This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 104 Hello, Chairman!

Chapter 104 Hello, Chairman!
A meal, both the host and the guest are happy.

At least on the surface.

Jameson, a foreigner, also sincerely said to Bei Gaoyang: "Please consider the international sales situation."

"I know," Bei Gaoyang nodded with a reddish face.

Shortly after the separation, Jameson, in disguise, was grabbed by a group of deadpan men at the airport.

The leading man punched him in the face, spat, and cursed: "You dog, take it away!"

But Bei Gaoyang didn't know these things.

On the way back to the factory, Xue Liangdong, who was already half drunk, complained to him, "Brother, why didn't you tell me that you are from Canaan Company earlier and keep it a secret from me, it's not interesting."

Bei Gaoyang laughed and said, "It's just a small middle-level cadre, not worth mentioning."

"So, the helmets produced by our factory are used in..." Xue Liangdong, who didn't know if he was really drunk or fake, became excited, "Then are we considered as a supplier of Canaan Company? After all, we provide key components part?"

Bei Gaoyang nodded and said, "Forget it, of course forget it."

"Then I'm going to publicize it like this?"

"I have no opinion"

Of course you have no objection, Liu Chongshang complained in his heart, anyway, you don't need to take care of the mess, and we will have to clean it up in the end.

"My brother is interesting enough, interesting enough, haha..."

The driver drove the car to the factory. After several rounds of financing, this small electric bicycle has changed its appearance. Walking in the spotless production workshop, Xue Liangdong is very chatty, and enthusiastically introduced the advanced production equipment and technology to Bei Gaoyang. While insinuating about Canaan and Canaan Company.

Finally, I saw the batch of motorcycle helmets that had been produced in the warehouse.

According to Bei Gaoyang's requirements, the helmet was made very simple and made of solid materials, making it heavy in the hand.


"Haha, brother, as long as you are satisfied"

50 helmets filled a warehouse, and dozens of trucks were needed to pull them. Bei Gaoyang thought it was troublesome, so he said to put them here first, and transport them away together after finishing other goods.

Xue Liangdong really regarded him as his parents this time, so he naturally agreed to such trivial matters.

Of course, the payment is not ambiguous at all.

It was agreed to pay the final payment tomorrow, and Bei Gaoyang was placed in a hotel near the factory.

Bei Gaoyang took a beautiful bath and enjoyed the delicacy and convenience of modern life. When he was about to go to bed, Liu Chongshang came to him.

He faltered about what happened tonight, Bei Gaoyang knew his intentions, and said: "I understand your concerns, don't worry, I have no plans to leave Huaguo at the moment, how can I easily go back on the agreed cooperation? Besides, it’s not that there are no helmets sent outside Huaguo, and I know all about it.”

Liu Chongshang breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay, it's okay...

"I don't care about offline operations and sales, you can do it boldly... that's it?"

"Uh...then you rest, good night"

Lying on the soft bed, enduring all kinds of discomfort caused by the non-magic environment, Bei Gaoyang smiled silently and fell into a rare sleep.

Of course he knows who Jameson is tonight, and he also knows how many people are nervous about this sudden situation. From his own interests, he naturally hopes that the more partners the better, the offline It was a threat to him that distribution and player sourcing were all in the hands of one party.

It's just that the time is not yet ripe. Although Canaan is popular, it is not indispensable. From the perspective of real cooperation, he is a provider of goods and services rather than a party that controls the market and channels. His current detached position, but It is based on the "brain supplement" vision and possible long-term benefits.

Bei Gaoyang has long realized the essence of this kind of cooperation, and will not forget his position because of the preferential treatment and value he receives.

Besides, Huaguo is already big enough, and the 14 billion people don't know if they can all be used. What good will it do him to move abroad.

It was based on this consideration that when he saw the list of the game equipment for the third test the next day, he did not express anything and nodded easily.

A total of 9000 lucky people were screened and drawn, including the old players before, exactly 10000 people, and the theoretical perfect value of 3000 people online at the same time is just an estimate. The actual situation may be different, but it should not be far behind.

3000 people are online at the same time, which is already beginning to take shape. If it weren't for the outbreak of the magic wave, so many players still don't know how much hair they would lose.

"Chairman, this is Yu Qingdong, President Yu"

Yu Qingdong did a good job of psychological construction outside the door. He recalled the self-suggestion taught by the psychologist over and over again, and walked into the hotel suite as if nothing had happened. When he saw Bei Gaoyang's body slightly shocked at first glance, he showed a decent smile , stretched out his hand, "Hi, chairman, I'm Xiaoyu, it's better to meet you than to be famous"

god damn chairman...

"Hello, hello, we met in Canaan," Bei Gaoyang smiled and reached out to shake hands.

" mean?"

"Didn't you guess it?" Bei Gaoyang smiled heartily, motioning for the CEO to sit down and talk.

"I guessed it, but I'm not sure."

Bei Gaoyang's gaze was on the person who came in together.

"Oh, let me introduce to you, this Ningxia academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, this is Director Hu, this is..."

Bei Gaoyang smiled and said, "I know, they are all Canaan's shareholders." As he spoke, he stood up and shook hands with them politely.

Academician Ningxia was in a daze, Bei Gaoyang let go of his hands, and he was still frozen there. The few Chinese prefixes were not as groggy as he was, but all of them were very embarrassed, and they wanted to have a smile on their faces. I dare not say a word.

"Don't be restrained, sit down, sit down and talk."

When everyone sat down, the living room of the suite was full. Bei Gaoyang held the list in his hand and asked Yu Qingdong, "Has the list been announced?"

"No, I'm waiting for you to nod!"

"Try to be as fair and just as possible..."

Yu Qingdong quickly assured, "Please rest assured, we will never disappoint the board of directors and your trust in the management team."

"That's good." With a light tap, Bei Gaoyang put down the list, "Then let's announce it. My schedule is very tight. How will I arrange it next?"

(End of this chapter)

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