Chapter 105

Under the kind invitation, Bei Gaoyang arrived in Shanghai by special plane, and "inspected" Canaan Company the next morning after traveling back.

The authorities seem to be using this method to deepen and strengthen their relationship with him. This kind of communication strives for "naturalness", "fluidity" and "harmony". "Prudent plan.

So it really seems to be an inspection. Bei Gaoyang, the so-called "Chairman", the "Chief Scientist" of Canaan Games, the largest shareholder with 51% of the shares, enjoyed a homely welcome. He showed his face in front of the Chairman, who was so unpredictable.

There was originally an internal team building activity, but he didn't have much time and the schedule was tight so he pushed it away.


Then nothing happened to him.

Whether it's a gaming helmet, purchasing new hardware and software, or even ordering parts for the "War Golem", the company has made arrangements for him properly, so there is no need for him to go back and forth as the "Chairman".

It's good to have someone do it for you. Under the leadership of "Life Secretary" Liu Chongshang, Bei Gaoyang started to play in Shanghai.

Maybe it's because we've been together for a long time, and I can see that he is a very "approachable" person. Liu Chongshang is much more comfortable in front of him. Bei Gaoyang chatted with him while visiting various tourist attractions with him.

Liu Chongshang joined the task force completely by accident. He is a postgraduate student majoring in artificial intelligence and brain-computer interaction. When the task force was first established, it did not pay enough attention to it. It temporarily recruited a strong man and recruited him, an officer of the student union. The political review has not been dismissed, and it has also caught up. When I first contacted Bei Gaoyang, he was the only one who was the most suitable, so I met him face to face. Got a gaming helmet.

There are at least a hundred experts studying Bei Gaoyang's thoughts, preferences, and behavior patterns. After careful consideration, he was still the first contact person, which has continued until now.

Needless to say how to consider in the middle, Bei Gaoyang likes this young man who is "inexperienced and innocent", and asked him about his background, background, studies, career, ideals, etc., and of course he also played games in Canaan There are many experiences and feelings in the book.

I came down from the Pearl Tower at noon and had lunch in a tea restaurant run by people from Baodao. I happened to see the news about Canaan and Sansai on TV, so I asked him his opinion on Sansai.

"Uh... I feel that Canaan is already very good, there is nothing wrong with it," the young man smiled shyly, "It would be nice if the mission system was richer, but it's a bit monotonous now, just a few fixed modes, Nothing new."

"Well, the mission system needs to be strengthened." Bei Gaoyang nodded while eating, "but what is the purpose of the mission system?"


"Increase the fun of the game content, increase the player's sense of gain, and guide the player to play the game better and easier... Isn't it?"


"The third test will be good. If there are more NPCs, there will be more quest clues... What do you think of the world background of Canaan?"

"World background?"

"The church, the gods, the tide of magic..."

"Magic Tide should be an adjustment to enrich the game content, right? As for the church and the gods... I don't feel much, just follow the progress of the opening of the world storyline."

"What about the Canaan game itself, Rebels?"

"This is absolutely blown away, it feels like Canaan has become a kind of faith, for the alliance, for the rebels, haha..."

"What do you think the players care about most?"

"It should be obtained. You may not know that many people have changed their lives and even changed their destiny because of Canaan..."

"Oh, has your fate changed?"

"Of course, I was a poor student two months ago, and now I get a special allowance... Ah, I made a mistake."

"Hehe, just talk about it, don't be nervous."

Just as he was talking about this, a group of teenagers bluffed into the restaurant, talking about Canaan and game helmets, which aroused his idea.

A group of boys and girls who are still in middle school, it seems that the little fat man in the middle was lucky enough to get the game qualification, unexpectedly his parents wanted to sell the quota and equipment at a high price, a group of half-grown children got together after school to discuss Countermeasures.

After hearing this, Liu Chongshang was afraid that he might misunderstand, so he quickly explained that reselling game qualifications and equipment is prohibited, and the company is preparing to coordinate with you to see what specific measures can be taken to stop it.

"Why do you want to stop it?" Bei Gaoyang's attitude was somewhat beyond his expectations, "It's okay to let more sincere and capable people play the game, it's underage." He shook his head and took a big gulp drinks.

This half day is not all about playing, taking this opportunity, Bei Gaoyang wants to see Canaan's penetration into the earth society.

Judging from the actual situation observed, he is very satisfied, and the spread has been very wide. He has heard and seen it countless times in the morning, and the slogan and LOGO of Canaan Company can be seen everywhere.

This is the basis of cooperation, as well as sincerity. This open and careful way of getting along with distance and respect also makes him feel very comfortable.

"You can't underestimate the elites here," he thought to himself.

Magic City is an international metropolis, but in terms of historical background, it is far inferior to those famous historical cities in the Midwest, so there are not many places of interest, but there are all kinds of commodities, luxurious and exquisite, which make people feel Amazing malls abound.

Bei Gaoyang spent money casually, purchasing a lot of luxurious and enjoyable things.

——The archmage is also a human being, and he also needs to relax.

The bank card is still the same one, and I don’t know how much money is in it. Anyway, he doesn’t need to worry about this kind of thing. When he went back at night, he had already changed into a decent suit. Facing the surprised eyes of the company management, he said with a smile: "Do as the Romans do, haha..."

A group of senior executives of the company also laughed, as if it was such a funny joke.

"Boss, everything is ready."

"Yeah!" When it came to business, Bei Gaoyang became serious, led by Yu Qingdong, boarded a luxury bus, and went straight to the place where the supplies were stored.

"This is a customized mainframe, which can fully meet the performance parameters you require. It is installed with the "Hongmeng" artificial intelligence program developed by our company, and the game has been optimized for Canaan. Its database has also been developed according to Canaan. Corresponding adjustments have integrated a lot of easy-to-use game development materials, templates and tools, many of which are world-leading technologies and have not yet been released.”

Yu Qingdong pointed to a large computer and gave an endless introduction. Bei Gaoyang nodded noncommittally and listened to him seriously.

After he finished speaking, with a wave of his hand, a highly integrated mainframe computer the size of a desk disappeared in plain sight.

The smiling faces of the senior executives froze, and then they suddenly remembered the mysterious identity and origin of the "chairman" in front of them.

"go on!"

"Ah, oh, good, good!"

Yu Qingdong's expression and tone were unnatural.

(End of this chapter)

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