Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 623 Academy

Chapter 623 Academy
ten days later.

Zhenjun Weiyang and Luan Zhixiang left with a heavy heart.

On the rooftop of Xiao Penglai's Sea of ​​Clouds, Zhenjun Tianya sat opposite Zhang Ke.

Tianya Zhenjun squinted his eyes and looked at the two leaving figures, and suddenly said:

"Ruyi, the two of them have been scouting around Penglai and Penglai for the past ten days. There won't be any problems, right?"

In the past ten days, he found many abnormalities in Penglai and Penglai.

The countless umbrella pillars, the buildings being built at the nodes of the land in Penglai, the beliefs of the sect disciples and ordinary people, the formation of some folk groups, and the people's comments on the Nanzong.

In addition, Momen disciples participated in almost all the construction of the sect.

In terms of understanding of big and small Penglai, even the disciples of the Southern Sect may not be able to match them.

Whether these things are mild or serious, they may have a bad impact on the sect, but Nanzong ignores them and even guides them.

Zhenjun Tianya was worried that the secret would be discovered by Zhenjun Weiyang and others.

Zhang Ke smiled and shook his head.

"Patriarch, don't worry, the construction of the big and small Penglai is still in the preliminary construction stage, and there is no secret place involved in the sect."

True Monarch Tianya sighed and said:
"Now that you have established yourself, it stands to reason that I shouldn't interfere. However, the branch is also a part of the sect. I still have to talk about some things."

"Although the Southern Sect is a branch, it is also a member of the 'Xiantian Yiqi Sect'. Please speak frankly if you have any instructions from the Patriarch."

Zhenjun Tianya pondered for a moment, then said:

"In the past few days, I have pondered over what you said a few days ago, and I think it makes sense.

However, I am a little worried, if these words reach the ears of many doormen, will they think that you are robbing merits and virtues, which will be detrimental to this door? "

Zhang Ke shook his head with a smile, silently watching the busy figures below.

After a long time, just sighed softly:

"Patriarch! You know, sometimes I really wish I could reincarnate earlier.

If I could be reincarnated 500 years earlier, today's Azure World will definitely be several times stronger.

If reincarnated 1000 years earlier, the Azure World would not be afraid of the return of the cultivator.

If we had been reincarnated 3000 years earlier, we might have already stepped out of the Azure Realm, actively looking for our opponents.

But all this is just if, reality is just reality after all, and we don't know if we still have enough time to become stronger. "

Zhenjun Tianya was slightly startled, and said in a deep voice:
"There are still 1 years to go before 2000 years. Do you think cultivators will return early?"

Zhang Ke nodded.

"If I were a member of the Immortal Cultivators, when I was about to return, I would definitely send someone back in advance to investigate.

Perhaps there are spies sent by immortal cultivators in the Azure Realm.

Now that most of the vitality has recovered, the Azure Realm is like a ripe fruit, and it's time to pick it.

If we continue, we will grow stronger day by day. Immortal cultivators don't want to see this.

If there are really spies lurking in this world, the signal may have already been sent out, and there is not much time left for us. "

Zhenjun Tianya was silent, and after a while he said:

"It's just your guesswork, maybe things are not as bad as you think."

Zhang Ke quietly said:

"There is a rule in the universe that if things have the possibility of going bad, no matter how small the possibility is, it will always happen, and it may be worse!

We can't pin our hopes on illusory probabilities.

Immortal cultivators may come back at any time, we must be prepared. "

Tianya Zhenjun said softly:
"That's why you said those words, and hope that other sects will change as soon as possible, isn't it?"

"Well, what I said to Zhenjun Weiyang and Zhenjun Luan was actually said to Yunxiao Tiangong more than ten years ago."

Zhenjun Tianya couldn't help but looked up at Zhang Ke.

How dare you say anything!
Zhang Ke explained:
"The patriarch didn't know that when the disciple traveled south this time, he killed a Dongtian Zhenjun of the 'Yinming Sect'.

At that time, Yunxiao Tiangong issued a reward, whoever killed this person, Yunxiao Tiangong would give a promise.

When Penglai and Penglai were built, Feng Zhaohai of Yunxiao Tiangong once invited me to visit Yunxiao Tiangong.

So I went to Yunxiao Tiangong more than ten years ago, and told all these guesses with Fellow Daoist Feng. "

When Tianya Zhenjun was outside the boundary, he heard that Zhang Ke had killed a Dongtian Zhenjun named Xuewu.

The 'Three Flower Realm' killed the 'Dongtian Realm', which hadn't happened in many years, and it caused a sensation outside the boundary.

Being able to kill True Lord Bloodmist meant that Zhang Ke was a threat to all True Lord Dongtian in the world.

Hearing Zhang Ke mention this matter again at this time, Zhenjun Tianya couldn't help but 'thump' in his heart.

As a practitioner, he instinctively wanted to stay away from threats. This was his nature, not because he had bad thoughts about Zhang Ke.

"What does Yunxiao Tiangong say?"

"Actually, the top-rank sects in the Azure Realm also have concerns about this, and have been looking for a way to deal with it.

