Chapter 622

Zhenjun Tianya let out a long breath, and smiled wryly to himself.

As early as when he was in Zongmen, every time Zhang Ke spoke, whether it was the head teacher or himself and others, he felt extremely nervous.

Zhang Ke will always throw out some shocking rhetoric, but he is always right, which inevitably makes everyone fall into painful choices.

To listen or not to listen, that is the question.

Zhenjun Tianya calmed down, and looked at Zhang Ke together with the others. He felt that Zhang Ke still had something to say.

Zhang Ke considered his tone and continued:
"There will be a catastrophe in the world, but in a world of great struggle, there will be great opportunities!

We have to figure it out for ourselves if we want to survive.

The rise of 'Tao Dezong' depends on merit, because it has done things that are beneficial to the world.

We can do the same! "

Zhenjun Weiyang said eagerly:

"What should we do?"

The truth is explained, everyone can understand it, but not everyone knows what they should do and what they can do.

Zhang Ke's expression became serious, and he said slowly:
"There are three theories of immortality in the world.

Lide, meritorious service, Liyan!

This time, the top-rank sects in the azure world are leading the secret realm in order to promote the Great Thousand World, and the sect promotion is only incidental.

They use the method of increasing the region to expand the background of the azure world, so as to improve the law of perfection in the azure world.

However, in my inference, it is by no means such a simple matter to be promoted in the world.

It must have involved many situations that we do not understand or grasp today.

However, one thing is certain.

Vitality is definitely a key factor for promotion to Great Thousand World.

The upper limit of practice in this world is Daojun. In my opinion, it is not that one cannot practice after reaching Daojun.

It is the quality of vitality in this world or other things such as laws and rules of the road that cannot support or support the Taoist Lord to continue to practice upwards.

It's like a water glass, its capacity is so large, once it is full, it cannot be added.

Laws and rules are not something that I, a practitioner in the primordial spirit state, can make changes, so I will not mention them.

However, there may not be no way to deal with vitality.”

Zhenjun Weiyang and others stared blankly at Zhang Ke, their minds were in chaos.

'Is this something that practitioners in the Yuanshen Realm can solve? '

At this moment, a few people couldn't help but doubt themselves, could it be that their cultivation in the Cave Heaven Realm is fake?

Zhang Ke breathed a sigh of relief and continued:

"Vital energy is an indispensable part of the practice world.

In the past countless years, due to the wanton harvesting of practitioners, the lack of vitality and inspiration has resulted.

I suspect that when the vitality of this world is at its peak, perhaps this world once had the hope of being promoted to the Great Thousand World.

Unfortunately, that opportunity may not have been seized by us.

After thousands of years of recuperation, the vitality of this world has recovered a lot.

But this is far from the era when it was the most vigorous.

What I want to do is to restore the vitality to at least that era, or even more vigorous than that era. "

Lingyun Zhenjun murmured:
"How is this possible, it took thousands of years for the vitality of heaven and earth to recover to the present state.

The catastrophe is imminent, and there are thousands of years in this world to recuperate.

What's more, although the world can generate vitality by itself, everything in the world is also consuming vitality all the time.

Especially for cultivators, the more the number and the higher the realm, the greater the consumption.

Spells consume vitality, if it is according to what you said, the power of spells can be applied to ordinary people.

Once it spreads to the entire Azure Realm, it will definitely cause a huge loss of vitality.

At that time, not to mention regaining vitality, I'm afraid I won't even be able to maintain the current situation. "

Zhang Ke nodded and said:

"What Fellow Daoist said is right, once the energy of vitality is used among ordinary people, the world will be powerless to support it.

However, I can't give up eating because of choking.

Of course, relying on the self-generated vitality of heaven and earth alone is not enough to support all creatures in this world.

But why don't we think of a way to increase the vitality between heaven and earth? "

Zhenjun Tianya and others were all stunned, Zhenjun Weiyang asked strangely:

"This realm is so big, and the total amount of heaven and earth vitality that has been bred is so much, how can there be more?"

Zhang Ke stretched out his hand and raised his right index finger, a little spark was born on the fingertip, and then the spark turned into a mass of ashes, and the fingertip changed, and the way of the five elements to restrain was derived.

"There are infinite changes among the five elements, so why can't we use similar changes to transform the vitality between heaven and earth?
If we can find a way to transform the vitality of heaven and earth, wouldn't we be able to solve the problem of insufficient vitality in our domain. "

Zhenjun Tianya and the others' hearts brightened, as if a window had been opened in a closed room.

Inspired by Zhang Ke, countless inspirations spewed out in an instant.

True Monarch Fenghua seldom speaks, but at this moment he couldn't help but say:

"Fellow Daoist Ruyi, the vitality of heaven and earth seems to be just a kind of energy, but it can make any practitioner practice.

Its structure is even more complicated than the most complicated formation in the world, and it is not easy to transform it. Is the idea of ​​Daoist friends too whimsical? "

Zhang Ke smiled lightly.

