This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 103 Eat a meal

Chapter 103 Eat a meal

When Liu Chongshang ran to the warehouse panting, Bei Gaoyang had already counted the remaining helmets.

Last time, only a small part was taken away. For more than a month, the container was covered with dust, which showed that no one had ever entered this warehouse, which made him very satisfied.

At least those you work with have a minimum of care and respect.

"Xiao Liu is here." He greeted with a smile, as if he had known a friend for a long time.

"Uh... hello!" Liu Chongshang responded with a little dizziness and a thunderous heartbeat.

This unprofessional performance made Bei Gaoyang even more satisfied, so he said with a smile: "I'm going to do a big job this time. As for that Boss Xue, contact him and tell him that I invite him to dinner."

"Ah... ok, ok, ok"

Liu Chongshang went out obediently and reported the situation immediately.

Half an hour later, a simple Yanjing off-road parked in front of the warehouse. Before anyone arrived, Xue Liangdong's hearty laughter came first.

"Haha, Boss Liu, I'm looking forward to you."

Under Liu Chongshang's frightened eyes, Xue Liangdong hugged Bei Gaoyang, and patted him on the back vigorously twice, as if seeing his relatives.

"Ahem... It's okay, it's okay, old Xue, I'm counting on you this time, has the product I ordered last time been produced?"

"Don't worry, I don't dare to be sloppy about your brother's orders. A 50W helmet is just waiting for you to receive it"

"That's fine, that's fine"

"Let's go, eat first, chat while eating"

"Let me treat you, Xiao Liu, is there any better restaurant nearby?"

Before Liu Chongshang could answer, Xue Liangdong said angrily, "Look down on me? Just listen to me when you get to my land. Go, I'll take you to a good place."

As he said that, he couldn't help but pull Bei Gaoyang to play outside.

Bei Gaoyang was staggered by him, he could only smile at the stunned Xiao Liu, and was pulled into the jeep.

"It's a nice car, isn't it?"

Xue Liangdong drove the car himself, and Bei Gaoyang sat in the co-pilot. He patted the steering wheel, and said while igniting the ignition, "The domestic hard-core off-road, the latest model, cost hundreds of thousands..."

Bei Gaoyang knew all this, so he nodded politely.

"Don't look down on domestic products. The quality of domestic products is no worse than that of joint ventures. What's missing is just a brand. Speaking of this, I'm sure you know that foreign products that seem to be high-end are actually made in China. They are nothing more than stickers. It's just a foreign brand... Let's say that the products exported by our factory, with foreign brands on them, the price has more than doubled immediately, and the supply is in short supply. Brother, you say, they are all the same thing, they are all the same thing, this is For what?"

"Brand value?" Bei Gaoyang looked at the scenery outside the window and dealt with it casually.

"What kind of shit brand value is IQ tax..."

Liu Chongshang sat in the back row, listening to Xue Liangdong's ignorant and fearless complaints and showing off, while complaining in his heart, the higher-ups didn't know what they were thinking, and if he didn't take away Xue's big mouth, he really dared to say and do it Ah, I've made myself worry until now.

The off-road vehicle went straight to a private restaurant located in a remote alley in the old city. After getting off in the underground parking lot, Liu Chongshang breathed a sigh of relief when he received a reminder that everything was in place.


The beautiful welcome lady was wearing a decent cheongsam, standing at the door with a beautiful smile on her cheeks.

Xue Liangdong stopped and looked at her strangely, "New here, why haven't I seen you before?"

Liu Chongshang's heart suddenly rose again, wishing he could go up and gag Xue Liangdong.

Miss Yingbin froze for a moment, covered her mouth with a smile, and said, "Uncle Xue, right? My dad asked me to help out."

"Lao Jia's daughter? I mean..."

As he spoke, he pulled Bei Gaoyang's arm and walked inside.

This is a Ming and Qing style three-entry mansion with a large area, which is already rare in such a location.

In the evening, the red lanterns of Yishui are lit, and the private rooms converted from guest rooms are lit with soft lights. Yingying can hear the low-pitched chatting and laughing and the melodious playing and singing of silk and bamboo. Walk through a corridor, pass by a very delicate pavilion and waterside pavilion, and walk into an antique box.

There are already people waiting inside.

Still a foreigner.

Liu Chongshang turned pale in shock, he didn't care about anything, rushed forward in two steps, grabbed Xue Liangdong's sleeve and asked, "What's going on, who is he?"

Xue Liangdong was stunned for a moment, then asked strangely, "A friend...why... Brother Liu is inconvenient?", and went to see Bei Gaoyang again.

Bei Gaoyang glanced at the foreigner who stood up and smiled, "Who is this?"

Only then did Xue Liangdong break away from Liu Chongshang's hand, glared at him, and said with a smile: "A business partner, I heard about your name and want to get to know you, so I arranged for it. Isn't it rude?"

Bei Gaoyang smiled without saying a word, watching the blond foreigner come over, "Hi Mr. Liu, nice to meet you, I'm Jameson Lee, from Switzerland, sorry to bother you."

Bei Gaoyang touched his hand, and said noncommittally: "Have you heard of me?"

"Sure, shall we sit down and talk?"

Xue Liangdong noticed that the atmosphere was a bit weird, and he regretted it in his heart, but his face still warmed up the atmosphere, "Yes, yes, sit down and talk, sit down and talk"

The three sat down, only Liu Chongshang was still frozen.

How to do how to do……

There is no notification in the earphones, presumably the command center is now in a mess, how did this man named Jameson get along with Xue Liangdong, who made such a big mistake, it can't be...

"It's none of your business here, you go out first." Seeing that he still couldn't get into the situation, Bei Gaoyang wanted to dismiss him.

"Ah, oh oh!"

Liu Chongshang exited the box in a numb manner, and as soon as the door closed, he hid in the shadow of the pillar and called to the rear anxiously.

"We have already grasped the situation, don't worry, just follow the plan"


"Remember the purpose of the operation?"

"Remember, remember."

"You repeat"

"...Try to be as natural as possible, with the first priority not to arouse his resentment, on this basis..."

"For the cancellation later, your task is only the first half. Remember, you don't need to worry about other things."


The private room had already chatted, and after a while, Xue Liangdong exclaimed: "What, you are talking about Canaan? That very popular metaverse..." The voice behind him became weaker and could not be heard clearly.

This voice made Liu Chongshang break out in a cold sweat. He looked around like a thief, and he was slightly relieved when he saw that no one else was paying attention.

Alas, this kind of work shouldn't be entrusted to unprofessional people like him.

I don't know what the above is thinking.

It's a joke to say that you don't pay attention to it. If you want to say that you pay attention to it, why didn't Xue Liangdong and Xue Dazui deal with it earlier.

Well now let a guy who seems to be a foreign spy touch him, don't know what will happen.

But don't let me take the blame.

(End of this chapter)

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