This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 107 Cloud Play Mode

Chapter 107 Cloud Play Mode
The howling of ghosts and wolves from his roommate woke up Qiao Shan's lucid dream. Annoyed, he got up from the bed, picked up the boots on the ground and smashed them against the opposite wall.

The roommate was only quiet for a while, and it didn't take long for it to start again.

Now he couldn't fall asleep at all, got up with two dark circles under his eyes, first opened Canaan's official website habitually and took a look, and then went to wash up.

The living room is still a mess, the company that the roommate signed for the broken leather bag really took over here, and I don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup was poured into him, so he actually dreamed of a "star" dream, and made himself suffer along with it.

Plus several consecutive nights in bed...

Alas, I am really tired.

After a brief wash, he pushed open the door of his roommate. The third-rate director hired by the broken leather bag company was training his roommate's vocalization.

"I said you can't be quiet for a while, what time is it now, and it's still dark"

"Old Qiao, please forgive me. Isn't this the third test soon? Time is running out..."

"...I really lost to you."

"Bring food when you come back...bring it to the door!"

Qiao Shan closed the roommate's door, cleared out a small sofa in the messy living room, and stared for a while.

When it was dawn, I was ready to rush to the hospital.

On the first day of December, a very ordinary day, those who are busy with their lives have already woken up early, and the snacks at the roadside stalls also ignited bursts of cooking smoke, and the first bus quietly entered the station.

The temperature was around zero, Qiao Shan was blown by the cold wind when he went out, and his dizzy mind woke up.

I bought breakfast at the snack bar, hailed a taxi and went straight to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, it was not yet 7:[-] in the morning, and people were already coming in and out of the inpatient department. When I went up to the third floor, I saw many patients gathered around the door of a ward, discussing in low voices.

Qiao Shan was not interested in joining in the fun, so he rushed to the ward where his mother lived and put breakfast on the bedside.

"Young man is so filial." A frail and thin old man on the bed next to him said enviously, "Your mother is lucky, unlike me, who gave birth to five debt collectors, and none of them disappeared at this time."

Qiao Shan smiled, adjusted the quilt for his mother, sat down beside him, and dozed off after a while.

When I woke up, I found myself sleeping on the bed, and I hurried out to look for it. I saw his mother was leaning on the wall, staggering out of the toilet, and hurried up to help her.

"...I saw that you were sleeping soundly, so I didn't call you."

"Shanshan, why don't we leave the hospital, didn't the doctor say that we can recuperate at home as well?" the mother said eagerly.

"Where is your home, who will take care of you? Do you want me to hire a nanny?" Qiao Shan asked back in a very aggressive tone.

His mother quickly waved his hand: "No, no babysitter, I'm all fine, look, look... ouch!"

Qiao Shan hurriedly supported her: "Be honest in the hospital, don't cause trouble for me, did you hear... eat!"

There is really not much warmth between mother and son. When I was young, the fucking way of education was to fight. When Qiao Shan grows up, the strong and weak will change positions. As a son, he has no color, and he doesn't say a few words Impatient.

"Big sister, your son is filial, listen to him, take good care of your illness, and you will have a good time in the future..."

The old man in the next bed started to envy again, Qiao Shan felt uncomfortable all over his body, so he kept his face blank and didn't speak.

When he left, he forcibly took away the dirty clothes his mother had changed.

It's time to hire a nurse.

When he went back, he thought in his heart that the third test was going to be done soon, and it would be inconvenient to say the least.

"...Hello, everyone, I am your Brother Chun, this is the first episode of the 'Brother Chun Canaan Recording Show', everyone, look, clang clang... This is Canaan, isn't it very Awesome, very shocking, haha..."

They didn't stop at home, and the roommate's position was transferred to the living room, "simulating" the Canaan environment, and the so-called "real rehearsal" was going on.

The third-rate director whispered to remind the roommates to pay attention to the position and movement of the "system camera", as well as the voice and tone. The roommate seemed to be acting embarrassingly to a nonexistent audience, which was very funny.

"Brother Chun is the first test player. As we all know, the third test is to delete files, so don't look at Chun brother is only a zero level, but it is different from those Xiaobai in the third test. Chun brother is a master, quack..."

"Okay, the birthplace has indeed been transferred to Buck City, now switch to the first perspective, everyone will upgrade and take risks with Brother Chun, but don't forget to double-click and pay attention, okay!"

Not to mention, the roommate's voice is quite friendly, full of enthusiasm and eagerness, and there is not much "awkwardness" even in rehearsals.

"First of all, the first step is of course to pass the plot to accept the task. By the way, Brother Chun still has the inheritance of the first test. As for what it is, let's treat it as an easter egg. When this episode ends, the mystery will be revealed. How about it? , are you looking forward to it, Quack..."

Looking at it, Qiao Shan understood it. This is "immersive cloud playing Canaan". The roommates pay great attention to the sense of substitution, and the director also emphasizes this sense of substitution. There is a kind of "cultivation + I am playing Canaan" South" illusion.

I have to admire the brains of these people. If this model is successful, the accounts and roles of roommates will be equal to the accounts and roles of many people. This is much more reliable than a short video fan group. Compatibility and sense of substitution are far beyond the reach of ordinary fan groups.

Although there are 9000 game qualifications for the third test, there are only [-] game helmets after deducting the first and second test players.

9000 looks like a lot, but when you think about the huge queue base, these 9000 seem to be nothing. The lucky ones who win the lottery are equal to winning a lottery. Most of the people who have no relationship with Canaan are in this mode. potential audience.

Qiao Shan didn't dare to underestimate this leather bag company anymore, so he politely said a few words to the director, returned to the house, and started looking for a suitable nurse on the local labor market website.

Such people are easy to find, but the higher the reputation, the higher the price. Some nurses earn as much as white-collar workers in large companies.

In the past, Qiao Shan would never have been able to afford to hire a nurse, but now, with the expected income from the game, he has a lot of confidence.

After selecting the person, I contacted the agency company, agreed to an interview in the afternoon, and went out to see that my roommate had finished rehearsing and was eating the breakfast he brought back.

Qiao Shan looked at the time on the wall, shook his head, and thought to forget it, even if there is money, this model is not suitable for him. He still likes the real money in the game and is good at it.

Log in to the official website forum, and many people who have won the qualification for the third test have posted that their gaming helmets are already on their way.

The server will open on December 12rd, so there is not much time left.

Qiao Shan spontaneously felt a sense of urgency and tension, and soon, like most people on the forum, he started discussing selflessly.

Raiders, experience, the joy of the third-test players, the wailing, cursing, and begging of most cloud players...

All living beings are all presented on the forum.

At this time, Bei Gaoyang had already returned to Canaan, and started the construction of [Magic Net: Three].

(End of this chapter)

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