Chapter 621

Immediately afterwards, he explained:
"It is the vitality that leads to the birth of practitioners. This is the most fundamental difference."

Everyone recognized this, but they didn't understand what Zhang Ke meant by saying this.

Zhenjun Weiyang said suspiciously:

"Fellow Daoist clicked on the word 'vigor', what does that mean?"

Zhang Ke said with a smile:

"Vital energy is actually a kind of energy, because only a few people can absorb it, so they become practitioners.

However, there is not only such a kind of energy in the world!

For example."

Zhang Ke looked at the crowd and said softly:


'Boom——! '

Zhenjun Weiyang was struck by lightning, and there was a momentary blank in his mind.

After a while, they all looked at Zhang Ke in horror, and two words flashed in their hearts.

'Shinto! '

In the Azure Realm, 'Shinto' is a special existence.

'Shinto' was once glorious, but in the end it was easy to be coerced by the beliefs of sentient beings and lose itself, which led to its decline.

What's more, this is contrary to the original intention of the practitioners, so the practice circle has always been very resistant to the "Shinto".

But now, Zhang Ke suddenly said the word 'faith', and everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

Seeing that Zhenjun Tianya wanted to speak out to dissuade him, Zhang Ke raised his voice.

"Everyone, don't misunderstand, and listen to me slowly."

Zhenjun Weiyang and others looked at each other, and left Zhang Ke's side intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhang Ke turned a blind eye, and continued:
"Decades ago, I went to the Central Territory in order to hunt down True Monarch Tu Shan.

I found that the cultivation world in the middle domain is changing, and another cultivation route has appeared there.

They abolished city-states and established states.

Gather tens of thousands of people together, and gather luck with the belief of all beings.

This kind of luck is closely related to everyone because it brings together countless people's yearning for a better life, so it is tied to the country and forms a special force.

This kind of power is intangible, but it contains everyone's cognition of axiom, so it separates countless functions and occupations.

Such as officials, catchers, sergeants, scholars and so on.

As long as you can master the corresponding positions, even ordinary people can use the power of the national fortune to exert extraordinary power. "

Zhenjun Weiyang asked incredulously:
"Is this true?"

Zhang Ke said with a smile:
"Everyone can go to Zhongyu to find out, and then you will know the truth of what I said."

Luan Zhixiang's mood was a bit complicated. As a member of practitioners, he had a sense of superiority in his bones.

But if ordinary people also possess extraordinary power, then this sense of superiority will be lost.

Zhang Ke looked at the crowd and continued:
"The reason for mentioning 'faith' is just to explain one thing better to you.

'Faith' is the same as 'vigor', it is just a kind of power.

The power between heaven and earth is not just these two.

For example, the power of 'Momen' is also one of them. "

Lingyun Zhenjun was taken aback for a moment, not understanding why he mentioned his own sect.

"The practice philosophy of 'Momen' is to pursue the essence of things. In fact, it does not rely heavily on vitality."

Lingyun Zhenjun said proudly:

"That's right!"

Zhang Ke pointed at the engineering puppet that was constantly building tall buildings below and said:
"Zhenjun Lingyun, have you ever thought that if ordinary people can control the puppets below, does that mean that ordinary people have the same power as practitioners?"

Zhenjun Lingyun's heart suddenly trembled.


In fact, this statement is also controversial among the 'Momen'.

For thousands of years, this question has been raised by quite a few disciples of the 'Momen', but it has never been taken seriously.

They believe that once this power is mastered by ordinary people, it may not be a good thing for practitioners, so research in this area has been suppressed.

At this time, this question was raised by Zhang Ke, and Zhenjun Lingyun's thoughts could not help but diverge.

"If you can refine puppets that ordinary people can control and popularize them, with the huge population base of Azure Realm, then..."

Zhenjun Lingyun's mouth was dry and his heart was trembling, and he believed that Zhenjun Fenghua was the same.

It seems that there is an extremely beautiful prospect unfolding in front of his eyes.

"Cough cough!"

Zhenjun Fenghua coughed twice, pulling Zhenjun Lingyun back from his thoughts.

Fenghua Zhenjun sighed:

"Ruyi Dao has a friendly and fierce tongue, and with a few words, the sect is on the verge of being wiped out."

Zhenjun Lingyun woke up suddenly as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head.

'Yes!If it can really be refined into a puppet that can be controlled by ordinary people, the "Momen" will definitely become the target of public criticism, and the family will be wiped out. '

Thinking of this, Zhenjun Lingyun couldn't help but glance at Zhang Ke, but he was still thinking about it.

Zhang Ke smiled "hehe", waved his hands and said:
"Fellow Daoist Fenghua is worrying too much, it's really time for life and death, who cares about other things.

Don't you all wonder why our sect should integrate with the common people? Now I will tell you the answer. "

Since coming to the rooftop, the rhythm has been controlled by Zhang Ke.

In a short period of time, Zhang Ke has changed several topics invisibly, and everyone has been led by the nose, but they have never noticed it.

"Cough cough!"

Zhang Ke coughed twice, turned to face the crowd, and said solemnly:

"From the day I embarked on the road of practice, the goal of my practice has never been longevity."

This is the first time Zhang Ke has publicly stated his desire for spiritual practice.