"This is inevitable, otherwise, in these countless years, the vitality would have been deciphered long ago.


Zhang Ke looked around and said slowly:

"But this is entirely possible, because I have seen the transformation of vitality with my own eyes."

'brush--! '

All the people on the rooftop turned their eyes to Zhang Ke.

"When in the foggy secret realm, the vitality in the secret realm is transformed into a special kind of spiritual energy by the 'Haojing Shangyuan Lingjie'.

Do you know why there is such a name as the Misty Secret Realm?

Because this secret realm was shrouded in fog when we arrived.

And this kind of mist is the transformed aura. Just from the name of the secret realm, one can imagine how abundant the transformed aura is. "

Zhenjun Tianya and the others were about to stop breathing.

Since the vitality in the Misty Secret Territory can be transformed into spiritual energy, it means that Zhang Ke's idea is possible to realize.

Think about it!

If there is so much vitality in the Azure Realm that it can form fog, will this world still be troubled by the lack of vitality?
Zhenjun Weiyang trembled a little in his heart, he felt that his heart was trembling, trembling uncontrollably.

Just listen to Zhang Ke continuing:
"Of course, it's definitely not that easy to transform vitality, and if you don't do it well, it may even cause harm to the world.

The Misty Secret Realm is an example. Although vitality is transformed into aura, there are huge hidden dangers.

But, don't you just stop doing it because of difficulties?

The catastrophe of heaven and earth is imminent, but it is also the opportunity of this world.

Although I am not talented, I also want to share a piece of the pie.

The number of practitioners in this sect is limited, and practitioners pay more attention to their own cultivation.

It may be difficult to rely on practitioners to find out a way to transform vitality.

So, I'm going to start from the other side.

There are currently 200 million ordinary people in this sect. The reason why I integrate the disciples of the sect is to integrate the power of magic into everyone's life.

Perhaps after ten or a hundred years of thorough integration, some of these two million people may have discovered the mystery of transforming vitality.

After all, a spell has been used by 200 million people, no matter what its mysteries are, I am afraid it will be resolved.

If you look at the ordinary people who are building tall buildings below, you can know what kind of potential they have.

Think about the number of ordinary people in the blue world.

If all ordinary people in this world can participate together through guidance, I don't think there is any problem that can be difficult for us.

You can taste it carefully! "

Zhang Ke's words seemed to come from a whimsical lunatic.

But Zhenjun Weiyang thought carefully, if he practiced a spell 200 million times, he would definitely be able to master all the mysteries of this spell.

By analogy, what Zhang Ke said seems to have some truth.

No wonder Zhang Ke would integrate Zongmen disciples into ordinary people. It was unexpected that his scheme was so big.

Zhang Ke did not elaborate on the potential of ordinary people. The countless achievements in the dream have proved that there is no upper limit to the potential of human beings.

As long as he learns from the dream step by step, he believes that he will definitely bring great surprises to the world.

Everyone slowly chewed and digested this sentence in their hearts, and they seemed to have gained something, but they didn't understand why.

Luan Zhixiang is a sword cultivator, and the most troublesome things that require extreme use of the brain, he directly asked a doubt in his heart.

"Fellow Daoist Ruyi, I already understand what you mean.

Here, practitioners live together with ordinary people.

You should want to integrate the power of magic into the lives of ordinary people, so as to promote each other.

Maybe, as you said, you want to help ordinary people gain supernatural power, so as to fight against the coming catastrophe.

I have to say that I admire your openness.

But there is one thing that I am very strange, I don't know why the netizen told me these words.

In this way, if our sect imitates what your sect did, and even spread these words to the world, wouldn't your sect lose its opportunity? "

The doubts of Luan Zhixiang are also the doubts of Zhenjun Weiyang and others.

They didn't believe that there was such a selfless person in the world who would tell them how the sect grew.

It should be known that all the sects in the world actually have a competitive relationship.

Zhang Ke smiled leisurely, and said slowly:

"It seems that you still haven't understood the true meaning of 'Three Immortals'!

Lide, meritorious service, Liyan!

Now our sect is actually a forerunner. Whether or not what we want to do will be successful, probably from today onwards, everyone will pay attention to this matter.

If our sect succeeds, relying on the 200 million people under the sect to improve the strength of the sect, the sects in the world will surely follow suit.

The wider the spread, the more sects will benefit.

If the strength of your sect increases greatly because of me, you will achieve success in the next catastrophe.

Isn't it because what I said helped you?
Who do you think is the real beneficiary in the end?

Zongmen, common people, heaven and earth!
Or is it the gate that guides all these changes? "

Zhenjun Weiyang and others looked at Zhang Ke in shock, they could no longer express their feelings in words.

At this moment, Zhenjun Weiyang and the others suddenly had a thought in their hearts.

As long as Zhang Ke doesn't fall halfway, he will definitely have a place in the Taoist throne in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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