This time, our sect was able to establish a branch in the South China Sea without hindrance, and it also had the support of the sect.

After all, if the construction of reefs and islands is popularized, the strength of Azure Realm may be able to grow rapidly.

I also explained in detail with Yunxiao Tiangong the measures I took to integrate practitioners into ordinary people.

But the top-rank sect's family has a great career, but they dare not take risks easily, so they just said that they don't care about this matter.

Only after seeing that the strength of our sect has indeed been greatly improved by this move, will we promote it in this world. "

Zhenjun Tianya breathed a sigh of relief, this was also something that had been hanging in his heart.

Establishing a branch overseas, no matter where it is established, will definitely compete with the local sect for resources.

Before that, he had been worried that someone would obstruct him, but now he could finally feel relieved.

After pondering for a moment, Zhenjun Tianya continued to ask:

"What promise did Yunxiao Tiangong give you?"

Zhang Ke smiled, stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of 'Crescent Bay'.

"I have made an agreement with Yunxiao Tiangong, as long as our sect's move is really effective, 'Crescent Bay' will be given to our sect as a gift."

True Monarch Tianya's heart skipped a beat, he also had a certain understanding of 'Crescent Bay'.

It is indeed a fertile land, but the two sea eyes block all prying eyes.

"So, Ruyi, you have a solution to Haiyan's problem?"

Zhang Ke nodded slightly.

"The sea eye matter is not difficult to solve, but with the current strength of our sect, we can't keep that sea area, so we can only shelve it for now.

What's more, with the current scale of the branch, the size of Penglai is enough to develop. "

True Monarch Tianya no longer cares about this matter. Now Zhang Ke is superior to himself in terms of strength and ability, so he can rest assured to let him develop.

What I have to do is to escort him and block all external interference for him.

Turning his head and looking at the thriving scene below, Zhenjun Tianya was very relieved.

There is a feeling that my child has finally grown up and can support the door.

Suddenly he remembered something and asked:

"I observed it in the past few days, and found that Penglai and Penglai seem to be getting bigger and bigger, but the change is very small. Why is this?"

Zhang Ke looked at Zhenjun Tianya in admiration, and explained:
"The disciples have integrated [Birth Soil] and [Star Core] into this big and small Penglai, and the area can basically grow by an inch every year.

In the future, when disciples continue to bring back land and islands, this speed can increase. "

An inch-a-year growth may seem insignificant, but don't forget the size of these two islands.

Every inch of external growth is a very large area. You must know that this is continuously increasing on the original basis.

One inch per year, one foot per ten years, ten feet in 100 years, and so on. After thousands of years, Penglai, big and small, may really grow into a piece of land.

With the energy of the [Star Core], there is no problem with radiation that lasts for thousands of years, and Zhang Ke will continue to invest resources to make it stronger.

But just thinking about the future prospects, Zhenjun Tianya couldn't help feeling a little bit refreshed.

The reason why Zhang Ke admires Zhenjun Tianya is that he only grows an inch in a year, and how much can he grow in ten days.

Tianya Zhenjun curled up his lips and thought for a moment, only to realize that he had lost his composure and coughed slightly.

"By the way, Ruyi, Nanzong, how do you plan to develop, I want Mingxiao to learn from your approach."

Zhang Ke said proudly:

"To tell the truth from the Patriarch, during these years, apart from the mountain protection formation, the disciple has only promoted two things, and the rest of the sect's affairs are all handed over to Qing Zhi."

Zhenjun Tianya rarely saw Zhang Kehui so complacent, so he couldn't help asking curiously:
"What have you done?"

Zhang Ke stretched out his finger to Penglai and Penglai, proudly said:
"The first thing is, the disciples have built one hundred Dayan Academy Palaces in Penglai and Penglai, which can accommodate 30 people to study here."

Tianya Zhenjun gasped, and said in doubt:

"There are only 200 million people in the Southern Sect, how can there be 30 Taoist disciples?"

Zhang Ke explained:
"The one hundred Da Yan Xue Palaces recruit children from the nine counties of Penglai between the ages of seven and under 15."

Zhenjun Tianya frowned and said:
"Teenagers can already help out with housework.

Ordinary families probably would not send their children here, and some girls might even be married, let alone come here.

What's more, can they afford the cost of learning? "

Zhang Ke said with a smile:
"Father! My school is different from this school. Enrollment is free, and every student who enrolls will also be given an appropriate subsidy to the boy's family every year."

Zhenjun Tianya's breath stopped, how much resources will these 30 boys consume every year, and according to Zhang Ke's words, this initiative will obviously continue.

His expression became dignified, and he persuaded:

"Ruyi, this extravagance is huge, I'm afraid it's a bottomless pit, you have to be careful!"

Zhang Ke replied firmly:
"Patriarch! No matter how much it costs, even if I lose everything, I will persevere.

If necessary in the future, I will continue to build the Dayan Academy, there is no upper limit. "

How could it be possible to lose money in starting a school? The experience in the dream told him that this is definitely one of the most profitable industries in the world.

But making money was not his original intention, and his plan was hundreds of years later.

 The next chapter will be posted in the afternoon
(End of this chapter)

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