This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 100 The Demon Tide Breaks Out

Chapter 100 The Demon Tide Breaks Out
The second test has entered the final finishing time, and the online process of most players is like this.

First go to NPC Pengci to see if you can find any hidden missions, and then go to the refresh point of the Slime King to try your luck. If you are lucky, you will meet the boss to refresh and it will be lively. Maybe it will be another group battle. beat up.

But most of the time, the refresh point of King Slime is empty. At this time, players will find elites of the right level to farm, and if they can’t find them, they will go to mine. Shi】It was sent.

If you can’t get any of these, you can still collect the things you want to be soul-bound through the world channel. Powerful equipment and task props for changing jobs and life professions are the most popular. Those with a relatively high recovery price will also be used to make up the number. This behavior is called "dumping money". Anyway, the second test needs to delete files. It's a good deal.

If these are not enough, then you can only go to the lizardman wetland to spawn monsters.

Lizardmen have the highest level of monsters. Level 10 players will basically not have any experience and item drop penalties. At this time, players who have not yet reached level 10 are very popular, because they can farm those low-level elites. Quest props or equipment, lucky players can actually make a fortune even if they fall behind in level, this is something that players who are determined to upgrade to level 10 never imagined.

The reason for this situation is that there is a gap in the level of monsters. Take the highest level lizardmen as an example, they are generally level 6-9. If you are lucky, you will encounter a level 10 boss, and there will be no bosses above level 10.

Unless you go to the wild to find those solitary elites and BOSS monsters, such as wasteland magic wolves, but these monsters are all strong and perverted, and they are particularly alert, almost as if they have become spirits. Playing with the eyes of the mind often ends in a miserable situation. After trying it a few times, there is no more trouble to find them.

The number of players at Murloc Lake and Lizardman Wetland is increasing, leading to a shortage of monsters here. If it weren't for [Magic Net] and Bei Gaoyang's intervention, the Murlocs and Lizardmen would have moved away long ago. I can't bear to kill like this day and night.

World Channel:

"Take a walk and take a look, the top-grade paralysis ring, level 5 equipment, no occupational restrictions, double intelligence and strength, awesome special effects and stunts of Klass, PK artifact, there is a M me that the boss likes, line Make a deal, don't bother the poor!"

Qiao Shan’s ring has not been sold yet, not because no one has accepted it, but because his appetite is too great. Just in time for the establishment of Canaan Company and the promulgation of the relevant ban, bosses like Wang Chaoyang are on the sidelines. Players can't afford it, so there are signs of "smashing" in their hands.

"how much is it?"

"Don't ask, the price can scare you to death"

"Say a number and let me die"




"...Brother, are you sure you didn't escape from the mental hospital?"

"Ha ha……"

The cynicism on the world channel is not angry at Qiao Shan. The more acid words, the more it shows that they are envious and jealous. Who has such powerful equipment now?
In fact, he didn't make up his mind whether to sell it or not. He wanted to keep it for himself, but at the same time, he wanted to find someone who took advantage of it and slaughtered it...

"How much? Sincerely want"

A player sent a private message, and Qiao Shan looked familiar when he saw the ID of the other party.

"500 W, no counter-offer"

"...Brother, you have been selling it for so many days, and I sincerely want it, so don't play the game of asking prices all over the sky to pay back the money, okay?"

This person's ID is You Rong Nai Da, You Rong... Fuck, isn't that the guy who went to kill him with five of his own, only to have him kill one instead?
"How many did you come up with?"

"5, face-to-face transaction offline."

"You always go, don't send it off"

"...the server will be shut down tomorrow, okay?"

"I'll use the head office myself, idiot!"

In fact, Qiao Shan also knows that 500 million is too exaggerated and it is difficult to sell it, but he is not reconciled, or greedy, always thinking that others can meet Kaizi, why can't he?

"I can't sell it for my own use"

Anyway, there is still the back road of soul binding, and he is ready to die.

"Could this guy's ring be the one we broke out?"

At the refresh point of the Lizardman Wetland, Zhang Miao was holding the top-quality magic staff and couldn't put it down. Brother Ruoran watched the properties of the paralysis ring on the World Channel and asked everyone.

"I don't know, so what, what can you do?" Hsieh Changting said.

"If it's this guy, I'll blow him up." Brother Ruoran still couldn't forget the day he was cut off.

"I guess, the two pieces of equipment are both in the same style, how could it be such a coincidence?" said the big cousin Hu Xinmin.

Brother Ruoran doesn't need to be sure, but just needs an excuse. Hearing this, he immediately said: "Then I will contact this grandson to see if I can trick him out."

Others have nothing to do.

The five of them are rehearsing the tacit understanding of spawning monsters around this superb staff, preparing for the third test.

Anyway, idle is idle, just try it.

"This guy won't come out, rub it!" A few minutes later, Ruoran closed the private chat angrily.

"If this guy is real, he must be as cunning as a ghost. How could he bring such valuable equipment out? Besides, if there is no red name punishment, killing him 10 times may not necessarily reveal him."

"...It's cheap for this grandson, show him a good look during the third test!"

In the morning of the game time, the place where the few people stayed was the shore where the lizard people like to bask in the sun. Looking around, there were players guarding similar places. Occasionally, one or two lizard people who did not open their eyes climbed up. Knowing what was going on, he was KO'd by the players who swarmed up. I watched several conflicts that broke out because of the monster grabbing. It was really rubbish time.

There are still a few hours of game time left. On the World Channel, players who haven't found a suitable soul-binding thing are in a hurry. Similar messages are swiping the screen. Zhang Miao and the others have already been soul-bound. Except for Zhang Miao, everyone Choose to inherit a life profession.

I sold all the equipment and replaced it with RMB, and now I am holding the whiteboard equipment produced by the black shop of the system, and I have nothing to do.

I thought that the garbage time just passed by like this, who knows that there are surprises everywhere in life.

Not a BOSS refresh, but an earthquake.

The rumbling movement was very weak at first, but when the players noticed it, the light suddenly became dim, and everything in the field of vision was shaking. The most terrifying thing was the ground, where cracks appeared and spread everywhere at an alarming speed. Then collapse and heave in a tremor...

[System Announcement: Emergency, Demonic Tide Breakout]

[System announcement: The second test will end early in 30 minutes, all players are requested to return to the camp as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary losses]

(End of this chapter)

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