts of a shark!"

Steward Ding glanced around the group of handymen, and said meaningfully:

"If you want people not to know, unless you do nothing yourself, know people, know their face, but not their heart!"

After finishing speaking, Guanshi Ding sauntered away, and many handymen hurriedly stopped talking, not daring to say anything more.

Not long after, the thirty-layer cabinets on the lifting circle were filled with food boxes.

Steward Ding checked the number of food boxes, and pressed his mana on the activation pattern of the lifting magic circle with his palm.

A circle of black and purple magic patterns flashed, and the thirty-story cabinet seemed to be lifted up into the sky by invisible hands.

Zhang Ke looked up and saw a neat gap in the sky above the lifting circle.

The cabinet board carrying the food box quickly passes through the gap and shuttles upwards.

If Zhang Keruo realized something, it seemed that this place was at least 1000 floors high, and judging by the number of food boxes, there were at least [-] people.

Unexpectedly, after decades of that blow, there are still so many people surviving in the "Ghost Thief".

After a rough deduction, the place where I am located should be a circular building with at least [-] floors.

If every floor had a kitchen this tall, the building would be at least two hundred feet high.

The shape clearly has no connection to the wreck.

'Cave! '

A thought flashed in Zhang Ke's mind, could this be the secret place of the Blood Mist True Monarch.

The so-called "secret realm of the cave" actually means that there is no cave, a world of its own.

The secret realm of Dongtian is the foundation of Zhenjun Dongtian. Here, Zhenjun Dongtian has the strongest control.

Under normal circumstances, no one would dare to enter other people's caves.

But at the same time, if this place is destroyed, it will do great harm to Dongtian Zhenjun.

Therefore, if he is not particularly trustworthy, Dongtian Zhenjun will not bring anyone here.

The secret realm of the cave has countless shapes, which depend on the treasures that make up the cave and the wishes of the real master of the cave.

For example, Zhang Ke's Dongtian Secret Realm is in the shape of a Rubik's Cube, although he has not yet become the True King of Dongtian.

Zhang Ke didn't know much about the cave, after all, he had only entered the cave of Tianya Patriarch.

As for the cave secret realm of Patriarch Tianya, which had just been established, there was nothing in it at that time.

So he didn't know what kind of power the True Lord of Dongtian could display in the secret territory of Dongtian.

So be more cautious.

Xiaoou looked up and saw that the lifting circle had disappeared, and murmured:
"I make spiritual food every day, but I haven't eaten a single bite."

Guanshi Ding approached unsteadily, and said with a smile:
"If you want to enjoy the spiritual food, you should step up your practice. Once the foundation is successfully established, you can enter the door, and the room above will be yours."

Xiaoou shook his hands resentfully, and said in a low voice:
"I'm so busy with chores every day, I don't have time to practice.

The elder who taught the method from the door came once a month. He didn't say a word about the method, but just recited a few basic formulas to fool things.

If this continues, there will be no chance to build a foundation. "

After complaining a few words, Xiaoou glanced left and right, and whispered:
"Steward, has something happened to the sect recently?"

Guanshi Ding narrowed his eyes, looked at Xiaoou calmly, and asked with a smile:

"An accident? What's the matter? Why don't I know?"

Xiaoou laughed 'hee hee' and said:
"Why do you need to lie to me, the spiritual food ration for the brothers in the sect has decreased by at least [-]% recently.

Everyone can see this, although no one said it, but no one can see it. "

Steward Ding hummed.

"Everyone doesn't say it, but you are smart. I see, you will get hurt by your mouth sooner or later."

But he likes Xiaoou more, and he is still willing to mention him.

"Even if you guess something, don't say it. It's not good for you."

After pondering for a moment, he continued:
"The Patriarch did a big thing outside a while ago, in order to avoid the limelight, he will not go out for decades.

Therefore, the rations of all sect disciples have been reduced a lot.

According to this trend, I'm afraid it will continue to decrease in the future, so hurry up and complete the training before foundation establishment.

In a few more years, even if your true qi is sharpened and perfected, I'm afraid there will be no resources for you to build a foundation. "

Xiaoou's heart trembled, this is not good news.

