This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 102 The server opening date after the bounced ticket

Chapter 102 The server opening date after the bounced ticket

Fourteen days later, the tide still showed no signs of abating.

This time is obviously different from the past, the concentration of magic power has always been maintained at a very high threshold.

You can only let the magic net "adjust" the concentration of magic power within the coverage area, which will continue to consume system resources. Although I hate such extra expenses, it can only be done like this.

A high concentration of magic power will change many, many things. Casting spells will become dangerous, magic power will no longer be tamed, and the wrong power and method of harnessing it may cause disastrous consequences.

He stood on the wall of Buck City, looking at the crowds of monsters outside, the environment became so strange, this strange phenomenon could only be related to the bloody battle.

This eruption is not a one-off, but continuous, and it may permanently change the environment of the abandoned wasteland.

Fortunately, there is a magic net. Although there are many monsters in the game area, they pose too much threat. Those powerful demonized monsters are blocked by the magic net with the [group suggestion technique] that is almost constant in the air. Even so Moreover, the residents of Buck City can't go out casually. The result of this is that the farmland outside is almost completely destroyed, and it suddenly becomes a problem for these hundreds of people to eat and drink.

Chenxi Town is also very worrying. The original monster refresh area has long been submerged by "floods", and almost all outside the city walls have fallen. Bei Gaoyang has been busy inscribing the defensive magic circle slabs these days, and inlaid them on the walls of Chenxi Town and Buck City. Block monsters on the ground and in the air from breaking in.

In this way, a large amount of material was consumed, which was originally prepared for the third test.

"grown ups!"

Bob, the young city lord who has turned into a warrior, came behind him in a green suit.

"how is the situation?"

Bei Gaoyang asked.

"No centaurs were found, only hordes of monsters."

Did the centaur tribe fail to hold on, or did they have bad knowledge and migrated to areas closer to the human fortress?
No matter what, time has dragged on for too long, and the earth should wait impatiently


In the magical capital of the earth, on November 11th, the three closed betas that were scheduled to start today were skipped again. Rumors abounded on the Internet. For this reason, Canaan Company held a special press conference to refute the rumors.

In the player's apartment, Zhang Miao and the others watched the live broadcast and gathered together to discuss after the end.

"Don't worry everyone, the official has said that the world progress in the game is automatically interpreted by the system, and there is no way to interfere too much offline. This situation is normal now, and the third test will not be launched until the magic wave has passed."

"God damn acted on his own, why do I think it's so unreliable, the Internet says this game is pornographic..."

"Don't pay attention to those baseless rumors on the Internet"

"But what they said is not unreasonable..."

"To be honest, I can barely accept an [Infinite Quality], and then a biological intelligence brain pops up, I really can't digest it"

"Shit, Canaan is not worthy of a biological brain?"

"so funny……"

"Quantum computing has been around for a long time, maybe there is no major breakthrough?"

"Didn't the Canaan company say that it is a completely different technical route, what is completely different, that is, that is..."

"What is it?"

"It's just awesome, it's just that you don't know it, and you just don't make fucking guesses."

"Okay, okay, don't make any noise."

Zhang Miao became more and more upset that nothing could be discussed, and pushed the door open to leave.

In the corridor, he saw two cleaning ladies whispering at the elevator door. Maybe he was sensitive and felt that they were peeping at him, as if they were saying that Canaan Yellow was dead, these players were dying, and they were going to be beaten back to their original form, blah blah blah blah...

I went back to the house with a lot of thoughts, and sat in front of the computer and didn't know what to do.

There are many rumors on the Internet that he is most worried about.

Every time he sees such news, he has to refute it. The first time he is very sure, the second time he starts to panic, and this is the third time the ticket has been skipped...

It won't be really yellow, will it?
Could it be that it is really a foreign black technology that Huaguo has not grasped at all, let alone control it, and three bounced tickets are a sign of a major problem?
At this moment, the sporting goods company that asked him to be its spokesperson called and said that the endorsement contract was still under review.

Zhang Miao got angry, and told the other party directly that there was no need for review, and the cooperation was cancelled.

He couldn't accept the consequences of not having Canaan, and felt that it would be better to jump out of the window. His life, the ideals and goals he found with great difficulty, he couldn't bear it.

At this moment, the door of the room was slammed open, and Hu Xinmin shouted from outside, "Xiao Er, check the official website, there is an announcement."

It took Zhang Miao a few seconds to realize what he had heard, and he threw himself in front of the computer in shock.

The process of opening the webpage is very slow, you can imagine how many people are visiting this website at the same time.

When he saw the "Canaan Online Version 1.03 Update Announcement", he couldn't hold back his tears anymore.

Vision blurred.

He wiped it quickly, and opened the web page with trembling fingers.

What was updated, fixed, or released in version 1.03 didn't matter anymore, and a clear server opening time at the end of the page gave him great satisfaction.

"...Three tests will start on time at 12:5 on December 14th..."

The signature is the wandering traveler, not the cheating Canaan Company, nor the big-mouthed CEO.

Cheers sounded in the player's apartment. Someone came in by knocking on the door, singing and dancing with his arms around him, who called, who turned on the TV, and the news broadcast on the TV once again confirmed the exact date of Canaan server launch .

The sunlight came in, making him feel the temperature again.

The world has returned to its original state. It turned out that it was not a dream, and it turned out to be so beautiful.

In the evening, the player's apartment partyed all night.

The next morning, Canaan Company clarified the date of opening the server again, claiming that the "self-interpretation of the world process" has ended, the server is ready, and the three tests will launch 3000 game devices, which can accommodate the number of players online at the same time A historic breakthrough to [-] people.

Compared with the second test, it has increased by 10 times.

As soon as the news came out, it detonated the entire Internet, all doubts disappeared, and the official website was full of candles and prayers.

In the afternoon, the public security department struck hard and took down a den that manufactured fake gaming helmets.


At this time, Bei Gaoyang was already standing outside the warehouse where motorcycle helmets were stored, and opened the door that had been closed for nearly two months.

The cardboard boxes containing the helmets were neatly stacked. After more than a month, they were already covered with dust.

(End of this chapter)

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