This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 101 Magic Tide Breaks Out 2

Chapter 101 The Demonic Tide Explosion II

What should come is finally here.

Standing in the sky above Chenxi Town, Bei Gaoyang looked at the distance where the sky and the earth meet, an obvious black line was rolling towards this side.

It's like a tsunami coming towards the face, the extremely increased concentration of magic power makes the elemental spirit become more "violent" than before, and it also makes the magic power in him ready to move, a sudden whim for no reason, makes him excited, makes him nervous, Let him just want to do something, to caress his beating heart.

The Holy See's description of the magic tide is very accurate.

The demonic tide is the counterattack of the abyss, and it is the yearning of the demons for the flesh and soul of the living beings. Only by bathing every inch of land in the holy light of the gods can it be possible to prevent the occurrence of the demonic tide.

The magic tide that occurs every 30 years has brought heavy disasters to the civilized world, especially to those border towns bordering the eruption zone. After the tide broke out, a large number of demonized creatures invaded the civilized world.

In essence, the magic tide is just a large eruption of magic power rich in "magic energy". The reason why it has such a huge impact is that even a great mage like him must protect himself when it erupts, because a large number of people are " The frantic and demonized creatures infected with "Demon Qi" will leave their original habitat in large numbers and spontaneously migrate to places where the concentration of "Demon Qi" is not so high.

The earthquake became stronger, and the billowing black lines were not the appearance of the magic tide, but the dust raised by the earthquake, a landscape formed naturally under the highly active convection of magic power.

The players are rushing to the camp at full speed, and most of them have already returned to the square of Chenxi Town, looking at the increasingly shocking skyline, heartlessly excited.

They are all talking about the conscience of the production team, the second test is coming to an end, and there is still such a big plot...

Bei Gaoyang smiled wryly in his heart, wondering what the third test would look like under the background of the demonic tide.

Now there is no need to worry about the monster's refresh mechanism, there will be too many monsters to count, and now the best thing to consider is how to keep Dawn Town and Buck City from the demon tide.

Even though the current concentration of mana is dangerous to him, Bei Gaoyang still went to Buck City.

The young city lord Bob has grown a lot taller, and the player template given to him allows him to grow and develop rapidly. He is now level 6, but he hasn't changed yet.

He is leading the trained half-beast militiamen to patrol the city wall to strengthen and deepen the defense of Buck City. The magic circle board that Bei Gaoyang handed over to her is placed in several key positions. In a crisis, the magic circle should be activated to resist for a while , persisted until his rescue.

With the loss of Earl Baldwin and all the professionals, Buck City is now extremely weak. How can it survive the demon tide with such force?

He had no choice but to agree to Bob's request, gather the remaining boys and girls in the city, connect them to the magic net, and give them player templates.

Bei Gaoyang was far from reassuring the players about these natives. Fortunately, after a period of key inspections, every native boy connected to the magic net has no problem, and the secrets of the magic net and the players should not be leaked out.

But Bei Gaoyang still didn't dare to take it lightly, and asked Xiao Ai to always set aside a part of the thread to monitor them, so as to eliminate the one in ten thousand possibility.

It's not that he has persecution paranoia, but that the magic net is really the only hope and capital. The longer the secret is kept, the more likely it is to succeed. Once it is leaked... the magic wave cannot stop the church's high-end force.

After doing this, more than two hours have passed, and the rolling black line finally spread to Buck City.

The howling wind whipped up all the dust, the vision was cloudy, and the earthquake was far and near. A hill outside the city sank in a very short period of time, and an ugly "mire" was replaced. Formed in front of my eyes.

The players had already gone offline, the Canaan game was closed, and the squalling wind blew for three full days.

Three days later, the appearance of the abandoned wasteland changed drastically.

Vegetation grows wildly, even on the cracks of the walls, fragmented swamps spread all over the wasteland, vine-like plants that resemble ghost claws grow everywhere, and many jungles like ghost lands appear out of thin air.

The light is much weaker, and the light is bluish, which is a symbol of the concentration of magic power reaching a dangerous threshold.

Under such a concentration of magic power, casting spells becomes dangerous, and there is always a risk of mental power being infected by "magic energy". The elemental elves become extremely active, and it seems that they are only one spark away from detonating the entire wasteland.

In such an environment, the variation of animals and plants began.

Some harmless plants became harmful, and some inactive plants became active—how this activity came about no one knew.

In this case, Buck City ushered in the first "monster siege".

It was a group of activated grass plants, with a human-shaped torso growing out, as if the straw had been rolled into a doll, with a pair of red eyes, each less than one meter high, waving short forks that I did not know where to get, messy Walk around the walls.

"My lord, we went to kill monsters and upgrade."

The young city lord led a group of native players eager to try, Bei Gaoyang nodded, and the half-beast militiamen pulled up the heavy gate to let the excited boys and girls out.

Blue Grass Essence, Green Grass Essence, Red Grass Essence, and Magic Net incorporated them into their own system, giving them a level of LV1.

Monsters that are very suitable for practice are everywhere in the wasteland at this time. As for why they activate, Bei Gaoyang guesses that it may have something to do with [Abyss Worm].

A little bit of abyss matter brought out by the magic hair, among them [abyss worm], combined with the special environment and matter outside, formed this kind of monster that is difficult to form under natural conditions.

Looking further away, there are tall figures wandering in the distance, they are dryads of level 5-9, and demonized dryads (elites) of level 10-12.

There are also all kinds of birds, which also lost the ability to fly high in the sky, landed on the ground, and became as huge as an ostrich...

"It's beyond recognition!"

The overall situation is acceptable. After all, this is the fringe area where the demonic tide erupted. What we need to worry about is the beast tide migrating from the core area of ​​the demonic tide.

The centaur came here to avoid the beast tide...

Thinking of the centaur, Bei Gaoyang went to the dungeon in Buck City to interrogate the prisoners.

These are spies sent by the centaur tribe, a Rubaum team composed of domesticated slave warriors. Centaurs love cannibalism, so there are few humans, elves and dwarves among the slaves.

Squeezing out all the information that the Lubaum team knew, Bei Gaoyang opened the entrance to the cemetery and threw the slave warriors to the hungry and screaming White Walkers.

At this point, there was no longer Earl Baldwin.

Chenxi Town is well protected by Xiao Ai, and the high-level NPCs are worried about the outbreak of the demon tide, especially the forest fairy sisters.

"Wait a few more days, wait for a little stabilization, and then you can go back to Earth."

That night, Bei Gaoyang couldn't stand Alice and Jabella's entreaties, so he went to the treacherous forest and rescued a nest of forest elf cubs.

(End of this chapter)

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