After a moment of silence, he asked again:
"What did the Patriarch do that even Zhenjun Dongtian didn't dare to leave here?"

Steward Ding looked around and said in a low voice:
"When the three patriarchs of our sect went out to hunt decades ago, didn't they encounter an accident and fall.

You know, those three patriarchs are the only three primordial gods and true kings left in this sect besides the blood mist patriarch.

In addition, in that catastrophe, nearly 2000 real people and more than [-] innate senior brothers died in our sect.

Even those two 'Nether Boats' were taken away.

A few months ago, the Patriarch found out that the catastrophe was caused by a local sect called 'Sihaizong'.

So they took advantage of the night to destroy the gate of the 'Sihaizong' and killed hundreds of thousands of ordinary people.

Now, the whole Laizhou is frantically looking for the patriarch. Under such circumstances, how dare the patriarch go out.

As long as you know about this matter, don't spread it to the outside world. "

Xiaoou nodded again and again, imagining the scene where the patriarch showed great power, and couldn't help being fascinated.

Slightly sighed:

"I don't know when I will be able to cultivate to the level of the Patriarch, and go out and kill him."

Guanshi Ding said with a smile:
"Then you have to work hard, as long as you have cultivation base, you can get everything back after you go out.

Those female cultivators from the Eastern Region in the dungeon are all watery, and water will come out as soon as they are pinched, which is very useful for playing. "

Xiaoou swallowed, and nodded emphatically.

"Don't worry, I will work hard.

When I become a cultivator, I will definitely go out and snatch some beautiful nuns for the manager. "

Guanshi Ding paused for a moment, then said:

"However, this matter seems to be a little strange.

I heard from a true disciple in the sect that Patriarch Xuewu was furious after he came back, saying that the 'Four Seas Sect' had no strength to fight against the three patriarchs of our sect.

It seems that there are other forces involved in this matter. "

Zhang Ke listened to the two people's conversation in silence, feeling a murderous intent in his heart.

These people have been brainwashed, and they regard looting as a normal thing like eating and drinking.

The three views are completely distorted, and they have no qualifications to continue living.

From the conversation between the two just now, Zhang Ke heard two things.

First of all, True Monarch Blood Mist is within the secret realm of the cave at this moment.

Secondly, at this moment, there is no True Lord Yuanshen in this secret realm.

Zhang Ke breathed a sigh of relief, it would be much easier this way.

Now there is only one problem.

'Where in this secret realm is True Monarch Bloodmist hiding? '

Zhang Ke's gaze turned a large circle, and he couldn't help looking at the gap above the lifting circle.

According to the habits of practitioners, the higher the level of practitioners, the less they want other people to exist above their heads.

'Then the blood mist True Lord will be on the top floor of these thirty floors? '

Zhang Ke was lost in thought.

At this moment, a purple aura flashed through the mirror door on the kitchen wall, and a figure came out from the mirror door.

"Elder Song is going to eat crab roe buns and drunk shrimp tomorrow morning, prepare quickly, remember, the drunk shrimp must be alive!"

The visitor took out a two-inch long note and handed it to Guanshi Ding, giving him detailed instructions.

Steward Ding took the note, smiled obsequiously and said:
"Elder Song likes delicious food, I know it very well, of course I dare not neglect, Senior Brother Lu, don't worry.

By the way, I remember that Senior Brother Lu likes to eat three delicacies wontons, so I will prepare them for Senior Brother tomorrow. "

Senior Brother Lu had a smile on his face.

"Then please trouble Junior Brother Ding!"

Steward Ding said hurriedly:
"What is this? Senior Brother Lu has devoted himself to doing things for the sect. We have always admired him a lot.

It's too late to be happy to be able to do something for Senior Brother Lu. "

After Guanshi Ding sent Senior Brother Lu away with a flattering smile, his face suddenly became serious.

"I heard it all, hurry up and get ready!"


Song Yunhai is very picky about food and is the most difficult one to serve.

All the handymen hurriedly got busy and came to the pond to carefully select the best ingredients.

Zhang Ke saw a handyman walking towards the pond where he was with a basket and a net, and sank silently into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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