This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 106 The 1st Teaching on Earth

Chapter 106 The First Teaching on Earth

Up until now, no one has asked Bei Gaoyang's identity and origin. This seems to be a minefield, and this Canaan company is a firewall in the middle, allowing both parties to cooperate to stay at a suitable distance. not close.

The basis of cooperation is interest. As long as the interest is large enough, no one will easily break through this firewall... Therefore, Bei Gaoyang knew that it was time to give something sweet.

He is the Canaan Company and the "Chairman". He will fully cooperate with Canaan's promotion and must give something in return.

After loading the mainframe and the new artificial intelligence program "Hongmeng" into the space ring, the next step is the processing of the most important game consumables - the helmet.

This part of the work is cumbersome, low-level and boring. If you take it back to Canaan and handle it yourself, it will take too much time, and second, you have to use the [Prayer Traversing Technique] to come back again. How can this be possible.

"Are you all ready?"

"Okay, okay!" The experts and "shareholders" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences nodded like chickens eating rice.

Bei Gaoyang laughed dumbfounded, and waved his hand coolly, "Then lead the way."

"Yes, yes, Xiao Wang!"

Xiao Wang, who was in his forties and bald, ran out in a hurry, and came back after a while, asking everyone to move respectfully.

In another larger warehouse, dozens of "Magic Array Automatic Engraving Machines" have been neatly arranged, all of which have been modified according to Bei Gaoyang's requirements. Dozens of master technicians who have been screened layer by layer and have superb memories, Standing next to each machine like a primary school student, silent and motionless, as serious as a sculpture.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, it's all very simple work"

Everyone laughed, but the smiles were a bit forced, and some people with poor mental endurance had already begun to secretly take medicine...

Bei Gaoyang walked to a machine, picked up a brand new motorcycle helmet, and looked at Liu Chongshang.

Liu Chongshang's head was tense and dazed, and he was stunned for a while before waking up under the cannibalistic eyes beside him. With a oops, he hurriedly took out a blueprint.

It is the spell configuration of the castrated version of [Prayer Travel] [Soul Traversing].

Bei Gaoyang picked up the drawing and said to the master technician beside him, "Is there any problem with this drawing?"

The mechanic took the drawing steadily, looked at it carefully, earnestly, and carefully for more than two minutes, then raised his head, and replied firmly: "No problem."

"That's good!" Bei Gaoyang pointed to the machine, "Engrave it out, it must be complete, there can be no slightest mistake"

"Yes, the mission is guaranteed"

These technicians didn't know the background of this mission. They all went through strict political review and training, and treated these secret missions with the same seriousness and prudence as building a Shenzhou spacecraft.

Under the gaze of a pair of extremely nervous eyes, the mechanic operated the "magic circle automatic engraving machine", and in less than two minutes, he engraved the perfect magic circle configuration.

Bei Gaoyang picked up his finished product, carefully compared it, then smiled and nodded.

The tense and oppressive atmosphere was relieved, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But achieving this step is only the beginning, and the next step is the so-called "sweetness", which is also the main reason why a large number of scientists "shareholders" gather here.

"This is a special... circuit", Bei Gaoyang began to fool around, regardless of whether they believe it or not, "The main function is to extract people's consciousness, spirit, thinking and memory..."

Everyone's faces were wonderful.

"But it still lacks a key... energy source, which can be continuously supplied in the earth's environment, so that it can continue to work. You also know this energy source, and you have given it a very good name-infinite quality "

"The adjective infinity is used very well. The powder of this energy can be converted into any existing form in nature"

After finishing speaking, Bei Gaoyang waved his hand and released a large amount of magic solution from the space ring.

"Oh!" A subconscious exclamation sounded, and everyone involuntarily took a few steps back to make room for the sudden appearance of the large wine barrel.

This big wine barrel was brought from the earth last time, and there is a certain winery on it, and the words of decades of aging puree. It is extremely discordant in the current situation, but it seems that apart from Bei Gaoyang, who is a little embarrassed, The others didn't care about this, and they all stared at it, as if they were about to spot a flower.

"...In the beginning, infinite matter existed in the form of a composite liquid."

With that said, Bei Gaoyang unscrewed the big jar, and took out a little from it with his hands.

The ice-blue fog radiated out, with various gradient colors in the light, so mysterious and dreamy.

"Use it", he took out another small brush, soaked the magic solution into the small brush, and picked up the engraved helmet, "The next step is the most critical step, you need to use your own spirit Force...Xiao Liu"

Liu Chongshang was excited: "Here!"

"You come!"


It took more than half an hour for Liu Chongshang to use his "considerable" spiritual power to guide the magic solution to soak into the engraved magic circle configuration, and it took 15 minutes to complete a finished product.

The moment the activation was successful, everyone could see that the material of the helmet changed unimaginably in an instant. The texture of the material on the surface melted, and a small piece of mysterious mist shrouded it. After dissipating, it became the game helmet everyone is familiar with.

At this time, the magic pattern lines on the surface could no longer be seen, and the entire helmet became one, perfect like a work of art.

After seeing the production of the game helmet with their own eyes, the scientists "shareholders" were still at a loss, and almost couldn't restrain the urge to ask questions. Unfortunately, Bei Gaoyang didn't give them a chance.

"Xiao Liu, you are responsible for teaching more people. The helmet for the third test should be made as soon as possible. Don't keep the players waiting for a long time."


Liu Chongshang, who used his brain too much, nodded, his face was a little pale, and when he looked at the unopened cardboard boxes full of warehouses, he felt a little dizzy.

The sweetness was given, and Bei Gaoyang, who had completed the task consciously, clapped his hands and found the CEO in the crowd, "What's the next item?"

"Ah, oh, some... machine parts you ordered"

"Then lead the way!"

Bei Gaoyang clapped his hands and said.

In another warehouse, the least "technical" parts of the "War Golem" are covered with paint and are quietly lying on neat shelves.

Bei Gaoyang casually picked up a "forefoot" weighing hundreds of kilograms, carefully looked at the magic pattern engraved on it, and tapped the alloy material, nodded in satisfaction.

"not bad"

At this time, Yu Qingdong's attitude changed drastically, and he could no longer maintain a normal mind, saying: "As long as you are satisfied, as long as you are satisfied!"

There is no need to bring a helmet back, the compressed space in a space ring is just enough, and with another wave of the hand, a row of shelves is emptied.

(End of this chapter)

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