Zhenjun Tianya's heart skipped a beat, he had a premonition that Zhang Ke's next words might subvert everyone's ideas.

"For the first time in my life, I encountered danger because of one person."

A name suddenly flashed in Tianya Zhenjun's mind.

Sure enough, Zhang Ke said:

"True Monarch Tu Shan!
At the beginning, in order to escape from the pursuit, this person released the 'Nine Nether Scattering Soul Wind' to the town below, causing the death of [-] ordinary people in one fell swoop.

Among them are the brothers and sisters who grew up with me, and there are also many innocent people.

Although I have imprisoned Tu Shan's soul in the soul refining lamp, I will suffer from soul refining forever.

But those who died because of him disappeared like smoke and dust. "

Luan Zhixiang's heart trembled.

'What is a soul-refining lamp? '

Just listen to Zhang Ke continuing:
"Since then, I have had a wish.

I hope that ordinary people will stop dying meaninglessly like this, and that their own destiny should be in their own hands. "

After a short pause, Zhang Ke continued:
"This time the sect established a branch and moved south to the sea, which is an attempt of mine.

Whether it was the hardships and hardships along the way, or the day when I moved mountains into the sea, I saw the huge potential in ordinary people.

Look at the countless tall buildings below, all built by ordinary people.

The power of a practitioner is powerful, but it should not be limited to fighting. This power can be used in more places.

Only by truly integrating into ordinary people can we truly use the power of magic to promote the development of civilization. "

Zhang Ke looked at the people beside him.

"Do you know how many patents we have applied for in the past ten years?"

Without waiting for everyone to answer, Zhang Ke raised a finger and said:

"Eleven items! And seven of them were completed by ordinary people."


Zhenjun Weiyang and others were shocked, they understood what this number meant.

It is more clear what the seven patents completed by ordinary people that Zhang Ke specifically pointed out mean.

This is his explanation of the potential and creativity of ordinary people. In the face of a huge population base, the advantage of quantity crushes quality.

"In the past ten years or so, 21 people from our sect have broken through the golden core, and the realm of thousands of innate disciples has been improved."

This time, not only Zhenjun Weiyang and others were shocked, but even Zhenjun Tianya couldn't sit still.

Among the disciples who moved south this time, except for a few disciples who were requested by Zhang Ke on his own initiative, the rest were a group of people who were abandoned by the sect.

Among the four hundred innate disciples, there are so many people who have achieved golden core, even if some of them are disciples of the secret realm, it is enough to subvert everyone's perception.

"Ruyi! Are you serious?"

Zhang Ke nodded and said:
"It's true."

"Over the years, I've been wondering about one thing.

Why did the original "Tao De Sect" grow from a third-rate sect to the largest sect in the Azure World in just a thousand years.

When I checked countless classics carefully, I finally got the answer. "

'Tom tom~~!Tom tom~~! '

Zhenjun Weiyang stared at Zhang Ke with bated breath, his heart beat uncontrollably faster.

Zhenjun Tianya secretly wondered why Zhang Ke would directly say it here if there is really a good way to quickly grow the sect.

"The strength of 'Tao Dezong' is actually traceable.

Scattering Yuan and Dingmai prevents the loss of the vitality of the heaven and the earth. The "cornucopia" melts the way of heaven and transforms into talisman money, gathers the luck of the heaven and the earth, and the Lord of the Nine Heavens joins the Tao to monitor the lawlessness of the heaven and the earth to rectify the source.

With these actions that have contributed to the world, the 'Tao De Sect' has been favored by the world, and has become the most powerful sect in the azure world in just a thousand years.

So, what kind of things can be favored by heaven and earth?

To put it bluntly, it's just two words.

merit! "

Having said that, Zhang Ke stopped talking.

Lingyun Zhenjun was engrossed in hearing this, and couldn't help urging:
"Fellow Taoist Ruyi, tell me quickly."

Zhang Ke laughed 'hehe':
"Always allow me to take a breather."

Afterwards, he no longer kept the secret, and gave the answer directly.

"Actually, the matter is already in front of our eyes, it's just that you didn't pay attention.

Fellow Daoist Weiyang, you just returned from outside the territory, didn't you notice it? "

Zhenjun Weiyang was stunned, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, he felt as if a thought had flashed by, but he didn't grasp it.

Just listen to Zhang Ke leisurely said:

"What kind of merit can be greater than promoting this world to the Great Thousand World?"

'Boom——! '

The hearts of Zhenjun Weiyang and the others boiled like heaven and earth turned upside down, and everyone cried out from the bottom of their hearts.

'Yeah, why didn't I think of it, what kind of merit can be as good as promoting a world! ! ! '

On the way back, several people were still laughing.

I think that this time the 45 top-rank sects work together to force each sect to pull the secret realm, which is not worth the candle.

60 years of hard work and hundreds of millions of resources have been spent, but only dozens of secret realms have been brought back.

It's better to directly integrate the meteorites outside the boundary into the boundary.

After working for a long time, I was the frog in the well waiting for the talent.

Looking at the excited crowd, Zhang Ke smiled and said:
"Sometimes, when we don't know what to do, we can't help but look at what the successful people do.

Just follow in their footsteps and follow suit.

Even if you can't eat meat, it's good to have some soup. "

(End of this chapter)

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